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Pakistan Energy Crisis and Renewable Energy as a

Muhammad Haris Armughan Ullah Ahmad Din
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rawalpindi, Pakistan Rawalpindi, Pakistan Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Umar Sajjad
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

I. I NTRODUCTION blackouts, have become a common phenomenon, disrupting

the rhythm of everyday life and posing significant barriers
A. Motivation
to economic activities. The frequent power outages not only
Pakistan, a nation straddling the critical juncture of the affect the productivity of industries but also impact the quality
Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia, is a developing of life of the residents.
country marked by a rich mosaic of economic activities. With The reasons behind these power shortages are manifold,
a population currently estimated at over 220 million people, ranging from aging infrastructure and transmission losses to
it ranks as the fifth-most populous country in the world. This insufficient generation capacity. The infrastructure for power
demographic surge, combined with a robust industrial growth, generation and distribution, much of which has been in place
has fueled an escalating demand for energy. The energy sector for decades, is not equipped to handle the rising electricity
is a cornerstone of Pakistan’s economic development and, as demand. The aging infrastructure leads to significant trans-
such, the pressure it faces has become increasingly pronounced mission and distribution losses, exacerbating the problem of
in recent years due to the demand for electricity consistently power shortages.
outstripping the supply. The generation capacity of the country’s power plants is
The industrial sector in Pakistan is diverse and burgeoning, often not sufficient to meet the demand, especially during
significantly contributing to the escalating energy demand. peak usage hours. This insufficiency is partly due to the lack
Industries such as textile and cement manufacturing, which of investment in expanding the capacity and upgrading the
form the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, require a steady and infrastructure of these plants.
reliable supply of electricity to run their operations efficiently. However, at the heart of these challenges lies a fundamental
Furthermore, the burgeoning information technology and ser- issue: the inefficient management and distribution of the
vices sectors, rapidly evolving in the country’s urban centers, country’s energy resources, particularly its base load and peak
are also major contributors to the growing energy demand. load power plants. Base load power plants are designed to
In addition to these industries, the residential and commer- generate electricity continuously and meet the constant part
cial sectors in the expanding urban areas are adding pressure of the demand, while peak load power plants are used to meet
on the already strained energy resources. As urban centers the spike in demand during peak hours. The imbalance in their
grow, so do the commercial activities and the residential distribution and operation often leads to a mismatch between
energy needs [3]. The demand for electricity in homes for electricity supply and demand.
lighting, heating, and cooling, and in commercial establish- Understanding and optimizing the distribution of base load
ments for various operations, has seen a substantial rise. and peak load power plants is a crucial step towards resolving
To fuel these activities and to maintain the momentum of Pakistan’s energy crisis. This involves ensuring that these
economic growth, it is indispensable for Pakistan to ensure power plants are strategically located and operated to meet
a consistent and reliable supply of electricity. the country’s electricity demand effectively. Moreover, it re-
However, the landscape of electricity supply in Pakistan quires upgrading the infrastructure and implementing efficient
is fraught with challenges. The country frequently grapples operational practices to minimize energy losses.
with power shortages, a predicament that significantly impedes Optimizing the distribution of these plants can enhance the
its development trajectory [4]. Load shedding, or rolling reliability of the electricity supply, ensuring that industries can
operate without disruptions and residents can enjoy a stable a complex task that requires careful planning and effective
power supply [2]. Furthermore, it can reduce energy losses management of the country’s energy resources.
and contribute to more efficient use of the country’s energy Pakistan’s energy mix is dominated by thermal power plants,
resources. In essence, it can pave the way for a sustainable which primarily use fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural
and resilient energy sector in Pakistan, bolstering the country’s gas [8]. These plants, due to their ability to generate power
economic development and improving the quality of life of its continuously, largely serve as base load power plants. They
citizens. are critical for maintaining a steady electricity supply but are
also associated with high carbon emissions and environmental
B. Problem Statement degradation.
Electricity demand in Pakistan is not constant throughout Hydropower plants, on the other hand, have traditionally
the day; it varies based on the time and day of the week, with served as peak load power plants in Pakistan. These plants
certain periods experiencing higher demand than others. For can generate electricity quickly when needed, making them
instance, demand typically increases in the mornings when suitable for meeting peak demand. However, their electricity
people start their day and in the evenings when people return generation is dependent on water availability, which can vary
home from work. Similarly, demand tends to be higher on based on seasonal changes and other factors.
