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Assignment Brief


Assignment number Semester 1 & Semester 2

and title
Assignment type Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Learning outcomes 1. Recognise the mission of Leeds Trinity University and

(see Module
critically discuss various ethical and social justice issues,
Handbook for all
learning outcomes) such as diversity and the environment.
2. Explain programme specific ethical and social justice
issues, debate different sides of the argument and
demonstrate your academic skills.
3. Articulate your aspirations and goals for the future:
whether through paid employment, activism, charitable
work or other means in your personal development plan.
4. Evaluate the ongoing development of self-confidence
and team and networking skills, reviewing personal
strengths and areas for development.
5. Present information effectively for professional contexts
such as a CV, covering letter and e. portfolio and
demonstrate satisfactory performance during the
placement period and reflect on your experience.

Weighting: 100 Marks

Date set: 26th September 2022
Deadline (component 13th December 2022
Deadline (component 19th May 2023
Deadline (component 19th May 2023
Grade returned: 15 days
Module Leader: M F Usmani
Module Lecturers: Leonardo Baptista, Becky Forbin, Shima Heidari, Sheila
Pathumanathan, Al-Noor Abdullah, Ajewole Oladije

Assessment Scenario: Part 1 Individual Infographic Poster Presentation
(Negotiated Assessment).
Topic: Inequality in Society and the Workplace
Pick one of the following types of social and economic inequality present in society and
the workplace:

1. Women's rights and gender issues

2. Homelessness and poverty
3. Access to education and healthcare
4. Pay gaps (CEOs vs average worker, gender pay gaps)
5. Disability inequality

As an individual, you need to prepare an individual infographic poster in which you should
include the following:

A) You have to clearly identify three causes or problems for the type of inequality
within your chosen organisation.

B) You have to propose two solutions that could reduce the type of inequality in
society and/or in the workplace.

C) You should select at least one organisation that could contribute to solving the
type of inequality such as; (profit, non-profit, social enterprise, charity,
government sector). Give a general outline of the organisation’s goals, as well
as an example of such an organisation (if existent).
Important instructions of this Assessment:
In this Part 1 Assessment, you are required to create an individual infographic poster by
selecting one of the above topics and include the recommended contents accordingly and
also you need to keep in mind infographic poster up-to 1000 words then you will convert
the original file into PDF format and submit on to Turnitin.Please note that you will present
this poster as presentation in class but you are not required provide the speaker notes.

Part 1: Individual Presentation (Negotiated Assessment). 55% of the
module mark. (Please see the assessment criteria below)
You will be assessed as follows:
1. Background, factors and sources (referencing) – 40 marks

1.1 Provide contemporary statistics and contextual background to help establish your
chosen topic. (5 points awarded to infographic content; 15 points awarded to paper
content. (20)
1.1 Using primary and/or secondary sources toprovide supporting evidence, identify
up to three potential underlying factors contributing towards your identified issue.
(5 points awarded to infographic content; 15 points awarded to paper content. (20)

2. Proposed solutions & chosen organisation – 30 marks

2.1 Based on your individual research into the topic area, identify three current
problems and two current or proposed strategies targeted at addressing this issue.
(5 points awarded to infographic content; 5 points awarded for paper content). (10)
2.2 Identify one organisation (profit/non-profit/charity etc.) who you might work for,
which seeks to address the issue you have chosen. Give a general outline of the
organisation's goals and/or mission statement. (5 points awarded to infographic
content; 15 points awarded to paper content. (20)

3. Presentation and Discussion – 30 marks

3.1 Regardless of the format in which your infographic is produced, it should be clearly
formatted, with creative and innovative use of text and diagrams to help convey
concise, and appropriate, messages. (15)
3.2 Written communication of the produced individual poster should be clear (15)

Part 2: Professional Challenge Project / Placement Pass/fail
Please see Professional Challenge Brief uploaded on e-vision.

Part 3 : Reflective Statement. (Post-placement completion). 45% of

module mark.

Please see uploaded reflective Diary template on e-vision.

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Content

The module aims overall to introduce you to the social justice mission of Leeds Trinity
University and invites you to consider a range of contemporary social issues, as well as
your own personal and academic development. The module will help you to engage with
a broad range of ethical topics and perspectives that are relevant to your specific
programme in Business, Management and Marketing.

