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Briefly discuss about PRAN-RFL Group

PRAN-RFL Group is a Bangladeshi conglomerate, founded in 1981 by Amjad Khan

Chowdhury. The company is known for its diversified business portfolio, including food and
beverage, plastic products, and agricultural machinery. It is one of the largest conglomerates in
Bangladesh, with a presence in more than 145 countries. Pran-RFL Group is headquartered in
Dhaka, Bangladesh, and employs over 10,000 people worldwide. The group operates under
several subsidiaries, including Pran Foods, RFL Plastics, Pran-RFL Healthcare, Tasty Treat and
many others.

Pran Foods is the flagship company of the group, and it is known for its popular juice and snack
products. RFL Plastics is one of the largest plastic manufacturers in South Asia, producing a
wide range of household goods and industrial plastic products. Apart from its core businesses,
the group also operates in real estate, media, and hospitality sectors. Pran-RFL Group has several
joint ventures with international companies, such as PepsiCo, Danone, and Nestlé.

In recent years, the group has focused on expanding its business in the Middle East and Africa
Region. The company has also been involved in corporate social responsibility initiatives,
including education, health, and environment. The Pran-RFL Group has won numerous awards
and recognition for its contributions to the economy of Bangladesh. The company is one of the
top employers in the country.

Briefly discuss about Tasty Treat

Tasty Treat started its journey from 2014 onwards with its flagship store in Mohammadpur. With
the motto of “Food You’ll Love To Share”, Tasty Treat not only hopes to bring amazing food at
an affordable price but also wants to share and spread happiness with others.
Currently, Tasty Treat has more than 200+ outlets in Dhaka, Narshingdi, Narayanganj, Cumilla,
Sylhet, Chittagong, Mymensing. Tasty Treat wants to expand their brand value and presence by
bringing in more products for the consumers. . It has a plan of expansion to all major cities of
Bangladesh including Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Jessore, Barishal, Tasty Treat ensures that
delicious food is available throughout the country.

Tasty Treat is known for its delicious cake, pastry, bakery, savoury and fast food items with a
range of more than 150+ items. It has various flavours of cake-like vanilla, black forest,
chocolate, premium chocolate, chocolate vanilla, chocolate lady, red velvet etc. Besides Tasty
Treat provides customized cakes on different occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, marriage
ceremonies, parties and get together.

Popular savoury items are Russian Chicken Burger, Marine Sandwich, Sausage Delight Pizza,
Chicken Patties, Italian Slice Pizza, Chicken Wellington, French Pizza, Mini Pizza etc.
Among desserts and pastry items Opera pastry, Rich Chocolate Pastry, Red Velvet Pastry, Baked
Yogurt and Arabic Phirni are few to name. Besides, Mexican Burgers and Sub sandwiches are
the customer’s favourite spicy items and whereas steamed Chicken Momo with tomato and chili
sauce is a popular dumpling choice.
We would like to take the Tasty Treat’s experience to more customers – in their homes, their
dorm rofroms, their workplaces and beyond through our home delivery service. So, we have
partnered with the online food delivery vendors Othoba, Foodpanda, Shohoz, Pathao food,
HungryNaki who make our food available at your doorsteps.

Now discuss the six driver of supply chain performance for Tasty Treat

The facilities play a crucial role in creating a conducive environment for work, production, and
customer interactions. Here are some key aspects to consider when discussing the facilities of
Testy Treat:

Restaurant Spaces: The Testy Treat facilities are where administrative, managerial, and support
functions are carried out. These spaces typically include workstations, meeting rooms,
conference rooms, break areas, and common areas. The restaurant facilities are designed to
facilitate collaboration, communication, and productivity among employees.
Manufacturing Facilities: Manufacturing facilities of testy treat are specific to the companies
involved in production or assembly processes. These facilities consist of production lines,
machinery, equipment, and storage areas. The layout and design of manufacturing facilities aim
to optimize workflow, safety, and efficiency in the production process.
Warehousing and Distribution Centers: Warehouses and distribution centers are dedicated to
storing and distributing goods. These facilities often include storage racks, loading docks,
inventory management systems, and logistics infrastructure. Efficient warehousing and
distribution facilities help manage inventory, fulfill orders, and ensure timely delivery to
Research and Development (R&D) Labs: R&D facilities of testy treat are essential for
companies engaged in innovation, product development, and scientific research. These labs are
equipped with specialized equipment, instruments, and technology necessary for conducting
experiments, prototyping, and testing. R&D facilities of testy treat foster creativity, discovery,
and advancement within the company.
Retail Stores and Showrooms: For the testy treat companies involved in retail, their facilities
include physical stores or showrooms where customers can browse and purchase products. These
spaces are designed to create an appealing and welcoming atmosphere for customers,
showcasing products effectively and providing a positive shopping experience.
Data Centers and IT Facilities: In the digital age, testy treat heavily rely on data centers and IT
facilities to manage their information technology infrastructure. Data centers house servers,
networking equipment, and storage systems required to store and process digital data. These
facilities are equipped with robust power backup, cooling systems, and security measures to
ensure data integrity and availability.
Employee Amenities: The testy treat provide amenities within their facilities to support
employee well-being and satisfaction. These amenities can include employee lounges, cafeterias,
fitness centers, childcare facilities, or recreational spaces. Such amenities contribute to employee
morale, productivity, and work-life balance.
Safety and Security Measures: The testy treat Facilities must prioritize safety and security to
protect employees, customers, and company assets. This involves implementing measures such
as access controls, surveillance systems, fire safety systems, emergency response protocols, and
compliance with health and safety regulations.
Environmental Sustainability: Increasingly, Testy Treat are incorporating sustainable practices
into their facilities. This can involve energy-efficient lighting, waste management systems,
renewable energy sources, green building design, or initiatives to reduce the environmental
impact of operations.
Maintenance and Facility Management: The Testy Treat proper maintenance and facility
management ensure that the testy treat facilities operate smoothly and efficiently. This includes
routine inspections, repairs, cleaning, and general upkeep of the facilities. Facility management
teams oversee maintenance schedules, handle vendor relationships, and address any issues that
may arise.
The facilities of testy treat are diverse and tailored to meet specific operational requirements and
industry needs. By investing in well-designed and well-maintained facilities, testy treat can
enhance employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall operational efficiency.

Inventory is an essential asset for the testy treat across various industries. The goods, materials,
or products held by a business for the purpose of resale, production, or raw material
consumption. Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses to ensure smooth
operations, meet customer demands, minimize costs, and optimize profitability.
The inventory of testy treat can be classified into different categories based on its purpose and
stage in the production or distribution process. Here are some common types of inventory
Raw Materials: These are the basic components or inputs used in the manufacturing or
production process of testy treat. Raw materials are typically sourced from suppliers and are not
yet transformed into finished products.
Work-in-Progress (WIP): WIP inventory consists of partially completed products that are still
in the production process in testy treat. It includes materials and goods that are being worked on
but have not yet reached the final stage of completion.
Finished Goods: These are the end products that have completed the production process and are
ready for sale or distribution to the customers of testy treat. Finished goods inventory includes
items that are stored in warehouses or on store shelves awaiting purchase.
Maintenance, and Operations (MO) Inventory: This category includes items required for the
maintenance, or operation of machinery, equipment, and facilities. MO inventory can include
spare lubricants, and other consumables necessary to support ongoing operations.
Goods-in-Transit: The testy treat are goods that are in the process of being transported from one
location to another. Goods-in-transit inventory is typically included to track and account for the
value of products that are in transit but have not yet reached their final destination.
The testy treat inventory management involves various activities to ensure efficient control and
utilization of inventory. These activities include:

Demand Forecasting: The testy treat companies analyze historical sales data and market trends
to predict future demand for their products accurately. This helps them determine the optimal
level of inventory to maintain.
Replenishment and Ordering: Testy treat based on demand forecasts and lead times,
companies place orders with suppliers to replenish their inventory. They need to consider factors
such as order quantities, delivery schedules, and supplier reliability.
Inventory Tracking: Accurate tracking of inventory levels is essential to avoid stock outs or
overstocking. The testy treat use inventory management systems to monitor inventory quantities,
locations, and movements in real-time.
Inventory Valuation: Inventory is a significant asset on a Pran Group of company's balance
sheet, and its value must be determined accurately. Different valuation methods, such as First-In,
First-Out (FIFO) or Last-In, First-Out (LIFO), can be used to assign costs to inventory items.
Cycle Counting and Physical Inventory: Regular cycle counting involves physically counting
a subset of inventory items to reconcile them with the recorded quantities. Periodic physical
inventory checks may be conducted to verify the accuracy of inventory records and identify
Efficient inventory management aims to strike a balance between having sufficient inventory to
meet customer demands and minimizing carrying costs associated with excess inventory of testy
treat. By optimizing inventory levels, businesses can improve cash flow, reduce storage costs,
prevent stock outs, and enhance customer satisfaction.
The transportation facility of a Tasty Treat typically refers to the infrastructure, resources, and
systems that enable the movement of goods, people, or services from one location to another. It
involves various elements such as vehicles, logistics, routes, and management processes to
ensure efficient and effective transportation operations.
Fleet of Vehicles: Tasty Treat may own or lease a fleet of vehicles, including trucks, vans, cars,
or specialized vehicles depending on their specific transportation needs.

Logistics and Supply Chain: An effective transportation facility is closely linked to the Tasty
Treat logistics and supply chain management.
Transportation Infrastructure : Tasty Treat may have their own transportation
infrastructure, such as warehouses, distribution centers, or hubs strategically located to facilitate
the efficient flow of goods.
Technology and Tracking Systems: Advanced technology plays a crucial role in modern
transportation facilities.
Compliance and Safety: Transportation facilities need to adhere to legal and safety regulations
governing the industry
Third-Party Partnerships: Tasty Treat may engage with external partners, such as logistics
providers, shipping companies, or courier services, to complement their transportation facility.
Environmental Considerations: Many companies are increasingly focused on sustainable
transportation practices.
Overall, a Tasty Treat transportation facility is a crucial component of its supply chain and
customer service. By investing in efficient transportation infrastructure, utilizing advanced
technology, and prioritizing safety and sustainability, Tasty Treat can enhance their operational
capabilities and deliver goods and services promptly and reliably.
The information facility of a Tasty Treat to the infrastructure, systems, and processes used to
manage and store information effectively and securely. It involves the utilization of technology,
data management practices, and personnel to support the organization's information needs and
facilitate efficient operations. Here are some key aspects to consider when discussing the
information facility of a Treat Treat.
Hardware and Software: The Tasty Treat rely on a range of hardware devices such as
servers, computers, networking equipment, and storage systems to store, process, and transmit
information. Additionally, software applications and systems, including database management
systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, customer relationship management
(CRM) tools, and collaboration platforms, are essential for managing and utilizing the
information effectively.
Data Management and Security: Ensuring proper data management and security is critical.
This involves establishing policies and procedures for data collection, storage, organization, and
retrieval. It also includes implementing data backup and disaster recovery mechanisms to protect
against data loss or system failures. Security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, access
controls, and employee awareness programs, are crucial to safeguard sensitive information from
unauthorized access or data breaches.
Data Storage and Infrastructure: Tasty Treat must determine the most suitable data storage
solutions for their needs. This can include on-premises servers, cloud-based storage, or hybrid
approaches. Factors such as scalability, accessibility, performance, and data redundancy are
considered while designing the data storage infrastructure to ensure the availability and integrity
of critical information.

