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A. Câu điều kiện loại 1 (the conditional sentence type I):

Dùng để diễn tả một giả thiết có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lại
If + S1 + V1 (hiện tại), S2 + will/ can/ must/ should + V2
Ex: If I don’t work hard, I will fail this exam.
If I have finished my homework, I will go out.
Các dạng đặc biệt của câu điều kiện loại 1:

 Dùng để diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên, một kết quả tất yếu, một thói quen, một hành
động thường xuyên xảy ra nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng.

S1 + V (hiện tại) + If + S2 + V (hiện tại)

Ex: If you put ice under the sun, it smelts.
I often drink milk if I do not sleep at night.
I usually walk to school, if I have enough time.
 Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 1:

Should + S1 + V, S2 + will/ Mv + V.
Ex: If he has free time, he‘ll play tennis.
 Dạng khác :
If + S + V (hiện tại), mệnh lệnh (V/ don’t V).
Ex: If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me. 
mệnh lệnh + or + S + V (hiện tại)
Ex: Prepare the lesson carefully or you will get a bad mark = If you don't prepare the lesson
carefully, you will get a bad mark. 

B. Câu điều kiện loại II (the conditional sentence type II):

Diễn tả giả thiết không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

If + S1 + V1 (quá khứ) , S2 + would/ could… + V2

(to be :“were” cho tất cả các ngôi)
Ex: If it were cold now, we wouldn’t switch on the fans.
I would fly if I were a bird.
 Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 2:

Were + S1 + O/ adj …
, S2 + would/ could/ might…+ V2
Were + S1 + to V1
Ex: If I were a billionaire, I would travel around the world. (Nếu tôi là một tỷ phú, tôi sẽ đi
du lịch vòng quanh thế giới.)
= Were I a billionaire, I would travel around the world. (Nếu tôi là một tỷ phú, tôi sẽ đi du
lịch vòng quanh thế giới.)
If my mother stayed at home now, she would cook a lot of delicious food. (Nếu mẹ của tôi ở
nhà bây giờ, bà ấy sẽ nấu rất nhiều thức ăn ngon.)
= Were my mother to stay at home now, she would cook a lot of delicious food. (Nếu mẹ
của tôi ở nhà bây giờ, bà ấy sẽ nấu rất nhiều thức ăn ngon.)

C. Câu điều kiện loại II (the conditional sentence type III):

Diễn tả một giả thiết không có thật ở quá khứ.
If + S1 +had + P2 , S2 + would/ could/ might…+V2
Ex: If I hadn’t been absent yesterday, I would have met him. (Nếu hôm qua tôi không vắng
mặt thì tôi đã gặp mặt anh ta rồi.)
 Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 3:
Had + S1 + P2, S2 + would/ could/ might…+ V2

If you had gone to the cinema with me yesterday, you would have been satisfied with the
film.(Nếu bạn đi xem phim với tôi ngày hôm qua, bạn sẽ thấy thỏa mãn với bộ phim.)
= Had you gone to the cinema with me yesterday, you would have been satisfied with the
film. .(Nếu bạn đi xem phim với tôi ngày hôm qua, bạn sẽ thấy thỏa mãn với bộ phim.)
D. Câu điều kiện loại hỗn hơp (mixed conditional sentence):

If + S1 + had + P2, S2 + would (+ not) + V

Ex: If he had told me the reason yesterday, I wouldn’t be sad now. (Nếu hôm qua anh ấy nói
với tôi lý do thì bây giờ tôi sẽ không buồn như vậy.)

 Chú ý:
 Trong mệnh đề điều kiện đảo ngữ, nếu có “not” thì “not” phải đứng sau chủ ngữ.
Ex: Câu điều kiện chứa “If”: If he hadn’t come on time, I would have stood in the rain. (Nếu
anh ấy không đến đúng lúc, tôi đã phải đứng dưới mưa.)
-> Câu đảo ngữ: Had he not come on time, I would have stood in the rain. (Nếu anh ấy không
đến đúng lúc, tôi đã phải đứng dưới mưa.)
 Unless = If…not (trừ khi…nếu không thì)
Ex: If she doesn’t study hard, she will get bad marks. (Nếu cô ấy không học hành chăm chỉ, cô
ấy sẽ bị điểm kém.)

