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Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 79 13th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME Saturday, 4 July, 2009

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the
and tranquillity, prevalence of law and ment of other sectors of the economy as well entire nation
order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms preservation and safeguarding of cultural
* Emergence of a new enduring State of technical know-how and investments from sources inside heritage and national character
Constitution the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the * Uplift of health, fitness and education
in accord with the new State Constitution hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation

Senior General Than Shwe receives UN

Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon
NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Chairman of the State Senior General Maung Aye, Member of the State Council Office and Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw of
Peace and Development Council of the Union of Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe the Protocol Department.
Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe received Mann, Prime Minister General Thein Sein, Secretary- The UNSG and party were accompanied by
Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki- 1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Senior Adviser Mr B Lynn Pascoe, Senior Adviser Mr
moon and party at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 2 pm Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister for Foreign Ibrahim Gambari, Senior Adviser Mr Kim Won-Soo,
today. Affairs U Nyan Win, Permanent Representative to the Senior Adviser Ms Catherine Bragg and Resident
Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman UN Ambassador U Than Swe, Director-General Col Coordinator of the UN Agencies Mr Bishow B Para
of the State Peace and Development Council Vice- Kyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and Development Juli.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe receives Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party at Bayintnaung Yeiktha
in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA

the Sony Reader, which was introduced in Britain

Review: Borders eBook - finally last year. The new gadget, made by Elonex for The noteworthy amounts
a rival to the Sony Reader Borders UK, is not particularly flashy. Where the of rainfall recorded
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3 July—The Borders Sony Reader and Amazon’s Kindle - which is not
“eBook” device could be the first real competition to available in Britain - are sleek and beautiful, the Nay Pyi Taw 0.08 inch
Borders eBook is simple and functional. Hkamti 4.85 inches
The differences are minuscule. The first Homalin 3.26 inches
thing you notice is that the Borders device is Kyeikmayaw 2.50 inches
lighter than the other electronic readers. At 180g, Sittway 1.85 inches
it weighs less than most paperbacks you may Hpa-an 1.70 inches
currently lug around. Thandwe 1.62 inches
The Borders eBook can hold 180-200 novels Paung 1.57 inches
- a few more than the Sony Reader. But both devices Hinthada 1.18 inches
can be upgraded to hold close to 1,000 books. Thaton 1.18 inches

4-7-09 NL.pmd 1 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Saturday, 4 July, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
Strive together with the * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
government in the fight
against narcotic drugs Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for
The Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control has laid down and is implementing the
Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport meets
15-year Drug Elimination Plan in three phases
each of which is five years from 1999-2000 to
3 July — The coordination
2013-2014. meeting of Yangon
At present, the CCDAC has completed Division Supervisory
the second five-year phase and is in the process Committee for Ensuring
of implementing the third five-year phase of the Secure and Smooth
plan. And the respective work groups of the Transport was held at the
Central Committees are making all-out efforts head office of All-Bus
for effective implementation of the third five- Lines Control Committee
year plan based on achievements of the first five- in Tamway Township here
year plan and the second five-year plan. this afternoon with an
Placing emphasis on elimination of drug address by Chairman of
abuse, the respective work groups are now fully Yangon Division Peace
engaged in medical treatment and rehabilitation and Development Council
of drug addicts with the opening of youth Commander of Yangon
rehabilitation centres namely Shwepyitha, Command Maj-Gen Win
Shwepyiaye and Shwepyithit under the Myint.
Commander Maj-Gen Win Myint addresses coord meeting of Yangon
supervision of the CCDAC in addition to The commander
Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth
heard reports on matters
measures for supply elimination and law Transport.— MNA
related to ferries, traffic
rules enforcement and presented by officials of chairmen of bus lines and came to an end with
As Myanmar alone is unable to cope with
arrangements being made universities and colleges, attended to the needs. concluding remarks by the
the tasks and needs to cooperate with the for public convenience departmental officials and The meeting commander.—MNA
international community, it has signed MoUs
with neighbouring countries in the fight against
drugs. Commander attends International Day Against Drug
As part of cooperation with regional
countries, it has signed MoUs with six countries Abuse and Illicit Trafficking commemorative ceremony
of Mekong region and cooperating with ASEAN
countries. NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—International Day Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe, staff officers of the
Since Myanmar is cooperating with the Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking command, departmental heads, teachers, students and
international community while striving through commemorative ceremony was held at Ayeya Shwewa members of social organizations. The commander
its own resources in the fight against drugs, it is hall of Pathein on 26 June morning, attended by spoke on the occasion.
Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Next, the commander and officials presented
incumbent upon all the national people to
Development Council Commander of South West the prizes to winners in poster, cartoon and computer
participate in the drive under the motto “ No
art contests. They then viewed the posters
individuals, family or community is safe where
and documentary photos, and artworks of participants.
illicit drugs take control” so that the people will
be free from the dangers of narcotic drugs. F&R Ministry holds The commander attended the ceremony to
donate funds for Bogale Education College and donated
prize presentation funds.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Hla Tun presents prize

