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There are two

ways we use
The dogs belongs to the owner.
If the noun is singular (there is only 1)
then we put the apostrophe before the S.

1) John’s cat needs to go to the vets.

In your book rewrite each sentence out, placing the apostrophe in

the correct place to show possession:

2) The Iron Mans head turned left and right.

3) Sarah borrowed Steves tie for her son.
If the noun is plural (more than one) we
place the apostrophe after the S.
There is a few words that break these rules and we will learn these in another lesson.

•4) The teacher’s laptop was broken.

•5) The teachers’ laptops were broken.

Add in the apostrophes to these

• 6) The dogs collar had gone missing.

• 7) The dogs collars had gone missing.

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