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Vision Institute

Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Standard : 11 ISOMERS AND HYDROCARBON Date : 08-07-2023
Total Mark : 180 Time : 1H:20M

Chemistry - Section A - MCQ

[1] A liquid hydrocarbon can be converted to gaseous hydrocarbon by

(A) Cracking (B) Hydrolysis

(C) Oxidation (D) Distillation under reduced pressure

[2] Maximum carbon-carbon bond distance is found in

(A) Ethyne (B) Ethene (C) Ethane (D) Benzene

[3] Alcoholic solution of KOH is used for

(A) Dehydration (B) Dehydrogenation (C) Dehydrohalogenation (D) Dehalogenation

[4] The reaction is an example of CH4 + Cl2 −−−−−→ CH3 Cl + HCl is an exmple of
uv light

(A) Addition reactions (B) Substitution reaction (C) Elimination reaction (D) Rearrangement reaction

[5] B.P. of branched chain alkanes as compared to straight chain alkanes are

(A) Lower (B) Equal (C) Higher (D) Independent of the chain

[6] Propane is obtained from propene by which method ?

(A) Catalyst hydrogenation (B) Wurtz reaction (C) Dehydrogenation (D) Frankland reaction

[7] A mixture of ethyl iodide and n−propyl iodide is subjected to Wurtz reaction. The hydrocarbon that will not be formed is

(A) n−butane (B) n−propane (C) n−pentane (D) n−hexane

[8] Name the reaction

900 K
C10 H22 −−−−→ C4 H8 + C6 H14
(A) Alkylation (B) Cracking (C) Pyrolysis (D) Fractionation

[9] The complete combustion of CH4 gives

(A) CO + H2 (B) CO + N2 (C) CO2 + H2 O (D) CO + N2 O

[10] CH3 M gI will give methane with

(A) C2 H5 OH (B) CH3 − CH2 − N H2 (C) CH3 − CO − CH3 (D) Both (a) and (b)

[11] Propane−1−ol can be prepared from propene by its reaction with

(A) CH3 COOH (B) H3 BO3 (C) B2 H6 /N aOH, H2 O2 (D) H2 SO4 /H2 O

[12] A gas formed by the action of alcoholic KOH on ethyl iodide, decolorises alkaline KM nO4 solution. The gas is

(A) CH4 (B) C2 H6 (C) C2 H4 (D) C2 H2

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[13] Major product of the following reaction is CH3 −C− CH2 − CH3 + alco. KOH →

(A) Butene−1 (B) Butene−2 (C) Butane (D) Butyne−1

[14] Which process converts olefins into parafins

(A) Halogenation (B) Dehydration (C) Hydrogenation (D) Hydrolysis

[15] Baeyer's reagent is used in the laboratory for

(A) Detection of double bonds (B) Detection of glucose (C) Reduction (D) Oxidation

[16] The disappearance of the characteristic purple colour of KM nO4 in its reaction with an alkene is the test for unsaturation. It is
known as
(A) Markownikoff's test (B) Baeyer's test (C) Wurtz's test (D) Grignard test

[17] The compound most likely to decolourize a solution of potassium permanganate is

(A) CH3 CH3 (B) (C) CH3 CH = CHCH2 CH3 CH3

(D) CH3 − C − CH3

[18] The halogen which is most reactive in the halogenation of alkenes under sunlight is

(A) Chlorine (B) Bromine (C) Iodine (D) All equal

[19] The order of increasing reactivity towards HCl of the following compounds will be
(1) CH2 = CH2
(2) (CH3 )2 C = CH2
(3) CH3 CH = CHCH3
(A) 1 < 2 < 3 (B) 1 < 3 < 2 (C) 3 < 2 < 1 (D) 2 < 1 < 3

[20] CH3 CH = CHCHO is oxidized to CH3 CH = CHCOOH using

(A) Alkaline potassium permanganate (B) Acidified potassium permanganate

(C) Selenium dioxide (D) Osmium tetroxide

[21] An alkene, on ozonolysis gives formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The alkene is :

(A) Ethene (B) Propene (C) Butene−1 (D) Butene−2

[22] Which doesn’t follow Markownikoff’s rule

(A) CH3 − CH = CH2 (B) CH3 CH = CHCH3 (C) CH3 − CH− CH = CH2 (D) CH3 − CH2 − CH = CH2

[23] Which of the following is the most stable

(A) 1−butene (B) 2−butene (C) 1−pentene (D) 2−pentene

[24] For the reaction CH3 − CH = CH2 + HOCl → A the product A is

(A) CH3 − CHCl − CH2 OH (B) CH3 − CH −CH2 − Cl (C) CH3 − CH2 − CH2 − COCl |
OH (D) CH3 − C − CH3

[25] Olefins can be hydrogenated by

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(A) Zinc and HCl (B) Nascent hydrogen (C) Raney N i and H2 (D) Lithium hydride in ether

