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Enhancing Supplier-to-Distributor Logistic

Services through Automated Transaction

Management System

Data Pirates:

Onde Jr., Gregorio B.

Namias, Carla A.
Bitar, Miko F.


Background of the Study

The advancement of Information and Communication Technology
has been remarkable, and its impact can be observed in all
aspects of learning, including the presentation of information,
tasks, interaction, and worker performance. Additionally,
computers have significantly enhanced opportunities for worker
interaction and flexibility.

According to Shcherbakov & Silkina (2021), logistics is

influenced by innovations, new technologies, changes according
to the changing priorities and targets of companies, and
changing competitiveness conditions that increase their
complexity. The complexity always implies the need for
integration, choosing the technologies for mutually profitable
cooperation and interaction formats, including those in supply
chains that are adequate to the economic conditions. Supply
chains are ordered sequences of suppliers and customers; each
customer can simultaneously be a supplier, and vice versa, the
supplier can be a customer (at a higher level). The concept of
the supply chain, proposed by Oliver and Webber in 1982, has
undergone major changes over the past decades. Modern supply
chains have a complex and multilevel structure, the main
characteristic of which is a clear and logical sequence of
actions for each participant. This gives us reason to talk about
the network architecture of supply chains in which each
participant (company or separate structural unit) provides each
other with products or services, adding a certain consumption
to the product. The supply chains of many companies include
agreed terms for supplying materials, components, finished
products, and their delivery to specific markets. In total, this
justifies the network architecture of the logistics system.

Trucking companies are a vital contributor to transport

activities (Barreto, Amaral, & Pereira, 2017). The movement of
goods between regions involves using a truck as a single mode or
as part of multimodal transport. For domestic transportation of
goods, the contribution of trucking in various countries always
dominates the contribution of other modes in terms of volume and
value transported. Indonesia is an emerging market economy and
the largest country in Southeast Asia. Despite being a maritime
country, trucking plays a vital and dominant role in Indonesia's
logistics. 90% of goods are delivered by trucks (Sugianto et
al., 2023).

J-BEE Trucking Services started in 2015, one of the

organizations that are located at Prk. Macawiwili Bs Aquino
Drive Santo Niño. Their business process focuses on providing
logistics services around here in Negros Occidental. They have
15 employees which are 10 drivers, 3 maintenance workers, and 2
employees who work inside the office. As of now the Trucking
Coordinator and the Owner/Admin operate manually on their tasks.
As they work manually, they are prone to errors like encoding
the information of the transaction to their clients/customers.

The proponents aimed to convert the existing manual

operations process of J-BEE Trucking Services into an automated
Logistics Services Transaction Management System that may help
to lessen their errors in operating their transactions and also
to reduce their manual workload. Logistics Services Transaction
Management System would make the operation and transaction
easier to gain the satisfaction of the customer/clients.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to create a Logistics
Transactions Management System (LTMS) that can help J-BEE
Trucking Services run their logistics operations more smoothly.

Specific Objectives:

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Design and develop the management system with the following

technical features;
1.1. Automate logistic services transactions
1.2. Monitor line-up & consignee information
1.3. Generate billing reports.
2. Lessen the time consumed in processing logistics

3. Evaluate the system using a standard survey questionnaire

Scope and Limitation
The scope of this study is to develop an automated
Logistics Services Transaction Management System for J-BEE
Trucking Services, which will replace their existing manual
operations process. The system will be designed to help the
Trucking Coordinator and Owner/Admin to operate their
transactions between customers/clients with ease and accuracy.
The Administrator has access to the system's overall operations,
enabling them to monitor all business transactions effectively.
On the other hand, the Trucking Coordinator's access is limited
to booking/reservations, billing/invoices, and vehicle, driver,
and customer information records. To ensure security, the system
has a user authentication process requiring Trucking
Coordinator’s passwords. The primary objective of the system is
to reduce errors and streamline transaction processes in J-BEE
Trucking Services.

The potential for electrical and internet connection

outages is one of the restrictions that should be taken into
account when establishing the Logistics Services Transaction
Management System for J-BEE Trucking Services. These
technological problems could happen at any time and have an
impact on the system's functionality, causing transactions to be
delayed or even fail.

Significance of the Study

The proposed system Logistics Transactions Management System

(LTMS) for J-BEE Trucking Services has the following benefits
for several stakeholders, including:
J-BEE Trucking Services Company. the system may assist the
Trucking Coordinator and the Owner in the operation while
handling transactions with their customers/clients and also for
the booking/reservation and scheduling of deliveries. The system
may help eliminate errors and encoding of information and reduce
the employee's manual workload.