The module will aid you in the transition into higher education and introduce the learning
and teaching approaches at Leeds Trinity, allowing you to integrate your own learning
from personal experience with an ability to engage in an empathic, ethical and
compassionate way with the wider world. The second part of the module aims to
encourage students to reflect on and enhance their employability; identify and apply for
suitable placement opportunities; and prepare for and successfully complete a
professional placement at the end of Semester 2

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

1. Recognise the mission of Leeds Trinity University and critically discuss various
ethical and social justice issues, such as diversity and the environment.
2. Explain programme specific ethical and social justice issues, debate different sides
of the argument and demonstrate your academic skills.
3. Articulate your aspirations and goals for the future: whether through paid
employment, activism, charitable work or other means in your personal
development plan.
4. Evaluate the ongoing development of self-confidence and team and networking
skills, reviewing personal strengths and areas for development.

5. Present information effectively for professional contexts such as a CV, covering
letter and e. portfolio and demonstrate satisfactory performance during the
placement period and reflect on your experience.

Assessments Criteria
Component form Magnitude Weighting Deadline Objective(s)

Part 1: Negotiated Equivalent to 5 55% 13th December 2022 1,2,3,4

Assessment: mins/1,000
‘Individual Presentation
of Digital Artefact’

Part 2: Professional TBC Pass / Fail 19th May 2023 5

Challenge Project /

Part 3 : Reflective Equivalent to 45% 19th May 2023 5

1500 words

Mode of working
This is individual assignment. The University of Leeds Trinity/Waltham International
College will apply in all cases on copying, plagiarism, or any other methods by which
students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.
Format for the submitted work

The work must be submitted in as Individual Infographic poster (PDF) with a

supporting note and summary on Turnitin.
Format for the submitted work
The work must be submitted in the form as instructed above.

Harvard referencing must be used throughout the assessment.

Hand-in procedure
Please follow LTU policy regarding handing in of assignment. Also, ensure that the
assignment is handed in on time (12.00 noon) and retain a copy of your submitted

Assessment Criteria Grid - Generic descriptors to inform marking criteria for academic
undergraduate assessments

n al 1st Outstand 1st
Classific / in g 1st / 2. 2. Abject
3r Fail
ati on: Distincti / Distincti 1 2 d Fail 25,
38, 35,
Criterion: on Distincti on / Merit / Pass / Pass 20, 10,
100, 95, on 88, 78, 75, 68, 65, 58, 55, 48, 45, 0
92 85, 82 72 62 52 42
Knowled Polished Compreh Thoroug Secure, Sound Limited Faulty No
ge & grasp of en sive h general knowledge knowled understan understan
Understa subject. and underst understa relevant to ge di ng of di ng of
n ding Astute confident an ding n ding the shows assessme assessme
and grasp evident and assessmen basic nt task or nt task or
authoritat with and well reasonab t task. understa concepts. concepts.
iv e strong applied le nd ing. Irrelevant Irrelevant
approac sense of to applicati Some or mostly or absent
h to subject specific on to awarene absent content.
complexi complexit assessm assessm ss of the content.
ty y. e nt e nt task. context
. task. of the
en t task.
Structur Effectiv Effective Clear Well- Addresses Argumen Lack of No
e, e and overall and focused the topic t is weak argument argument.
Argume integrate argument logical on the with some and . Faulty Many
nt d over- with clear focus question direction and difficult connectio faulty
arching and and with makes some to detect. n connectio
argume insightful direction some connections Connecti between ns
nt or connectio with clear between on s statement between
structur ns valuable connecti claims or made s. statement
e, clear, between connecti on s different between s.
insightf claims. on s made parts of statemen
ul Creative made between artefact/assi ts limited
synthesi understan between claims gn ment.
s. di ng of claims. and
Highly topic. Good some
creative level of overall
understa creativity direction.
n . Some
ding creativity
of .
Analysis Original Searchin Insightful Strong Some Basic Insufficie No
and and g analysis analysis conclusions analysis. nt evaluatio
Conclusi searchin analysis througho of drawn Remains evaluatio n or
on s g with ut with salient based on descriptiv n or attempt
analysis, pertinent appropri illustrativ some e, little attempt to make
critical conclusio at e e reasonable evaluatio to make comparis
appraisal ns drawn. conclusi example comparison n or comparis on s.
of task on s s. Some s and comparis on s. Conclusio
and drawn. general examples. on Conclusio ns
judicious conclusi . Few ns illogical or
conclusi on s clear illogical absent.
on s. drawn. conclusi insufficien
on s. t.