= Unless she studies hard, she will get bad marks. (Trừ khi cô ấy học hành chăm chỉ, nếu không
cô ấy sẽ bị điểm kém.)
 “Unless” chỉ dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 1, không dùng “unless” cho câu hỏi.

Ta có thể sử dụng: What will you do if he doesn’t come? (Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu anh ấy không
Nhưng ta KHÔNG sử dụng: What will you do unless he comes?
Dạng đảo ngược câu điều kiện:
Type1: If you should require anything …= Should I require anything …
Type 2: If I were in his shoes… = Were I in his shoes…
Note : Trong trường hợp mệnh dề If không có từ WERE, thì WERE TO được thêm vào trước khi thực
hiện đảo ngữ. Cần chú ý động từ chính trong mệnh đề IF sau khi đảongữ là động từ nguyên mẫu (V0)
Ex: If I had more time, my report would be better.
Thêm were to : If I were to have more time, my report would be better.
Đảo ngữ : Were I to have more time, my report would be better.
Type 3: If you had known … = Had you known…
Note : Cách chuyển câu điều kiện:
1. Nếu câu giả định là khẳng định thì khi chuyển qua câu điều kiện phải là phủ định,và ngược lại.
Ex: I don’t know her number ,so I don’t ring her up.
 If I knew her number I would ring her up .
They drive carelessly .They get some prolem .
 If they didn’t drive carelessly they wouldn’t get some prolem.
2. Nếu câu giả định ở thì hiện tại thì sẽ chuyển thành câu điều kiện lọai 2,và Nếu câu giả định ở thì quá
khứ thì sẽ chuyển thành câu điều kiện lọai 3.
Ex: I don’t know the answer ,so I can’t tell you.( câu giả định ở thì hiện tại )
 If I knew the answer I could tell you.( type 2)
Ex: I didn’t watch TV last night because I was busy (câu giả định ở thì quá khứ)
 If I had been busy I would have watched TV last night .( type 3)
3. Result -BECAUSE - reason If reason ,result
Ex: I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address.
 If I had known her address I could have written to Alice .
Reason – SO – result If Reason, result
Ex: I don’t know the answer ,so I can’t tell you
 If I knew the answer I could tell you
4. With/ Without + N = If there + were + not + N (phrase), S + could/would not + V0
If S + had +not + V pp, S + could/would not + have + Vpp
Ex: Without the sun , man would live in the darkness .
 If there were not the sun , man would live in the darkness.
Ex: Without your money, I wouldn’t have bought a new bicycle.
If you hadn’t given me money, I wouldn’t have bought a new bicycle.
Ex: If you help me, I can finish this asignment
 With your help, I can finish this asignment
5. But for = if it were not for/ if it hadn’t been for + N (phrase)(nếu không).
Ex: My father pay s my fees.But for that I wouldn’t be here.
The car broke down.But for that we would have been in time.
6. Otherwise = if this doesn’t happen/didn’t happen/hadn’t happened (nếu không)
Ex: I used my calculator ; otherwise I’d have been taken longer
= If I hadn’t used my calculator I’d have been taken longer
7. Suppose/supposing… ? = What if …? ;imagine (that) = Suppose ( giả sử)
Ex:Suppose the plane is late ?= What if/ What will happen if the plane is late?
Imagine we live on a desert island ,what things would we really need = ( If we lived …)
8. In case ( phòng khi,trong trường hợp)
Ex:Take an umbrella because it might rain = In case it rains , take an umbrella.
 In case of + noun = if there is a/an noun
Ex: In case of accident phone 999 = if there is an accident phone 999.
I. Multiple choice
1. _______ he not driven so fast, he wouldn’t have hit the motorcycle.
a. Had b. Should c. Were d. Were to
2. _______ more confident, we would have been able to answer the last question.
a. If we are b. Were we to be c. Had we been d. If we had been
3. _______ it not raining, I would go to the chess club right away.
a. Were to b. Had c. Should d. Were
4. _______ power, I would ban all the factories which are destroying the environment.
a. Were have I b. Were to I have c. Were I to have d. Were I have
5. _______ you twice as much, will you finish my car by tomorrow?
a. Should I pay b. Should if I pay c. Should pay I d. Should if pay
6. _______ I celebrate my birthday this year, I will invite all of my friends.
a. Had b. Were c. Were to d. Should
7. If the city develops the plan soon, traffic jam _______ reduced remarkably.
a. would be b. would have been c. will be d. will have been