Trucking Coordinator. the output of the study may provide

convenience to the trucking coordinator who may want to use the
system, in terms of time consumption, reliability issues, and
other significant and trivial errors.

Owner. The system would provide easy monitoring of all the

operations and transactions.

Researchers. The system may help researcher boost their insights

and information in developing a system for future studies. This
would also improve their skills, knowledge, and academic
performance in developing a system.

Future Researchers. the developed study would benefit future

researchers in researching the logistic services transaction
management system of an organization as this may be used as a
guide or a baseline reference in developing such.
Definition of Terms
In any research or study, it is essential to define the key
terms used to ensure clarity and understanding. This section
provides a brief overview of the terms used in the proposed
Logistics Transactions Management System (LTMS) for J-BEE
Trucking Services.

Automated – Conceptually, refers to the process of carrying out

tasks and operations using machines or computers without the
need for human intervention. (Sources: Techopedia, 2023).

Operationally, the word automated refers to the use of

technology to carry out tasks and operations without requiring
human intervention.

Logistics - Conceptually, refers to the transportation of goods

from the supplier to the customer. (Sources: Investopedia,

Operationally, the word logistics involves the physical movement

of products from one location to another. This includes tasks
such as transportation, and delivery.

Transactions - Conceptually, refers to the dealing or exchange

of goods or services between businesses or organizations.
(Sources: Business Dictionary, 2023)

Operationally, the word transactions refer to the process of

exchanging goods and services between J-BEE Trucking Services
and its customers/clients.
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The review of the Related Literature and Studies consists

of local and foreign literature either in books, previous school
lessons, websites, and other forms of media that helped the
proponents in formulating and analyzing the system that is
fitted for the logistics services business organization. The
review focused on a number of different literature and studies
that are related to the system. It helped the researchers in
gathering ideas that were the bases for developing the Enhancing
Supplier to Distributor Logistic Services through Automated
Transaction Management System.

A. Foreign Studies

The study below provides an analysis of related literature

as well as writings by renowned experts, both of which have a
significant influence on the issue being investigated.
Unpublished materials from other nations and foreign research
are referred to as foreign studies.
Prioritizing Suppliers by using AHP tool for managing risk
factors in Logistics

The article focuses on prioritizing suppliers to manage

risk factors in logistics using an Analytic Hierarchy Process
(AHP) tool, which is applied in the context of Epyllion Group, a
Bangladesh-based apparel manufacturing company. The research
analyzes the risk factors that the company faces, such as
production, transportation, and financial risks. The authors
then develop a framework to prioritize suppliers based on their
ability to manage these risks. The AHP tool enables decision-
makers to compare the relative importance of suppliers based on
several criteria such as quality, price, delivery, and financial

The research found that supplier performance is a critical

factor in managing risk in logistics, and the AHP tool is an
effective way to prioritize suppliers. The authors also found
that suppliers' financial stability and delivery reliability are
the most important criteria in supplier selection. The study
concludes that the AHP tool can be used as a practical approach
to prioritize suppliers in the context of managing risk factors
in logistics.

The research offers practical implications for managers in

the logistics and supply chain industry. The framework developed
in this study can help managers to identify the most critical
risk factors and prioritize suppliers based on their ability to
manage those risks. This can ultimately help companies to reduce
the negative impact of supply chain risks on their operations
financial performance. Moreover, the AHP tool is flexible and
can be adapted to other contexts and industries.

Overall, this research provides an innovative approach to manage

risk factors in logistics through supplier selection. The
findings of this study can be useful for companies that want to
optimize their supply chain operations and enhance their overall
performance. By prioritizing suppliers based on their ability to
manage risks, companies can minimize the negative impact of
supply chain disruptions and improve their financial performance.
(Shaermin, Nafisa, 2020)

Transaction-specific investments in a supplier-distributor-

supplier triad in China

The study conducted by researchers aimed to investigate the

impact of transaction-specific investments (TSIs) on supplier-
distributor-supplier triads in China. TSIs are investments made
by one party to a transaction that are specific to that
particular transaction and cannot be easily transferred to other
transactions. The researchers wanted to examine how TSIs affect
opportunism and cooperation in the triads. They collected data
from 131 supplier-distributor-supplier triads in China and used
statistical analysis to test their hypotheses.

