Ghani Ali Syed

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In paragraph form, define and describe disaster recovery.

  Define and describe business continuity. 

Discuss the threats posed by disgruntled employees and how to mitigate those threats. Identify and
cite a real-world example of an organization put at risk by a disgruntled employee.
Discussion Requirements:  
 Assignment must be submitted by their due dates (Initial post is due Wednesday, 11:59 p.m.
EST. A minimum of two responses to classmates by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST).   
 The initial post should be 300 - 350 words. 
 You must engage on at least three separate days (by Wednesday for the first post and two
additional days of peer engagement).  Late assignments will not be accepted. 
 A minimum of two scholarly journal articles are required for your initial discussion post.
See UC Library Tutorials. 
 When replying to peers be sure to engage with analytical posts that add to the conversation.
For example:
 Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
 Provide extensive additional information on the topic
 Share an applicable personal experience
 Make an argument concerning the topic.
 Apply APA 7th edition style (including headings, in-text citations, and references). Please
refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020).
 Discussion should demonstrate thorough understanding of the materials and fully address the
 Writing should skillfully communicate meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency with no
grammatical or spelling errors. 

Define and describe disaster recovery.

Disaster recovery involves proactive planning to mitigate the impact of disasters on
organizational operations. It is a critical component of any business continuity plan which
focuses on keeping the business operational in case of adverse events such as natural
disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, or hardware failures (Baroy & Wu, 2023). The
primary goal of disaster recovery is to ensure that practical measures are in place to restore
regular operation and avoid prolonged interruptions after an unforeseen event. Disaster
recovery strategies may include backing up data regularly, storing it away from the leading
site, or replicating applications across multiple servers at different sites. Testing backup
systems can also prove essential, especially since sometimes catastrophic incidents happen.
These efforts help organizations minimize downtime and recover quickly from disruptions
that could impact productivity, revenue generation, or legal liabilities (Baroy & Wu, 2023).
Define and describe business continuity.
Business continuity is an essential aspect of any organization's operations that pertains
to its ability to function and maintain critical business processes during unforeseen
circumstances or events (Niemimaa et al., 2019). It refers to management practices, policies,
and procedures designed to ensure the continued operation of critical business functions
following unexpected disruptions such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, pandemics, or other
emergencies. The goal of business continuity planning is not just about ensuring survival but
also protecting reputation by minimizing loss in revenue due to interruption in service
delivery. Therefore businesses must have systems and resources in place to mitigate the
effects caused by unexpected adverse situations. In cloud computing, "Disaster Recovery"
becomes much easier since all dependencies can be migrated into virtual environments
without delay, ensuring smooth handoff between physical facilities and preventing system
failure (Niemimaa et al., 2019).
Discuss the threats posed by disgruntled employees and how to mitigate those threats.
Disgruntled employees are a significant threat to the security and stability of an
organization's cloud computing infrastructure (Farsi et al., 2020). These employees may
intentionally or unintentionally cause damage to the system by stealing sensitive information
or sabotaging critical applications. One way organizations can mitigate these threats is
through access controls. By limiting privileges such as administrative access, organizations
are better equipped to prevent unauthorized changes or deletion of data within their cloud
environment. Another approach involves monitoring employee behavior within the cloud
network through activity logs and audits. It allows organizations to quickly identify
suspicious activities that may indicate a potential breach caused by a disgruntled employee.
Organizations should also have policies for handling insider threats, including reporting
mechanisms for anomalous behaviors observed among employees who may pose risks.
Regular training sessions on cybersecurity best practices paired with reinforcing ethical
values can foster awareness among staff members about organizational goals towards
maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability of services provided (Farsi et al.,
Identify and cite a real-world example of an organization put at risk by a disgruntled
Apple has experienced an insider threat from a disgruntled employee in the past. A
former employee, Xiaolang Zhang, was accused of stealing confidential information on
Apple's autonomous vehicle project and attempting to flee to China with the said data (Farsi
et al., 2020). Although it is unclear what motivated Mr. Zhang's actions or whether he
intended to misuse this valuable intellectual property deliberately, such incidents emphasize
the importance of implementing security measures that safeguard an organization against
insider threats posed by disgruntled employees who possess knowledge regarding their
employer's operations and sensitive material access controls - as well as constantly
monitoring user activity for suspicious behavior patterns (Farsi et al., 2020).
Baroy, N. G., & Wu, J. (2023). Post-disaster recovery and bargaining with patriarchy: A case
study from Macapaya, Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,
Farsi, M., Ali, M., Shah, R. A., Wagan, A. A., & Kharabsheh, R. (2020). Cloud computing
and data security threats taxonomy: A review. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy
Systems, 38(3), 2517–2527.
Niemimaa, M., Järveläinen, J., Heikkilä, M., & Heikkilä, J. (2019). Business continuity of
business models: Evaluating the resilience of business models for contingencies.
International Journal of Information Management, 49, 208-216.

Hello, Abhiram Varma Nallaparaju 
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. It is well-written, engaging, and informative.
Defining Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is crucial
when developing a disaster recovery plan: RTO defines how long systems can afford to be
down before adversely affecting company operations, while RPO specifies precisely how
much data might get lost due to potential downtime during restoration work. Companies
generally employ cloud computing services for Disaster Recovery planning because these
plans require secondary infrastructures – infrastructure redundancy being one aspect
involving considerable resources--which can become prohibitively costly for businesses
operating with limited budgets. In conclusion, those businesses must concern themselves
about potentially disastrous circumstances like cybersecurity threats without availing scalable
IT contingency solution providers will allow them to stay exposed instead protected ones
having charged banks-backed risk transfer schemes toward their incident response procedures
Keep up the excellent work.
Hello, Xuefei Wu 
This post is packed with useful information. It's clear and concise, making it easy to
understand the topic at hand. Business continuity ensures critical business functions operate
with little interruption by identifying potential threats and risks, developing viable response
plans, testing these plans regularly, and improving them where necessary. Organizations
benefit from implementing business continuity frameworks by reducing financial losses due
to downtime or disruption. Additionally, they can minimize reputational damage among
clients who appreciate efficient services even in times of crisis. Further benefits include
enhancing resiliency against known operational hazards while promoting proactive
approaches toward risk management. By having comprehensive measures for disaster
recovery planning (DRP), organizations create effective data protection means, enabling data
restoration after an event has occurred quickly. It also allows businesses greater flexibility
regarding regulation compliance because DRPs ensure operations' stable continuation without
interruptions. Moreover, consensus on cloud computing suggests that all firms should
maintain continuous access so employees engage remotely during working hours whenever
crises arise; this is more evident amid Covid19 global pandemic's social distancing
requirement policy.
Thanks for sharing.

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