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Building a

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alty and Ethical
avior: The Art
thical Decision
Building a Foundation of Loyalty and
Ethical Behavior: The Art of Ethical
Decision Making
Defining Ethical Decision Making

Ethical decision making involves evaluating

moral dilemmas and choosing actions that align
with ethical principles and values. It requires
considering the potential consequences and
impact on stakeholders.
Importance of Loyalty
Loyalty fosters trust, commitment,
and strong relationships. It creates a
foundation for ethical behavior by
promoting transparency, open
communication, and mutual support.
Factors Influencing Ethical
Decision Making
Various factors such as personal values,
organizational culture, societal norms,
and legal considerations influence
ethical decision making. Understanding
these factors helps navigate complex
ethical dilemmas.
Ethical Decision Making Process

The ethical decision making process

involves: 1) Recognizing the ethical
issue, 2) Gathering relevant
information, 3) Evaluating options
based on ethical principles, 4) Making a
decision, and 5) Reflecting on the
Building a foundation of loyalty and ethical behavior is crucial
for organizations and individuals. By mastering the art of
ethical decision making, we can create a culture of integrity
and contribute to a better future.
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