to a six-distinction winner.
ceremony Basic Accountancy and
F &R
NAY P YI T AW , 3 July—The Ministry of Store Accounts Keeping
Finance and Revenue held a prize presentation
ceremony at the auditorium of the ministry here course in Nay Pyi Taw
this afternoon.
Minister for Finance and Revenue Maj-Gen
Hla Tun spoke words of praise on the occasion. NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Under the arrangements
Next, departmental heads presented prizes to of Auditor-General’s Office, Basic Accountancy and
three and four-distinction winners and Managing Store Accounts Keeping course organized by Nay Pyi
Director U Myat Maw of Myanma Economic Bank, Taw District Accounts Office will be opened. The
Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Than Nyein course is aiming for matriculation passed citizens.
and Deputy Minister Col Hla Thein Swe, five- The course will last 3 months for every
distinction winners. Saturday and Sunday.
Then the minister presented prizes and Any interested persons may enrol on a course
certificates of honour to three six-distinction winners. at Nay Pyi Taw District Accounts Office, Nay Pyi Taw
On behalf of the outstanding students, a six- Pyinmana starting from 10 July and may dial Ph:
distinction winner spoke words of thanks. 23925 during office hours.

4-7-09 NL.pmd 2 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 3

An Iraqi man injured UN Secretary-General’s Message

in a car bomb in
Kirkuk lies in a on the International Day of
hospital bed after
being transported to
Arbil, some 80 kms 4 July 2009
away. Bombings in the The first cooperatives were born more than two
lead-up to the pullback hundred years ago when rural entrepreneurs and
of US forces from farmers decided to pool resources and help one
Iraq’s towns and cities, another to overcome their limited access to
resulted in the bloodi- commercial opportunities. Subsequently, retail co-
est death toll seen in operatives emerged to help poor households escape
the debt trap and provide access to better quality
the conflict-hit nation
goods and services. Cooperatives have since
in 11 months, official
developed in many areas, from manufacturing to
figures showed
financial services, spurred by the desire for a more
Wednesday. equitable way of working and doing business.
INTERNER At a time of global economic distress, this history
deserves to be more widely known. The theme of
Two killed, 17 injured in Egypt opens Rafah crossing for this year’s observance of the International Day of
Cooperatives — Driving Global Recovery Through
Iraq bomb attacks Hamas, humanitarian cases Cooperatives — highlights the value of cooperative
BAGHDAD, 3 July — At least two people were killed RAFAH, 3 July — The patients. enterprise. Cooperatives can strengthen the resilience
and 17 others injured in a car bomb and a roadside Egyptian authorities A delegation of the of the vulnerable. They can help to establish more
bomb explosions near and in the Iraqi capital on reopened, partially for few Palestinian Islamic Hamas balanced markets for small farmers and give small
Thursday, a well-informed police source said. hours, Rafah crossing at the movement headed by entrepreneurs access to financial services. They can
A booby-trapped car parking at a marketplace in border with the Palestinian Mahmoud El Zahar arrived create job opportunities and improve working
the town of Yousifiyah, some 20 km south of Baghdad, territory of Gaza Strip on in Egypt on Sunday to take conditions.
was detonated in the afternoon, killing two people and Thursday, for the return of part in the sixth round of the The economic model of cooperatives is based not
wounding 15 others, the source told Xinhua on condi- Hamas representatives, a Palestinian dialogue in on charity but on self-help and reciprocity. In
tion of anonymity. security source told Cairo. Hamas delegation countries hit by the financial crisis, the cooperative
The blast also damaged several nearby shops, stalls Xinhua. members also included bank and credit union sector expanded lending when
and civilian cars, the source said. The source said that Khalil El Haya, Nezar other financial institutions had to cut back, easing
Meanwhile, two more people were wounded when Rafah crossing was opened Awad Allah, Emad Elami, the impact of the credit freeze on the most vulnerable.
a roadside bomb went off near the Sarrafiyah Bridge to let Hamas leaders go and Mohamed Nasr. This highlights the importance of strong alternative
that cross the Tigris River in central Baghdad, the back to Gaza Strip and also The sixth round of the business models and institutional diversity for the
source added.—Internet for some Palestinian Palestinian dialogue in resilience of the financial system.
Cairo concluded on Cooperatives deserve greater support. I urge
Ships are seen at Rio Tuesday evening by setting Governments to adopt policies that support the
Tinto’s at Cape Lambert 25 July for the seventh establishment and development of cooperatives.
port in the Western round. Consumers, too, can help by buying food produced
Australia. The mining Egypt and Israel by small-holder cooperatives that is traded in fair
giant has confirmed a sealed off their borders with markets.
huge take-up for its the Gaza Strip after the In the face of the current economic crisis,
record rights offering Islamic Hamas movement communities around the world are rediscovering the
after investors snapped seized the coastal territory critical necessity to work for the common good. On
up the Australian in June 2007. Egypt used this International Day, I encourage Governments and
portion, allowing it to to open its borders on an civil society everywhere to recognize the
pay off a large chunk of irregular basis only for effectiveness of cooperatives and to engage with them
its heavy debt. humani-tarian cases. as vital partners for global recovery and achieving
INTERNET Internet internationally agreed development goals.—UNIC