8. My family would have a big Easter dinner if my uncle ______ abroad now.
a. had not been working b. were not working
c. are not working d. has not been working
9. If I hadn’t lost my job and gone to that coffee shop, I _______ my husband now.
a. wouldn’t see b. weren’t see c. wouldn’t have seen d. didn’t see
10. Bring your birth certificate _______ they want to see it.
a. unless b. but for c. as long as d. in case
11. The coach said as if his team ______ the next World Cup Tournament.
a. is winning b. would win c. had won d. have won
12. Dartey’s cell phone users are treated as if they _______ the company’s customers anymore.
a. were not b. wouldn’t be c. hadn’t been d. aren’t
13. He is speaking as if all of us ______ him very well.
a. could have heard b. had heard c. could hear d. would hear
14. As a breadwinner of the family, you should buy insurance _______ something wrong happens with you.
a. on condition b. in case c. supposing d. as if
15. One of my friends is very rude. He behaves ______ he were superior to other people.
a. provided that b. if c. unless d. as though.
16. _______, I will go on safari in Africa.
a. If I had enough money and time b. Should I have enough money and time.
c. Were I to have enough money and time d. Had I had enough money and time
17. _______, we will have enough time for lunch before going home.
a. Should Tim’s train arrive on time b. Had Tim’s train arrive on time
c. If Tim’s train arrive on time d. If Tim’s train had arrived on time
18. _______, many people would have a chance to live longer.
a. If a cure for cancer had been found now b. Were a cure for cancer be found now
c. Should a cure for cancer be found now d. Were a cure for cancer found now
19. _______, people lives wouldn’t be as easy as they are today.
a. Had computers not been invented b. Had not computers been invented
c. Were computers not to be invented d. Were computers to not be invented
20. _______, many of them wouldn’t have died out.
a. Should we stopped destroying the animals’ habitat
b. Should we stop destroying the animals’ habitat
c. Had we stopped destroying the animals’ habitat
d. Were we stop destroying the animals’ habitat
21. _______, my mother’s housework would have been a lot easier.
a. Had we a vacuum cleaner b. Had have we a vacuum cleaner
c. Had we had a vacuum cleaner d. Had had we have a vacuum cleaner
22. _______, he would have been promoted to the management position.
a. Had he worked harder b. Should he work harder
c. Were he to work harder d. If he worked harder
23. _______, I would get an A for this subject.
a. If I would pass the exam last week b. Were I to pass the exam last week
c. Had I passed the exam last week d.If I should pass the exam last week
24. _______, they wouldn’t have caught in the accident.
a. Had been they more carefully b. Should they have been more carefully
c. Had they been more carefully d. Had they be more carefully
25. He would have been accepted for the job _______.
a. but for he had studied Arabic b. unless he studied Arabic
c. that providing he had studied Arabic d. if he had studied Arabic
26. ________, you would still doubt me, right?
a. Supposing does he not tell you the truth b. Suppose he hadn’t told you the truth
c. Supposed he didn’t tell you the truth d. Supposed he that wouldn’t tell you the truth
27. You need to phone the hotel to confirm your reservation _______.
a. in case there are some last-minute changes b. as long as there are some last-minute changes
c. if there are some last-minute changes d. but for some last-minute changes
28. _______, we couldn’t have found the way out of that forest.
a. But hadn’t been for the scout leader’s directions.
b. If it hadn’t been for the scout leader’s directions
c. If it were not for the scout leader’s directions
d. Without for the scout leader’s directions
29. My friends and I talked about my childhood ________.
a. as if it had just happened yesterday b. as though it happened yesterday
c. as though it would happen yesterday d. as if it happened yesterday
30. He is just a normal student but he acts _______.
a. as if he would be the best one in class
b. as if he had been an excellent one in class
c. as though he is the one who is in charge of the whole class
d. as though he were the monitor of the class
31. It was his generosity that many people had a chance to survive in this disaster.
