Exam Cancellation 20220922 162732

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No.PSC-R(A)102nA22 Dated: Itanagar, the 22"d Septernber, 2022

Due to admir-ristrative reasons. the fbllorving examinations r.vhich were aiready

conducted b"v the Commission are hereby cancelled.

i. Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Department of Porver.

2. Assistant(LDcE). Department of Disaster Management.
3. Assistant(LDcE), Department of Audit & Pension.

Fresh notifications/dates flor all the above examinations rvill be ccminunicated

in due course.

(Dr.J ) rAS

No.PSC-R{illAZnA22 Dated: Itanagar" the 22nd Septenrber, 2022

Copy to:-
1. The Editor, the Arunachal Times.
2. The Editor, the Echo of Arunachal.
3. The Editor, the Eastern Sentinel.
[To be published in 'One' issue of your News Paper in 'Font size B' with the
'Achnlzq f'mhlarat ia l.lra 'Tnn aSl- fnrmor nf (in
i}. a Arlrranticamon$ The bill
triplicate), with a copy af the published Advertisement be seut to the undersigned
for payment).
4. Notice Board/Comrnissicn's website
5. Office copy.

(Dr Iay$ttaKumy'r Ray ) IAS

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