World health officials meet on

combating A/H1N1 flu pandemic
CANCUN, 3 July— Health officials from cooperation is needed to jointly tackle the
43 countries gathered in Mexico on disease that has posed a new challenge
Thursday for a two-day meeting to discuss to the world.
measures to confront the A/H1N1 flu that “No government can win this battle
is sweeping across the world. alone,” he said.
“I hope this meeting will help us take Calderon thanked foreign officials for
major steps forward towards building new their attendance, which he described as
collective defenses against a menace that “a gesture of friendship and solidarity”
affects us all,” Margaret Chan, the World to a nation, which has seen 116 deaths of
Health Organization (WHO) director- the disease since it was first detected in
general, told the opening session in April.
Cancun, a beach resort town in the Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu
Mexican state of Quintana Roo. said at the meeting that a series of
She acknowledged the measures taken comprehensive measures have been Engineering trucks are seen at the construction site of the Changjiang Nuclear
by Mexico to deal with the disease, saying taken by China to tackle the disease, Power Plant, south China’s Hainan Province, on 1 July, 2009. With a total
that the situation in the country is currently including strict border inspection and investment of 17 billion yuan, the construction of the first stage of the Changjiang
stable. quarantine, enhanced surveillance and project with two units that generate 650,000 kilowatts each is expected to be
Mexican President Felipe Calderon vigorous medical treatment. started this October and put into operation in 2014. The two units will use
said at the summit that international Internet advanced second-generation pressurized water reactor technology. —INTERNET

4-7-09 NL.pmd 3 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

US unemployment rate
at 26-year high
BEIJING, 3 July— Em- want to keep a lid on percent this year, and keep
ployers cut a larger-than- costs and be wary of hir- rising into next year, before
expected 467,000 jobs in ing until they feel certain falling back.
June, driving the unem- the economy is on a solid All told, 14.7 million
ployment rate up to a 26- ground. June’s payroll re- people were unemployed
year high of 9.5 percent, ductions were deeper in June.
suggesting that the econo- than the 363,000 that If laid-off workers who
my’s road to recovery will economists expected. have given up looking for
be bumpy. However, the rise in new jobs or have settled
The Labour Depart- the unemployment rate for part-time work are in-
ment report, released on from 9.4 percent in May cluded, the unemployment
Thursday, showed that wasn’t as sharp as the ex- rate would have been 16.5
even as the recession pected 9.6 percent. Still, percent in June, the high- Job seekers look over the employment bulletin board the New York State
flashes signs of easing, many economists predict est on records dating to Labour Department’s Division of Employment Services in the Brooklyn.
companies likely will the jobless rate will hit 10 1994.—Internet INTERNET

