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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

“The Emergence of OTT Platforms during the

Pandemic and Its Future Scope with Special
Reference to Malappuram District”
Muhammed Am ,
Assistant Manager KhadiBhavan , Malappuram,

Submitted: 01-07-2021 Revised: 13-07-2021 Accepted: 16-07-2021
ABSTRACT Hotstar, Netflix, voot etc. OTT clearly represents
The current Covid-19 pandemic and the across the the future of media. Representing the best way of
nation lockdown has not only slowed down the entertainment in the present scenario and people
growth of the enterprises and financial outcome, getting access to OTT apps not only through
yet has additionally prompted change in the subscriptions but also through freemium facilities
behavioural pattern of the individuals towards and the jio effect on the steaming culture.
consumption of products and services, including
that of digital based consumption. During the time
of Covid-19 everyone likes to spend their free time IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY
in front of the digital screen. The Covid-19 In the recent world digital steaming
pandemic has had a substantial impact on the film platforms are plays a vital role, so the internet is the
industry. Across the world and to varying degrees, major source for streaming video and audio. The
cinemas and movie theaters have been closed, prominent player among the OTT platforms in
festivals have been canceled or postponed, and film India such as Amazon, Netflix, Hostar, voot etc.
releases have been moved to future dates or  The study helps to understand the fast growing
delayed indefinitely. Due to cinemas and movie advantages of digital app.
theaters closing, the global box office has dropped  The study is to determine the effectiveness of
by billions of dollars. At the time technological the OTT platforms in our society.
shift by internet has created a new kind of viewing  The study is to provide information regarding
experience throughout the use of OTT platforms. the OTT platforms.
 It helps to increase the use of Hotstar, Netflix
I. INTRODUCTION during the lockdown period.
In recent years, OTT providers like Netflix  The OTT platforms involving greater content.
and Amazon Prime have begun producing original  The helps to study distribute better quality
content that is exclusively available through their services through OTT platforms.
service. In recent years it is becoming the part of  The need of the study is to understand the
day to day leisure time and constantly indulging in influence of the OTT channels of streaming
the apps, leading to binge watching and thus giving video.
rise to rapid increase of steaming apps. For years,
watching cable television required a television set. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLE
But Today due to the advancement in technology Since the covid-19 pandemic has disputed
and internet –based delivery system, people can the normal lifestyle of people across the globe.
easily access to OTT platforms and content from a During the time everyone like to spend their free
broad range of devices. Any account holder can time in front of the digital screen. Where they have
enjoy the same OTT experience from a gaming many options to see today the time we spent
console, smart phone, tablet, or smart TV. OTT looking at our screen has increased immensely.
platform means over the top media is streaming When covid19 shut down the box office, over the
media service. The service providers dealing with top (OTT) streaming platforms come to our life.
OTT platform is responsible for the delivery of OTT platform means over the top media is
contents comprising of audio, video and other streaming media service. The service providers
media over the web. The prominent player among dealing with OTT platform is responsible for the
the OTT platforms in India are Amazon prime, delivery of contents comprising of audio, video and

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030721862191 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2186
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

