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Soap Manufacturer Business

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Business Plan for starting your own

soap making business
Business is all about concepts that, when meeting with accurate and proper planning
and execution, can entirely change your life. The soap manufacturing business is one of
the most popular companies in the market, and several people try to enter this business
with the hope of enormous success. Still, expectations and reality are two different
aspects of life. As improper hand washing and hygiene contributes to hundreds and
thousands of deaths each year, due to the transfer of several communicable diseases
through various activities in day to day life.

Studies and researches show that maintaing proper hygiene and washing your hands
through soaps, etc can cut down the spread of such diseases at upto 75-80%. There is
thousands of successful running soap business in the market already and to start from
the beginning in such a highly competitive field requires a comprehensive plan, which
must be executed in the correct direction.

Soap and detergent manufacturing business plan

need to be prepared well, and such businesses need some capital investment in the
beginning. One should be ready for a hard time, both mentally and financially. The
industry mainly involves in the production of high-quality soap and detergents and
should have more advantages over the pre-exhibiting soaps and detergents in the
market. Since you need better quality at the best affordable range, it is a science that is
going to help you out; hence, one needs to put some investments in the research

Further in the article, we will be dealing with these elements which helps in
understanding the business for starting a soap company:-

Executive summary
The business

The Soap manufacturing company deals with producing and manufacture high-quality
soaps for hand washing and other household works. In addition, we manufacture high-
quality detergents that remove stains within minutes. According to a survey by WHO,
thousands of people die each year due to a chronic infection caused due to improper
hand washing, since most of these infections and diseases are highly contagious and
are spread easily by the infected people at our workplaces or public places.
Start-up Expenses    


Attorney Fees – Setting Up Limited Liability Company $875

State of Kansas Home Health Agency License $100

Medisoft Billing Program plus Support $5,000

Professional Liability Insurance $3,000

*Assuming 25% down of $12,000.00 $0

Workman’s Comp Insurance Deposit $500

Premises and Content Insurance Deposit $300

*Assuming 25% down of $1200.00 $0

Contract Retainer with PT/OT/ST $500

Inserted Row $0


Office Upgrades (Carpet and Paint) $3,000

Deposit plus First $400

*Assuming $200.00/Month $0

Phone Set Up (Excluding Phones) $250

Utilities Deposit $150

Post Office Box $26

Inserted Row $0


2 Computers (Fully Loaded) $3,000

4-in-1 Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner $750

QuickBooks Pro $300

Phones $200

Pager $50

Inserted Row $0


Stationary $200
Business Cards $150

Brochures $200

Other Misc. Office Supplies $450

Computer $0



Start-up Assets

Cash Required $44,599

Other Current Assets $3,500

Long-term Assets $0


Total Requirements $70,000


Start-up Expenses to Fund $21,901

Start-up Assets to Fund $48,099



Non-cash Assets from Start-up $3,500

Cash Requirements from Start-up $44,599

Additional Cash Raised $0

Cash Balance on Starting Date $44,599


Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing $0

Long-term Liabilities $50,000

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0



Planned Investment

Elizabeth Patzer $20,000

Investor $0

Additional Investment Requirement $0


Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($21,901)



Total Funding $70,000

And also the treatment of those chronic diseases caused due to improper hand washing
costs billions of money each year. Hence our soap manufacturing business plan has
a target to deal with such problems and provide a more efficient and quick way to wash
off-hand, therefore, cause the prevention of some of the most fatal and dangerous
disease in the society. We our in a business to gain money and profit but at the same
time provide our customers value for their money.

This company produce liquid soaps, detergents, block soaps in commercial quantities to
meet the needs of this soap manufacturing industry and market. We understand the
need of a quality product and therefore ensure that our customers are given first class
treatment when they visit our plant/depot. The existing products out here in the market
provide no such solution anywhere, and there is no monitoring of such a significant
cause of deaths each year. The number of fatalities even crosses the total number of
people who died with a disease such as AIDS.

The big question is how to manufacture soap for business? Since we have an idea
of what we are focussing on, we have the liberty to begin manufacturing soaps with the
objective of prevention of diseases, which are caused by negligent washing. The owner
should, by the time, have a healthy manufacturing plant for the starting the soap
company and should know how to make this plan work on the ground.