EU economy shows signs Australian

of touching bottom resources
BRUSSELS, 3 July— The global financial crisis has
dragged the economy of the European Union (EU)
company forms
into a deep recession in the first half of this year, but joint venture
there are signs that the worst may be soon over though
the way to recovery is tortuous and bumpy. with China
In one of its two most important forecasts each year,
the European Commission predicted in May that the C ANBERRA , 3 July—
EU economy would follow a “V-shaped” recovery Austrlia-based Emergent
pattern with high possibility of passing the rock bot- Resources announced on
tom around the end of the year. Friday it would form a
According to the commission, the EU economy was joint venture with China
further worsening in the first quarter of this year due Metallurgical Investment
to the unfolding financial crisis, but very likely at a to develop its Beyondie
lower pace and a recovery is expected to take hold Iron project in Western
An electric cable is attached to the side of a car. Renault-Nissan will hold Australia, the Australian
next year.—Internet
large-scale tests for its new electric cars in the Paris and Milan regions next newspaper reported.
year ahead of planned mass production from 2012, the Franco-Japanese auto Emergent revealed
At least 23 killed in bus collision group said Thursday.—INTERNET that the agreed joint ven-
in Peru ture would provide 200
LIMA, 3 July—Two buses collided head-on on a
Renault to test electric cars with EDF million Australian dollars
mountain road in the southeastern Andean state of PARIS, 3 July—The Renault-Nissan Alliance and French electricity company (159.3 million US dollars)
Puno, leaving at least 23 people dead and 50 others EDF announced on Thursday a large-scale test of electric vehicles in the Paris to fund the project.
injured, police said on Thursday. region in 2010. The mine, in the state’s
The accident occurred early morning in the Santa According to a statement from the two companies, starting from September mid-west iron ore region,
Lucia District, about 1,300 km southeast of Lima. 2010 for one year, 100 electric cars from the Renault-Nissan Alliance will be tested will initially target pro-
The injured have been rushed to hospital. by individual customers, professionals and employees of local authorities. duction of three million
According to preliminary investigation, speeding The cars will be able to recharge at home, workplace, parking lots and on roads. tonnes a year of magnet-
and bad weather could be the cause of the deadly bus Renault-Nissan and EDF plan to launch the proposed cars to the market from ite concentrate.
crash.—Internet 2011.—Internet Internet

Japan may add noise to quiet hybrid

cars for safety
TOKYO, 3 July—Japan’s and vision-impaired people “They decided to con-
near-silent hybrid cars have that they feel hybrid sider introducing a sound-
been called dangerous by vehicles are dangerous,” a making function” in petrol-
the vision-impaired and transport ministry official electric hybrids when the
some users, prompting a said. 13-member panel held its
government review on “Blind people depend on first meeting on Thursday,
whether to add a noise- sounds when they walk, but the official said.
making device, according to there are no engine sounds They have not decided
an official. from hybrid vehicles when on what kind of sound
The petrol-electric vehi- running at low speed” and should be used, only that it
cles, which in recent months on the electric motor, he should induce a response of
have become the country’s said. caution, he said.
top-selling autos, hum along The ministry has “On the other hand, we
almost soundlessly when launched a panel of schol- should pay attention to
A customer admires a Honda Motor’s hybrid vehicle at a showroom in Tokyo. they are switched from fuel ars, vision-impaired groups, residents (along roads) as
Japan’s near-silent hybrid cars have been called dangerous by the vision- to battery mode. consumers, police and the hybrids are excellent in
impaired and some users, prompting a government review on whether to add a “We have received opin- automobile industry to reducing noise,” the official
noise-making device, according to an official.—INTERNET ions from automobile users discuss the matter. added.—Internet

