Past Continuous Tense (Was - Were + Ving)

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Past continuous tense ( was/ were + Ving)

Singular noun - was + Ving

was not ( wasn’t ) +Ving

Plural noun - were + Ving

were not ( weren’t) + Ving

❖Past action that was in progress at the specific time

E.g. We were having dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.

Was he doing his homework at 5 o’clock yesterday?

❖Two past actions that were in progress at the same time


E.g. While we were playing video games, Lucy was doing her
Past Continuous Tense + Past Simple Tense

Long action ( while) - Past Continuous Tense

Short action (when) - Past Simple

E.g.. While I was having my dinner, the phone rang.

He was watching TV when I left.

One-after-another past actions

Past Simple + Past Simple

E.g. I got up at seven and had breakfast at eight.

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