weekdays compared to weekends. This fluctuation in demand
In addition to thermal and hydropower plants, Pakistan
presents a complex challenge for electricity providers.
also has nuclear power plants and an increasing number of
The problem is further complicated by the fact that Pak-
renewable energy projects, particularly solar and wind power
istan’s peak demand often exceeds its available capacity. In
projects. While nuclear power plants can serve as base load
other words, there are periods when the demand for electricity
power plants, renewable energy sources are intermittent and
is higher than what the country’s power plants can generate.
their electricity generation depends on environmental condi-
This discrepancy often results in load shedding, causing dis-
tions [5]. However, they can still contribute to the country’s
ruptions to daily life and economic activities.
energy mix and help meet peak demand if effectively managed.
The root cause of this issue is the imbalance in the distri-
bution of base load and peak load power plants in the country. Despite these diverse energy resources, Pakistan’s power
Base load power plants, which are designed to generate power sector struggles with several challenges. One of the main
continuously, are often not sufficient to meet the country’s challenges is the ineffective distribution and operation of base
electricity needs, especially during peak demand periods [1]. load and peak load power plants. For example, certain regions
On the other hand, peak load power plants, which are designed may have a surplus of electricity while others face shortages.
to generate power during periods of high demand, are often Similarly, some power plants may be underutilized while
not utilized to their full potential. others are overworked.
The fundamental problem this research aims to address is Furthermore, the country’s energy infrastructure is not fully
the ineffective distribution and utilization of base load and equipped to handle the fluctuating electricity demand. For
peak load power plants in Pakistan. By studying this problem instance, the grid may not be able to accommodate the rapid
and proposing solutions, the research aims to contribute to a increase in electricity generation from peak load power plants
more efficient and reliable electricity supply in the country. during peak hours, resulting in wasted energy [7]. Similarly,
the grid may not be able to store excess electricity generated
C. Background by base load power plants during off-peak hours for use during
peak hours.
In the realm of power generation, base load and peak load
power plants play distinctive roles. Base load power plants are These issues highlight the need for optimizing the distribu-
the workhorses of the power grid. These are power plants that tion and operation of base load and peak load power plants in
can reliably generate and supply electricity at a constant rate, Pakistan. By addressing these issues, the country can improve
typically 24/7 [4]. They form the backbone of any power grid its electricity supply, reduce energy losses, and make more
and are designed to satisfy the minimum level of electricity efficient use of its energy resources. This optimization is not
demand in a region. just about physical distribution but also involves improving op-
On the other hand, peak load power plants are like the erational practices, upgrading infrastructure, and implementing
reserves of the power grid. They are used to meet the addi- effective energy policies.
tional electricity demand that arises during peak hours, such as The task at hand is multi-dimensional and requires an in-
during the mornings and evenings. These power plants can be depth understanding of the country’s power sector, its energy
switched on or ramped up quickly to meet this extra demand resources, and the demand-supply dynamics. It also requires
and are usually switched off or ramped down when the demand a collaborative approach involving various stakeholders, in-
decreases. cluding the government, power companies, and consumers [9].
Understanding the balance and interplay between these two Through this research, we aim to shed light on this complex
types of power plants is crucial for maintaining a stable and issue and contribute towards a more efficient and sustainable
reliable electricity supply. However, achieving this balance is power sector in Pakistan.
II. M ETHODOLOGY generation, and electricity demand and supply. This data
allows the research to have a comparative perspective, enabling
A. Overview
the identification of global best practices, and provides insights
In order to critically analyze the distribution of base load into how other countries have addressed similar challenges in
and peak load power plants across Pakistan and to propose their power sectors.
an optimal solution, this research employs a mixed-methods Through the use of these diverse data sources and a mixed-
approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods methods research approach, this study aims to provide a
of research. This approach allows for an in-depth and com- thorough and nuanced understanding of the distribution of base
prehensive understanding of the situation, provides a robust load and peak load power plants in Pakistan. The findings
platform for triangulation of data, and ensures the credibility from this research are intended to inform policy decisions and
and reliability of the research. contribute to the optimization of the country’s power sector.