4-7-09 NL.pmd 4 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 5

China’s satellite Indonesia rejects EU’s

positioning system to offer global flight ban proposal
JAKARTA, 3 July—Indonesia rejected the idea to
better service widen the implementation of a ban on certain airline
companies from serving the flight globally proposed
BEIJING, 3 July—China’s home-grown global navi- by the European Union (EU) earlier, Indonesian
gation satellite system, Compass, will provide regional Transportation Minister Jasman Syafii Djamal said
service in 2011 with a constellation of 12 satellites, here.
said an industry insider. “The only institution authorized to ban an airline
China aims to make Compass a navigation satellite from serving flights across the world is ICAO (Inter-
system of 35 satellites by 2020, which can offer glo- national Civil Aviation Organization). Moreover, EU
bal service, Hu Gang, vice-president of Beijing BD is not the world’s police,” the Bisnis Indonesia Friday
Star Navigation Co Ltd, was quoted by Friday’s China quoted Jasman as saying.
Daily as saying. He was commenting on a recent statement issued by
Compass, or Beidou (Big Dipper) in Chinese, is the EU Transportation Commission official Antonio
expected to rival the US-developed GPS, the EU’s GPS Tajani who proposed to widen the ban which initially
and Russia’s Global Navigation Satellite System, ear- implemented in 27 European countries in the EU.
lier reports said. Earlier reports said that the idea was intended to
Officials representing the four systems are now in improve the flight security across the world.
negotiations to make their civilian-use technologies The EU’s statement came up following the recent
compatible, Hu said at a two-day national geological crash of Yemenia Air’s Airbus A310 in Comoro wa-
information industry summit that ended on Thursday. ters that killed almost all of its 153 passengers.
“This could possibly allow a civilian user of global China’s Compass-G2 navigation satellite is launched Indonesia is now expecting the EU’s announcement
navigation satellite system to have access to more than on a Long March-3C carrier rocket at the Xichang set for 12 July that will possibly revoke the ban over
120 navigation satellites in the future, which will as- Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s its national flag-carrier airline, Garuda Indonesia, from
sure stability and improve accuracy,” he said.—Xinhua Sichuan Province, on 15 April, 2009. —XINHUA entering EU countries.—Xinhua

Chicago air controllers overworked All items from Xinhua

CHICAGO, 3 July—Air-traffic controllers in the Chicago region
may be battling fatigue on a regular basis due to short turnarounds News Agency
between shifts and a push to work overtime, said a report on Thurs-
Most controllers at O’Hare International Airport as well as at two
Many Czech medical
nearby Federal Aviation Administration radar facilities are sched- graduates leave to
uled to work at least one shift each week in which less than 10 hours
of potential rest is scheduled between shifts, according to the report work abroad
by the US Department of Transportation. PRAGUE, 3 July—A quarter of Czech
Such quick-turns typical among controllers “offers minimal op- medical graduates leave to work abroad
Children pose for photo beside the cartoon charac- portunity for sleep when the time required for commuting, eating immediately after graduation as they are
ter statue in Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall in and other necessary daily activities is taken into account,” the re- not satisfied with the working conditions
Shanghai, on 2 July, 2009. A cartoon exhibition port said. and possibilities to improve their quali-
was held here from 1 to 5 July.—XINHUA Xinhua fication in Czech Republic, president of
Czech Doctors’ Chamber Milan Kubek
First report on Air France crash released said on Thursday.
PARIS, 3 July—The Airbus A330 of Air France Flight At least 200 doctors go away one year
447 plunged vertically into the Atlantic Ocean but did not in spite of an urgent shortage of 600 doc-
break up in the air, said the BEA accident investigation tors in Czech hospitals, Kubek told jour-
agency on Thursday when it released its first report on the nalists. He supported the establishment
1 June crash. of Young Doctors’ group with the goal
The agency added that the faults of the speed sensors were to change the situation.
not the cause of the crash. Health Minister Dana Juraskova said
“The plane was not destroyed in mid-air,” said Alain recently that the ministry would allot
Bouillard of the BEA during a news conference at BEA head- considerable finances for the higher spe-
quarters outside Paris. cialist training programmes for doctors
“The plane appears to have hit the surface of the water in and nurses to help them quickly obtain
flying position with a strong vertical acceleration,” he noted, higher qualifications, in this way to pre-
adding that the plane’s belly hit the water first. vent personnel from leaving the health
After one month of probe into the crash, investigators also A handout picture released by the Brazilian Navy shows re- sector. According to her, half a billion
found the faults of speed sensors on Airbus A330 were “a covered debris of the Air France aircraft lost in midflight crowns (about 27.33 million US dollars)
factor but not the cause.” over the Atlantic Ocean on 1 June onboard a Brazilian Navy will be annually earmarked for this
Xinhua Corvette at Recife’s harbour on 19 June, 2009. —XINHUA purpose from the state budget.—Xinhua