The results showed that TSIs have a significant impact on

opportunism and cooperation in supplier-distributor-supplier
triads in China. Specifically, the more TSIs made by the
supplier, the less likely the distributor is to engage in
behavior. On the other hand, the more TSIs made by the
distributor, the more likely the supplier is to cooperate with
the distributor. This suggests that TSIs can be an effective tool
for managing opportunism and promoting cooperation in supplier-
distributor- supplier triads.

Furthermore, the researchers found that the effect of TSIs

on opportunism and cooperation was moderated by the quality of
the buyer-supplier relationship. When the buyer-supplier
relationship was strong, the impact of TSIs on opportunism and
cooperation was enhanced. This suggests that a strong
relationship between the buyer and supplier can help to
facilitate the benefits of TSIs in managing opportunism and
promoting cooperation.

Overall, the study provides insights into the importance of

transaction-specific investments and the role they play in
supplier-distributor-supplier triads in China. The findings
suggest that TSIs can be an effective tool for managing
opportunism and promoting cooperation, especially when the
buyer-supplier relationship is strong. (Lui, Xue, Li -2019)

The Effect of Supplier Trust, Supplier Innovation, and Buyer-

Supplier Relationship in Enhancing the Supplier Performance on
the Death Service Companies in Surabaya, Indonesia

The study aims to explore the impact of supplier trust,

supplier innovation, and buyer-supplier relationship on the
supplier performance of death service companies in Surabaya,
Indonesia. The study used a quantitative research approach and a
survey method to collect data from 103 suppliers of death
service companies in Surabaya. The findings revealed that
supplier trust, supplier innovation, and buyer-supplier
relationship have a significant positive effect on the supplier
performance of death service companies in Surabaya.

The study revealed that supplier trust has a significant

positive impact on the supplier performance of death service
companies. The findings showed that supplier trust increases the
supplier's willingness to collaborate, share resources, and
contribute to the development of the company's operations, which
ultimately leads to improved supplier performance. The study
also found that supplier innovation has a positive impact on the
supplier performance of death service companies. The findings
showed that suppliers who are more innovative tend to provide
better quality products and services, leading to an improvement
in the supplier's overall performance.

Furthermore, the study also revealed that buyer-supplier

relationships have a positive impact on the supplier performance
of death service companies. The findings showed that suppliers
who have a good relationship with their buyers are more likely
to receive more support, resources, and information from their
buyers, leading to an improvement in the supplier's performance.
The study recommends that death service companies should focus
on building trust with their suppliers, encouraging supplier
innovation, and developing strong buyer-supplier relationships
to improve supplier performance.

Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of supplier

trust, supplier innovation, and buyer-supplier relationships in
enhancing supplier performance in death service companies in
Surabaya, Indonesia. The findings suggest that developing these
factors can lead to improved supplier performance, which can
ultimately benefit the company's overall performance. The study
provides useful insights for death service companies in Surabaya
and other industries that rely on supplier relationships to
enhance their overall performance.
(Tarigan,Siagian,Sutjianto,Panjaitan - 2020)

B. Local Studies

The Impact of Logistics on Marketing Margin in the Philippine

Agricultural Sector

(Angelica Anne Quintana, Micaella Chong, Ma. Lexa Cordova, Peter

Jeff Chan Camaro-2022)

This study examines how logistics affect the marketing

margin of mango and banana in the Philippines. By surveying 150
farmers and 50 traders involved in the production and marketing
of these products, the study found that transportation costs and
travel time have a negative impact on the marketing margin. This
means that farmers are getting less revenue when it takes longer
to transport their products to the market and when transportation
costs are high.

The research suggests that to improve the marketing margin

of agricultural products in the country, policymakers and
stakeholders should focus on enhancing logistics infrastructure
and reducing transportation costs. They should also work on
improving coordination between farmers and traders to optimize
logistics operations and reduce transportation time.

This study highlights the importance of logistics in the

agricultural sector, and its impact on the profitability of
farmers. It also found that farmers who sold their products
directly to traders or retailers earned a higher marketing
margin compared to those who sold through intermediaries. By
reducing the number of intermediaries in the marketing chain,
farmers can improve their profitability. Overall, the study
provides valuable insights into how logistics can affect the
marketing margin of agricultural products, and how policymakers
and stakeholders can work to improve the profitability of
farmers in the Philippines.

