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Once upon a time, in a land long ago, there lived many different
kinds of dinosaurs. There were big ones and small ones, tall ones
and short ones. Some had long necks and could reach the tallest
trees, while others had sharp teeth and were fierce hunters.

One day, a little dinosaur named Dino was out exploring the
forest with his friends. They were having so much fun playing and
discovering new things. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was
a big T-Rex, roaring and stomping through the forest!

Dino and his friends were scared and didn't know what to do. But
then Dino remembered something his mother had told him: "If
you're ever in trouble, just be brave and use your head."

So Dino thought quickly and came up with a plan. He told his

friends to hide behind some rocks while he went to talk to the T-

"Excuse me, Mr. T-Rex," said Dino bravely. "Why are you so

The T-Rex stopped roaring and looked down at Dino. "I'm not
angry," he said. "I'm just hungry and I can't find any food."

Dino thought for a moment and then had an idea. "Why don't you
come with us?" he said. "We know where there are lots of
delicious plants to eat."

The T-Rex was surprised but happy. He followed Dino and his
friends to a meadow where there were plenty of tasty plants to
eat. The T-Rex ate and ate until he was full.

"Thank you for helping me," said the T-Rex. "You are very brave
and smart."

Dino smiled. He was happy that he had been able to help the T-Rex
and make a new friend.

From that day on, Dino and his friends would often go on
adventures with the T-Rex. They had lots of fun together and
learned that even the biggest and scariest creatures can be kind
if you give them a chance.
Dino and the T-Rex had become great friends since their
first meeting in the forest. They would often go on
adventures together and explore new places.

One day, they decided to climb to the top of a tall

mountain to see the view from the top. It was a long and
difficult climb, but they were determined to reach the

As they climbed higher and higher, the air grew colder

and the wind grew stronger. Dino started to shiver and
wished he had brought a warm coat.

The T-Rex noticed that Dino was cold and said, "Don't
worry, my friend. I will keep you warm."

The T-Rex wrapped his big arms around Dino and held him
close. Dino felt much warmer and was grateful for his
friend's kindness.

Finally, they reached the top of the mountain. The view

was breathtaking! They could see for miles and miles in
every direction.

Dino and the T-Rex sat down to rest and enjoy the view.
They were happy to have each other's company and to have
accomplished their goal together.

As they sat there, watching the sun set over the distant
hills, Dino realized that true friendship is about being
there for each other, no matter what challenges come
their way.
After their adventure on the mountain, Dino and the T-Rex
decided to explore a new part of the forest. They walked
for hours, discovering new plants and animals along the

As they walked, they came across a group of small

dinosaurs who were playing together. The little dinosaurs
were having so much fun, chasing each other and laughing.

Dino and the T-Rex stopped to watch the little dinosaurs

play. They smiled and laughed at their silly antics.

One of the little dinosaurs noticed Dino and the T-Rex

watching them and ran over to say hello. "Hi there!" said
the little dinosaur. "My name is Rexy. Do you want to
play with us?"

Dino and the T-Rex looked at each other and smiled. "We
would love to play with you," said Dino.
So Dino and the T-Rex joined in the game with the little
dinosaurs. They ran and chased each other, laughing and
having a great time.

As they played, Dino noticed that one of the little

dinosaurs was sitting off to the side, watching but not
joining in. Dino went over to talk to her.

"Hi there," said Dino. "My name is Dino. What's your


The little dinosaur looked up at Dino shyly. "My name is

Sara," she said.

"Why aren't you playing with the others?" asked Dino.

Sara looked down at her feet. "I'm not very good at

running and chasing," she said. "I always get left

Dino smiled kindly at Sara. "That's okay," he said.

"There are lots of other things we can do. Do you like to

Sara's face lit up. "Yes!" she said. "I love to draw!"

Dino took Sara by the hand and led her over to a big rock
where they could sit and draw together. They found some
sticks and used them to draw pictures in the dirt.

Sara was a very good artist and she drew a beautiful

picture of a flower. Dino was impressed by her talent.

The other little dinosaurs came over to see what they

were doing. When they saw Sara's drawing, they were

"Wow!" said Rexy. "That's so good! Can you teach us how

to draw like that?"

Sara smiled shyly and nodded her head. She showed the
other little dinosaurs how to hold their sticks and make
different shapes in the dirt.
Soon, all of the little dinosaurs were drawing pictures
together, laughing and having fun.

Dino and the T-Rex watched them with big smiles on their
faces. They were happy to see Sara making new friends and
sharing her talents with others.

As they walked back home through the forest, Dino thought

about how everyone has something special to offer, even
if it's not always obvious at first. He was glad that he
had been able to help Sara find her place among her

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