a. If it weren’t for his generosity, many people wouldn’t have a chance to survive in this disaster
b. Without his generosity, many people will not have a chance to survive in this disaster
c. But for his generosity, many people have wouldn’t have a chance to survive in this disaster
d. If it hadn’t been for his generosity, many people won’t have a chance to survive in this disaster
32. There’s flood on the streets because of the rain an hour ago.
a. Unless it had rained an hour ago, the streets wouldn’t be flooded.
b. If it hadn’t rained an hour ago, the streets wouldn’t be flooded.
c. If the streets were flooded, it had rained an hour ago
d. Supposing it had rained, the streets would have been flooded.
33. Thanks to the successful operation last month, she is able to walk now.
a. If she didn’t have a successful operation last month, she isn’t able to walk now
b. Provided she had a successful operation last month, she isn’t able to walk now
c. Had she not had a successful operation last month, she wouldn’t be able to walk now.
d. In case she had a successful operation last month, she would be able to walk now
34. As a girl, she couldn’t play in the school soccer team.
a. She couldn’t play in the school soccer team as if she were a boy
b. She would have played in the school soccer team unless she was a girl.
c. They would have accepted her to play in the school soccer team if she is a boy
d. she would have been able to play in the school soccer team if she were a boy
35. He was absent from the session yesterday, so now he has no assignment to do.
a. If he has no assignment to do, he didn’t attend the session yesterday
b. If he didn’t attend the session yesterday, he will have no assignment
c. He didn’t have any assignment to do unless he went to the session yesterday
d. As long as he went to the session yesterday, he has no assignment to do now
36. Murray has never been to Canada, but he keeps talking about it.
a. Murray just keeps talking about Canada as if he had been there already.
b. As though Murray has never been to Canada, he just keeps talking about it.
c. Murray just keeps talking about Canada in case he will be there.
d. Providing that Murray has never been to Canada, he just keeps talking about it.
37. Ryan will lend you his laptop for the presentation, but you have to take good care of it.
a. In case you take good care of the laptop, Ryan will lend it to you
b. Unless you take good care of the laptop, Ryan will lend it to you
c. Ryan will lend you his laptop on condition that you take good care of it.
d. Were you to take good care of the laptop, Ryan will lend it to you
38. I couldn’t join your party this morning because I had to stay at home. My parents are on vacation.
a. If my parents weren’t on vacation, I could heave joined your party this morning
b. I could join your party this morning if my parents were at home.
c. Supposing my parents were at home, I couldn’t join your party this morning
d. Provided that I could join your party this morning, my parents were at home.
39. Tina is worrying about her visa because she can’t take her business trip without it.
a. If it hadn’t been for the visa, Tina can take her business trip
b. Tina can take her business trip supposing she could get her visa.
c. Tina can take her business trip provided that she has get her visa.
d. As long as Tina gets her visa, she can’t take her business trip.
40. The fact that Barry doesn’t get married to Silvia will shock us.
a. Unless Barry gets married to Silvia, we will be shocked.
b. We would be shocked as though Barry doesn’t get married to Silvia
c. Providing Barry doesn’t get married to Silvia, we will be shocked.
d. We will be shocked if Barry doesn’t get married to Silvia
41. ______ she does not want to have more children, she does not know how to use a birth control method.
a. If b. Although c.So that d. Because
42. John asked me ______ I would help him if he needed help.
a. may b. whether c. that d. how
43.If anyone _____, ______ him I ______ back at 9o’clock.
a. calls/ tell/ will be b. called/ telling/ would be
c. is calling/ tells/ am d. will call/ to tell/ am
44. Daisy said if she _____- me she would not buy that house.
a. is b. been c. were d. had been
45.If you had taken my advice, we ______ our way.
