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Organic farming v.

s Conventional farming
UmEAbiha. Shahed. Julie. Daniel. Janice. Dema. Andres. Janani. Nikko

First half
1.What is conventional/organic farming?
● Introduction:
○ Currently agriculture is one of the most polluting economic activities,
playing a major role in the effects towards the atmosphere, and
environment. As a result we need economic commitment to sustainable
development, in which organic farming plays a major role. Organic farming
is dependent on the use of the natural dynamic of the ecosystem.
● Definition:
○ To get a deeper description of organic farming really is …. Organic farming
is agriculture which produces food with the us e of healthier soil, plants,
and environment along with crop productivity. When compared with
conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides, reduces
soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface
water, as well as using renewable resources, such as; recycled animal
wastes back into the farm. These benefits are counterbalanced by higher
food costs for consumers and generally lower yields.
Add this: For a crop to qualify as “organic,” the grower is not allowed to
protect it with synthetic chemicals or feed it with certain mineral fertilizers
(for example, nitrogen compounds, potassium chloride and
superphosphate). This is in order to reduce environmental impact from
nitrates and phosphorus, and to avoid pesticide contamination in
2. Which process produces healthier food?
● They are equally as healthy in terms of nutrition, as there is no difference in
nutritional value, however some data shows possible health benefits for example
more antioxidants, and flavonoids, increased omega 3 properties healthy for your
● One of the important disadvantages of conventional food is that it contains heavy
metals and also does not contribute toward prevention of cancer in consumers.
○ According to Medical News Today, a new analysis reveals that organic
crops and crop-based foods contain up to 69% more of certain
antioxidants, are four times less likely to contain pesticide residue, and
have significantly lower levels of the toxic heavy metal cadmium--a
chemical element that can lead to kidney disease and cause your bones
to become weaker, which is found in lower concentrations in organic food
compared to non-organic comparators.
○ Also, organic crops, on average, have a lower incidence of pesticide
residues than conventional crops. This was shown through research done
by a journal article published by the National Library of Medicine.
● Conventional foods have many implications on human health:
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
○ The risk of obesity is reported to decrease by 31% in orthorexic individuals
who consume organic foods as compared to individuals who consume
conventional foods. A strong correlation was observed to exist between
reduced risk of obesity and introduction of organic foods in diet.
○ A number of studies have reported a difference in the nutrient content of
organic and conventional foods.
■ Organic foods have a richer nutrient content compared to
conventional foods as in their natural states, organically grown
beans were higher in antioxidants than conventionally grown
beans. This conclusion was made by a study that analyzed the
differences in total phenolic content--which are beneficial to human
health due to their antioxidant content-- in eight types of beans that
were cooked to varied extents and under different conditions.
■ Similarly, tomatoes grown in soil treated with organic matter
showed higher levels of phenolics and flavonoids than control
plants grown in untreated soil (soil without organic matter).
■ Furthermore, beta-carotene--a substance that leads to lung cancer,
increased in soil that had been treated with chemical fertilizers as
compared to untreated soil. Although organic farming also uses
organic fertilizers, they are shown to significantly decrease
Cadmium, Lead, and As in tea leaves.
● Cadmium levels were nearly 50% lower in organically grown
than conventionally grown crops.
■ Conventional crops contain high levels of heavy metals, which pose
a threat to people’s lives. In an in-vitro study, the biochemical
properties of organic foods revealed them to have higher activity of
antioxidants and antimutagenic agents as compared to
conventional foods.
■ Increased consumption of organic foods has been associated with
a decreased risk of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) in a
study with 68,946 participants.
3. Why should an average consumer buy your food? (Consider cost, availability)
● Use of money:
○ The prices of materials used in organic farming far exceed the prices of
synthetic, chemical and GMO materials used on conventional farms,
however one can argue that the maintenance required to grow the
produce in organic farming is worth the cost allowing farmers to be able to
have a stable income. Technically speaking organic food can be
considered more cost effective due to the fact that organic foods are
required to get certified organic first meaning it has passed an inspection
for human consumption however, GMO foods get passed by the FDA
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
where every batch of the crop might not be safe to consume. GMO’d
foods have also statistically proven that they are more prone to being
recalled due to possible contaminants, compounds or legality issues with
the company, whereas organic foods that are certified will never face this
○ And If people grow their own organic food, it will be cost effective for them

