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Nombre: Sebastian Gguillermo Tiburcio Matrícula: 2818530

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
Global Culture 3
Módulo: Actividad:
Módulo 2 9

1. You were selected from thousands of people to work in one of Finland’s

most important technology companies. These are the things you know
about your new adventure:
o Your boss is a woman
o Half of your coworkers are Finns, the other half are Swedish,
Norwegian, Danish and Russians
o Your first day at work will be the first day of winter
o You will live in Espoo, the second largest city in Finland
o You have 3 months before traveling to organize your trip

2. To prepare for this assignment, you must read the following article:
o Finnish business culture and etiquette. Passport to trade.
Retrieved November 06, 2019, from 

3. Please answer the following questions creatively and using the concepts
learned in class:

0. In addition to buying airline tickets, what should you consider

before traveling to Finland? Justify your answer using at least
5 concepts learned in this module.
 You should plan your visit very carefully: It gets up to 70 degrees
Fahrenheit, the sun never sets, and the locals are like enthusiastic dogs
released into a vast glade.
 Select a tram: Helsinki's famous tram system is also the ideal method to
sightsee because it is environmentally friendly, affordable, and cheery. Take
route two from the center for a city tour.
 Eat sushi: Finland and Japan share many characteristics, including a fondness
of peace and quiet, minimalist design, a thriving technology industry, and a
passion for fish.
 Avoid taxis: Taxis are not permitted to pick up passengers on the street;
instead, go to a designated pick-up place.
 Get vour pre-game on: Northern Europe rarelv tops the budget travel
records, with great reason. Securing the Nordic welfare state requires charge
cash, which climbs up the living

a. According to the article, how would you describe the

communication style, and the way Finns do businesses and
make decisions?

Finns really have a coordinate fashion of communication; they lean toward a

straightforward commerce accomplice. Finland has proceeded to attract foreign
venture due its financial victory, tall benchmarks of living trade development

b. Describe 3 strategies you will follow to avoid culture shock.

 Perspective: Changing perspective can help you to understand the

circumstance or put from their point of view, and gain unused experiences to
see at the world.
 Self-awareness: This will be translated in an unexpected way in other
cultures and that's why one of the finest ways to dodge culture shock.
Coming from the same put as somebody implies that it can get it their same
 Persistence: In some cases it makes time to be physically and rationally
arranged to alter out way to think, but able to manage to break
generalizations effortlessly.

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