The qualitative research aspect of this study involves gather-
ing non-numerical data. This method allows for the exploration B. State of the Art
of complex phenomena within their context and provides a This research harnesses the power of advanced analytical
depth and detail to the understanding of the problem that techniques to dissect and comprehend the collected data,
would be unattainable with purely quantitative methods [6]. thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of the dis-
Qualitative data provides insights into the ’why’ and ’how’ tribution of power plants and the demand-supply pattern in
of the problem, such as why there is an imbalance in the Pakistan.
distribution of power plants, how this affects the reliability of One such powerful technique is time-series analysis. This
electricity supply, and how it could be addressed. statistical method is instrumental in dissecting data collected
On the other hand, the quantitative research aspect of over a chronological timeline to identify inherent trends and
the study involves collecting numerical data to quantify the patterns. By scrutinizing and interpreting the temporal se-
problem and identify patterns and trends. This could include quence of electricity demand and supply data, this research
data on the number and capacity of power plants, the demand seeks to understand the dynamics of electricity consumption
and supply of electricity, and the frequency and duration of in Pakistan [3]. This includes the analysis of fluctuations
power outages. Quantitative data allows for the ’how much’ in electricity demand and supply over various time intervals
or ’how many’ questions to be answered, such as how much – hourly, daily, weekly, and even seasonal variations. By
electricity is generated by base load and peak load power examining these patterns, the research aims to discern the
plants, how many power plants are there in each region, and periods of high and low electricity demand, thereby identifying
how much the electricity demand varies throughout the day the times when the pressure on the power plants is most acute.
and across the seasons. Geospatial mapping serves as another indispensable an-
By combining these two research methods, this study offers alytical tool in this research. This technique involves the
a complete picture of the problem, integrating the detailed visual representation of the geographical distribution of power
and context-specific insights of qualitative research with the plants across the country. By superimposing the locations
objective and generalizable findings of quantitative research. of the power plants on a map of Pakistan, this research
To ensure a comprehensive and multifaceted understand- seeks to provide a spatial perspective of the distribution of
ing of the problem, data for the study is gathered from a power generation facilities. This powerful visual aid helps
variety of sources. Primary data sources include reports and identify regions with a high concentration of power plants and
publications from Pakistan’s power regulatory bodies, such as those areas which are scant or devoid of power plants. Thus,
the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) geospatial mapping offers valuable insights into the physical
and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) [1]. distribution of base load and peak load power plants across
These reports provide valuable insights into the country’s Pakistan and can inform decisions on where new plants could
power sector, including information about the distribution be most beneficially located.
and operation of power plants, electricity demand and supply In addition to these analytical techniques, the research also
patterns, regulatory policies, and practices. incorporates state-of-the-art methodologies in power system
Secondary data sources include energy distribution com- planning and optimization. One of these methodologies is
panies like the Water and Power Development Authority linear programming, a mathematical technique used for op-
(WAPDA), which is responsible for managing Pakistan’s water timizing a linear objective function, subject to linear equality
and power resources, and the various electricity distribution and linear inequality constraints [4]. This technique can be
companies operating in the country [10]. These sources offer effectively used to model the power system and to identify
data on electricity generation and distribution, infrastructure, the optimal distribution of power plants, considering various
and operational practices. factors like generation capacity, transmission losses, and op-
Additional data is sourced from international energy erational costs.
databases, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) Another powerful tool used in this research is mixed-integer
and the World Energy Council (WEC) [6]. These databases programming. This advanced optimization methodology is
provide global and regional data on energy resources, power particularly useful when dealing with problems that involve
integer decision variables, which is often the case in power plants, ensuring that the electricity demand is met effectively
system planning. This could include decisions about the num- and efficiently. This involves strategically locating and operat-
ber of power plants to build, the type of technology to use, ing these plants to meet the constant part of the demand and
or the capacity to install. Mixed-integer programming allows the spikes in demand during peak hours.
