BOX TALK MEDIA - Letslance

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1) Relevant Job Experience, AI-Related to prove credibility to client

2) For each of the following tasks:
a) COST of Integrating of each of the following into Boxtalk Media’s website:
i) AI-Image Generator (For Images) - The image should be generated on
box talks' own website (though we may call an API).

ii) Logo Uploader (Uploaded by the user). It can be in PNG format.

iii) Text / Slogan Uploader. (Uploaded by the user).

For eg. A user might want to upload nutritional information or ingredients
list or a call-to-action.

b) COST of UI/UX and API integration of all of the above.

c) COST of integrating the image by the AI as the background of the die-cut.

For eg. Let’s say a user asks a text-to-image generator for a polka dot pattern, an
image should be generated and superimposed onto the die-cut cleanly.

d) COST of, then, imposing the logo and text/slogan uploaded by the user on
top of the die-cut. We don’t need to develop ways to find the optimal
placement for infinitely many die-cut styles but the client will provide us
with 1 pre-decided die-cut that we can import from Packmage.

e) COST of implementing a way to display a few final downloadable designs,

each of which shows one of the multiple different orientations of placement
of the (1) AI-generated-image pattern, (2) logo and (3) slogan/text (Let’s say
the client wants to see all the different permutations and combinations of placing
(1), (2) and (3) in various orientations - basically, create multiple image
placement options).

3) Please provide the name of the API as well.

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