Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure

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Transmittal No Date To: ow conatone Prope cnt toca 14Smm),CP 24(535mn«100mm).ends ofthe heater ae provided with Camilock and socket connections. 753, Allheatersarerated 45 amps Fesble mat heaters can be easly wrapped around the pipes. Continuous check shall be caried out on each element before connecting tothe circu. 7.6. ELEMENTS 76.1. For circumferential welds, the heating bands shal be equally spaced around the weld. The width ofthe heated band shall bea minimum of times thickness ofthe material being welded from each edge ofthe weld but not less than 25 mm from each edge ofthe weld, whichever is greater 7.6.2. When heat treating structural materials, positioning of heat bands must be caried out to ensure a minimum coverage of sik (6 mes ofthe plates thickness ether side ofthe weld 7.6.3. The material temperature shall exceed haf the heat treatment temperature over aband at least SURT where Ris the bore radlus &T'Is the nominal wall thickness on each side of weld times. 71.64. For welds on pipes dlameter 2250 mm, the elements shall be divided into two or more control zones, belng top & bottom with pads applied symmetrically. 7.65. ifthe elements arrangement isnot being capable of desired configuration the. 7166. The center time circumferential gap between two bands shall not exceed 30 mm or ‘T" whichever I lesser. 767. The longitudinal gaps between elements shall not be more than the wall thickness or $0 mm, ‘whichever is less, Care shal be taken to ensure that there ae no gaps in 60 clock postion. 71.6.8. ifthe welds are of two separate wall thickness then the elements should be so arranged to {ve side to side control in alton to top & bottom control 7.69. inthe case of inclined or vertical welds the pads shall be arranged about the weld to give independent control above & below weld centertine. Elements are attached by = Black annealed iron wire Mid steel 12 mm wide banding strap. 7.7. THERMAL INSULATION ‘Thermal insulation shall achieved by folowing means. 17.7.1, Wool, mineral with minimum density of 80 ke/ms. 7.72. With ceramic fiber usualy in stainless steel mesh as form of mat, minimum density of 96 elma, Page 8 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE 7.7.3, The insulation distance shall be up toa minimum distance of 300 mm beyond the edges of the heating bands or up toa ditance determined by the product of bore radius times the ‘maximum wall thickness whichever i ss. 17.7.8, The number of layers & extent of insulated area shall be dependent on. 2) Wallthicknss b) Pipe or iting diameter. €) Gradient requirement 4) Ste conditions or ambient temperature 17.75. Inall eases the mloimum requirement shall be 2 layers fr Densities (80 kg/m3 & 96 ke/m3) 7.76. Insulation shall be fixed using black annealed ron wire taking care, not damaging or cutting Into the insulation. 7.72. By the folowing proper PWHT cycles, the item or the particular joint shall be completed & the cooling rate should be controlled under insulation. 71.8, THERMOCOUPLES 17.84. Only Type K ‘(Chromel-Alumel} or Type‘! (ton Constantan) thermacoupls are permitted ‘The thermocouple shall have itil calibration check. All extension cables, compensating cables, and jumper cables in the measurement or contro circuits shall be the specified thermocouple wice or the matching extension wie (.e., KX or IX, as appropriate. For Type thermocouples, copper-constantan Type T compensating cables may be used with the following conditions. 2) The junction between the Copper-Constant compensating cable and the Type’ ‘thermocouple lead shal be a minimum af 05 m outside the insulated area, 1b) The acceptable temperature range ofthe junction between the compensating cable and the thermocouple lead is from 010 480°. 118.2. The National Standard that the thermocouple conforms to shall be indicated in the PWHT procedure. The procedure shall also include alisting of the insulation colaring of each core te andthe overall sheath for bth the compensating cable and thermocouple. This, Page 9 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE Information Is requted for ste inspectors to verify thatthe proper wires have been used and are connected in proper polar. 