a. will not lose b. would not lose c. will not have lost d. would not have lost
46. He had spent his money carelessly and became broke.
a. If he does not spend his money carelessly, he will not become broke.
b. If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not become broke.
c. If he had not spent his money carelessly, he would not have become broke.
d. If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not have become broke.
47. Mary said that if she _______ the answer, she would have told me.
a. knows b. knew c. had known d. would have known
48. “_______ you give me some money, I’ll help you,” the man said.
a. Unless b. Or c.If d. Otherwise
49. You will be sorry ______ you take the opportunity.
a. provided that b. if c. although d. unless
50. _______ the address, I would have gone there.
a. If I knew b. If did I know c. If had I known d. Had I known
51. The doctor said ______ the patient did not stop smoking, he would be seriously ill.
a. that if b. whether c. if that d. as if
52. The sight was beautiful. If only we ______ our camera.
a. take b. took c. had taken d. would have taken
53. If sea water ______ salty, it would be more interesting when we spend our summer holiday by the sea.
a. is not b.are not c. were not d. had not been
54. “Don’t press the alarm button ______ there is a real emergency”, the nurse said to the patient’s relatives.
a. if b. provided that c. even if d. unless
55. Women can delay having children due to effective birth control methods.
a. If there are not effective birth control methods, woman cannot delay having children.
b. Unless woman could delay having children there were not effective birth control methods
c. If there were not effective birth control methods, woman could not delay having children
d. If there had not had effective birth control methods, woman could not have delayed having children
56. ______ now, we would go out.
a. If it is not snowing b. Unless it were snowing
c. Were it not snowing d. If were it not snowing
57. The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us.
a. If the bag were not heavy, we would take it with us.
b. Unless the baghad not been heavy, we would have taken it with us.
c. If had the bag not been heavy, we would have taken it with us.
d. Had the bag not been heavy, we would have taken it with us.
58. If he had tired harder, he _______.
a. will not be sacked b. will not sack c. would not sack d. wouldn’t have been sacked
59. She wants to be properly dressed for her photographs _______ she is a little shy.
a. although b. as if c. if d. provided that
60. _______ going out, she stayed at home and read some magazines.
a. Although b. If c. Instead of d. Even if
61. They doctor told me unless you ______ the baby warm he ______ ill.
a. did not keep b. kept/would be c. do not keep/will be d. keep/will be
62. If she asks for money, I _____ her.
a. will give b. gave c. would give d. would have given
63. If they had recognized her, they ______ to her.
a. will speak b. will have spoken c. would speak d. would have spoken
64. She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I ______ there.
a. am not b. was not c. were not d. had not been.
65. ______ here, we would not have missed the fireworks.
a. If we were b. Unless we were c. Had we been d. If had we been
66. He cannot find a good job because he doesn’t know how to use a computer.
a. If he knows how to use a computer, he can find a good job.
b. If he knew how to use a computer, he could find a good job.
c. If he had known how to use a computer, he could have found a good job.
d. If he had known how to use a computer, he could find a good job.
67. The coffee was hot for us to drink.
a. Although the coffee was so hot we could drink it.
b. If the coffee were not too hot, we could drink it.
c. If the coffee had not been too hot, we would have drunk it.
d. Because the coffee was too hot, we drank it.
68. Thank you very much for your help. Without your help, we ______ our project.
a. cannot complete b. could not complete c. will not complete d. would not have completed
69. Daisy told me ______ she would leave for London to find a job.
a. that if she were me b. If that she were me
c. that if she had been me d. that had she been me
70. _______ the local authorities have held some educational programs on population, the birth rates in those