other media over the web. The prominent player was established .quantitative method was selected
among the OTT platforms in India are Amazon for the same.
prime, Hotstar, Netflix, voot etc. The study mainly
focuses on – “THE EMERGENCE OF OTT Population and Sampling
PLATFORMS DURING THE PANDEMIC AND The population is people of Malappuram
ITS FUTURE SCOPE WITH SPECIAL who watches OTT for their entertainment. The age
REFERENCE TO MALAPPURAM DISTRICT”. . group selected is below 20 to 45+. Since most
respondent from this category were independent,
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY indulging in anything they wish for is easier.
 To study the customer perception towards Because of their entertainment consumption habits
OTT platform. they aware of the research topic selected. The
 To study the shift in consumption from old population has been filtered out through some
entertainment to new. screening questions.
 To study the factors of sudden increase in Sample Size
OTT channels viewership during lockdown The Size of sample is 60, and factors to be
period. considered are time, cost and effectiveness, etc.
 To understand the future scope of the OTT Sample Method
platforms. The method used for the selection of sample was
 The study, help to understand the fast growing convenience sampling method.
advantages of digital apps. Sample Unit The respondent of the study are part
 The study, help to determine the effectiveness of population of MALAPPURAM district. Each
of the OTT platform in our society. individual is considered to be sampling unit.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY Tools For Data Collection
The study mainly emphasis on the emergence of The tools used for data collection is structured
OTT platform during the Pandemic and its questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared after
future scope. analyzing the various aspects of the topic and
 The need of the study is to understand the almost care was given to ensure the questions
influence of the OTT channels of streaming included suit to the study and can be easily
video. understood by the respondent. The study is based
 To know what are the influencing factors of on both primary and secondary data.
OTT platform. Primary Data:- primary data are collected
 The OTT platform can be achieved more through direct communication with the
viewer during the lockdown period. respondents.
 It will help us understand how OTT has Secondary Data:- secondary data are collected
inorganically growing and gradually taking from newspaper, magazines, internet, journals etc.
over other mediums of entertainment. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
 The study will help us in understanding how According to (purday,2018) The OTT market is a
complex space dominated by three powerful
RESEARCH MOTHODOLOGY player,- Netflix, Amazon prime, Hulu- the Big 3. It
To capture the of dimensions and is challenging for small player for finding their
perspective and to obtain a valid and reliable place in fierce market where content rules but more
assessment of the research question, the study uses consumers can be dragged if they focus on
project documents as well as primary data providing curated content limiting account sharing ,
collection, secondary data analysis through getting the price right and reducing chum through
convenience sampling method . We use improved customer relations. The survey result
questionnaire for data collection. Survey was indicate that although price is an important factors
conducted to know the emergence of OTT platform while purchasing OTT services, content still drives
during pandemic, future scope, and its viewer also most consumer choices. A bread mix of quality
this change in watching habits will affect the future content tends to be what consumers value from the
footfalls of cinema hall OTT platforms have taken Big 3, with “ Access to the vast library of content”
over the world of digital entertainment during a proved to the top most reason users subscribe to
pandemic these services. The small players who promise to
Research Design provide the services, taking one of the above
The purpose of the study was to understand the mentioned factors, are more likely to attract a big
emergence of OTT platforms during the pandemic crowd for their subscription.
and its future scope and to achieve this, hypothesis
DOI: 10.35629/5252-030721862191 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2187
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

Article ( singh,2020) OTT platform has the he content on similar genres. People like to
experienced a surge in consumption and subscriber enjoy the services for free. Hence , OTT like Hotter
can‟t impacted by the COVID- 19 . The recent provides very limited content for free. Also the
survey by In Mumbai state that 46% viewers are subscription rates of these services are very low.
watching more content online, According to the The usersenjoythe variety of international and
experts OTT service could grow further in national content. Action and comedy are the
upcoming days as the television channels run out of favorite genres of movie. According to the survey ,
content. “ As these channels have been unable to users spend on average, 2 hours a day watching
shoot due to lockdown, they are running old OTT services. Web services are watched more
content . In such a scenario people will gravitate often in OTT services. Genres like young romance,
towards OTT to watch fresh content, “ saysParitosh action and urbandrama are in to the top tier. Most
Joshi , media consultant and principal, provocateur of the users watch the content at night.
advisor. To benefits from this increase in demand Entertainment is the biggest reason behind the use
platform such as Amazon Prime video and Zee5 of OTT. Second biggest reason behind the use is
have made few of their shows free to watch. Due to the mobility of the gadget. Third on its availability
this, Zee5 has witnessed an 80% increase in of content on demand.
subscription and over 50% time spend recently. This article(Laghate, How OTT Players are
Thrillers, urban drama and young romance are the geared up to woo Indian viewers,2017) talks
top performing genres on the platforms. The about how people have experienced an increase in
viewership for the movies has seen significant the use of OTT especially through handheld
increase the platforms. Cinema streaming services devices. People prefer watching movies on OTT
MIBI has been 28% rise in viewership on its platform rather than waiting for movies and shows
platforms in march , compared to February. to be released on linear platforms. People in India
have more options of OTT , platforms than people
(Sharma ,2020) the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has in any other country with options like Hotstar ,
forced the multiplexes to shut down, as a result, the Voot, Amazon Prime , Sony live , Netflix.
production houses are now releasing the onto OTT Although there were a few companies that tried to
platforms directly. This has become a topic of establish themselves in the Indian market it started
concern amongst the multiplexes as the users might when Hotstar was launched in 2015 with a huge
ship the traditional windowing pattern. INOX and budget advertising and marketing. After its launch
PVR, both issued a public statements reacting to other international brands launched in India like
this issue. According to experts this is solutions to a Netflix and amazon prime. Hotstar was a first to
short term need of the film industry which getting star the trend but what really spiked the increase in
by financial difficulties. It is a win – win situations the consumption and set the trend in Indian
for OTT player who need to fresh content and the consumer life was the launch of Jio with the access
filmmakers who had their production ready but of high speed 4G internet more number of people
enable to release. However, this will not be a wereow available to consume content on the OTT.
paradigm shift , in the long term, once things return cheap data the consumption of content on OTT ids
to normal . the cinema generate more revenue for experienced to increase.
the production houses compared to the OTT This article(Dixit ,2020) has focused on the
platforms. Being this a vital factor, the films will deification of the Indian OTT and the strategies or
hit the cinema as earlier, once the market if free different ways used by them to establish and gain
from COVID-19 crisis. Matter of fact, these may be more popularity. The 4 elements that are mentioned
possibility to see a surge in multiplex services for in this article areFocusing on the local content and
few days after the returning the things to normal. need- This says that OTTs should focus more on
providing local content as people have a keen
( singh D.P. 2019) The advent in internet is interest in consuming content in their native
changing the trend of Indian cinema very rapidly. language. This was backed by the data in a KPMG
Reduced price of internet services lay the report which stated that 64% of Indian digital
foundation for increase in OTT services like consumer preffered consuming content .in Hindi
Netflix, Hotstar, Zee5, Amazon prime and Alt followed by Telegu and Begali. It is very important
Balaji. Many ventures are producing video content to show more regional show in order to satisfy and
solely for these OTT services. These new ventures communicate with the audience.
are changing the way of Indian Television and
cinemas. The OTT services analyzes the video
content watched by the users and keep providing