4. Who does your process benefit the most in the global supply chain? (Consider
farmers, corporations, wholesalers)
● Provides more jobs
○ According to an economic study released in 2012, producing organic
foods in the United States generates thousands more jobs than
conventional agriculture. This study showed the organic food industry
generated more than five hundred thousand American jobs in 2010.
Congressman Sam Farr stated: “The organic food processing industry is
creating jobs, stimulating our economy and delivering the products that
consumers increasingly demand.” Organic agriculture not only provides
more jobs for our rising population and helps our economy prosper, but it
also delivers products that are in high demand.
○ In 2011, organic farming produced more than $31 billion.
● Organic farms have more jobs available
● food should be a human right.
● food should be, often is, subsidized

Maybe consider how 80% of food is made by farmers?
- Video:

Second Half
1. Which process is better for the environment? (Consider water use, land use,
2. Does the place where farming matter occur?
3. Which side is more ethical for the plants and animals we produce? (Consider
deforestation, poultry and red meat industry, free range)

Why/how is it more environmentally friendly:

Organic farming is more environmentally due to the following factors;
1. Allows more biodiversity:
○ Because organic farming does not use synthetic pesticides, biodiversity
expands and the environmental impact of organic farming is reduced.
○ If a certain plant species is affected by a disease, the plant species
wouldn’t be wiped out thanks to the variations of that plant (as the diversity
prevents extinctions)`
2. Not harmful to the environment:
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
○ Organic farming does not use synthetic pesticides, thus the effects of
these chemicals on wildlife and the ecosystem are avoided. The effects of
any synthetic pesticide, for example, generally end with the intended
target or insect that the chemical is supposed to kill, however they can go
further resulting in harming helpful organisms such as bees.
■ Organic farming is much more sustainable than conventional
farming as it does not use pesticides. Organic farming has more
fertile soil, uses less energy, and releases less carbon dioxide.
According to the Colombia Climate school, research has shown
that “organic farms use 45 percent less energy, release 40 percent
less carbon emissions, and foster 30 percent more biodiversity
compared to conventional farming.”
■ A number of environmental problems can arise from the use of
pesticides and fertilizers in conventional agriculture. It is possible
for some pesticides to harm organisms that are not targeted, such
as birds, fish, plants, and even organisms of special ecological
significance, like bees and algae. The pesticides used in
conventional farming also contaminate the soil, groundwater and
surface water. According to a study conducted by the United States
Geological Service, pesticides were present in over 90 percent of
water and fish samples taken from streams. Eutrophication occurs
when excess nitrogen and phosphorus build up in streams and
other waterways as a result of using pesticides in conventional
farming, leading to algal blooms and excessive carbon dioxide
production. As a result, acidic waterways create dead zones, or
areas with so little oxygen that marine life cannot survive.
○ Pesticides, whether synthetic or natural, pose the risk of polluting water
systems and negatively impacting local ecosystems in unforeseen ways.
(May not be completely free of pesticides but it’s significantly lower than
3. Lower carbon footprint; producing less greenhouse gasses:
○ Due to the organic farming avoiding the use of fossil fuel fertilizer and
pesticides, reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses produce in the
process (and using overall less energy)
4. Soil erosion:
○ Soils rich in organic matter retain more air and water and yield more than
soils deficient in organic matter. They also provide a consistent supply of
nutrients to plants, prevent erosion, and support a diverse population of
beneficial microorganisms.
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
○ The soil keeps fertile for many years, unlike land used for conventional
agriculture, which quickly degrades.
○ Organic farming protects the nutrients in soils that are necessary for the
development and survival of numerous insect and plant species.

Now when one hears conventional farming, they immediately assume it is more
practical to food sustainability, and to a certain extent it is true (as it is cheaper and
takes up less land), however without organic farming there would be no start to food
production at all. This includes that organic farming reduces the amount of
nonrenewable energy used, allowing it to be more sustainable for the environment
(sustaining the soil’s fertility, producing less carbon, etc). It is also more sustainable for
the health of the consumer by using less chemicals (such as pesticides and growth
hormones). (add more)

Which is more cost effective to both the country and consumers

The prices of materials used in organic farming far exceed the prices of synthetic,
chemical and GMO materials used on conventional farms, however one can argue that
the maintenance required to grow the produce in organic farming is worth the cost
allowing farmers to be able to have a stable income. Technically speaking organic food
can be considered more cost effective due to the fact that organic foods are required to
get certified organic first meaning it has passed an inspection for human consumption
however, GMO foods get passed by the FDA where every batch of the crop might not
be safe to consume. GMO’d foods have also statistically proven that they are more
prone to being recalled due to possible contaminants, compounds or legality issues with
the company, whereas organic foods that are certified will never face this problem.