Farmers are busy

harvesting the
Dozens arrested in US in bust of drug trafficking ring
Chinese wolfberry SAN FRANCISCO, 3 July—US federal, state and local law enforcement officials
fruits in Zhongning on Thursday said they have arrested 31 people after busting a drug trafficking ring
County of Ningxia that was bringing methamphetamine and cocaine from Mexico into the US state of
Hui Autonomous Washington.
Region in northwest At a press conference held in Seattle, officials announced that the arrests were
China, on 2 July, result of a 14-month investigation code-named “Operation Arctic Chill” which
2009. also led to the seizures of drugs and weapons, The Seattle Times and other local
XINHUA media reported. Twenty of those arrested have been charged for attempt and con-
spiracy to distribute methamphetamine, officials said.—Xinhua

4-7-09 NL.pmd 5 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

Australia pledges millions to Aboriginal projects Fifth blast hits Canada gas pipeline
SYDNEY, 3 July—Aus- Rudd signed off on the gional development, pro- OTTAWA, 3 July—A gas examinations allowed caused any deaths or inju-
tralia has pledged almost 195 million dollar East viding social infrastruc- leak at a pipeline owned by them to “confirm that the ries, but have damaged
200 million dollars (155 Kimberley development ture,” Rudd said. EnCana in Canada’s west- rupture was caused by an various EnCana sites, with
million US) to projects in package, which is de- “It will also provide ern British Columbia explosion.” one explosion forcing the
remote Aboriginal com- signed to boost health, training and productive province was caused by a The statement said shutdown of a minor pipe-
munities, one day after education, housing and employment opportuni- blast that police said there was “no immediate line.
releasing a damning re- transport in the remote ties for indigenous com- Thursday is the fifth act of or imminent danger to the Police have said they
port on the minority’s west coast region. munities in the region.” sabotage in the region public as a result of the believe the acts are the
grim living conditions. “This investment pro- The announcement since October 2008. gas leak,” adding that work of local residents.
Prime Minister Kevin motes sustainable re- comes one day after the The oil and natural gas EnCana and the RCMP Last year, a local news-
centre-left leader vowed company informed the had put in place a wide paper received a suspi-
“decisive action” on a re- Royal Canadian Mounted area of containment. cious letter that called on
port which showed condi- Police (RCMP) on “This blast is consid- energy companies to leave
tions for Aborigines were Wednesday, after com- ered the fifth in a series of the area.
worsening, with 35 in pany employees noticed a criminally motivated acts EnCana has offered a
every 1,000 children suf- loss in pressure in the that have occurred at reward of 500,000 Cana-
fering abuse or neglect. pipeline close to Dawson EnCana sites in northeast- dian dollars for informa-
Murder rates were Creek, in the northeast of ern British Columbia tion leading to the arrest of
seven times higher in the the province. spanning 2008 and into those responsible for the
Aboriginal community, In a statement, the 2009,” the RCMP said. blasts.
with hospitalisations from RCMP said preliminary The blasts have not Internet
domestic violence 34 times
Aboriginal children are seen playing by a fish net higher and Aborigines 13 Israel, Palestinians could face robust int’l
at Yirrkala in Arnhem Land in the Northern times more likely to be
Territory.—INTERNET imprisoned.—Internet peacekeeping forces
J ERUSALEM , 3 July— United Nations Security a senior fellow with the
Two RAF crew killed in jet crash International consensus is Council on 29 June, gen- New York-based Interna-
LONDON, 3 July—Two aircrew of the Royal Air Force (RAF) were killed in a increasing on the need for eral understandings were tional Peace Institute.
Tornado jet crash on Thursday, British Defence Ministry said. more “robust” peacekeep- reached that there have Summarizing the meet-
The aircraft crashed during a routine training flight in the remote countryside ing around the world. been failings with previ- ing, she said that missions
in Scotland, said a spokesman for the Defence Ministry. Now experts are trying to ous peacekeeping mis- have so far been impre-
“The next of kin have been informed and have requested a period of 24 hours ascertain if strengthening sions globally and a fresh cise or over ambitious and
grace before further details are released,” added the spokesman. peacekeeping forces approach needs to be that there has been inad-
According to the Skynews, search and rescue helicopters were scrambled to could have effect on the taken to the subject. equate consultation with
search the area for the wreckage and crew. Israeli-Palestinian con- The Security Council member states, regional
An RAF spokesman said there had been a small blaze at the scene, but no flict. meeting was carefully organization and host
civilian injuries were reported.—Internet At a meeting of the monitored by Efrat Elron, countries.—Internet

