Aakash Maroti Resume NSU

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linkedin.com/in/aakashmaroti | +91 9735669971 | aakash94.github.io | aakash.maroti@gmail.com | github.com/aakash94

Skills ____________________________________________________________________________________________
• Python, Java, C++, C, Shell Scripting, SQL, Git
• PyTorch, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Scikit Learn, Numpy, Pandas, Detectron2, HuggingFace
• Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Experience _______________________________________________________________________________________
Software Engineer Caavo 08/2017 - 01/2021
• Redesigned the architecture of the entire computer vision code base using OpenCV and Pytorch to follow object-oriented principles, C++
and Python coding standards, and introduce multi-threading and unit testing. The result was improved parallel processing, easier
debugging, easier addition of new features, automation of previously manual tasks, and optimization of the entire pipeline.
• Created a new image classification method resulting in improved accuracy and speed compared to previous techniques, with 80%
reduction in detection time. The technique was patented and implemented in various applications.
• Took end-to-end ownership of developing and implementing numerous features like profile selection, app installation, DVR content
crawling and launching, playback synchronisation, app launching, brand exposure detection, and advertisement replacement. This added
value to the product and increased consumer satisfaction.

Software Engineer, Intern VMware 01/2017 - 06/2017

• Developed a web application using Java, JavaScript, shell scripting, and internal APIs to allow for dynamic deployment and monitoring of
tasks on various virtual machines (VMs).

Software Engineer, Intern ShipMyCargo 05/2015 - 08/2015

• Created an Android app for market survey data collection resulting in the successful collection of all necessary data for the startup to
progress to the next stage.

Education ________________________________________________________________________________________
Master of Science Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, Spain 09/2021 - 09/2022
• Master in Intelligent Interactive Systems

Bachelor of Science Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal, India 07/2013 - 07/2017

• Computer and Communication Engineering

Projects __________________________________________________________________________________________
• Master’s Thesis: Using information on pixel motion to translate the viewpoint for Transporter networks to vastly improve their
performance in egocentric tasks like autonomous navigation with onboard sensors.
• UpDR: Created a network to restore washed out colour in images.
• Using NeRF to create a 3d representation of a scene from a video and generating new video of the scene from a different perspective.
• Use Computer Vision for human pose estimation on Jetson Nano
• RumorEval: Used transformer based LLM to classify replies to tweets into multiple classes as part of the RumorEval task.
• Scrape the web to collect data and then use transformer based LLMs to analyse Grammy nominees, their lyrics, and their representation in
media over the years to find patterns and insights.
• SemEval: Used transformer based LLM to understand the sentiment of the text provided.
• Create a chatbot to automatically negotiate purchasing and reselling of 2nd hand laptops.
• Create a number plate scanner optimised for Indian number plates.
• PyTorch Deep Learning: Coded examples of common Deep Learning concepts in PyTorch for easy reference.
• Used machine learning and data analytics to predict the performance of students during placements.
• Created the first ever Reinforcement Learning agent to play the game of Brainvita
• SimpleEnv: Creator of a set of OpenAI Gym compatible environments to assist in development and debugging of RL agents.
• Used Actor-Critic networks to control a quadcopter in simulation.
• Used Reinforcement Learning Techniques Like Actor-Critic, DQN, TD-Learning, Monte-Carlo methods from scratch to solve OpenAI Gym’s
environments like Cartpole, Blackjack, Taxi, and Lunar Lander.

Others ___________________________________________________________________________________________
• Open Source Contribution: Contributed to the Stable Baselines Project, by finding a bug and providing a fix to resolve the issue.
• Research Paper: RBED: Reward Based Epsilon Decay. https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13701
• Competition: Stood 2nd in Google Android wearable Hackathon amongst 15+ teams, by creating an app to share contacts easily.

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