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030721862191 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2188
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

THEORATICAL REVIEW OF THE STUDY there is bandwidth available now, the key factors
An over-the-top is a steaming media remain compelling content and seamless user
services offered directly to viewers via the internet experience.
.OTT bypasses cable, broadcast, and satellite
television platforms ,the companies that LOCKDOWN AND OTT VIEWERSHIP
traditionally act as a controller distributer of such If there is one industry which wouldn‟t
content. Due to covid 19 outbreak in the country like the lockdown to end, it‟s indeed the OTT
,many filmmakers are now releasing their movie on players. Due to epidemic “Corona Virus” which
major OTT platforms ,instead of waiting for the spread in all over the world,everyone facing the
theatres to re-open .India has a lot of options when pandemic “Lockdown” situation in which you are
we talk about OTT services . OTT stands for over- not allowed to go outside your house which means
the-top, and it refers to premium video content that you have spend your whole time inside your house
is streamed over the internet through different with your family and gadgets. and naturally ,the
devices as opposed to appearing on traditional TV more we stay at home,the more we find ourselves
outlets like cable and satellite .Netflix, Hulu and glued to the screens. now, with no film release in
Amazon Prime Video are just a few example of sight because of the shutdown of theatures and
OTT strategy at play. Here we are discuss about shoot of TV shows stalled across the country, what
major players of OTT platform. everyone is finding solance in are the OTT
platforms. In fact, web shows have become the best
OVER THE TOP IN INDIA OTT (over the tool for people to ward of boredom, and the
top)is the term which is used world wide for the platforms, too, are ensuring that the audience is
video streaming content services which are access spoilt for choice. it just not increased the OTT
through high speed internet on your smart gadgets viewership but also changing the viewer‟s watching
and also by pass the traditional distribution like habits.according to recent survey by mobile
cable, DTH and cinema. OTT or “over-the-top” marketing platform in Mobi, the viewership for
refers to video content streamed through internet movies especially has gone up across the platform.
and not through internet and not through broadcast cinema streaming service MUBI has seen a
or cable television. it include subscription-based 28%rise in viewership on its platform in March ,as
services, free, ad supported services. And pay to compared to February (Financial Express ,Apr 06
watch streams offered by services including iTunes 2020)
and video on demand .through it is very easy to
access at anywhere at any time.OTT does not have DIGITAL MARKETING & ADVERTISING
any official definition but in2011,the Canadian It is rightly said that this is the age of
Radio-Television and Telecommunications millennia‟s, they neither do listen to their elders nor
Commission (CRTC),Canada‟s telecom regulator, do they do what is advised to them. The growth of
stated that “it considers that Internet access to population, youth, marketing, everything else is
programming independent of a facility or network interconnected. It‟s a vicious cycle. Growth for
dedicated to its delivery (via ,for example ,cable or digital advertising is projected to be the fastest at a
satellite)is the defining feature of what have been CAGR of 18.6% to $ 1.73 billion by 2021,up from
termed „over-the-top‟ services” OTT started in the estimated $ 740 million in 2016, whereas for
India IN 2015 when Star India launched Hotstar in internet video, the CACG is higher at 22.4% albeit
2015 .the big band launch of Hotstar, supported by at a lower base of $ 239 million. (Gaikwad,2019)
multi-million-dollar marketing and promotion through this we can assume that at such fast rate of
blitzkrieg, ensured a top of the mind recall of the development of technology. The there OTT, which
product. the international and national players evolving from niche to mass based content and
followed soon with Netflix switching on its service long form of is getting traction. ( Girishmenon,
in India in January last year ,followed by Voot 2017) The number of OTT player increased from
from Viacom18 and Amazon Prime video finally just nine in 2012 to 32 in 2018. In 2017, the OTT
launching in December last year. the chain industry in India achieved phenomenal growth of
reactions was set in motion with the launch of 160 per cent, as the top 16 OTT platform saw their
Reliance Jio in October2016,which got into the user bases grow from 63 million to 164 million
mainstream over 70 million mobile internet users between august 2016 and august 2017(
with free hi-speed 4G internet (Economic Times,02 Rajatkathuria, 2019) India is the second –largest
Mar, 17).that open the floodgates for OTT players subscription TV market in the Asia pacific region
and helped the companies add new subscribers and in terms of the number of subscription in TV
increase time spend on the platform. and while households, which reached 154.3 million in 2016.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030721862191 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2189
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

