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Some of the questions shared by friends on different FB pages.

English MCQS:
she.... a cold when i met her last time.
french revolution
in 8085 which is control unit
SCR is (unidirectional)
for doing repetitive task how many robots are used.
sum of all voltages in a closed loop is equal to
which is the source in which the voltage is constant no matter how much current is
A state which nothing is happened is called
the content of instruction register are split into..... nibbles.
formula of power?
how many types of robots for repetitive work?
how many types of robots for menial work?
sum of all potential difference in a loop?
BJT works in which region? active saturation cutoff
nodal analysis basis is on _____same? current voltage R L
JFET gate is? reverse.. forward
employer works with responsibility and conscious to the operations? which policy?
work place no harassment? which policy
radio receiver uses which filter?
source voltage is equal to terminal voltage in circuit? ideal voltage ideal curremt
real voltage real current
how many sngpl training sites to staff are there? 7 9 11 13
how many nibbles are there in instruction?
top four nibbles goes to? instruction register aur dusre options yad nhi
in 8085 ______is part of control unit? RAM ROM instruction register
chared capacitor works as? voltage source current source supply voltage
a circuit with identical properties on both side is called? bidirectional
thyristor has how many on junctions?
pn junction diode is? uni directional bidirectional
In a modulation type frequency changes with voltage is? AM FM PM
ward Leonard method is used in which type of motor?
questions were from embedded system.. communication system.. electronics..
computer.. electrical

Q. A operation in which nothing can happen is called ….. a) NOP operation b)

…….. c) ………. d) ………
Ans is A
Q. LVDT is a/an …………………... device. a) Mechanical b) Electromechanical
c) Electrical d) Thermal
Ans is B
Q. Bandwidth can be increased by use of ………………… net. a) Phase lead b)
Phase lag c) Mesh d) All of these.
Ans is B
Q. Phase margin is the distance from GF(jw) curve to ………………. a) Critical
point b) Active c) Saturation d) All of these
ANs is A
Q. For big no of bit error ………………… is used a) FDM b) BER c) WDM d) All
of these.
ANs is B
Q ……………. Is the product of output voltage directly proportional to input
frequency? a) Carson rule b) Frequency discrimination c) Phase modulation d)
Frequency modulation
Ans is D
Q. A step up transformer increase ……………. a) current b) voltage c) frequency
d) power
Ans is b

Company business today test

1.sngpl work under which regulation authority (ogra)

2. Xvii of 2002 license of which regulatory authority (ogra)
3.ROR of sngpl (17.5%)
4.increase in transmission over 2017 year (7.63)
5.sngpl work in how many region
6.transmiision and distribution is sngpl which policy transmission line length

1.Binary equivalent of 15 1111 converter Analogue to digital is converted by ADC
3.RLC at resonance than

a. power 0 current max

B. power unity current max
C. power 0 current minimum
D power unity current min
4.kcl rule
5.superposition theorem is applicable on which source in circuit ( voltage ,current
or both )
6.system having zero pole the system is ?
7.which one among is conductor
Silver, rubber, etc
8.system to be stable pole must be on which half plane
9.phasor diagram represent graph between which two terms store at which address to overcome error in reading ( even address)
11.doping a semiconductor to conduct is to
A adding impurity to pure element
B adding impurity to impure element
12.optical fiber use which multiplexing to work
13.nuclear power plant uses uranium annually how many tons (30-35tons)
14.storing data is part of
A control unit
D memory
15.series RLC circuit given R 2ohm L 1 H c 1F
Alpha= R/2L =1 answer is critical damped
16.for parallel RLC circuit response with R 1 L 2 C 2

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