areas do not declined.
a.But b. If c. Although d. If only
71. Go away soon ______ I will punish you.
a. if b. or c. but d. although
72. I could not afford to buy that interesting book. _____ I had brought enough money.
a. If b. If only c. Instead d. Otherwise
73. She uses a birth control method ______ she does not have children any more.
a. so that b. if c. whether d. although
74. If I were you, I _____ that coat. It’s much too expensive.
a. won’t buy b. don’t buy c. wouldn’t buy d. didn’t buy
75. If I could speak Spanish, I _____ next year studying in Mexico.
a. will spend b. had spent c. would have spent d. would spend
76. It would have been a much more serious accident ______ fast at that time.
a. was she driving b. she had driven
c. had she been driving d. if she drove
77. “Can I borrow your car this evening?” ‘Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she _____ it back in time.
You’re welcome to borrow it’.
a. brought b. would bring c. will bring d. bring
78. If energy ______ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.
a. is b. will be c. would be d. were
79. We ______ the game if we’d had a few more minutes.
a. could have won b.won c. had won d. will win
80. I _______ William with me if I had known you and he didn’t get along with each other.
a. hadn’t brought b. didn’t bring
c. wouldn’t have brought d. won’t bring
81. The lecturer last night didn’t know what he was talking about, but if Dr. Mason _____ I would have listened
a. lectured b. had been lecturing c. was lecturing d. would lecture
82. If you ______ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
a. listened b. will listen c. had listened d. listen
83. ______ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.
a. If I am b. Should I c. I was d. Were I
84. If I _____ the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have.
a. have b. would have c. had had d. should have
85. I ______ you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital.
a. would have visited b. visited
c. had visited d. visit
86. _______ more help, I could call my neighbor.
a.needed b. Should I need c. I have needed d. I should need
87. _______ then what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years.
a. If I know b. If I would know c. Did I know d. Had I know
88. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people _______ the same language?
a. speak b. will speak c. spoke d. had spoken
89. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, _______ this incident again.
a. I don’t mention b. I will never mention c. I never mention d. will I never mention
90. I didn’t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I _______ so much noise when I came in.
a. didn’t make b. wouldn’t have made c. won’t make d. don’t make
91. Unless you ______ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.
a. answered b. answer c. would answer d. are answering
92. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ______ it.
a. wouldn’t never have believed b. don’t believe
c. hadn’t believed d. can’t believe
93. If Jake ______ to go on the trip, would you have gone?
a. doesn’t agree b. didn’t agree c. hadn’t agreed d. wouldn’t agree.
94. If you _______, I would have brought my friends over to your house this evening to watch TV, but I didn’t
want to bother you.
a. had studied b. studied
c. hadn’t been studying d. didn’t study
95. If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I _______ in a bank.
a. work b. will work c. have worked d. would be working
96. “Here’s my phone number.” “Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I _______ some help tomorrow.”
a. will need b .need c. would need d. needed
97. _______ you, I’d think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move.
a. If I had been b. Were I c. should I be d. If I am
98. “Was Pam seriously injured in the accident?” ‘She broke her arm. It ______ much worse if she hadn’t been
wearing her seat belt.’
a. will be b. would have been c. was d. were
99. If my candidate had won the election, I ______ happy now.
a. am b. would be c. was d. can be
100. Page 12 of the manual that came with the appliance says, “ _______ any problem with the merchandise,
contact your local dealer.”
a. Do you have b. Had you c. Should you have d. You have

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