This is the expected to expand at 1.6% CAGR to The lockdown has let to a change in consumption
reach 166.9 million by 2021( alpanakakkar ,2019) patterns of the users. The researcher found out that
The technology is changing with clicks. From 73.6% of people experienced an increase in their
online banking methods to e-wallets and what not, daily usage of OTT consumption. Users on an
with one click everything is available at your average experienced 3 to 4 hours of increase in
doorstep. The upcoming young generation take their consumption during the lockdown. This
advantage of the same and recharge their online proves the first hypothesis H1. Along with this it
data packs and download videos and other possible also shows that OTT is the go to platform for
internet based applications. entertainment for majority of people during
lockdown as they chose to spend more time using
BENEFITS OF OTT OTT rather than any other mediums. When it
1 –Cost efficiency- ( dish tv v/s Netflix comes to the mode of consumption people prefer
contribution 200/ per month) investment on dish tv smart phone(55.5%) over laptop(24.5%) and T.V
or tata sky set-up boxes are difficult as they involve (20%). It is safe to say that due to the lockdown
a lot of people and are time consuming because more people have started using T.V for OTT
they require people with that specific knowledge consumption. 59.1% of people started using a new
for installments. Whereas, OTT can be downloaded OTT during the lockdown. This shows how
and used anywhere, as and when required. lockdown has given a push to OTT for generating
2- Data tariff plans-( ease of using/convenience new customers. When asked about if the users ever
and multiples screens). The OTT platforms such as waited for a movie to be released on OTT than
Netflix and Amazon can be shared and be used on watching it in cinema , 70% said yes. The
multiple screens by making an account. This researcher discovered that 56.4% were positive and
doesn‟t work of other television series. wanted for movies to be released on OTT platforms
(roshan,2017) on the same date as in cinemas. Although 44.6%
3- convenience- usually the people who follow were still negative about it.Further more when
television series have to wait for the whole day or asked if a movie would release in OTT and cinema
maybe over the weekend for their serials to both, what would they prefer, 48.2% said cinema
continue their episodes. On the other hand, the and 45.5 chose OTT. Still there were a few
OTT based apps such as amazon prime or Netflix responses who said that decisions is based on the
show their web series continuously without type of the movie. This data implies that although
interruption. This becomes more convenient for the still a majority of people ( 48.2%) would prefer
browsers watching a movie in cinema over OTT(45.5) . The
day is not far when the people will see OTT as an
II. FINDINGS AND SUGGETIONS equally popular platform for watching movies.
The over the top video streaming services OTT and cinema are two distinct platforms and
explosion in India has led to the emergence of provide distinct experiences to their customer and
distinct patterns of content consumption over the they cannot replace each other but the data shows
past few years. For one, content consumption has that majority of people want movies to be released
become rampant outside the house, where until on OTT on the same date as in cinemas.
recently because of COVID 19, the majority of
video consumption occurred inside and that too on III. CONCLUSION
a very high scale. The information gathered by the The data collected from the questionnaire
researcher shows that over 91.7% of respondents survey was interpreted and analyzed in the previous
are aware of the OTT medium, from the following chapters. Based on the analysis the research on the
we can derive that OTT is a wide spread medium in topic „The emergence of OTT platforms during the
India. Due to the current situation of the lockdown pandemic and its future scope‟ has been
people are constantly consuming different kinds of successfully completed. The hypothesis that During
media for their entertainment. Majority of the pandemic there has been a significant rise in
people (72.7%) resort to OTT for entertainment consumption of OTT platforms has been proven
followed by Youtube (17.3%) and T.V (9.1%). right. Since people have started consuming OTT
OTT platforms are quite popular among the users more and more in the lockdown. The statement that
as a considerable amount of users 42.7% spends 2 OTT platforms have experienced a substantial
to 4 hours consuming it. 29.1% people spend more inorganic growth by taking up the market share of
than 4 hours on it and only 28.2% consumes it for other platforms has been proved. Although the
less than 2 hours. Considering this, on an average researcher couldn‟t prove hypothesis that OTT will
user spends approximately 3 hours on the medium. surpass cinema but we can see there is suddenly a

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030721862191 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2190
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 2186-2191 ISSN: 2395-5252

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