Optimization of Warehouse Operations for Logistics Company in

the Philippines

This article discusses the optimization of warehouse

operations for a logistics company in the Philippines. The
authors aim to improve the efficiency of the company's warehouse
operations through the implementation of various optimization

The study conducted an analysis of the company's current

warehouse operations and identified areas for improvement. The
authors then developed a simulation model to test different
optimization scenarios and determine the most effective
solution. The results of the simulation model showed that
implementing a cross-docking strategy and improving inventory
management could significantly reduce the company's operational
The authors recommend that logistics companies in the Philippines
should focus on optimizing their warehouse operations to remain
competitive in the market. The study provides a useful framework
for companies looking to improve their warehouse operations
through the implementation of optimization techniques. Overall,
the article highlights the importance of efficient warehouse
operations in the logistics industry and the benefits of
implementing optimization strategies. ( Duque, Navarro, Verrey,
Vitao - 2019)

A Combined AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Evaluating the Process of

Innovation and Integration of Management Systems in the Logistic

Logistics is increasingly essential for the economy and

social development. Statistics show incremental contributions in
GDP, job creation, and in the movement of goods worldwide,
connecting suppliers with companies and distributors and
stimulating different economic sectors of manufacturing and
services. However, the challenges of the logistics sector
include optimizing its operations, reducing costs, and
generating an offer of services with added values for its
clients and interest groups. In this sense, innovation and
management systems can support companies in the sector in the
search for competitive advantages and operational efficiency
aligned with corporate strategy and the environment. Different
models and methodologies have been developed to work in an
integrated way on innovation processes and management systems,
with a focus on continuous improvement where evaluation and
development are crucial to identifying the level of
performance, gaps, and improvement strategies. Besides, the use
of multi-criteria decision methodologies was identified in the
scientific literature as an objective approach and easy to
implement in companies, but of little application in the
evaluation of innovation and the integration of management
systems for the logistics sector. This paper presents the
application of a combined multi-criteria decision-making
methodology to evaluate the innovation process in conjunction
with the integration of management systems used in the logistics
sector. First, the Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP is applied to
determine the weights of each criterion and sub-criterion
through qualitative pair comparisons. Then, The Technique for
Order of Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is
used to evaluate three big companies of the logistic sector
considering their ability to develop the process of innovation
under criteria associated with Integrated Management Systems
(Quality, Environmental, Health, and Safety). A case study is
presented to validate the combined approach. (Jimenez-Delgado,
Santos, Carlos Sa - 2020)


According to the information from several related studies on

foreign and local supplier-distributor logistics services, the
proposed project and the RRL share several similarities. Both
need a comprehensive search of the literature to discover
relevant materials such as scholarly publications, books, and
reports. They also need a thorough assessment of prior research
in order to comprehend the present state of knowledge, which
includes critically interpreting and synthesizing past findings.
Furthermore, both the proposed project and the RRL seek to
gaps in the literature and formulate research questions or
objectives in response to these gaps. They also include the
creation of a framework or conceptual model based on the
literature review to guide the study design. There are, however,
peculiarities in the synthesis process. The synthesis of the
proposed project focuses on particular procedures and activities
in improving supplier to distributor logistics services using an
automated transaction management system. It combines results
from numerous sources to create a cohesive strategy customized
to the project's goals. The summary also stresses the practical
consequences for the logistics services business organization,
utilizing the results and suggestions of the literature study to
optimize logistics operations, manage risks, and improve
supplier performance.


This chapter discusses the research method and the system

development methodology used in data gathering for the
development of J-BEE Trucking Services for Enhancing Supplier-
Distributor Logistic Services through Automated Transaction
Management System. This chapter also presents the diagrams and
requirement specifications.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The SDLC of J-BEE Trucking Services for Enhancing
Supplier- Distributor through Automated Transaction Management
System is composed of 6 phases to follow in order to develop the
system. The six phases are Requirement Phase, Analysis Phase,
Design Phase, Coding Phase, Testing Phase, and Acceptance Phase.

The Iterative model is a method of the software

development phase. The Enhancing Supplier-Distributor Logistic
Services Transaction Management System is designed,
implementation of a subset of the software requirements, and
iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the full system
is implemented. The advantage of this model is that there is a
working model of the system at a very early stage of
development, which makes it easier to find functional or design
flaws. Finding issues at an early stage of development enables
us to take corrective measures in a limited budget.

The Iterative Model consists of the following phases:

Figure 1. The Iterative Model.

In the beginning phase, the team members engage in lively
discussions and brainstorming sessions to determine the initial
course of action. With a carefully selected project proposal,
which has been thoroughly researched and aligns with the desired
objectives, the groundwork is laid for the subsequent phases.
After carefully selecting the team members, consisting of a
project manager, technical writer, and programmer, the team
members will start planning the next steps.