7.8.3. Thermocouples shal be attached to the component by capacitive discharge spot welding only. Other methods of attachment are not permitted. The thermocouples shall nt bein direct contact with electrical heating elements ar subjected to flame impingement by gas oF cllburners PRE-START UP. £1, Allthe connection materials required for heat treatment hal be fee of defects 842, Allcable connections using proper plugs and sockets shall be checked. £3, Allthe power cables and thermocouple cables shall be protected from damage 9. SURFACE CONDITIONS 9.1. The welds to be heat treated shall be prepared free of Grease, Lubricants, dust and coating to _avold damage and short circulting of accessory equipment. Any wood or plastic end cover, protections shall be removed. 9.2. Durlngheat treatment lt shall be necessary to protect all machined surfaces from oxidation such ‘2s lange faces or threaded holes, threads bythe application of coating such as deoxaluminite or any other suitable materia 9.3. Allsensitive equipment or coating surfaces in the immediate Vicinity shall be protected or the equipment removed. 10, PWHT REQUIRED PROCESS CONDITIONS FOR CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEEL 10.1, Allcaustie Soda {NaOH Soltions, Including Conditions Where Caustic Carryover May Occur (2.8 Downstream of Caustic Injection Points) 10.2. All Menoethanolamine (Mea) Solutions all temperature), 10.3, Alldilycol amine (OGA) Solutions above 176°C Design temperature, 10.4. AllRich Amino Disopropancl (ADI) Solutions above 80°C Design Temperature 41055. AllLean ADIP Solutions above 60°C Design temperature, Page 10 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE 106. Boller Deaerator Service {Le,, ambient temperature vacuum deaerators are exempt, 10.7. Hydrogen Service for P-o.3, 4 and SA/B/C Base Materials. 108, Alldiethanolamine (DEA) solutions 108, The PWHT heating and cooling rates above 316°C shall not exceed 222°C/hr divided by the weld thickness in inches, but in no ase shall ithe more than 222°C/br. 10.10.The spectid PWHT shall be applied over an area 10.11.Post weld heat treatment shal follow all welding repairs but shall be performed prior to any Hydrotest. 10.12.Thermocouples anda calbrated temperature chart record shall be used to provide an accurate and legible record of all PWHTS. All charts shall be marked with date and sufficient Information to uniquely dently the joint/component being heat treated. Multipoint chart recorders shal clearly differentiate/identfy each channel/point by useof diferent colored inks for automatic number stamping. 10.13.Minimum soaktime shall be 1H for service related PWHT fr carbon steel and for other ‘materials shall be minimum as per code 111, PREHEATING 411.1. Preheat shall bein accordance with ASME 831,3 TABLE 331.11 & SAES-W-011. For materials not covered by this code or standard, preheat shall be as specified in welding procedure. 111.2. The preheating temperature shal be maintained through the welding process. Flexible ceramic ‘mats heaters can be used for pre-heatng and post heating, 4113. For low alloy steet preheat and past heating shall be using fledbe ceramic mats only. 411.4, The minimum pre heat shal not be less than the greater ofthe following 3)10% 1b) Te required or recommended preheat sted in ASME B33, «Te pe eat sted in standard drawing W-AE-036451 fo carbon stel material (ll ASME P-No:L ‘materials, inclung AP grades upto and including X60), For normal applications, simplified requrements reise in Tables 488 3B of SAES-W-041 forthe SMAW proces. 6) For sees with pected minimum veld strengths above ks, ncludng 0 grades 6S o greater or for ‘the materials not sted as an ASME P-number, preest sal be determine by consulting services Page 11 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE Department an! shall boas specif inthe approved welding procedure. Special applications may requir pecal welabilty tests to evaluate the preheat temperature, 115, Ifa weld joint is wet or has surface moisture or condensation it shall be dred by heating for a Aistance of 100 mm from the weld joint and shallbe warm tothe hand before welding unless a renter pre heat temperature is required 16. Temperature-indicatng crayons, thermocouples, or calibrated contact pyrometers shall be used to-measure preheat and interpass temperatures. Temperature-indicating crayons shall not be sed for any weld joint thats tobe coated or that will havea heat-shrinksleove installed on it 11,7. For austenite stainless steels, duplex stainless steels, and nickel alloys, etal hand-held contact thermocouples are preferred over temperature indicating crayons to avod the potent contamination from tramp elements, such as fluorides, chlorides, and sulfides, which may be contained in the crayons 14.8. The preheat temperature shall be established over a minimum distance of 75mm on each side of the wel. 11.9, If the wall thickness exceeds 25 mm and preheating isto be dane from the same sie asthe Welding, then the heat source shall be removed for 1 minut to allow for temperature equaatin prior to measuring the temperature. 