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Electrolyte can conduct electricity, because _________

(a) molecules have unpaired electrons
(b) .molecules have paired electrons
(c ).molecules have loosely held electrons
(d) molecules have ions

2. Which one of the following is electrolyte?

(a). benzene (b). choloroform
(c). sodium chloride (d). Sugar

3. Which one of the following is not a weak electrolyte?

(a). NH4OH (b). KOH
©. CH3COOH (d). H2CO3

4. Which of the following is not a strong electrolyte?

(a). NaCl (b). NaOH
©. KOH (d). CH3COOH
5. The electrode potential is the tendency of metal ________
(a). to gain the electron (b). To loose electron
© . either loss and gain of electron (d). None of the above

6. An electrochemical cell converts ________

(a). electrical energy in chemical energy
(b). chemical energy into electrical energy
© chemical energy into heat energy
(d). electrical energy into heat energy

7. Electrochemical cell is also known as ________

(a). electrolytic cell (b). galvanic cell
©. Daniel cell (d). none of these

8. The passage of electricity in the Daniel cell , when zinc and copper
electrodes are connected is from _______
(a). cu to zn in the cell (b). cu to zn outside the cell
(c ). zn to cu in the cell (d). zn to cu outside the
9. In galvanic cell, electrical energy is generated at the expense of ____
(a). free energy (b). Chemical energy
(c). heat energy (d). Kinetic energy

10. Chemical energy is converted directly in electrical energy in ______

(a). battery (b). An electrical power plant
© . an electrolytic (d). An automobile engine

11. Sodium chloride is called and electrolyte, because ___________

(a). its molecules is made up of electrically charged particle
(b). it is decomposed , when an electric current is passed through it
© . it breaks up into ions , when current is passed through it
(d). it is ionizes , when fused or dissolved in proper solvent

12. Sulphuric acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid, because _______
(a). its dissociate completely (b). it has high molecular weight
© acetic acid is strongly ionized (d). none of these
13. A is weaker acid than B , if _____
(a). A is more easily decomposed than B , when heated
(b). A is not corrosive as B
©. A is less ionized than B , when melted or dissolved in a solvent
(d). A is displaced from its salt by B

14. sodium chloride is a bad conductor of electricity because _____

(a) it contains only molecules
(b) it does possess ions
© the ions present in it are not free to move
(d) it does not contain free molecules

15. An electrolysis cell uses electrical energy to drive _____

(a). chemical reaction (b). physical reaction
©. no reaction (d). none of the above

16. Oxidation – Reduction involves _____

(a). transfer of neutrons (b). transfer of protons
©. transfer of electrons (d). none of the above
17. The process use to deposit one metal over another metal is called as
(a). electrolysis (b). Electroplating
©. electrorefining (d). Electrometallurgy

18. when copper is planted on steel , anode is made up of _______

a. steel b. Oxygen
c. copper d. Carbon

19. By losing one or two electrons , atoms of metal are _______

a. oxidized b. Reduced
c. hydrogenated d. Anodized

20. In electrolysis the process of oxidation occurs at _______

a. anode b. Cathode
c. both anode and cathode d. In electrolytic solution
21. In electrorefining of copper , 1% of little H2SO4 is added to electrolyte
a. to increase its conductivity b. to decrease its conductivity
c. to increase its dilution d. to increase its concentration

22. which one of the following will be a good conductor of electricity ?

a. pure water b. Impure water
c. chloroform d. None of these

23 In electrolysis the process of oxidation occurs at _______

a. anode b. Cathode
c. both anode and cathode d. In electrolytic solution

24 which of the following conduct electricity due to migration of

electrons only ?
a. copper metal b. Fused NaCl
c. solid NaCl d. Solution of NaCl
25. metallic conductor conduct electricity _____
a. with chemical change b. Without any chemical change
c. both (a) and (b) d. None of these

26. The flow of the electrons is called as _______

a. electrolyte b. Electric current
c. cathode d. Anode

27. A substance which in molten state or in solution form allows

electric current to pass through it is called as __________
a. electrolyte b. Insulators
c. conduction d. None of these

28. In electrochemical cell , the electrode at which reduction occurs

is called __
a. anode b. cathode
c. electrolyte d. Electrolysis
29. The process in which an ionic compound when fused or dissolved in
water splits up into charged particles is called as ______
a. electrolysis b. Ionization
c. hydration d. Conduction

30. The metallic conductors in contact with the solution are called ____
a. insulator b. Electrode
c. thermochemistry d. Environmental chemistry

