JVIR 6130 Session Report

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Q2 Bronchial Artery Angiographic Aspects of Coronavirus

Q4Q1 Disease 2019

i The corrections made in this section will be reviewed and approved by a journal production editor.

Yves Chau, MDa, chau.y@chu-nice.fr, Paolo Arnoffi, MDa, Lydiane Mondot, MDb, Yann Diascorn, MDb,

Jacques Sédat, MDa

Department of Neuro-Interventional and Vascular Interventional, University Hospital of Nice, Nice, France
Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Nice, Nice, France

Address correspondence to Y.C., Department of Neuro-Interventional and Vascular Interventional, University
Hospital of Nice, 30 voie romaine, 06000 Nice, France


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Two patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection (65 and 67 years old, receiving oxygen therapy via
high-flow nasal cannulae, with no history of chronic respiratory disease or hemoptysis) were treated for psoas
hematoma secondary to therapeutic anticoagulation (1 patient for a subsegmental pulmonary embolism and the other for
Q3 an elevation of D-dimer level). In both the patients, computed tomography of the chest showed typical features of
parenchymal lung abnormalities, consistent with COVID-19, and no chronic thromboembolic disease, bronchiectasis,
or other conditions associated with bronchial artery dilatation.

Both the patients consented to investigational bronchial arteriography after embolization of the psoas bleeding sources.
Angiography showed prominent bronchial arteries and parenchymal enhancement similar to those observed in tumor
blushes (Fig 1, Video 1). COVID-19 infection is associated with microangiopathy, thrombosis, and angiogenesis.
Further studies are needed to determine whether hypervascularization is a beneficial adaptation or a pathologic process,
in which case endovascular therapies should be evaluated to regulate it.

i Images are optimised for fast web viewing. Click on the image to view the original version.

Figure 1

Angiography of patient 1 demonstrated bronchial artery hypertrophy and contrast enhancement similar to those observed in tumor
Article Footnotes

None of the authors have identified a conflict of interest.

Video 1 can be found by accessing the online version of this article on www.jvir.org and selecting the
Supplemental Material tab.

Supplementary Material
Multimedia Component 1_Video

Video 1

Angiography of the intercostal-bronchial trunk in patient 2 showed similar hypervascularity.

Queries and Answers


Query: If there are any drug dosages in your article, please verify them and indicate that you have done so by initialing this


Answer: There are not drug dosages in this article


Query: Article title okay as edited?

Answer: Yes


Query: Sentence beginning “Two patients with…” okay as edited?

Answer: Yes


Query: Correctly acknowledging the primary funders and grant IDs of your research is important to ensure compliance with

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Answer: Yes


Query: Please confirm that given names and surnames have been identified correctly and are presented in the desired order and

please carefully verify the spelling of all authors' names.

Answer: Yes

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