The founder should decide the cost of the company, and we suggest to start with fewer
investments at the beginning. On the other hand, the business owner hold is prepared
for any extra cost input, which might occur during the business. It should have a backup
financially to support the business in hard times and boost it by these additional inputs.
You can remember the above-mentioned points while starting your own soap making

Management of the soap company

The management of the company is also on the shoulders of the owner initially and also
the manufacturing team, which assists the business for smooth functioning. The owner
makes every action and the final decision. Our aim includes establishing a standard
world class soap production and manufacturing company with the help of our team,
which will complete with the leaders in the same industry. We aspire to build a
household brand name, which is only possible with a proper managed company.

Customer of the soap company

The primary customer of our business can be kids from schools and colleges who
always are in a hurry to catch up things and forget critical hygienic activities like hand
washing, medical organizations and hospitals where diseases are most likely to spread
and even co-operate offices, where a group of people interacts and chances of such
conditions, are high. Every person who is concerned about his hygiene should be our

Business targets

Business targets and expectations should be limited when it is the starting of the
business. One can expect the minimal sales and profit in the first year, a fluctuating deal
in the second and should target for a good and high profitable sales till the third year.

Bank/SBA Business Plan

Document for raising debt funding from financial institutions to meet the expectations of the banks,
SBA, and government agencies.

Company summary
Company owner
The owner of the company is well educated and experienced in the sector of business
and marketing. He has experience in health care and medicines and has been a part of
big brands and companies, which manufacture and research on soaps and detergents.
Being such an experienced person, he always promotes and motivates research for
improvements. Now he has started his own company with a motive to serve people and
establish a successful business. The owner believes that it is the hard work of him and
his company staff members, which will lead the company to success. He boasts his
strong founding team and has an experienced board of advisors.

The key elements to start a soap business should have a plan, which includes:

 Development of a proper prototype, upon which everything else can be worked, this
is a way to plan your business.
 Suitable funding of the working capital, which is required for the company.
 Development of promotional materials for the primary objective that is sales.
 Promotional ideas and marketing for the principal operating activities.
 Getting a patent approval
 And finally gaining a strong brand name and image in the initial stage so as to gain
a position in the market
 Continue to develop and introduce new products in the market to satisfy the need of
ever frowning set of markets.
 The final few months of the start up period shall include the tests as per the
government regulations which ensures high quality in the market.

Why is the soap manufacturing business

being staeted?
The main motive of the soap manufacturing company is to provide the best and different
quality of soaps and detergent in the market for people in the affordable range. The
soaps will mainly be focused on handwashing and thus leading to a stoppage of the
spread of fatal infectious diseases. So indeed yes, a soap manufacturing is a good
business as it can provide you profit and marginal gain as well.

How the soap manufacturing

business/company will be stated?
It will be stated with co-operation of the workers, staff, and the owner itself working
towards a similar goal, it has a bar soap manufacturing business plan and that would
help the successful establishment and running of the company. The owner himself will
provide the initial cost for the company. It will develop a strong and high branding
campaign to build more awareness, for a positive perception and sales of the
company’s products within the targeted markets.

Establishment of a web presence

Since it is a modern world, and businesses are more dependent on the internet. A web
presence should be made under the guidance of the owner with the help of technical
staff to spread the company further. Such presence will create chances of more sales
and can boost up the business at unexpected rates.

Any questions? Get in Touch!


Products of a soap manufacturing

Anti-bacterial soaps

We aim to manufacture these soaps with the chemical constituents, which are used as
antiseptics and kill the germs and other harmful microbes. We have a primary focus on
this project so that much destructive infectious disease can be prevented. We have a
target to provide these soaps in the form of liquid soaps and solid bars to every possible
customer. We target to deliver these soaps at affordable prices and elegant fragrance
so that everyone who cares for his hygiene benefits from this.

Liquid soaps

They are another of the products, which we will be looking forward to getting with the
anti-bacterial action. They are comparatively more in demand than the bars as they are
more comfortable to use and are quicker than standard soap bars. The liquid soaps can
be placed with a pump-out machine or with sensors that automatically releases the sop
when a hand is near it. These liquids are more effective than soaps as the soaps are
touched frequently by everyone, while each time when you eject some liquid detergent,
it is untouched, fresh, and completely new. We from the sales appreciate the fact that
these liquid soaps are more in demand, and we are providing them at affordable prices
and trying to make them more useful.


