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Table of Contents

Course Guide xiăxvi

Topic 1 The Nature of Leadership 1

1.1 Interpretation of Leadership 2
1.2 Leadership and Management 4
1.3 Leadership Roles 6
1.3.1 Figurehead 7
1.3.2 Spokesperson 7
1.3.3 Negotiator 7
1.3.4 Coach 7
1.3.5 Team Builder 7
1.3.6 Team Player 8
1.3.7 Technical Problem Solver 8
1.3.8 Entrepreneur 8
1.3.9 Strategic Planner 8
1.4 Traits of Effective Leadership 9
1.4.1 The Communicator 11
1.4.2 The Educator 13
1.4.3 The Envisioner 14
1.4.4 The Facilitator 15
1.4.5 The Change Master 16
1.4.6 The Culture Builder 17
1.4.7 The Activator 18
1.4.8 The Producer 20
1.4.9 The Character Builder 21
1.4.10 The Contributor 22
1.5 Leadership and Power 24
1.5.1 Power ă A Focus on Individuals 25
1.5.2 Power ă Shared Leadership 25
1.6 Changing Perspectives on Leadership 26
1.6.1 Charismatic Leadership 27
1.6.2 Transactional and Transformational Leadership 30
1.6.3 Instructional Leadership 34
1.6.4 Moral Leadership 37
Summary 39
Key Terms 40
References 40

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Topic 2 Effective Leadership Behaviours and Attitudes 44

2.1 Trait Theories 45
2.2 Behavioural Theories 46
2.2.1 Theory X and Theory Y 46
2.2.2 Ohio State University 48
2.2.3 University of Iowa 48
2.2.4 Managerial Grid 49
2.3 The Leadership Style 51
2.3.1 Situations Style 51
2.3.2 Conclusion 54
2.4 Selecting the Best Leadership Style 56
2.4.1 Principal Leadership Style and Achievement 56
2.4.2 Conclusion 60
2.5 The Ethical Practice of Educational Leadership 61
2.5.1 Concept of Ethics in Leadership 61
2.5.2 Conclusion 64
Summary 65
Key Terms 66
References 66

Topic 3 Contingency and Situational Leadership 70

3.1 FiedlerÊs Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness 71
3.2 The Path-goal Theory of Leadership Effectiveness 73
3.2.1 The Assumptions of Path-goal Theory 75
3.2.2 Choice of Leadership Behaviours 75
3.3 The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model 77
Summary 80
Key Terms 80
References 80

Topic 4 Leadership and Motivation 82

4.1 What is Motivation? 83
4.2 Leadership and Motivation 84
4.3 Motivation Theories 85
4.3.1 McClellandÊs Motivation Theory 85
4.3.2 VroomÊs Expectancy Theory 87
4.3.3 Locke and LathamÊs Goal-setting Theory 89
4.4 Behaviour Modification and Motivation 93
4.4.1 Behaviour Modification 93
4.4.2 Stages of Management of Behavioural Change 95
4.4.3 Conclusion 98
Summary 99
Key Terms 100
References 100
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Topic 5 The School as a Social Organisation 102

5.1 The School as a Social System 103
5.2 The Rise of Weberian Bureaucracy and Structures 105
in Schools
5.2.1 Division of Labour 106
5.2.2 Impersonal Orientation 106
5.2.3 Hierarchy of Authority 106
5.2.4 Rules and Regulations 106
5.2.5 Career Orientation 107
5.3 The Benefits of Bureaucracy 107
5.4 Criticisms of the Weberian Bureaucratic Model 108
5.5 Functions and Dysfunctions of the Weberian 109
Bureaucratic Model
5.6 Role Theory 111
5.6.1 Sources of the Role of the Principal 111
5.6.2 The PrincipalÊs Role 112
5.6.3 A Model of Role Relationships 113
5.6.4 Role Expectations 114
5.7 Value Theory 117
5.7.1 Value Analysis 117
5.7.2 The Relationship between School and Society 120
5.7.3 Current Educational Trends 124
5.8 Decision-making Theory 127
5.8.1 Problematic State and Awareness of the Situation 129
5.8.2 Information 130
5.8.3 Value Orientation 130
5.8.4 Perception Screen 131
5.8.5 Selection of Alternative Decisions 131
5.8.6 Decision Choice 131
5.8.7 Implementing and Evaluating the Decision 132
5.9 Models of Decision Making 132
Summary 135
Key Terms 136
References 137

Topic 6 Tactics for Becoming an Empowering Leader 139

6.1 The Definition of Empowerment 140
6.2 Empowerment in Education 141
6.2.1 Obstacles in Empowerment 142
6.2.2 Reasons for Empowerment Failure 142
6.3 The Nature of Empowerment 143
6.3.1 Classroom Empowerment 143