for these variables to be factored into the model, making it a The policy recommendations are expected to facilitate the
valuable tool in identifying an optimal solution that balances necessary changes in the power sector, such as upgrading the
cost, capacity, and other constraints. infrastructure, improving operational practices, and reforming
These methodologies allow for the consideration of various regulatory policies [8]. For instance, the recommendations
constraints that impact the distribution and operation of power may call for investing in grid modernization to accommodate
plants. This includes factors like the generation capacity of the fluctuating electricity generation from base load and peak
different types of power plants, the losses incurred in trans- load power plants, implementing advanced metering systems
mitting electricity from the power plants to the consumers, the to monitor electricity demand and supply in real-time, and
environmental impacts of different power generation technolo- incentivizing the use of renewable energy resources.
gies, and the cost of building and operating power plants [3]. In addition, the policy recommendations may also address
By factoring in these constraints, the research ensures that the the social and environmental aspects of power generation. This
proposed solution is not only optimal from a mathematical could include policies to minimize the environmental impacts
perspective but also realistic and feasible in the real-world of power plants, such as emissions regulations and renewable
context. energy targets, and to engage the public in energy conservation
Through the application of advanced analytic techniques and efficiency efforts.
like time-series analysis and geospatial mapping, and state-of- By proposing an optimal distribution of power plants and
the-art optimization methodologies like linear programming offering policy recommendations, this research aims to con-
and mixed-integer programming, this research provides a tribute to a more efficient, reliable, and sustainable power
comprehensive and robust analysis of the distribution of base sector in Pakistan. It seeks to offer a practical and feasible
load and peak load power plants in Pakistan. These tools solution to the country’s energy crisis, enhancing the quality
and methodologies provide a framework for understanding the of life of its citizens, supporting its economic development,
complex dynamics of electricity demand and supply in the and paving the way for a sustainable future.
country and for identifying an optimal solution that balances The proposed solution and policy recommendations are not
the need for reliable electricity supply with the constraints of meant to be a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a starting
capacity, cost, and environmental impact. point for further discussion and refinement. They need to
be adapted to the local context and conditions, taking into
C. Solution account the unique challenges and opportunities in each region
The primary objective of this research is to propose an [5]. Moreover, their implementation requires a collaborative
optimal distribution of base load and peak load power plants approach, involving various stakeholders, including the gov-
across Pakistan. The optimal distribution is determined based ernment, power companies, and the public.
on the analysis of data and the application of modern optimiza- The methodology of this research, combining a mixed-
tion methodologies. This involves considering various factors, methods approach with advanced analytic techniques and
including the location and capacity of existing power plants, state-of-the-art optimization methodologies, provides a robust
the demand-supply pattern, the potential for renewable energy and comprehensive framework for analyzing the distribution
resources, and the environmental and social impacts of power of base load and peak load power plants in Pakistan and
generation. proposing an optimal solution [8]. The proposed solution and
The research aims to offer policy recommendations to policy recommendations, based on the analysis of data and the
facilitate the implementation of the proposed solution [9]. application of modern optimization methods, offer a promising
These recommendations are formulated based on the study’s path towards a more efficient and sustainable power sector in
findings and the identified best practices in power system Pakistan. It is the hope of this research to contribute to the
planning and optimization. They cover various areas, including ongoing efforts to address the country’s energy crisis and to
infrastructure development, operational practices, regulatory support its journey towards a sustainable future.
policies, and public engagement.
The suggested solution and policy recommendations are
expected to contribute to a more efficient and reliable electric- A. Outcome
ity supply in Pakistan, reducing energy losses and enhancing The study’s outcome demonstrates a noteworthy imbalance
the utilization of the country’s energy resources. They aim to in the distribution of base load and peak load power plants
address the challenges in the country’s power sector, such as within Pakistan. This situation is primarily centered on the
power shortages, load shedding, and ineffective management country’s reliance on thermal power plants, especially those
of energy resources. fueled by coal, for base load power supply. These plants are
The proposed distribution of power plants is anticipated designed to operate continuously, ensuring that the minimum
to balance the load between base load and peak load power level of electricity demand on the grid is constantly met [4]. As
a result, they represent the core of the electricity infrastructure depending on the time of day or weather conditions [8]. This
in the country, providing a steady flow of power to meet the variability dovetails with the fluctuating nature of peak load
regular, everyday energy needs of consumers. demand, which varies throughout the day and across seasons.