Toothy 3-foot piranha fossil found

If you thought piranhas were scary, Now a newly uncovered jawbone of NEWS ALBUM
be glad Megapiranha is no longer a transition species ties all these teeth to-
around. gether. Named Megapiranha paranensis, Man tries to rob hotel
Megapiranha was up to 3 feet long this previously unknown fossil fish
(1 metre) - a fish-beast four times as big bridges the evolutionary gap between
with a butter knife
as piranhas living today, studies of its flesh-eating piranhas and their plant-eat- Police arrested a man they said tried
jawbones indicate. It lived about 8 mil- ing cousins. to rob a hotel around 6 pm on Sunday
lion to 10 million years ago and might Present-day piranhas have a single with a butter knife. The clerk refused to
have been quite comfortable stalking row of triangular teeth, like the blade on give the man any money, and he left the
cartoon animals in an “Ice Age” movie. a saw, explained the researchers. Pacu hotel on foot. Police said about an hour
Another close relative of the piranha, have two rows of square teeth, presum- later they spotted a man matching the
The mass-produced violins producing description given by the clerk.
called pacu (singular and plural), is not ably for crushing fruits and seeds.
“In modern piranhas the teeth are ar- heroic music during China’s Cultural Officers arrested a 34-year-old man
so scary. Pacu have squared-off stumps
of teeth used for munching veggies. (For ranged in a single file,” said Wasila Revolution have given way to a new on a robbery charge. They said they also
the record, tales of carnivorous piranhas Dahdul, a visiting scientist at the National generation of sophisticated instru- recovered the knife.
eating humans are fictional.) Evolutionary Synthesis Center in North ments. A handful of violin makers are
Carolina. “But in the relatives of pira-
nhas - which tend to be herbivorous even carving a name for themselves
fishes - the teeth are in two rows.” on the international music scene.
Canada mom, child survive 40-metre fall in ravine
A young mother and her two-year-old daughter survived a 40-metre fall down
an almost vertical ravine nearly unscathed in the western Canadian province of
Alberta, Canadian media reported.
Firefighters scooped the pair out of the Blackmud Creek ravine in provincial Soay sheep are seen in France in 2004.
Visitors to a centre for contemporary capital Edmonton on Saturday evening, according to the newspaper “Edmonton
art walk through an installation piece Climate change has caused a flock of
Sun”. wild sheep on a remote northern Scot-
by Chinese artist Yan Pei-Ming titled The area is lined with walking paths. It is not known how the mom and tot fell
‘Landscape of Childhood’ in Beijing tish island to become smaller, accord-
down the bank. The mom was uninjured and the child escaped with minor cuts.
30 June, 2009. The artwork consists of A fire official described the bank as “nearly 90 degrees.” “We came and they ing to an unusual investigation
34 portraits of sick and orphaned were just sitting at the bottom of the ravine,” he said. published. The wild Soay sheep live on
children painted onto flags and hung The toddler was strapped to a child-sized backboard and pulled out of the Hirta, in the St Kilda archipelago in the
from poles and then blown with fans, ravine by firefighters. storm-battered Outer Hebrides, and
to give the viewer an impression of The mother was seen walking around, but was later strapped to a backboard. have been closely stud-
them being ‘alive’. Both were taken to hospital for examination. ied for nearly a quarter of a century.