Planning Phase
In this phase, the proponents research the possible related
studies that are relevant to our proposed title. The researchers
find a business organization that suits the proposed title.
Based on research, includes creating a project timeline,
allocating resources, and considering the budget. This detailed
planning provides a structured framework for the project's

Requirement Gathering
This phase all possible requirements of the system
development are in this phase. Requirements are a set of
functions and constraints that the end user expects from the
system. The proponents conduct interviews and consultations with
key stakeholders from J-BEE Trucking Services such as business
owners and potential system users, to fully understand business
organization expectations and needs regarding the automated
transaction management system. Finally, a requirement
specification document was created which serves the purpose of a
guideline for the next phase of the model.

The analysis phase includes the gathering of the data by
studying the current system. The process in the documentation of
the system project, the gathering of the sample billing sheet,
and customer and lineup information sheet. In the design phase,
the proponents generated a rough draft of the system. The data
flow diagram and the database structure (DFD) were the backbones
of the J-BEE Trucking Services Automated Transaction Management
System. The design helped in specifying the hardware and
the system
requirements and also helped define the overall system

During this step, the system is tested against a set of
standards and norms. To ensure the reliability and effectiveness
of the J-BEE Trucking Services Automated Transaction Management
System, thorough testing is conducted. The proponent carries out
various tests to verify that the system performs as intended,
many sorts of testing are performed, including performance
testing, stress testing, security testing, and usability
testing. Any identified bugs or issues are promptly addressed
during this phase to ensure the system's functionality and user

During this step, developers put the chosen design into
action by writing the necessary code according to predefined
coding standards and metrics for the J-BEE Trucking Services
Automated Transaction Management System. Based on the
requirements and design criteria, ensuring that the system meets
the desired functionality and user expectations.

The deployment phase completes the project by making the
system operational. The research team meticulously installs and
configures the system in the intended setting, providing a
smooth transfer from development to production. Extensive
testing and verification are performed to ensure that the system
is completely functioning and meets the demands of the users.
After a successful
deployment, this allows users and stakeholders to access and
benefit from the system's automated transaction management

Operational Framework
The proponent’s system is designed to provide a in
automated transaction management system in J-BEE Trucking
Services use.

Figure 2. Operational Framework.

Figure 2 shows that computer is used to access the

transaction management system. The system is installed in
computer. The administrator and trucking coordinator have to
log- in in order to access the system. The admin has the account
to add, delete, edit, and update the information system and to
monitor daily transactions. The trucking coordinator can access
booking/reservation, billing, and daily operations for the
deliveries of container vans that process all the transactions
inside the system.
Context Diagram
A context diagram is the highest level of graphic
representation of a system. It shows data along with its sources
and destinations to and from the system.

Figure 3. Context Diagram.

Figure 3 shows that the relationship among and between the

various components of the system. It consists a process which
represents the system, the transaction executed by the
administrator and the trucking coordinator. The Administrator
could edit and delete the information of the transaction and
monitor daily operations.

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how a system processes
data regarding inputs and outputs.
Figure 4. Administrator and Trucking Coordinator Data Flow.
Figure 4 shows the Administrator and Trucking Coordinator
data flow diagram as one individual external entity. It shows
how the data flow in the system.

Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is like a map that
helps us visualize and make sense of the connections between
different parts of a system or database. It's as if we have a
guide that
allows us to explore and understand how entities relate to each
other. With the help of ERDs, we can navigate the complexities
of data relationships with greater ease and clarity.

Figure 5. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 5 shows the connection between one table and another

table, the way they are linked, the specific fields they share,
and their distinct unique keys.

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram as a helpful visual tool that paints a
picture of how different actors, like users or external
entities, interact with a software system. It showcases the
system's functionality and behavior by capturing the specific
requirements it needs to fulfill. It's like a bird's-eye view of
how users or actors engage with the system to accomplish their
goals or complete specific tasks. This diagram comprises actors,
use cases, and their relationships, forming a visual
representation that brings clarity to the system's dynamics.
It's like a visual map that guides us through the interactions
between different elements of the system.

Figure 6. Use Case Diagram.

Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a detailed guidebook for a database or

dataset. It contains all the important information about the
data, making it easier for people to understand and use. It's
kind of like having a dictionary for data.

Table 1. billing

Field Name Data Size Description


billingID int 11 Unique identifier for each

billing record.

lineupID int 11 Unique identifier for the lineup

associated with the billing.

consigneeID int 11 Unique identifier for the

customer associated with the

deliveryDate date The date of delivery for the


plateNumber varchar 255 The plate number associated with

the billing.