31. The branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship between
electricity and chemical reaction is called as ________
a. chemical kinetics b. electrochemistry
c. thermochemistry d. environmental chemistry

32. According to faraday’s first law of electrolysis , the amount of any

substance deposited at the electrode is directly proportional to the
quantity of _____
a. voltage drop b. Resistance
c. electricity passed d. Conductivity
33. Electrochemical equivalent may be defined as the ______of the
substance deposited by the passage of 1 coulomb of electricity.
a. volume b. Weight
c. density d. Quantity

34. 1 Faraday is ______

a. 1 coulomb b. 1000 coulomb
c. 5900 coulomb c. 96500 coulomb

35. According to Faraday’s second law , weight of different substance

deposited by the passage of same quantity of electricity is proportional to
their ______
a. chemical equivalent weight b. Current supply
c. electrochemical equivalent weight d. Volume

36. In Daniel cell, porous partition act as ________

a. cathode b. Anode
c. salt bridge d. Electrolyte
37. Daniel cell is example of _________
a. primary cell b. Secondary cell
c. fuel cell d. None of these

38. secondary cells ___________

a. cannot be recharged and reused b. can be recharged and reused
c. have short life d. have irreversible chemical reaction

39. The equivalent weight of a substance can be calculated with the help of
a. faraday’s first law b.faraday’s second law
c. Daniel cell d. Battery

40. Electrorefining of the metal is _____________

a. purification of metal b. extraction of metal
c. fabrication of metal d. metallurgy of metal

41. electroplating is done to achieve __________

a. decoration b. corrosion resistance
c. improving conduction d. all of the above
Numerical Problem


C.E. = 96500 x E.C.E.

W1 C.E.1
____ = ------
W2 C.E.2

Atomic wt.
Eq. wt (c.E.) = -------------
1. 10.07 gm of silver is deposited when 5 amp current was passed through
AgNO3 solution for half an hour. Calculate E.C.E of Ag.

Given : W= 10.07 gm
C = 5 amp
t = 0.5 hrs = 0.5 x 60 x 60 = 1800 sec
E.C.E. = ?

ACC to faraday first law,


Z= W ⁼ 10.07 ⁼ 0.00118 g/c

Cxt 5 x 1800

E.C.E. = 0.001118 g/c

2. A current of 3 amp passing through silver nitrate solution for 20 minutes
deposit 4.0 g of silver. What is the E.C.E. of silver?

Given: C = 3amp, t = 20 min. , W = 4.0 g , Z = ?

3. A current of 3 amp passing through silver nitrate solution for 20 minutes

deposit 4.0 g of silver. What is the E.C.E. and C.E. of silver?

Given: C = 3amp, t = 20 min. , W = 4.0 g , Z = ? , C.E. = ?

4. A current of 4.0 amp was passed through a solution of CuSO4 for 30 min.
Calculate the amount of Cu deposited on the cathode( Eq. wt of Cu is 31.77)

Given: C= 4amp, t= 30 min, C.E. = 31.77, W=?

Formulae : W = Z x C x t

We have, C.E. = Z x 96500

Z = C.E. / 96500
= 31.77 / 96500
= 0.00032 g/c

From faraday first law,

W= ZxCx t
= 0.00032 x 4 x 1800
= 2.370 g

Amount of Cu deposited is 2.370g

5. What quantity of electricity is necessary to deposit 0.216 gm of silver from
its solution of silver nitrate? (At wt of Ag = 108)

Given : W= 0.216 gm, At. Wt. = 108, C=?

Eq. wt of Ag = Atomic wt. / valency

= 108/1
= 108
C.E. = Z x 96500

Z = C.E. / 96500 = 108 / 96500 = 0.00111 g/c

From Faraday first law,


C x t = W / Z = 0.216 / 0.00111 = 194.59 coulombs

Q = 194.59 cpulombs
6. A given quantity of electricity is passed through two cells containing
CuSO4 and AgNO3 solutions respectively. If 0.99 gram Ag and 0.29 gram
Cu are deposited, find eq. wt. of Ag ( Eq. wt. of Cu = 31.6)

Given : W1(Ag) = 0.99g ,

W2(Cu) = 0.29 g
C.E. (Cu) = 31.6
C.E. (Ag) = ?

W1(Ag) / W2(Cu) = C.E. (Ag) / C.E. (Cu)

0.99 / 0.29 = C.E. (Ag) / 31.6

C.E. (Ag) = 0.99 x 31.6 / 0.29

= 107.87

Eq. wt of Cu = 107.87

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