Which is better for the future and helps to alleviate challenges facing farming industries:
We need to find better, more sustainable ways to get our food. That's where
organic farming comes in. Compared to traditional methods, organic farming can
produce more food in good weather, and outperform conventional methods in times of
drought or flood.
○ Many problems that the current agriculture industry faces includes; loss of
agricultural land, decrease in biodiversity, soil erosion, maintaining a
livelihood for farmers, climate change

What is your prediction for the future of agriculture and the global food system?
The initial goal for organic farming is as such;
- Maintain responsibility in regards to use of energy and natural resources
- Maintain biodiversity and protect animal welfare
- Conserve the regional ecological balance
- Improving soil fertility and water quality
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
While it is likely that conventional farming would be the future of agriculture, organic
farming would still exist within the future (due to a variety of reasons: traditions,
environmental activities, people who prefer to farm the older way, to produce food for
lower costs, etc etc)

Why should consumers buy organic products?:

- A six-year study found more antioxidant activity and higher flavonol content in
organic onions over conventional.
- A flavonoid is a phytonutrient that has anti-inflammatory properties and
protects your cells from oxidative damage that causes diseases. In
addition to preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and
cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's and dementia, these antioxidants
can also improve your health.
- Meta-analysis published 2016 in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that
organic dairy and meat contain about 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids.
increase is the result of animals foraging on grasses rich in omega-3s, which
then end up in dairy and meats.
- An 18-month milk study in 2013 found that organic production enhances milk
nutritional quality by shifting fatty acid composition.
- Meta-analysis published in 2014, in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that
organic crops had significantly higher antioxidants than conventional crops,
including 19% higher levels of phenolic acids, 69% higher levels of flavanones,
28% higher levels of stilbenes, 26% higher levels of flavones, 50% higher levels
of flavonols, and 51% higher levels of anthocyanins.
- A ten year comparison study of tomatoes conducted in 2008, at the University of
California, Davis, found that organic tomatoes have almost double the
concentration of a beneficial flavonoid known as quercetin, compared with
conventional tomatoes grown on an adjacent field.
- In a 2001 study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine, they looked at already published literature to compare the nutrient
content in five common organic vegetables versus “conventionally” grown ones.
In organic carrots, spinach, lettuce, potato and cabbage there was significantly
more Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus and less nitrates than the
alternatively grown ones. [website]
- A 2019 study on dairy products had findings showing antibiotics were detected in
60% of conventional milk samples whereas organic samples did not contain
antibiotics. By testing milk straight off store shelves, researchers were able to
uncover exactly what consumers are ingesting when they choose conventional or
organic milk.

Which does Canada and the province of Ontario depends on the most to feed the
● Conventional farming is commonly used however some canadian food
production is organic
Which is more environmentally friendly:
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
● Buy Locally Grown Products:When you shop locally instead of buying
products that were shipped from far away (which may covered in
chemicals to help it last longer), you are actually supporting local dairies
and farms
● Stop food waste:Regardless of the reason, producing uneaten food is a
waste of a whole host of resources such as seeds, water, energy, land,
fertilizer, hours of labor, and capital invested.
● Planting more trees:Plant small trees around your home and don’t cut
trees unless it’s necessary; work with local environmental groups to plant
more trees and educate others about the positive aspects of it.

Include a short video within the panel discussion


Which is more cost effective to both the country and consumers

● Organic farming is shown to have a 23% lower crop yield
● Typically more expensive than synthetic farming
What is the percentage of use in canada (and globally)
● 3.3% of fruits and vegetables are grown organically in Canada
● 1.5% of land is used for organic farming (globally)

