Load Handling Attachments - Print

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1. Selecting the Data’s from the Standard Table, Design the Ropes, Pulleys and Drum
required for an Electric Overhead Traveling Crane with a Lifting Magnet of the Hoisting
Equipment shown bellow in fig. by using the following Data’s.
Lifting capacity, Q=5000Kg
Lifting Height, H=8m
Weight of Lifting Magnet, G=2000Kg
Weight of Lifting Tackle, Go=120Kg
Number of Rope Bends, Z (or) n = 4 2
Efficiency of Pulley System, (ɳ)=0.94
Max. Stress in the Rope,
= 16000 Kgf/cm²
Length of Free Space Between Right
and Left Hand Groove, L1 = 100mm
Ratio of Pulley System , i = 2
Heavy Service Duty
Cross Laid Rope
STEP -1 – Induced Breaking Load (Fbr) or Tension in the Rope
Fbr = (Q + G + GO)
Fbr = (5000 + 2000 + 120)
4 x 0.94
Fbr = 1893.617 Kg
Fbr = 1900 Kg
STEP -2 – Number of Rope Bends(n) and Ratio
Number of Rope Bends (n) = Dmin
From Table – 1 Dmin = 25
Here, d
Dmin → Minimum Diameter of Pulley/Drum (mm)
Dmin = e1 x e2 x d
d → Rope Diameter (mm)
d = 1.5δ √ i
δ → Diameter of One Wire (mm)
STEP -3 – Choice of the Rope
From Table – 2
Factor of Safety (K) = 6 (for Heavy Service Duty)
From Table – 3
Construction of Wire Ropes Based on Factor of Safety
Number of Wires (i) = 222 (for Cross Laid Rope)

Maximum Stress in the Rope (σ) = 16000 Kgf/cm² (from Question)

(σ) = 160 Kgf/mm²
STEP -4 – Cross Sectional Area of the Rope
Area = Fbr
σ - d x 36000
K Dmin
= 1900
16000 - 1 x 36000
6 25
= 1.5489 cm²
Area = 154.89 mm²
According to the DIN Standard From Table – 4
The Nearest Value of the Cross-Sectional Area(A) for a Rope with 222 Wires is,
A = 174.4 mm²

for Cross-Sectional Area, A = 174.4 mm²
 Rope Diameter, d = 22mm
 Diameter of Wire, δ = 1mm
 Breaking Load of the Rope, Fbr = 27900 Kg (for σ = 160 Kgf/mm²)
Now Calculating,
The Maximum Force (or) Maximum Permissible Tension in the Rope
Fmax = Fbr
= 27900
Fmax = 4650 Kg
So from Calculation,
The Breaking Force (Fbr) = 1900 Kg in STEP - 1 is less than the
Maximum Force (Fmax) = 4650 Kg in STEP – 4.
The Choice of Rope (Assumed as No. of Wires, i=222) in STEP–3 is Correct.
STEP -5 – Minimum Diameter of the Drum (Dmin)
Minimum Diameter of the Drum,
Dmin = e1 x e2 x d
e1 → Factor depending on the Hoisting Device and its Service.
Since, Our Hoisting Equipment is Electric Overhead Travelling Crane
So, From Table - 5
Select No. II – All Other Types of Cranes and Hoisting Mechanisms with Power Driven for Heavy Service Duty e1 = 30

e2 → Factor depending on the Rope Construction.

So, From Table - 6
For No. of Wires (i) = 222 and Cross Laid Rope e2 = 1
d → Rope Diameter (mm) d = 22mm
There Fore, Dmin = 30 x 1 x 22
Dmin = 660 mm
Dmin ≈ 700 mm
STEP -6 – Diameter of the Compensating Pulley (D1)
Diameter of Compensating Pulley can be 40% less than the Diameter of
Drum carrying the Load.
D1 = 60% of Dmin
D1 = 0.6 Dmin
= 0.6 x 700
D1 = 420 mm
D1 ≈ 450 mm
STEP -7 – Radius of Grooves on the Drum (r1 & r2)
We know that,
Rope Diameter (d) = 22 mm
The Nearest Value of the Rope Diameter (d) = 22 mm From Table – 7 is,
d = 24 mm
According to Rope Diameter (d) = 24 mm
The Radius of Grooves on the Drum are,
r1 = 13.5 mm
r2 = 2.5 mm
STEP -8 – Pitch of the Groove Helix on the Drum (S1 & S2)
We know that,
Rope Diameter (d) = 22 mm
The Nearest Value of the Rope Diameter (d) = 22 mm From Table – 7 is,
d = 24 mm
According to Rope Diameter (d) = 24 mm
The Pitch of the Groove Helix on the Drum are,
Standard Groove, S1 = 27 mm
Deep Groove, S2 = 31 mm
STEP -9 – Number of Turns on Each Side of the Drum (Z)
No. of Turns (Z) = Hi + 2
Z → No. of Turns on the Drum
H → Height to which the Load is Raised (Lifting Height)
i → Ratio of Pulley System
Dmin → Minimum Diameter of Pulley/Drum (mm)
Z= 8x2 +2
π x 0.7
Z = 9.2756 Turns
Z ≈ 10 Turns
STEP -10 – Full Length of the Drum (L)
L = 2Hi + 9 S1 + L1
Z → No. of Turns on the Drum
H → Height to which the Load is Raised (Lifting Height)
i → Ratio of Pulley System
Dmin → Minimum Diameter of Pulley/Drum (mm)
S1 → Pitch of the Standard Groove Helix on the Drum (mm)
L1 → Length of Free Space Between the Right & Left Hand Groove (mm)
L= 2 x 8 x 2 + 9 27 + 100
π x 0.7
L = 735.885 mm
STEP -11 – Wall Thickness of the Drum (wt)
wt = 0.02 Dmin + (0.6 to 1) cm
= (0.02 Dmin) + 1
= (0.02 x 70) + 1
= 2.4 cm
wt = 24 mm

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