This reliance on coal-based thermal power plants for base Pakistan, situated in a region with high solar irradiance and
load power supply presents a twofold issue. Firstly, from an abundant wind resources in certain areas, has a significant po-
environmental standpoint, coal power plants are among the tential for harnessing solar and wind energy. Solar panels can
largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. generate electricity during daylight hours when the demand for
Their operation involves the burning of coal, a process that electricity often peaks, particularly in the hot summer months
releases a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the at- when the use of air conditioning is high. Wind turbines, on
mosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change the other hand, can generate electricity at any time of day
[9]. Consequently, Pakistan’s heavy dependence on coal-based or night, provided there is sufficient wind [8]. The electricity
thermal power plants for base load power supply means generation from wind turbines can be particularly useful for
that the country’s power sector has a large carbon footprint, meeting peak demand in the evening when the output from
negatively impacting its environmental sustainability. solar panels drops.
Secondly, from a resource standpoint, coal is a finite and Furthermore, the introduction of energy storage systems,
non-renewable resource. Although Pakistan has substantial such as batteries, could allow excess power generated during
reserves of coal, particularly in the Thar region, the continuous periods of low demand to be stored and used during peak
extraction and utilization of this resource for power generation demand periods [6]. This would further enhance the ability
will eventually lead to its depletion [10]. This raises concerns of solar and wind power plants to meet peak load demands,
about the long-term sustainability of the country’s reliance on reducing the need for traditional, non-renewable power plants
coal-based thermal power plants for base load power supply. that often have high operational costs and environmental
On the other end of the spectrum, the study found that impacts.
hydropower plants predominantly manage peak loads, which By optimizing the use of these renewable energy sources,
are the periods of highest electricity demand. Unlike base load Pakistan could transition towards a more sustainable and
power, which remains relatively constant, peak load demand efficient power sector. It could significantly reduce its reliance
fluctuates throughout the day, usually peaking during certain on non-renewable energy sources, such as coal and natural gas,
hours when electricity usage is highest. Managing peak load which have significant environmental impacts and are subject
demand requires power plants that can quickly ramp up or to price volatility [7]. Furthermore, renewable energy sources
down their output in response to these fluctuations. are locally available, reducing the country’s dependence on
In Pakistan, hydropower plants fulfill this role. As a renew- energy imports and enhancing its energy security.
able and relatively clean energy source, hydropower represents In addition to the potential for optimizing the use of
a more sustainable option for meeting peak load demand renewable energy sources, the research also underscores a
compared to coal-based thermal power plants [2]. However, significant scope for improving the geographic distribution
the country’s reliance on hydropower for peak load power of power plants. Currently, the distribution of power plants
supply is also subject to certain limitations. Specifically, the in Pakistan is skewed towards certain regions. This uneven
generation of hydropower depends heavily on water availabil- distribution leads to inefficiencies in power transmission, as
ity, which can be affected by seasonal variations and climate electricity has to be transported over long distances from
factors. Therefore, while hydropower plays a crucial role in the power plants to the consumers. This results in increased
meeting peak load demand, its potential is inherently limited energy losses and higher costs due to the need for extensive
by these environmental factors. transmission infrastructure.
In summary, the study’s outcome underscores a significant By distributing power plants more evenly across the country,
reliance on traditional and non-renewable energy sources for these inefficiencies could be reduced. The location of power
both base and peak load power supply in Pakistan. This plants should take into account not only the availability of
reliance presents a range of environmental, resource, and resources but also the demand for electricity [10]. Power plants
operational challenges that need to be addressed to enhance the should ideally be located close to both the energy resources
sustainability and efficiency of the country’s power sector [4]. and the consumption centers. This would reduce the distance
As the demand for electricity continues to grow, it is clear that that electricity needs to be transmitted, thereby reducing
a more balanced and optimized distribution of base load and energy losses and improving the efficiency and reliability of
peak load power plants will be required to meet this demand the power supply. In addition, it would also enhance the
in a sustainable manner. accessibility of electricity, particularly in rural and remote
areas that are currently underserved by the power grid.
