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7/5/23, 3:50 PM OHRS Reg.


                ONLINE HOSTEL REGISTRATION 2023-24.

Important instructions for filling registration form.     Ref.ID 1040 User: 22001001112 Sign out

1. All * fields are mandatory.

2. Click on respective block's Save button to save block's data.
3. After saving all block's data click on Final Submit button.
4. After Final Submit, reference id will be auto-generated.
5. After print user should sign and paste latest picture on reg. form.

Student's Information
First Name * Middle Name Last Name


Gender * DOB * Blood Group

Male 09-12-2004 A+

Aadhar No. * Category * Nationality *

541051190900 General Indian

Are you vaccinated * Mobile No * E-mail ID *

Yes 9540851125

*If user edit any data field after saving

  user should again click on Save button. Save Edit

Residence Information
Mother's Name * Father's Name * Residence Mobile No. *

ESHA ANIL KUMAR 9466931122

Alternate Mobile No. Guardian Name Guardian Mobile No.

9468195435 Min./Max.10 digit length

House No Sector / Colony / Village * Land Mark / Post Office

MCF 130C East Chawla Colony Ballabgarh

District * State * Pin Code *

Faridabad Haryana 121004

Distance from residance to DCRUST campus in Kilometer only *


*If user edit any data field after saving

  user should again click on Save button. Save Edit Page Design 1/2

7/5/23, 3:50 PM OHRS Reg. Form

Academic Information
Institute's Name * Programme * Branch *

DCRUST, Murthal UG B.Tech. Computer Science and Engin

Roll No. * Year * Semester *

22001001112 Second 3rd

*If user edit any data field after saving

  user should again click on Save button. Save Edit
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

The form will not be accepted without final submission.

The room will be allotted after physical verification of all required documents.

Student Signature        Signature of Parent

Office use only

Hostel No. Room Status. Room No.

Office use only Office use only Office use only

Hostel Warden Signature Hostel Supervisor Signature Clerk Signature

Final Submit Print Page Design 2/2

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