Detergents are the next product that we manufacture. Detergents for cleaning,
especially for clothes, are one of our made products. We provide soaps that are
compatible with machine wash and manual washing; our product does not render your
clothes; neither discolors them and helps you to clean the hardest stains on your
clothes. We assure you that we have kept our detergents to be chemically compatible
with human skin, so it will not cause any allergy and skin reactions that other products in
the market might do.

Soap for cleaning utensils and clothes- we have these sops, which help you to clean the
utensils and hard stains on your clothes. They have more efficiency than regular soap
bars in the market. They too contain some of the most pleasing fragrance and are made
of chemicals, which are not sensitive to your skin
Marketing analysis of soap
manufacturing company
Market trends
Marketing trends in the business of soap making are not that fluctuating once your
business is stable. Soap is an item people need throughout the year every day; hence
the market is somewhat stable.

The liquid soap is considered more efficient and has a higher trend in the market. The
detergent is also such a product that people use in their everyday life and stays up in
demand in the market while the other soap bars are comparatively less in demand.

Marketing segmentation
 Different organizations– many organizations and NGOs who are intending to
provide better health care to children can be one of our target focus. Many of them
even are government sponsors for improving children health care and give a bulk
amount of order of soaps and detergents
 Hospitals– who else than a hospital will need more personal cleaning and
maintenance of hygiene. They are not only a market for handwashing soap and
liquid soaps but are also an important market for detergents. They need all these
things in a mass amount which increases your sales
 Restaurants– surprisingly, but our analysis shows they also are one of the
important markets for our purchases. They continuously need all of our products,
either it is the handwashing soaps which is required by the staff to maintain hygiene
and also by the customers; they need detergents to clean the place and need soap
bars for utensil cleaning.


Growth CAGR
Customers 1 R2 3 4 R5

10% 100 110 121 133 146 9.92%

Hospitals 10% 25 28 31 34 37 10.30%

Restaurants 30% 12 16 21 27 35 30.68%

Total 12.31% 137 154 173 194 218 12.31%

Any questions? Get in Touch

Business target
It provides the best possible product in the market at affordable rates. The target is all
about increasing and trying to spread the business every day and make more and more
profit as much as possible. The goal is to make investments in the first year, work hard
on the quality, expand the market, and expect the benefits by the third year and
ultimately stabilize as a successful business.

Product pricing
 When it comes to product pricing, it should be well within the range and should be done
in such a way that you can easily attract more and more customers. If you have the right
quality product and it is well beyond the affordable range, you expect your market to
grow. One of the concerns should be how you can get your customers coming back to
you? And the answer is as simple, give them the best quality and price and rest will
happen itself. Even you can provide some special discounts for regular customers.

Marketing analysis
There is tremendous potential of such soap markets to grow on a large scale. Once you
get a successful market penetration, we can begin getting into and implementing this
into the other sectors such as restaurants and hospital markets too.

 Competitive analysis

Marc Jacobs


Great service
Great service. Good turnaround time and quality work.

∙ Marc Jacobs

Competition is the key to business and should be appreciated a lot. People out their
many times just don’t get the concept and importance of race and always try to
eliminate the competitor. Still, a competitor is only the person who can tell you where
you are lagging without giving you a loss in business since if a customer does the same,
it degrades your name. Through the products that is manufactured, one can give a high
value alternative to other competing companies or hand washing compliance products.
We can further use the ‘peer pressure’ technique to fuelling up the use of our products.

Sales strategy

It is mainly focused to gain more and more profit. As per a proper sales strategy, it is
beneficial to come up with new ideas and develop brochures to advertise your brand in
the market. Also creating a literature which emphasizes the benefits and safety
attributes of a soap can contribute a lot in your sales strategy. It is clear enough that
one needs to try increasing the sales and gaining and stabilizing the benefits by the
third year.

Sales monthly
It is the sales count during the entire month of a financial year. In the first year of
business, it seems to be low but is moreover constant throughout the months.