Connectivity and Networks: The Tasty Treat rely on robust network infrastructure to facilitate
the flow of information between different departments, branches, or locations. This includes
local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), internet connectivity, and wireless
networks. Network security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, help
protect the Tasty Treat's information assets.
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Tasty Treat increasingly leverage data analytics and
business intelligence tools to derive insights and make informed decisions. These tools help
extract meaningful information from raw data, perform data modeling, generate reports and
dashboards, and provide valuable insights into various aspects of the business.
IT Staff and Support: Skilled IT personnel play a crucial role in managing the information
facility of a Tasty Treat. IT professionals are responsible for system administration, network
management, software development, data analysis, and technical support. They ensure the
smooth operation of the information facility, address technical issues, and provide assistance to
employees regarding software usage and data management.
Compliance and Regulations: The Tasty Treat need to comply with industry-specific
regulations and legal requirements concerning data privacy, security, and confidentiality.
Compliance with standards like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is crucial to protect customer data and
maintain the company's reputation.
Training and Documentation: Effective utilization of the information facility requires training
employees on relevant software applications, data management practices, and security protocols.
The TASTY TREAT may develop documentation, manuals, and training materials to support
employees in understanding and effectively using the information facility.

By investing in an efficient and secure information facility, Tasty Treat can enhance data
management, improve decision-making processes, foster collaboration, and gain a competitive
advantage in today's data-driven business environment.
Sourcing, in the context of a company the process of identifying, evaluating, selecting, and
managing suppliers or vendors to obtain goods, materials, services, or components required for
the organization's operations. It involves strategic decision-making to ensure the right resources
are acquired at the right quality, price, and time. Here are some key aspects to consider when
discussing the sourcing of tasty treat:
Supplier Identification and Evaluation: The first step in the sourcing process is identifying
potential suppliers. This can be done through market research, industry contacts, trade shows, or
online platforms. Once identified, suppliers are evaluated based on criteria such as product
quality, reliability, financial stability, capacity, geographic proximity, and reputation. Supplier
evaluation may involve requesting proposals, conducting site visits, or reviewing past
Negotiation and Contracting: After selecting potential suppliers, tasty treat engage in
negotiation to determine favorable terms and conditions. This includes pricing, payment terms,
delivery schedules, quality standards, warranties, and service level agreements. The negotiation
process aims to establish a mutually beneficial relationship that meets the tasty treat's
requirements while ensuring value for money.
Supplier Relationship Management: Managing relationships with suppliers is essential for
successful sourcing. This involves ongoing communication, performance monitoring, and
collaboration to ensure supplier compliance, quality assurance, and continuous improvement.
Effective supplier relationship management strengthens partnerships, fosters innovation, and
mitigates risks.
Supply Chain Optimization: Sourcing decisions are interconnected with supply chain
management. Tasty treat need to consider factors such as lead times, inventory levels,
transportation costs, and demand variability. Optimizing the supply chain involves strategically
positioning suppliers, determining order quantities, implementing efficient logistics, and
coordinating with other functions within the organization.
Supplier Diversity and Sustainability: Tasty treat emphasize supplier diversity and
sustainability in their sourcing strategies. Supplier diversity programs aim to engage a diverse
range of suppliers, including minority-owned, women-owned, or small businesses. Sustainability
considerations involve sourcing from environmentally responsible suppliers, ensuring ethical
practices, and promoting social responsibility throughout the supply chain.
Risk Management: Sourcing involves inherent risks, such as supply disruptions, quality issues,
or price fluctuations. Tasty treat must identify and mitigate these risks through contingency
plans, alternative sourcing options, supplier audits, and risk assessment methodologies. Robust
risk management practices help maintain business continuity and minimize potential disruptions.
Continuous Improvement: Sourcing is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation
and improvement. Tasty treat should regularly review supplier performance, benchmark against
industry standards, and seek opportunities for cost savings, process efficiencies, and innovation.
This may involve supplier scorecards, performance reviews, and periodic renegotiation of
Technology and Automation: Technology plays a vital role in sourcing activities. Tasty treat
use various software applications, such as supplier relationship management systems, e-sourcing
platforms, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, to streamline and automate processes.
These tools facilitate supplier selection, contract management, performance tracking, and data
analysis, improving sourcing efficiency and decision-making.

