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“Khrystyna Mykhailichenko plays a rela3vely short and concise, technically and

poe3cally demanding concert with extraordinary virtuosity and full interpreta3ve


“The Orchestra is headed by an outstanding pianist who is uncondi3onally

immersed in Liszt’s Piano Concerto.”

“She takes all the power and tenderness of Liszt's "Allegro Maestozo" enabling us
to understand that it is about the struggle between ideals and reality, which must
be defeated, as oKen is the case Liszt.”
(German cri+c Frank Piontek a1er a concert at the 69th Young Ar+sts Fes+val in
Bayreuth, Germany)

Khrystyna Mykhailichenko is a 17 year old Ukrainian pianist who was born in

Simferopol (Crimea, Ukraine). She performs with excepAonal virtuosity throughout
the world, in presAgious concert halls and music fesAvals.

Her career began in early childhood when she displayed such tremendous talent in
classical music that she started performing when she was only 5 years old. Since
then, she has won European internaAonal piano compeAAons, mastered an
extensive piano repertoire with 15 recital programmes, and been the soloist with
symphony orchestras worldwide more than 40 Ames.

She was 8 when her special prize in a compeAAon led to her premiere solo
performance with a full orchestra in Sevastopol.

Soon aLer, the Russians occupied Crimea and Khrystyna’s family was forced to flee
to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. She studied at Kyiv State Music Lyceum under Nataliia
Tolpygo-Rusina unAl 2022.

In March 2016, aLer winning three InternaAonal compeAAons in one month, 10 year
old Khrystyna met another music professor, Alexei Grynyuk, the internaAonal pianist
who became her teacher and mentor. He began working with her in masterclasses at
the Vladimir Horowitz Memorial Summer Academy in Kyiv and aLer her first lessons
he said: "Khrystyna's giL is stronger and more powerful than anyone I've ever been
able to work with before. This is a performer of the highest level.”
His influence has added depth and emoAonal maturity to her approach to complex,
challenging pieces some of which are rarely tackled by older pianists.

Despite her success in compeAAons, Khrystyna and her family and teachers decided
to suspend compeAAve acAviAes, believing that she could develop be`er as a solo
arAst without the distracAon of compeAAons. She stopped compeAng in 2016 and
instead she has concentrated on growing a formidable piano repertoire which has
been heard all over the world.

Khrystyna has performed recitals at the InternaAonal Summer Music Academy in

Memory of Vladimir Horowitz in Ukraine, the InternaAonal FesAval "Art Dialogue" in
Switzerland, LvivMozArt InternaAonal FesAval in Ukraine, the InternaAonal Chamber
Music Course and FesAval "Musica Mundi" in Belgium, the 69th Young ArAsts FesAval
in Germany, the 9th InternaAonal Chopin Master Classes FesAval in Poland, the 4th
Frost Chopin FesAval in the USA among many others. The venues include Salle Cortot
in Paris, Bozar Hall in Brussels, the Music Academies of Bruges, Antwerp, Krakow,
Bremen, Gariunu concert hall in Vilnius, the University of Miami and Broward Centre
for the Performing Arts, the World Bank in Washington DC, the UN residence in New
York and all the NaAonal Philharmonics of Ukraine.

At the outbreak of war in February 2022, Khrystyna fled to Poland with her mother
and sister before se`ling in the UK in June. As well as conAnuing to travel extensively
for performances, she is currently refining her studies with Graham Sco` at the
Royal Northern College of Music, and will become a full Ame student at the Royal
Academy of Music in September.

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