[26] CH3 CH2 COO− Na+ −−−−−→ CH3 CH3 + Na2 CO3 .
Consider the above reaction and identify the missing reagent/chemical.
(A) B2 H6 (B) Red Phosphorus (C) CaO (D) DIBAL − H

[27] The major product of the following chemical reaction is :

| (C6 H5 CO) O2
CH − CH = CH2 + HBr −−−−−−−−2−→?
| |
(A) CH − CH2 − CH2 − Br (B) CH − CH − CH2 − CH2 − O − COC6 H5
| |
| |
(C) CH − CH2 − CH − Br (D) CH − CH2 − CH − Br
| | | |
CH3 Br CH3 Br

[28] The reaction of HBr with | in the presence of peroxide will give
CH3 − C = CH2
CH3 CBrCH3 (B) CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 Br CH3 CH3
(A) | (C) | (D) |

[29] The isomer of diethyl ether is

(A) (CH3 )2 CHOH (B) (CH3 )3 C − OH (C) C3 H7 OH (D) (C2 H5 )2 CHOH

[30] Which one of the following shows optical activity

| | | |
(A) HO − C −COOH (B) CH3 − C −COOH (C) CH3 − C− COOH (D) CH3 − C− COOH
| | | |
H Cl OH Cl

[31] Number of isomers of molecular formula C2 H2 Br2 are

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

[32] Lactic acid shows which type of isomerism

(A) Geometrical isomerism (B) Tautomerism (C) Optical isomerism (D) Metamerism

[33] Which of the following has chiral structure

(B) CH3 − CH = CH − CH3 CH3
(D) CH3 − CHOH − CH2 CH3
(A) CH3 − CH− CH2 COOH (C) CH3 − CH− CH2 OH

[34] Which one of the following exhibits geometrical isomerism

(A) (B) (C) (D)

[35] Which is not found in alkenes

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(A) Chain isomerism (B) Geometrical isomerism (C) Metamerism (D) Position isomerism

[36] The number of geometrical isomers in case of a compound with the structure CH3 − CH = CH − CH = CH − C2 H5 is

(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 5

[37] The maximum number of stereoisomers possible for 2-hydroxy- 2-methyl butanoic acid is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

[38] Which one of the following pairs represents the stereoisomerism

(A) Geometrical isomerism, position isomerism (B) Geometrical isomerism, conformational isomerism
(C) Optical isomerism, geometrical isomerism (D) Optical isomerism, metamerism

[39] Diethyl ether and methyl n−propyl ether are

(A) Position isomers (B) Functional isomers (C) Metamers (D) Chain isomers

[40] n−propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are examples of

(A) Position isomerism (B) Chain isomerism (C) Tautomerism (D) Geometrical isomerism

[41] The following compound can exhibits

(A) Tautomerism (B) Optical isomerism

(C) Geometrical isomerism (D) Geometrical and optical isomerisms

[42] Functional isomerism is exhibited by the following pair of compounds

(A) Acetone, propionaldehyde (B) Diethyl ether, methyl propyl ether

(C) Butane, isobutane (D) 1−butene, 2−butene

[43] Which of the following compounds is optically active

(A) (CH3 )2 CHCH2 OH (B) CH3 CH2 OH (C) CCl2 F2 (D) CH3 CHOHC2 H5

[44] Isomers of propionic acid are

(A) HCOOC2 H5 and CH3 COOCH3 (B) HCOOC2 H5 and C3 H7 COOCH3

(C) CH3 COOCH3 and C3 H7 OH (D) C3 H7 OHand CH3 COCH3

[45] Which compound shows cis-trans isomerism

(A) 1−butene (B) 2−propene (C) 2−butene (D) Benzene

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Vision Institute
Subject : Che Paper Set : 1
Standard : 11 ISOMERS AND HYDROCARBON (Answer Key) Date : 08-07-2023
Total Mark : 180 Time : 1H:20M

Chemistry - Section A - MCQ
1-A 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-B 8-B 9-C 10 - D
11 - C 12 - C 13 - B 14 - C 15 - A 16 - B 17 - C 18 - A 19 - C 20 - B
21 - B 22 - B 23 - D 24 - B 25 - C 26 - C 27 - A 28 - C 29 - B 30 - B
31 - C 32 - C 33 - D 34 - A 35 - C 36 - A 37 - B 38 - C 39 - C 40 - A
41 - B 42 - A 43 - D 44 - A 45 - C

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