Sources Extensive Extensiv Clear Draws Makes Relies on Lack of No
& and e use of support on simple use superfici evidence evidence
Evidenc evaluative evidence of relevant of evidence al or or
e use of with argume indepen from statement relevant relevant
evidential some nt with de nt recommende s with sources. sources.
support evaluatio well sources d sources. little
for n. selected and supportin
argument. evidenc evidenc g
e. e evidence

Adheren Flawles Flawless Excelle Consiste Largely Limited Inadequa Inadequa
ce to s referenci nt nt and consistent referenci te te or no
Referenci referenci ng or referenci accurate accurate ng referenci referenci
ng n g or technical n g or referenci referencing. / ng or ng or
Conventi technic skills. technica n g or or technical adherenc technical technical
on s, al skills. l skills. technical skills. e to skills. skills.
Technica skills. conventi
l on or
Skills technical
Written/Vi Professio Profession Fluent Clear and Some lapses Adequate Inadequat Grossly
s n a and of , e
ual/ Oral al and l and fluent accurate coherent. clarity. Some but and inadequate
Style & sophistica with great with great Good expression is awkward presentatio and
t unclear
Clarity ed with clarity andclarity delivery, ineffective. expressio n. presentatio
and n Impaired
exception coherence. coherenc pace and Satisfactory througho communic n.
a e. ut at Severely
l clarity Confident Mostly audience delivery, pace with little ion. Error- impaired
and delivery, confident engagem and audience clarity. strewn. communic
e at
coherenc pace and delivery, nt engagement Poor ion.
Excellent, audience pace and delivery, Error-
controlled, engageme audience pace and strewn.
confident t. engagem audience
delivery, nt. engagem
pace, e nt

Making Use of Feedback
Probably the most important feedback you will get is formative feedback, which I will give
you before you submit your assignments. This will happen during your timetabled
sessions and/or tutors’ office hours. During such sessions, I will be able to answer
questions about your work and provide guidance as to how you can improve it before

I will be happy to read essay plans/presentation outlines/etc. and give guidance on

approach and content. I cannot read full drafts of essays/presentations/etc. at these
sessions and comment on them, as there is not time to do this.

Where you want to take a draft of an essay/etc. to discuss with me, you will be expected
to have identified areas of it, which you think are weaker, or where you think you might
have some level of misunderstanding. These areas you have identified will form the basis
of the discussion.

I will also only read part of the work, e.g. the first page of an essay, in such sessions to
give you general guidance on your approach and writing style. Again, you will be told if

you are making spelling and grammar errors, but I will not identify all the corrections you
need to make - you must carefully proof read yourself.

Please do not email drafts of work to me and expect feedback by return. Feedback is
given in face-to-face meetings. You get the most out of feedback when you engage in
one-to-one or group discussion. Do not leave such conversations until the last minute
and do not expect to be able to arrange such a meeting with your tutor at less than a
week’s notice. If such a meeting has been arranged the tutor may suggest that material
is emailed to her/him beforehand.

You should also remember that alongside the help you are able to access me, you can
also book appointments to get sections of drafts of your work looked at by the Learning
Hub (see Section 13 below). They can also help with time management and a range of
other useful academic skills.

It is Waltham International College and Leeds Trinity University policy that all
students receive feedback and a mark on a piece of work within 20 working days
of it being submitted. Please remember that weekends, Bank Holidays and the closure
period over Christmas and New Year are not working days. You will receive your
feedback for this module:

Any mark you receive for assessed work will have formal feedback with it. This will help
to explain your mark and give you suggestions as to how you can improve next time. You
should download your marked work along with the feedback as soon as possible after
these dates. Using this as part of a discussion with your Development Tutor and with me
will greatly increase your understanding of where you can make improvements in your

Core texts
Burns, T. & Sinfield, S. (2016) Essential study skills: the complete guide to success at university,
London: Sage.
Dawson, P. (2015) Personal and professional development for business students, London: Sage.

Core texts accessed through LTU

Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J. & Ferrell, L. (2017) Business ethics: ethical decision making and cases,
Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Connelly, J. (2010) The study skills guide: essential strategies for smart students, Kogan Page
Dawson, C. (2014) The mature student's study guide: essential skills for those returning to education
or distance learning. 2nd ed. How to Books.

Recommended texts

Cottrell, S. (2015). Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cottrell, S. (2013) The study skills handbook. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Cottrell, S. (2011) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. 2nd ed.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Cottrell, S. (2010) Skills for success: the personal development planning handbook. 2nd ed.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Fanthorne, C. (2004) Work Placements – a survival guide for students. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service (


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