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riting a demand letter for estafa requires a clear and concise expression of your claim and a

demand for the return of funds or property. Here's a general outline of how you can structure the

1. Header: Include your name and contact information at the top of the letter. Beneath that,
provide the date of writing.
2. Recipient Information: Include the name, address, and contact information of the person
or entity you are addressing the letter to. This should be the person or organization
responsible for the alleged estafa.
3. Introduction: Begin the letter with a polite and professional salutation, such as "Dear
[Recipient's Name]."
4. Explanation of the Situation: In the first paragraph, briefly explain the background of the
situation, including any relevant dates, agreements, or transactions. Clearly state that you
believe you are a victim of estafa and provide any evidence or documentation supporting
your claim.
5. Details of the Estafa: In the subsequent paragraphs, describe in detail the actions or
omissions that constitute estafa. Clearly explain how the other party has violated their
legal obligations and provide specific examples or incidents.
6. Demand for Restitution: Clearly state your demand for restitution. Specify the amount of
money or the return of specific property that you are seeking. Indicate a reasonable
deadline by which you expect the restitution to be made.
7. Consequences of Non-compliance: Inform the recipient of the potential consequences if
they fail to comply with your demand. This may include legal action, involvement of law
enforcement authorities, or reporting the incident to relevant regulatory bodies.
8. Closing: In the final paragraph, restate your demand for restitution and express your
expectation that the matter will be resolved promptly and amicably. Thank the recipient
for their attention to the matter.
9. Closing Salutation: End the letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours
10. Signature: Below the closing salutation, leave space for your signature. Print your name
beneath the signature.
11. Enclosures: If you are including any supporting documents, such as contracts, receipts, or
evidence, mention them in a line below your signature. For example, you can write
"Enclosures: [List of enclosed documents]".
12. Keep a Copy: Make sure to keep a copy of the demand letter for your records before
sending it.

Remember, it's important to seek legal advice or consult with a lawyer experienced in estafa
cases to ensure that your demand letter is appropriate for your specific situation.

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