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Key motivations of Iterative development

Iterative development is lower risk; the waterfall is higher risk

Early risk mitigation and discovery

Accommodates and provokes early change

Manageable complexity.

Confidence and satisfaction from early, repeated success.

Early partial product.

Relevant progress tracking; better predictability.

Higher quality; less defects

Final product better matches true client desires.

Early and regular process improvement.

Communication and engagement required.

XP Life Cycle
Extreme Programming (XP) is a well-known agile method; it emphasizes
quick and early software creation, and skillful development practices.

1. Exploration: Identify and prioritize user stories with the customer.

2. Planning: Break down user stories into tasks and set goals.

3. Iterations: Short time-boxed cycles with design, coding, testing, integration,

and acceptance activities.

4. Releases: Potentially releasable software at the end of each iteration.

5. Maintenance: Ongoing bug fixing, user feedback, and incorporating new


Scrum classification

Scrum in Agile involves the following key elements:

1. Roles: Product Owner (representing the customer), Scrum Master

(facilitating the process), and Development Team (delivering the product).

2. Ceremonies: Sprint Planning (selecting work for the sprint), Daily Stand-ups
(sharing progress and planning), Sprint Review (demonstrating completed
work), and Sprint Retrospective (reflecting and improving).

3. Artifacts: Product Backlog (prioritized requirements), Sprint Backlog

(selected work for the sprint), and Increment (potentially shippable product

4. Time-Boxed Sprints: Fixed-duration iterations to deliver value, typically

lasting two to four weeks, providing predictability and rhythm to the
development process.

Unified process classificcation in terms of cycles and ceremony

Classified into 4 stages

1. Inception: Establishing project scope, objectives, and feasibility.

2. Elaboration: Analyzing, refining, and validating project requirements.

3. Construction: Developing the software incrementally through coding, testing,

and integration.

4. Transition: Preparing the system for deployment, including testing, training,

and data migration.

evo function specification

1. Evolutionary Requirements: Iterative refinement of requirements based on

changing needs and customer feedback.

2. Collaboration and Feedback: Close collaboration with customers to capture

and validate requirements.

3. Just-in-Time Approach: Capturing sufficient requirements to start

development and refining them iteratively.

4. Incremental Delivery: Delivering working increments of software to realize

value early.

5. Continuous Improvement: Reflecting on feedback and adapting

requirements for ongoing improvement.

6. Lightweight Documentation: Emphasizing minimal documentation for

effective communication.

agile practices

1. User Stories: Concise descriptions of desired functionality.

2. Continuous Integration: Frequent code integration and testing.

3. Iterative Development: Time-boxed, incremental delivery.

4. Test-Driven Development: Writing tests before coding.

5. Pair Programming: Collaborative code development.

6. Continuous Feedback: Regular input from stakeholders.

7. Retrospectives: Reflecting on project progress and improvement.

8. Agile Planning: Adaptive, just-in-time planning techniques.

9. Cross-functional Teams: Diverse skills within the team.

10. Customer Collaboration: Active involvement of customers in the
development process.

agile testing principles

1. Early and Continuous Testing: Start testing as early as possible and continue
throughout development to identify and address defects promptly.

2. Test-Driven Development (TDD): Write tests before implementing code to

ensure desired behavior and improve reliability.

3. Agile Test Automation: Automate testing to streamline processes, increase

efficiency, and provide faster feedback on code changes.

4. Collaborative Approach: Foster close collaboration between testers,

developers, and stakeholders to ensure shared understanding and quality

5. Emphasis on Customer Satisfaction: Align testing activities with customer

needs, seek feedback, and prioritize customer satisfaction.

6. Adaptive and Responsive Testing: Embrace change, adapt testing

approaches, and update test plans based on evolving requirements and

7. Incremental and Iterative Testing: Test small, deliverable increments of the

software in each iteration to detect and resolve issues early.

8. Continuous Integration and Testing: Integrate automated tests into the build
and deployment pipeline to maintain software stability and reliability.

9. Exploratory Testing: Actively explore the software to uncover defects and

gain deeper insights beyond scripted testing.

10. Quality as a Team Responsibility: Foster a shared responsibility for quality

among all team members, emphasizing collaboration and ownership.

project fail in scrum

1. Inadequate Product Ownership: Lack of authority, availability, or

understanding of product vision and requirements.

2. Poor Sprint Planning: Insufficient breakdown of user stories, inaccurate

estimation, and failure to identify dependencies and risks.

3. Lack of Team Collaboration: Ineffective communication, coordination, and

shared commitment within the team.

4. Ineffective Daily Stand-ups: Unstructured or unproductive daily meetings
that lack transparency and issue resolution.

5. Insufficient Continuous Integration and Testing: Lack of automated

testing, inadequate test coverage, and infrequent integration and validation.

6. Failure to Embrace Agile Values and Principles: Resistance to change,

limited customer collaboration, and inability to adapt to feedback.

7. External Factors and Organizational Challenges: Unclear governance,

lack of executive support, resource constraints, and conflicting priorities.

six malicious agile teams

1. Disciplined Iterations: Working in time-boxed cycles to deliver valuable


2. Continuous Integration: Frequently integrating and validating code changes.

3. Team Ownership: Taking collective responsibility and collaborating


4. Continuous Testing: Prioritizing testing throughout the development process.

5. Agile Architecture: Creating adaptable and sustainable architectural designs.

6. Regular Reflection and Adaptation: Reflecting on practices and adapting for



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