11.20.interpass temperature shallbe as per approved WPS / POR. 11.21,Unless specified otherwise, the maximum interpass temperature shall be 177°C for PeNo. 8, ‘No, 3X and P-No. x materials and 315°C for P-,P3,P-4 and P-5 steels 41.12.The preheat temperature shall be applied, and for low'ally steels, maintained until PWHT ‘throughout the entire thickness ofthe weld and atleast in (75 mm) on each sde ofthe weld 112, PWHT (POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT} 12.1, Post weld heat treatments PWHT shal be in accordance with applicable ASME Design code, 831.3, SAES.W-01L, 12.2. Prior to start of work the cantractor or fabricator shall prepare a table isting each joint or component requiring heat treatment, which shall be submitted to PSAL/ARAMCO for review. ‘The table shall include the following Information for each joint or component: location, drawing ‘number, diameter, wall thickness, materia heating rate, cooling rate, soak temperature, and soaktie Page 12 0f 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE 123. Prior to start of PHT, component hall be checked to ensure that all restrains are removed and the components free to expand and contract, and suitable and sufficient supports are used. In deition the PWHT chart shall be marked prior to PWHT with identification number ofthe welds/Drawing & Line Number. 12.4 Allmachined surfaces, such as flanges faces, threaded bolt holes, threads, et, shall be protected from oxidation during the hest treatment by coating with deoxaluminite or other suitable materi 125. The applicable industry specs must be followed for PWHT requlrement for any service not listed above. ther process conditions may aso require PWHT, as determined during the project design. Code exemptions for PWHT are not permitted if PWHT I specified for process conditions 12.6, These requirements apply to external welds to attach non-pressure containing component to the piping (eg, reinforcement pad ar sleeve attached tothe pip) and to seal weds 12,7, PWHT requirement shall be based on piping line clas as per PMS. 12.8. In the sour service environment, PWHT is mandatory forthe following cases: + Double sided wean “+ tmtemal weld repair “+ Internal wel bud up fr assiiarheknes lms to overcome misalignment, ge geth welds 12.3, The PWHT heating and cooling rates above 316°C shall not exceed 222°C/hr divided by the weld thickness in inches, but In no case shall it be more than 222°C/h. 12.10.For PWHTS that are not performed in a furnace, insulation shal be applied a minimum of 300, mm on ether side ofthe weld that ito be PWHTed. The insulation shall not be removed before the temperature has cooleé to below 150°C. The ends of open lines shall be closed offin order 1 eliminate drafts or air circulation that could lower the temperature on the inside surface of ‘the joint unless the intemal surface is also insulated. 12.11.Code exemptions for post weld heat treatment of frst materials based onthe use of austenitic or nickel-based electrodes are not permitted. (Austenitic or nickel-based electrodes shall nt be used fr Feit materials except disillar metal welds listed in SAES.W-O11 and overlays) 12.12,Colle exemptions for post weld treatment of P-No. 4 and P-No. 5 materials are not permitted for applications involving elther sour service or materials exceeding 1.5% nominal chromium content, Page 13 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE 12.13.For applications where PWHT is requted bythe Serie flld or where hardness limits are spectied: 8} Any redtions in the PWHT temperature or alternative temperatures below the normal holding temperatures listed in the applicable Code are not permitted, 1) The minimum PWHT soak time shall be 1 hour. hardness limit ae specified, te soak ime for production welds shall nt be less than 80% ‘ofthe POR soak time unless approved by CSD, {d} Minimum holding time shal be as per approved WPS for impact tested service 12.,14.Alltemperature within the hested zone for furnace o localized PWHT shall exceed the specified ‘minimum holding temperature. The actual temperature range forthe soak period, as recorded bby thermocouples, shallot have a spread of more than 40°C. 12.15.Welding or heating to joints that have been PWHTed requires re-PWHT, Post weld heat ‘treatment shall folow all welding repairs but shall be performed prior to any Hydrotest, 12.16.PWHT shall be caried out using one or more ofthe following types of heat sources: 23) Permanent or semi-permanent furnaces using ga o olor electric heaters. b) Electrical resistance heaters ) Induction heaters. 