What are the benefits of organic farming: environmentally, economically and

○ The soil keeps fertile for many years, unlike land used for conventional
agriculture, which quickly degrades.
○ In the context of organic farming, water management is managed to
reduce resource waste and prevent soil erosion
○ Organic farming protects the nutrients in soils that are necessary for the
development and survival of numerous insect and plant species.
○ More biodiversity
○ Fewer pesticides
- Since organic farming prohibits the use of pesticides, GMOs, and
synthetic fertilizers produce healthier and better quality products
that preserve the health and safety of individuals.
- Side effects of pesticides:
○ Known to have similar symptoms to the flu or a cold
○ Immediate (acute): stinging eyes, rashes, blisters, blindness,
nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and death.
○ Long-term (chronic): cancer and other tumors, brain and
nervous system damage, birth defects, infertility and other
reproductive problems, and damage to the liver, kidneys,
lungs and other body organs
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
○ Produces less greenhouse gas emissions
○ Reduces antibiotics and growth hormones
○ Smaller carbon footprint (40% less than synthetic)
○ Uses less energy overall (while more labor intensive it uses less energy
for: industrial feed, fertilizer, fiber from other farms
○ Farmers have less exposure to chemicals
- Farmers that do conventional farming are exposed to chemical
pesticides daily, which makes them more prone to develop
diseases like cancer and other neurological diseases. Moreover,
farmers have a positive impact on their community's health and
environment by not having to buy polluting chemicals.
○ Considered more ethical
- Recycles manure produced from animals eating complete and
balanced organic foods, preventing environmental pollution and
bacteria harmful towards humans
- Animals are allowed to freely behave as normal
- High quality feeds to prevent disease and stress (without antibiotics
and growth hormone)
- Growth hormones may lead to aggressiveness, difficulty in
handling, nervousness, rectal prolapse, ventral oedema
(swelling) and elevated tail heads
- Doesn’t force cannibalism (where animals are forced to eat other
animals, happens in red meat industry)

Location matters for organic farmers

- Doesn’t use GMO so plants aren’t resistent to drought and cold
- Plants cannot be farmed in a large variety of different soils
- Some developing countries might not have access to GMO, pesticides, growth
hormones, and/or other chemicals used in synthetic farming
- Developing countries may also not have access to fossil fuels, making
organic farming even cheaper
- Developing countries tend to have higher yield and profit for organic farming
more than developed countries
- Estonia is a small country that only does organic farming due to their traditions
(making it illegal to fertilize and spray forests, alongside no GMO, exception for
toxic substances being used for reforestation, the principals of their ancestors,
natural cosmetics industry using natural herbs only to avoid genetically
modified/animal-tested ingredients, and to attract tourists)
- Certain countries (such as Denmark, Austria, Thailand, and India) heavily
support organic agriculture (creating programs and locating budget to organic
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
agriculture) due to being “pro-organic culture”, reducing imports of chemicals, the
project to increase domestic production and certification for organic produce
involving farmers, and more

Advantages of GMOs
- GMOs are able to resist pests which reduces the loss of crops and overall yield
from pests such as bugs or other wild animals. When farmers face large
quantities of yield loss it is a large financial burden to try to regain what they lost
as growing plants and maturing animals takes a long time. However, since GMOs
are able to fend off pests it eliminates the use of pesticides in food which is a
benefit to the general population. Additionally, GMOs are able to reduce the
overall cost of bringing a crop to the market.
- Herbicides are a large problem for many crops as it harms the general
environment when used; crops and the wellbeing of the crops and plants. But
GMOs have the ability to tolerate the strongest herbicides so farmers only have
to spray herbicide once instead of numerous times throughout the season.
- GMOs are very resistant to diseases. These include viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
- These genetically modified plants are also very cold tolerant so when these
plants are just planted the seedlings will not be destroyed by the cold. These
GMOs who are cold resistant contain an antifreeze gene.
- Droughts have less of an effect on plants that are genetically modified as they
have been designed to withstand long periods of drought. With that being said
drought resistance comes with salinity resistance.
- Some foods that have been genetically modified such as “golden rice” were
modified to be more nutritious. Plain rice does not contain many nutrients if any
however, many countries where poverty is prevalent rice is the main source of
food in their diet. Scientists are Institute of Technology Institute of Plant Sciences
have created “golden rice” which is rice that contains a higher amount of beta
carotene (vitamin A). However, this revolutionary project that was funded by
Rockerfeller which is a non-profit had not renewed the project which forced the
project to stop unfortunately.
- Researchers are currently studying and testing vaccines and medicines in foods
to be able to develop edible medicines and vaccines.
- Some GMOs are not all just crops made for consuming. Some trees are
genetically modified to try to reduce heavy metal pollution in the groundwater and
Organic farming v.s Conventional farming
Other group points:
- Pesticides preserves the environment far more than organic farming
- Pesticides get rid of the invasive species
- Ethics: speak about the ethics of organic farming

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