By adopting effective sourcing strategies, tasty treat can optimize their supply chain, reduce
costs, ensure quality and reliability, mitigate risks, and foster strategic partnerships with
suppliers. A well-executed sourcing process contributes to the overall success and
competitiveness of the organization.

Pricing is a fundamental aspect of a company's business strategy, encompassing the process of

setting prices for its products or services. It involves evaluating costs, market dynamics,
customer behavior, and competitive factors to determine optimal pricing strategies. Here are
some key aspects to consider when discussing the pricing of tasty treat:
Cost Analysis: Tasty treat need to understand their costs to establish a pricing framework. This
includes identifying direct costs (e.g., raw materials, labor, production) and indirect costs (e.g.,
overhead expenses, marketing, distribution). By analyzing costs, tasty treat can determine a
baseline price that covers expenses and ensures profitability.
Value-Based Pricing: Value-based pricing involves setting prices based on the perceived value
of the product or service to the customer. This approach considers factors such as the benefits
provided, differentiation from competitors, customer demand, and willingness to pay. By
aligning price with value, tasty treat can capture the maximum value from customers while
maintaining competitiveness.
Market Analysis: A thorough understanding of the market is crucial for effective pricing. Tasty
treat analyze market dynamics, including customer preferences, buying behavior, purchasing
power, and competitive landscape. By evaluating market conditions, tasty treat can identify
pricing opportunities, position their products or services strategically, and respond to changes in
customer demand or competitive pricing.

Competitive Pricing: Competitive pricing involves considering the pricing strategies and
offerings of competitors. Tasty treat may choose to set prices at a similar level to stay
competitive, or they may adopt a premium or discount pricing strategy based on factors such as
product differentiation, quality, or brand positioning. Competitor analysis helps tasty treat
determine their market position and adjust pricing accordingly.
Pricing Strategies: Tasty treat employ various pricing strategies to achieve specific objectives.
These strategies include penetration pricing (setting low prices to gain market share), skimming
pricing (setting high prices initially and gradually lowering them), price bundling (offering
multiple products or services at a combined price), or value-based pricing (pricing based on the
unique value delivered to customers).
Pricing Tactics: Pricing tactics involve the specific techniques used to implement pricing
strategies. These tactics may include discounts, promotions, rebates, volume-based pricing,
seasonal pricing, or dynamic pricing (adjusting prices based on real-time market conditions or
customer behavior). Effective pricing tactics aim to attract customers, drive sales, and maximize
Pricing and Profit Margin: Pricing decisions should consider the desired profit margin of tasty
treat. By understanding the cost structure, market dynamics, and competitive factors, tasty treat
can determine the appropriate pricing level that allows them to achieve their profit objectives
while considering customer value and market positioning.
Price Elasticity and Demand: Price elasticity of demand refers to the sensitivity of customer
demand to changes in price. Tasty treat evaluate price elasticity to understand how price changes
will impact demand and revenue. Products with inelastic demand (less sensitive to price changes)
may allow for higher prices, while products with elastic demand (highly sensitive to price
changes) require careful pricing strategies to maintain volume.

Pricing Optimization and Analysis: Tasty treat continuously evaluate and refine their pricing
strategies through pricing optimization and analysis. This involves monitoring sales data,
customer feedback, market trends, and competitive landscape to identify pricing opportunities,
assess the impact of pricing changes, and make data-driven pricing decisions.
Pricing Psychology and Perception: Pricing is not solely based on costs and market factors; it
also considers the psychological aspects of pricing. Tasty treat leverage pricing techniques such
as charm pricing (setting prices just below a round number, e.g., $9.99 instead of $10), prestige
pricing (setting higher prices to convey exclusivity or luxury), or psychological anchoring
(placing higher-priced options to make other options seem more affordable).

By carefully considering these factors, tasty treat can establish effective pricing strategies that
align with their business objectives, customer value, market dynamics, and
competitive landscape.

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