12,17 f localized PWHT is used for piping, the following minimum number of equally spaced recording ‘Thermocouples (T/C) shll be used a per Reference (RTBS-6585-01) 2) Pipe Diameter of 305 mm o less: 1 TC Pipe Diameter above 305 mm upto andinctding 20 mm: 2 1/C Pipe Diameter above 610 mm: & T/C Adationalthermacouples are requied if multiple ea control zones are use, in which a contra zone Isnot montored by any ofthe primary T/Cs. 12.18. Thermocouples anda calbrated temperature char recorder shall be used to provide an ‘accurate and legible record ofall PWHTS. Allcharts shall be marked withthe date and sufiient information to uniquely idently the jont/ component being heat treated. Multipoint chart, recorders shall clearly differentite/identfy each channel/point by use of different colored inks ‘or automatic number stamping Page 14 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT ‘PROCEDURE. 12.19.Temperature recorders shall be calbrated every three (3} months anda current calibration sticker shall be maintained on the recorder The calibration frequency may be extended to 12 ‘months with approval ifthe documented calibration checks for that particular recorder demonstrate acceptable accuracy fora suitable period. 12.20,0uring cooling, When the temperature has fallen below 600"F (315°C), the current will then be ‘urmed of. The Insulation, Heating elements, and Thermocouple can then be removed. 12.21.Insulation removal shall be below 150°C as per SAES-W-O11 el 136 12.22.AlL PWHT records shall be submited to PSAL/ARAMICO for review and approval. Allrecords shall, bbe submitted as part ofthe equipment file for permanent record 12.28.After completion af the PWHT all thermocouples shall be removed and the attachment areas {ound smooth to clean and sound metal. Ifthe specfid bythe Inspector, the areas shall be ‘examined by MT or PT after grinding, prior to PWHT to avold a double PWHT cycle if welding defects are found after the PWHT. However, this the vendor's responsiblity to ensure the welds are of acceptable quality to WHT. 412.24, WHT shall be performed before NDE Is conducted. Its recommended that NDE be performed 12.25.Performing PWHT more than one time for same joint contractor/company approval i require. 12.26 Stages of start and stop of PWHT shall be signed by conteactor/ company. 12.27 Strip chat shal be reviewed and signed by contractor/company as per approved ITP. Ae RECORDS 13.1, Approved PWHT inspector shall review and approve the heat treatment chat for compliance to the applicable code and contract requirements 13.2, AlIPWHT chart records shal be submitted to Company's Representative fo Final approval 133, Allrecord shall be submitted as part of the equipment fe for permanent record 13.4, The Heat treatment cycle chart shal be treated a the proof & record for any heat treatment completion. The chart shouldbe providing the folowing information's ent Nome Sie lation {Une nof0W6 no Graph standard Page 15 of 16 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE 5 Une das & Acceptance Standard 2 TheknessSh 2. Noot temecomles 8. Cobrende 40, PWT start ime end tine 11 charspeed 12. necorde a 15. Loetons of ermocoupes 14. Weld umber on tem 15. Material pecenton 46. Soatng time 417. Opermorseciclans name en 4 bate 19, Loon mapofpareubrvesels 14. ATTACHMENTS [ATTACHMENTSHO1 PWT TABLE (SATR-W2005) [ATTACHMENTS#02 -POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT REPORT. [ATTACHMENTS#O3 -PWHT THERMOCOUPLE PLACEMENT DAGRAMS, AATTACHMENTSHOS ~ASME 831.3 ~TABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR HEAT TREATMENT Page 16 0f 16 ey ES ot [aces sagem Sa aa cama a ae aaa SS a T roam sore sca] SE armel ec] SE [ates lm oY | om Jame [men] owen | meene foe Sara sa er ee j etc tocedure ef ot Thar cerns st: EATERS eed nang ae a “Ps Pied Cong Rae oT HOE “ae eric tg aT “© [vest oon tewe e SeataTenoeree: °C [estos amore © Seating Pero io TeReaTER jaca fay sieramoa [qq secines | qawroina Ores. 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