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6.4 Ingredients for a Successful Empowerment 145

6.4.1 Building Trust 146
6.4.2 Leadership Issues 147
6.5 Effective Delegation and Empowerment 149
6.5.1 Creating Life-long Learners 150
6.5.2 Participative Management and Decision Making 150
6.5.3 Self-managing Work Groups 151
6.6 Team Working 152
6.6.1 What is a Team? 152
6.6.2 Commitment of Senior Management 153
6.6.3 Why Team Working? 155
Summary 158
Key Terms 160
References 160

Topic 7 Factors that Contribute to Organisational Politics 162

7.1 Organisational Structure 163
7.1.1 Politics 164
7.1.2 Human Resources 165
7.1.3 Culture 166
7.1.4 Government 167
7.1.5 Regulation 169
7.2 Organisational Structure 170
7.2.1 Conventional Wisdom 171
7.2.2 Performance Assessment 173
7.3 Machiavellian Tendencies 174
7.3.1 The Tendencies of Machiavellian Leadership 175
7.3.2 Origins of the Machiavellian Construct 177
7.3.3 Instrument Development 177
7.4 Disagreement 179
7.4.1 Myths or Misconceptions about Disagreement 179
and Conflict
7.4.2 Why Does Disagreement Occur? 180
7.4.3 Strategies for Dealing with Disagreement 182
Summary 184
Key Terms 185
References 186

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Topic 8 Creative Problem Solving 191

8.1 Characteristics of Creative Leaders 192
8.2 Organisational Methods to Enhance Creativity 195
8.3 Self-help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem 199
Summary 211
Key Terms 212
References 212

Topic 9 Communication and Skills in Resolving Conflicts 215

9.1 Inspirational Communication 216
9.1.1 Being Effective 216
9.1.2 Recognising Barriers 216
9.1.3 Communicating Positively 216
9.1.4 Achieving Clarity 217
9.1.5 Choosing a Method 217
9.1.6 Cultural Differences 217
9.1.7 Combining Methods 218
9.1.8 Understanding Body Language 219
9.1.9 Communicating by Body Language 219
9.1.10 Reading Body Language 220
9.1.11 Conquering Nerves 220
9.1.12 Cultural Differences: Personal Space 220
9.1.13 Keeping Your Distance 221
9.1.14 Creating an Impression 221
9.1.15 Recognising Gestures 221
9.1.16 Cultural Differences: Nonverbal Language 222
9.1.17 Giving Body Signals 222
9.1.18 Showing Attentiveness 223
9.1.19 Listening Skills: Putting Methods into Practice 223
9.1.20 Points to Remember 224
9.1.21 Interpreting Dialogue 224
9.1.22 Using Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) 224
9.1.23 Listening and Mirroring 224
9.1.24 Asking Questions 225
9.1.25 Knowing What to Ask 225
9.1.26 Choosing Questions 225
9.1.27 Striking the Right Tone 226
9.1.28 Conclusion 227

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9.2 Supportive Communication 227

9.2.1 Problem-oriented, Not Person-oriented 228
9.2.2 Based on Congruence, Not Incongruence 228
9.2.3 Descriptive, Not Evaluative 229
9.2.4 Validates Rather than Invalidates Individuals 229
9.2.5 Specific (Useful), Not Global (Not Useful) 230
9.2.6 Conjunctive, Not Disjunctive 230
9.2.7 Owned, Not Disowned 231
9.2.8 Requires Listening, Not One-way Message 231
9.3 Cross-cultural Communication 232
9.4 Resolving Conflicts 236
9.4.1 Conflict is Normal: Anticipating Conflicts Likely 238
to Arise in the Workplace
9.4.2 Conflict Style and Their Consequences 239
9.4.3 How we Respond to Conflict: Thoughts, Feelings 240
and Physical Responses
9.4.4 The Role of Perceptions in Conflict 242
9.4.5 Why do we Tend to Avoid Dealing with Conflict? 243
Summary 245
Key Terms 245
References 246

Topic 10 Shaping TomorrowÊs Leadership and Organisation 249

10.1 Models For Working and Organising 250
10.1.1 Understanding Change 250
10.1.2 Process for Initiating Top-down Transformation 251
10.1.3 Process for Initiating Bottom-up Transformation 253
10.2 Organising for Strategic Advantage 253
10.3 Working and Organising in a Wired World 255
10.3.1 Multi-tasking 256
10.3.2 Information and Knowledge Management 256
10.4 Leading People in the Organisation of the Future 257
10.5 Strategic Leadership 258
10.6 Knowledge Management and the Learning Organisation 259
10.6.1 Effective Knowledge Management 260
10.6.2 Learning Organisation 261
10.6.3 Knowledge Management and Learning 262
Organisation in the School System
Summary 263
Key Terms 264
References 262

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