BL_Number varchar 255 The BL (Bill of Lading) number

associated with the billing.
containerNumber varchar 255 The container number associated
with the billing.

size int 11 The size of the container

associated with the billing.

commodity varchar 255 The type of commodity being

transported in the billing.

shipperConsignee varchar 255 The name of the shipper or

consignee associated with the

vesselVoyage varchar 255 The name of the vessel and

voyage associated with the

truckingAmount int 11 The amount charged for trucking

services is in the billing.

totalCharges int 11 The total charges for the


grosswVat int 11 The gross amount including VAT

(Value Added Tax) for the

itw int 11 The ITW (Import To Wharf) amount

for the billing.

netAmount int 11 The net amount for the billing

after deductions.
Table 2. booking

Field Name Data Size Description


bookingID int 11 Unique identifier for each

booking record.

consigneeID int 11 Unique identifier for the

customer associated with the

lineupID varchar 255 Unique identifier for the lineup

associated with the booking.

bookDate date The date when the booking was


tripType varchar 255 Indicates the type of trip

associated with the booking
(e.g., one-way, round-trip).

deliveryDate date The expected delivery date for

the booking.

status varchar 255 Indicates the status of the

booking (e.g., confirmed,
pending, canceled).

Table 3. customer
Field Name Data Size Description

consigneeID int No Unique identifier for each

customer record.

cus_name varchar 100 The name of the customer.

cus_mobile int 11 The mobile number of the


cus_status varchar 255 Indicates the status of the

customer (e.g., active,

Table 4. lineup

Field Name Data Size Description


lineupID int 11 Unique identifier for each lineup


driverID varchar 255 Unique identifier for the driver

associated with the lineup.

driverName varchar 255 The name of the driver associated

with the lineup.

licenseNumber int 11 The license number of the driver.

vehicleID int 11 Unique identifier for the vehicle
associated with the lineup.

vehicleName varchar 255 The name of the vehicle

associated with the lineup.

plateNumber varchar 255 The plate number associated with

the vehicle in the lineup.

status varchar 255 Indicates the status of the

lineup (e.g., active, inactive).

description text Additional description or notes

related to the lineup.

Table 5. reminder

Field Name Data Size Description


reminderID int 11 Unique identifier for each

reminder record.

consigneeID varchar 255 Unique identifier for the

customer associated with the

reminderDate date The date when the reminder is

message varchar 255 The content or details of the
reminder message.

Table 6. user

Field Name Data Size Description


userID int 11 Unique identifier for each user


fullName varchar 255 The full name of the user.

user_type varchar 20 Indicates the type or role of

the user (e.g., admin, tracking

username varchar 255 The username used for user login.

password varchar 255 The password associated with the

user account.

status varchar 255 Indicates the status of the user

account (e.g., active, inactive).
Figure 7. Data Dictionary.

Hardware & Software Requirements

Hardware requirements involve the physical elements,
devices, and infrastructure required to support software and
ensure its smooth operation. This encompasses computers,
servers, storage devices, networking equipment, and peripherals.
On the other hand, software requirements include the specific
programs, applications, operating systems, and libraries needed
to carry out desired functions and tasks. The individuals or
team behind the project assessed the essential hardware
specifications, such as processing power, memory, storage
capacity, and network capabilities. They also identified the
necessary software dependencies, versions, and configurations to
guarantee the system's effectiveness and efficiency in serving
the business needs.

Hardware Requirements

 Processor: Ryzen 3 3200U / Intel Core i3-8145U @ 2.10GHz

 Memory:8GB Ram
 Storage:120GB SSD/HDD Storage
 Video Card: AMD Radeon Vega Mobile GFX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX
 Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor

Software Requirements

The software requirements are essential to the proponents

in creating a system that would benefit the company for better
and more efficient transactions of automated transaction
management systems.
The software requirements used in the implementation of the
system are the following:

Operating System: Windows 10;

Web Browser: Google Chrome;

Web Server: xampp and MySQL for the database.

While the OS are Windows. These components work together to

deliver a functional, accessible, and efficient system to users.

Gantt Chart

Gantt charts are useful in planning how long the J-BEE

Trucking Services Transaction Management System has taken and
helped sequence the events by laying them out in order in which
tasks were completed. Each task had a corresponding bar that
shows the time span required for the task.
Figure 8. Gantt Chart.

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