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Multi-topics on Antenna

By Dr. Sohail Khalid

Array Antenna
It is not always possible to design a single antenna with the radiation pattern needed. However, a proper combination
of various types of antennas might yield the required pattern.
An antenna array is a cluster of antennas arranged in a specific physical configuration (line, grid, etc.). Each individual
antenna is called an element of the array. We initially assume that all array elements (individual antennas) are
identical. However, the excitation (both amplitude and phase) applied to each individual element may differ.

The total field of the array is determined by the vector addition of the fields radiated by the individual elements. This
assumes that the current in each element is the same as that of the isolated element (neglecting coupling). This is
usually not the case and depends on the separation between the elements. To provide very directive patterns, it is
necessary that the fields from the elements of the array interfere constructively (add) in the desired directions and
interfere destructively (cancel each other) in the remaining space. Ideally this can be accomplished, but practically it is
only approached. In an array of identical elements, there are at least five controls that can be used to shape the
overall pattern of the antenna. These are:

1. the geometrical configuration of the overall array (linear, circular, rectangular, spherical, etc.)
2. the relative displacement between the elements
3. the excitation amplitude of the individual elements
4. the excitation phase of the individual elements
5. the relative pattern of the individual elements
Array Antenna
Assume that the antenna under investigation is an array of two infinitesimal horizontal dipoles positioned
along the z-axis, as shown in Figure
Array Antenna
That the total field of the array is equal to the field of a single element positioned at the origin
multiplied by a factor which is widely referred to as the array factor
N-Element Linear Array
An array of identical elements all of identical magnitude and each with a
progressive phase is referred to as a uniform array.
N-Element Linear Array
Feed Network of Array Antenna
Feed Network of Array Antenna
Series Feed Network
Parallel Feed Network
Aperture Antenna
Aperture antennas are most common at microwave frequencies. There are many different
geometrical configurations of an aperture antenna with some of the most popular shown in Figure.
They may take the form of a waveguide or a horn whose aperture may be square, rectangular,
circular, elliptical, or any other configuration. Aperture antennas are very practical for space
applications, because they can be flush mounted on the surface of the spacecraft or aircraft. Their
opening can be covered with a dielectric material to protect them from environmental conditions.
This type of mounting does not disturb the aerodynamic profile of the craft, which in high-speed
applications is critical.
Reflector Antennas
Reflector antennas, in one form or another, have
been in use since the discovery of
electromagnetic wave propagation in 1888 by
Hertz. However the fine art of analyzing and
designing reflectors of many various geometrical
shapes did not forge ahead until the days of
World War II when numerous radar applications
evolved. Subsequent demands of reflectors for
use in radio astronomy, microwave
communication, and satellite tracking resulted in
spectacular progress in the development of
sophisticated analytical and experimental
techniques in shaping the reflector surfaces and
optimizing illumination over their apertures so as
to maximize the gain. The use of reflector
antennas for deep-space communication, such as
in the space program and especially their
deployment on the surface of the moon, resulted
in establishing the reflector antenna almost as a
household word during the 1960s. Although
reflector antennas take many geometrical
configurations, some of the most popular shapes
are the plane, corner, and curved reflectors.
Smart Antenna
Over the last decade, wireless technology has grown at a formidable rate, thereby creating new and
improved services at lower costs. This has resulted in an increase in airtime usage and in the
number of subscribers. The most practical solution to this problem is to use spatial processing. As
Andrew Viterbi, founder of Qualcomm Inc., clearly stated: “Spatial processing remains as the most
promising, if not the last frontier, in the evolution of multiple access systems”.
Smart Antenna System
Smart Antenna Analogy
Smart Antenna Analogy
Electronics Equivalent
Electronics Equivalent
Why Smart Antennas Important?

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