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IF3059QA Social Issues in Context:

Text to Essay

Assessment: An academic essay

Task: Choose ONE of the two essay titles below and write
an academic essay.
Essay 1

The legalisation of cannabis would be more beneficial for society than prohibition. To what
extent do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and make reference to at least two
CORE reading (must be used)

Ellis, T and Silverstone, D (2012) ‘Legalise Drugs? in Ellis, T and Savage, S (Eds). Debates in
Criminal Justice, London: Routledge pp149-184.


Essay 2

According to Moore et al (2009: 171), ‘Overall, the evidence claimed for the hypodermic
syringe model is really quite weak.’ Explain your understanding of this model and give
your view on its validity today in the context of children and young people.
CORE reading (must be used)

Moore, S, Chapman, S, Aiken D (2009) Sociology A2 for AQA, London: Harper Collins pp167-171

• Word count: 1,000-1,500 words without references. *The word count includes 100-word
response to draft feedback from tutor. NB: a penalty is applied to scripts that do not meet the
word count.
• Use Ariel font in size 12 and 1.5 spaced (1.5).
• Assessment template is available on WebLearn > Assessment Details
• Weighting: 100%

Deadline: 3.00pm on Friday 8th April (Week 13) via Turnitin

Assignment requirements
Source material and reference list

The essay MUST include appropriate support material from 4 or more academic source texts,
fully referenced in Harvard style.

These 4 or more source texts MUST include the CORE reading text. Failure to use the core
text will result in a failing grade. The other sources can be chosen from the further materials
covered in class or available on WebLearn for your chosen theme. Alternatively, you may
supplement (but NOT replace) the core reading with other relevant and academically appropriate
texts you found yourself. You must include a full Harvard Reference list for your 4 or more sources
at the end of your essay.

Response to feedback and referencing/originality checklist (10% of mark)

Write a paragraph (100 words) at the end of your final essay explaining how you responded to and
improved your essay draft based on the feedback you received from your tutor (via Turnitin
feedback and/or in your tutorial). 10 percentage points will be deducted from the mark if no
feedback has been received and/or a response to feedback has not been included in the
final draft.

You will also need to complete the referencing/originality checklist at the end of the essay
template, which is designed to help you avoid unintentional plagiarism. (Plagiarism is an academic
offence and will be dealt with according to university procedures. Referencing procedures are
covered in class and on WebLearn).

Essay draft

You are required to submit one essay draft for formative feedback. Your essay draft MUST be
submitted using the template provided. To receive feedback, you must submit your draft via
Turnitin/Online assessment by the following date: Monday 14th March before 3pm.

You will receive feedback via Turnitin and during a one-to-one tutorial with your teacher.
Social Issues in Context (Text to essay): Essay marking criteria
(-10% if response to feedback and originality checklist not completed)
PASS Essay Task completion: Use of sources Language use (academic style, clarity
planning/structure content/answering (including core and accuracy)
and organisation question reading) &
70+ Excellent, clear, detailed Excellent response, Excellent, highly skilled Excellent language use throughout, showing
and logical planning to expertly addressing all integration of confident command of wide-ranging,
(A) form a fully cohesive and parts of essay question. appropriate supporting academic and highly accurate language.
coherent essay. Excellent Excellent understanding source material.
control of structure and and meaningful, critical Consistently accurate
linking. engagement with use of referencing
relevant content conventions.
(including core
60+ Very good essay Very good, meaningful Very good choice and Very good range and level of accuracy in
planning, clearly and and relevant response, use of support material, language. Confidently conveys meaning with
(B) appropriately structured covering all aspects of very well integrated. effective written style.
for the question. Very the question effectively Referencing conventions
effective division and and showing very good effectively followed with
linking at paragraph and understanding of minimal error
sentence level. relevant content
(including core
50+ Generally good, effective Generally good overall Generally good attempt Generally good, effective written language,
(C) essay planning and response to the essay at choosing and though may need to extend range of
structure in final essay, question showing integrating appropriate language and/or further develop written style.
according to the title. engagement with and source material. May include some accuracy errors, but does
Reasonable use of reasonable Referencing conventions not unduly strain reader.
linking/division in understanding of key mainly effectively
paragraphs/sentences, content (including core followed, although
but could perhaps be reading). perhaps with minor
further improved. errors.

43%+ An adequate attempt at Adequate attempt at A reasonable attempt to Language use at acceptable standard to
(D) essay planning for the answering the question, select and integrate complete task, but likely to need further work
question. Essay but may not fully appropriate source on range and written style. May include
sufficiently structured and address all aspects or material. Referencing frequent accuracy errors or impede clarity at
linked to meet pass need further conventions mostly times.
standard but could be development. Some accurate, but show some
much improved. engagement with core misunderstandings or
reading, but may be formatting errors.
underdeveloped or
need to clarify

NB: If engagement with core reading is only

minimal, even if essay has other good aspects, it is
likely to be graded at maximum band D overall.

FAIL F Planning lacks sufficient Some attempt at a Use, choice and Language use insufficient for this level.
structure appropriate to response to the essay integration of source Frequently incomprehensible or inappropriate
30+ title to meet pass question, but does not material insufficient to to task.
standard. Insufficient sufficiently address meet pass standard. Or
control/linking to clearly question or engage may include significant NB: May be assigned to this band or lower
communicate relevant with core reading referencing overall if language use consistently and
ideas to reader. content to meet pass misunderstandings*. significantly impedes any meaningful
standard. May include little or no communication of ideas.
meaningful use or
referencing of core

NB: No use or referencing of core reading is likely

to place essay in this band or lower overall.

F Organisation of essay Task only minimally Little or no evidence of Little or no evidence of language use at
ineffective addressed source material and/or required level.
29%- referencing. May include
serious referencing

F No submission OR mark pending referral to student casework for consideration of academic misconduct*


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