Sales yearly

It is the sales of the company analyzed in the whole year. When it comes to our
business, it is not much appreciated in the first year, the second year is fluctuating and
the third year gains a little and more stable profit.
Sales forecast

It is the display of the sales on the scale of year or months, which often is drawn on a
graph or chart. This forecast gives you an accurate estimate of sales.
Sales Forecast      

Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Different organizations $43,740 $45,114 $50,625

Hospitals $4,430 $4,630 $4,850

Restaurants $19,200 $24,960 $32,448

TOTAL SALES $62,940 $70,074 $83,073

Different organizations Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Hospitals $21,721 $22,156 $22,599

Restaurants $11,075 $14,460 $16,650

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $24,121 $24,676 $25,245

Any questions? Get in Touch!


Personal plan
 Company staff

Company staff needed to support our business of soap manufacturing should have
good knowledge in this field. They should appreciate the research and should always be
ready to be there to help the company. The staffs needed are a supervisor or manager
who manages the manufacturing process and experienced workers in every unit. The
company also needs a technical support team and a business management team.

Salary of the staffs

It is an essential aspect of any business that everyone working their gets appreciated.
This appreciation should also be in the form of wages. Each team should get what they

 Personnel Plan      

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Administrative Director $0 $0 $0

Clinical Director $52,000 $53,560 $55,167

Administrative Assistant $18,720 $19,282 $19,860

Skilled Production Staff $20,110 $24,856 $25,601

Packaging Staff $10,413 $10,712 $11,033

Transportation staff $8,100 $9,912 $10,209

Total Salaries $109,343 $118,322 $121,870

Financial plans
Important assumptions
We have assumed the economy to be stable, different taxes are kept conservative, and
we assume that the company doesn’t change the delivery of soap manufacturing

General Assumptions

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%

Long-term Interest Rate 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%

Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%

Other 0 0 0

Break-even analysis

It is to compare fixed costs and the total variable, and it is the sales required for
covering the price, and we assume it will happen slowly within years.
 Brake-Even Analysis  

Monthly Units Break-even Assumptions $ 17,532

Average Percent Variable Cost 6%

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $16,555

Projected profit and loss

It is the projected loss and gain represented in graphs. Profit and loss in this business
are fluctuating in starting and becomes stable after years.

 Pro Forma Profit And Loss      

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sales $432,940 $480,074 $533,073

Direct Cost of Sales $24,121 $24,676 $25,245

Other Costs of Sales $0 $0 $0

TOTAL COST OF SALES $24,121 $24,676 $25,245

Gross Margin $408,819 $455,398 $507,829

Gross Margin % 94.43% 94.86% 95.26%


Payroll $109,343 $118,322 $121,870

Payroll Taxes $29,920 $30,423 $30,956

Depreciation $0 $0 $0

Rent $2,400 $3,600 $3,600

Heat and Lights $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Phone $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Cell Phones $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Water and Garbage $600 $600 $600

Internet Access $300 $300 $300

Professional Liability Insurance $9,000 $12,000 $12,000

Workman’s Comp Insurance $600 $600 $600

Premises and Content Insurance $600 $600 $600

Advertising and Marketing $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

Meals and Entertainment $600 $600 $600

Professional Development $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

Office Equipment and Supplies $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 4,800

Contracted Therapists: OT/PT/ST $ 19,500 $ 19,500 $ 19,500

Nursing Supplies $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,000

Total Operating Expenses $ 198,663 $ 212,346 $ 216,425

Profit Before Interest and Taxes $ 210,156 $ 243,053 $ 291,403

EBITDA $ 210,156 $ 243,053 $ 291,403

Interest Expense $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000

Taxes Incurred $ 61,847 $ 71,716 $ 86,221

Net Profit $ 144,309 $ 167,337 $ 201,182

Net Profit/Sales 33.33% 34.86% 37.74%

Profit monthly
It is the analysis of benefit in our business monthly. The monthly benefit in the first year
is moreover the same and not much appreciating.
Profit yearly
It is the analysis of profit in our business yearly. The first year has low advantages; the
second year is going to fluctuate.
Gross margin monthly
It is the gross profit the company will make in a month and is not estimated to be high in
our business in the initial months.
Gross margin yearly
It is the sales from the business minus the total cost for a financial year. In our
company, the first year

is not g to give a significant gross margin.