B. Potential The research findings highlight considerable potential for
The research findings reveal considerable potential for opti- optimizing the use of renewable energy sources and improving
mizing the use of renewable energy sources, particularly solar the geographic distribution of power plants in Pakistan. By
and wind energy, to meet Pakistan’s peak load demands. Solar leveraging this potential, the country could significantly en-
and wind energy are inherently variable, with power output hance the sustainability, efficiency, and reliability of its power
sector. as tax breaks, subsidies, and feed-in tariffs, could help attract
investment in renewable energy infrastructure. Furthermore,
C. Expected Benefit the government could invest in research and development to
The optimization of the distribution of base and peak load advance renewable energy technologies and bring down their
power plants in Pakistan presents numerous benefits. One of costs, making them more competitive with traditional energy
the key benefits is improved energy efficiency. By aligning sources.
power generation more closely with demand, and by reducing Enhancements in grid infrastructure could also play a pivotal
transmission losses through better distribution of power plants, role in overcoming these challenges. The development of smart
Pakistan could significantly reduce wastage of energy [7]. grids, for instance, could help manage the variable output of
This would not only save resources but also reduce the renewable energy sources and ensure a stable and reliable
cost of power generation. Another major benefit is increased power supply. Smart grids use digital technology to monitor
reliability of power supply. With a more balanced distribution and manage electricity flow, enabling a more efficient and
of power plants and a more diverse energy mix, Pakistan could reliable power supply.
better manage fluctuations in electricity demand, reducing The research underscores the need for a holistic approach
the frequency and duration of power outages. Optimizing to power system planning. This includes taking into account
the distribution of power plants could also reduce Pakistan’s not just the technical and economic aspects, but also the
reliance on fossil fuels, thereby contributing to environmental social and environmental implications [3]. Power plants, for
sustainability [1]. By leveraging renewable energy sources like instance, can have significant impacts on local communities,
solar and wind for peak load power supply, Pakistan could from displacement due to the construction of large-scale power
significantly reduce its carbon emissions, helping to mitigate projects to health impacts from air and water pollution. Hence,
the effects of climate change. the planning process should consider these factors and aim to
minimize negative impacts while maximizing benefits.
D. Analysis This research contributes valuable insights into the distribu-
The data analysis, coupled with the application of optimiza- tion of base load and peak load power plants in Pakistan and
tion methodologies, unveiled a range of obstacles inhibiting offers recommendations for optimization. While the challenges
the optimization of power plant distribution in Pakistan. These are significant, the potential benefits in terms of improved
complexities encompass infrastructural limitations, economic energy efficiency, increased reliability of power supply, and
considerations, and regulatory constraints, each presenting environmental sustainability make it a worthwhile endeavor.
unique challenges to the energy sector. The findings of this research can serve as a guide for policy-
Infrastructural limitations exist, as the nation’s power in- makers, industry stakeholders, and researchers in their efforts
frastructure is largely antiquated, with a heavy reliance on to enhance the performance and sustainability of Pakistan’s
traditional, non-renewable energy sources. The development power sector.
and integration of renewable energy infrastructure necessitate
significant investments [2]. This transition is not merely a IV. C ONCLUSION
matter of replacing old power plants with new ones; it involves The study offers a comprehensive examination of the dis-
creating a completely new infrastructure that can harness re- tribution of base load and peak load power plants in Pakistan.
newable resources, convert them into electricity, and distribute The evidence shows a significant imbalance, with a predomi-
this power effectively to consumers. nant reliance on thermal power for base loads and hydropower
Economic considerations also play a substantial role. The re- for peak loads. However, the research also highlights the
turn on investment for renewable energy infrastructure hinges considerable potential for the integration of renewable energy
on an array of factors such as the availability and consistency sources and better geographic distribution of power plants
of renewable resources, the cost of technology, and the existing to improve efficiency and reliability. While infrastructural,
regulatory and policy environment. Without a favourable eco- economic, and regulatory challenges persist, the research sug-
nomic environment, investments in renewable energy infras- gests that strategic planning and policy interventions can offer
tructure may not yield the desired returns, deterring potential effective solutions. The potential benefits, including enhanced
investors. energy efficiency, increased reliability of power supply, and
Regulatory constraints also impede the progress towards an environmental sustainability, make this a pressing and worth-
optimal distribution of power plants. Current policies may not while endeavor. As Pakistan continues to face power shortages
fully support the development and integration of renewable and demands for sustainable development, the findings of this
energy resources into the power grid [9]. For instance, the study can serve as a valuable guide for policymakers, industry
absence of a comprehensive feed-in tariff system or other stakeholders, and researchers in their efforts to optimize the
incentives may discourage investments in renewable energy country’s power sector.
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