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Questão 01

A alternativa que completa o diálogo

abaixo é:
a) since
b) for
c) yet
d) never
e) always
Questão 02
Niéd Guidon ________ to National Park
Serra da Capivara many times.
a. has
has gone
b. have gone
c. went
d. have going
e. to go
Questão 03
A frase “Teachers have taught adult lessons in the community” na
forma interrogativa e negativa respectivamente será:
a. Did teachers have taught adult lessons in the
community? /
Teachers didn’t have taught adult lessons in the
b) Do Teachers have taught adult lessons in the
community? /
Teachers don´t have taught adult lessons in the
c) Will Teachers have taught adult lessons in the
community? /
Teachers won´t have not taught adult lessons in the
Questão 04
A alternativa que complete corretamente a tirinha
abaixo é

a. has worked /
b. have worked /
c. has worked /
Questão 05
Many tourists ____________ Museum of the
American man in São Raimundo Nonato
three times for years.
a. has visited
b. is visiting
d. was visited
e. had to visit
Questão 06
(FMPA- MG) Choose the correct alternative. “I
have just learned your names.” This sentence is
in the:
a) Simple Present
b) Simple Past
Present Perfect
c) Present Perfect
d) Past Perfect
e) Conditional Tense
Questão 07
[FUVEST] Indique a resposta certa
para "Has he heard the news?"
Has heard
utilizando "no":
a) No, I didn’t.
b) No, I haven't heard the news.
c) No, he hasn’t.
d) No, I haven’t.
e) No, you haven't
Questão 08

[UNESP] Assinale a alternativa

I live here since 1970.
I have lived here since 1970.
I am living here since 1970.
I will live here since 1970.
Questão 09
(UFRS) Qual das seguintes formas
verbais expressa uma ação que iniciou
no passado e continua até o momento
a. are able
b. have developed
c. is deflected
d. shields
e. reflecting
Questão 10
[UFSM] Se o sujeito da oração "Machines HAVE
already CONVERGED" estivesse no singular e
fosse mantido o tempo do verbo, a forma verbal
a. ficaria inalterada.
b. seria trocada por "had converged".
c. se transformaria em "is being converged".
d. seria substituída por "has converged".
e. passaria para "is converging".

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