Projected cash flow

A cash inflow is an essential requirement for starting a business. Sometimes during an
emergency, we need some boosts in the industry to support the company. The opening
periods are severe and require small capital investments.
 Pro Forma Cash Flow      


Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales $0 $0 $0
Cash from Receivables $341,293 $470,096 $521,854

SUBTOTAL CASH FROM OPERATIONS $ 341,293 $ 470,096 $ 521,854

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0

New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0

New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

New Investment Received $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIVED $ 341,293 $ 470,096 $ 521,854

Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending $109,343 $118,322 $121,870

Bill Payments $161,040 $196,683 $208,739

SUBTOTAL SPENT ON OPERATIONS $ 270,383 $ 315,006 $ 330,608

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0

Principal Repayment of Current

$0 $0 $0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

Dividends $0 $0 $0
SUBTOTAL CASH SPENT $270,383 $315,006 $330,608

Net Cash Flow $70,910 $155,091 $191,246

Cash Balance $ 115,509 $ 270,600 $ 461,846

Projected balance sheet

These balance sheets show how the business is growing and gets in profit and loss.

 Pro Forma Balance Sheet      

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Current Assets

Cash $115,509 $270,600 $461,846

Accounts Receivable $91,647 $101,624 $112,843

Other Current Assets $3,500 $3,500 $3,500

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $210,656 $375,724 $578,189

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

Accumulated Depreciation $0 $0 $0


TOTAL ASSETS $210,656 $375,724 $578,189

Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $18,248 $15,979 $17,262

Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $18,248 $15,979 $17,262

Long-term Liabilities $50,000 $50,000 $50,000

TOTAL LIABILITIES $68,248 $65,979 $67,262

Paid-in Capital $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Retained Earnings ($21,901) $122,408 $289,745

Earnings $144,309 $167,337 $201,182

TOTAL CAPITAL $142,408 $309,745 $510,927

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL $210,656 $375,724 $578,189

Net Worth $142,408 $309,745 $510,927

Business ratio
This ratio gives you an estimate of if you have the money to pay to your credit holders.

 Ratio Analysis        

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales Growth 0.00% 10.89% 11.04% 3.71%

Percent of Total Assets

Accounts Receivable 43.51% 27.05% 19.52% 21.90%

Other Current Assets 1.66% 0.93% 0.61% 45.48%

Total Current Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 69.58%

Long-term Assets 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 30.42%

TOTAL ASSETS 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Current Liabilities 8.66% 4.25% 2.99% 35.62%

Long-term Liabilities 23.74% 13.31% 8.65% 21.27%

Total Liabilities 32.40% 17.56% 11.63% 56.89%

NET WORTH 67.60% 82.44% 88.37% 43.11%

Percent of Sales        
Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Gross Margin 94.43% 94.86% 95.26% 100.00%

Selling, General &

63.87% 67.34% 66.75% 85.34%
Administrative Expenses

Advertising Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.70%

Profit Before Interest and Taxes 48.54% 50.63% 54.66% 0.35%

Main Ratios

Current 11.54 23.51 33.49 1.52

Quick 11.54 23.51 33.49 1.2

Total Debt to Total Assets 32.40% 17.56% 11.63% 62.84%

Pre-tax Return on Net Worth 144.76% 77.18% 56.25% 1.09%

Pre-tax Return on Assets 97.86% 63.62% 49.71% 2.93%

Additional Ratios Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Net Profit Margin 33.33% 34.86% 37.74% NA

Return on Equity 101.33% 54.02% 39.38% NA

Activity Ratios

Accounts Receivable Turnover 4.72 4.72 4.72 NA

Collection Days 57 73 73 NA

Accounts Payable Turnover 9.83 12.17 12.17 NA

Payment Days 27 32 29 NA

Total Asset Turnover 2.06 1.28 0.92 NA

Debt Ratios

Debt to Net Worth 0.48 0.21 0.13 NA

Current Liab. to Liab. 0.27 0.24 0.26 NA

Liquidity Ratios
Net Working Capital $ 192,408 $ 359,745 $ 560,927 NA

Interest Coverage 52.54 60.76 72.85 NA

Additional Ratios

Assets to Sales 0.49 0.78 1.08 NA

Current Debt/Total Assets 9% 4% 3% NA

Acid Test 6.52 17.15 26.96 NA

Sales/Net Worth 304% 155% 104% NA

Dividend Payout 0 0 0 NA

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