4-7-09 NL.pmd 6 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 7

Land measuring
UN Secretary-General and land record
course opens
and party arrive in YANGON, 3 July –
Land measuring and land
Yangon record course No (29/
2009) of the Settlement and
Land Records Department
under the Ministry of
YANGON, 3 July—Secretary-General of the Agriculture and Irrigation
United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party arrived in was opened at the central
Yangon at 9.20 am today. land record development
They were welcomed at Yangon International training school in Taikkyi
yesterday. The opening
Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, ceremony was attended by
Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador U the deputy director-general
Than Swe, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the of the department and
Union of Myanmar Mr Pak Key-Chong, Resident UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party being welcomed by officials. Altogether 170
Coordinator of the UN Agencies Mr Bishow B Para Minister U Nyan Win at Yangon International trainees are attending the
Juli and officials.—MNA Airport. —MNA course that will last five
and a half months.—MNA

Forestry Minister awards Bus lines to ensure better

outstanding students transport for passengers to new
NAY PYI TAW, 3 The minister to other outstanding Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station
July – The prize presented gold medals, students who passed the
presentation ceremony of certificates of honour and matriculation examination
NAY PYI TAW, 3 July — Nay Pyi Taw Traffic Rules Enforcement
the Ministry of Forestry cash awards to six six- with flying colours.
Supervisory Committee arranged the plying of bus lines for smooth transportation
was held at Kyun Shwe distinction winners, On behalf of the
of the passengers to new Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station.
Wah Hall of the ministry offspring of staff of the outstanding students, a
Tawwin bus line will run its buses along Thaikchaung-Kyitaunggan-
here this afternoon with ministry. six-distinction win-
Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station-Modern Mingala Market-Pyinmana Market-
an address by Minister for N e x t , ner spoke words of
Sangha Hospital Route and Nay Pyi Taw Myoma Market-Thabyegon Market-
Forestry Brig-Gen Thein departmental heads and thanks.
Pyinmana Shwenyaungbin Terminal-Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Route
Aung. officials presented prizes MNA
commencing 5 July.
Shwe Myodaw bus line started the plying of light trucks for passengers
along Pyinmana Market-Shwenyaungbin Terminal-Pali Corner-Pankhin-
Modern Mingala Market-Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Route beginning 1
Ahmanthit bus line launched the runs of light trucks for passengers
along Bawgathiri bus terminal-Arharathukha Market-Shwenyaungbin Terminal-
Pali Corner-Pankhin-Modern Mingala Market-Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station
Route on 1 July.
Taungnyo-Moeswe bus line will commence the plying of light trucks
for passengers along Kyweshin-Taungnyo-Myoma Market-Shwenyaungbin
Terminal-Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Route on 5 July.
Light trucks will ply the designated routes for passenger transport on the
arrivals of all trains from the morning to the evening daily.
Nay Pyi Taw taxies are available at the car parking of new Nay Pyi Taw
Railway Station. For emergency requirements, may dial 414994, 414995,
414996, 414997 and 414998 of Nay Pyi Taw Taxi Hire Service.—MNA
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung presents prize to a six-distinction
winner. —FORESTRY
Entries invited for Independence Day
Yangon Division WAO celebrates
commemorative colour photo contest
Myanmar Women’s Day
YANGON, 3 July — photos depicting national winning photos are not
YANGON, 3 July Chairperson of the show to mark the Myanmar A colour photo contest developments, beautiful allowed. Handsome prizes
— Yangon Division Working Group for Women’s Day and 30 titled ‘Myo-gon-myint- sceneries, peace and will be awarded to the
Women’s Affairs Or- Protection and outstanding women. ma Myanma- stability and high national winners.
ganization celebrated the Rehabilitation of Women Afterwards, the ponyeikmya’ (Myanma prestige. Entries are invited
Images of High National The size of entries to U Aye Kywe, Director
“Myanmar Women’s under Yangon Division chairperson and par-
Prestige) will be held in must be 10 inches by 14 (Production) of Information
Day” at Sangyoung Basic Women’s Affairs ticipants of the
commemoration of the inches. The contestants and Public Relations
Education High School Organization Daw Hmwe celebration browsed the 62nd Anniversary may submit any number Department, No 228,
No.2 here today. Hmwe Nge delivered documentary photos and Independence Day, which of the entries with the use Theinbyu Road, Botataung
The celebration address and presented gifts wall papers displayed at falls on 4 January, 2010. of any camera. The photos Township, Yangon not
was commenced with to those who participated the booth of the Anyone can participate in applied by digital later than 1 September at 4
songs of schoolgirls. in the women costume celebration. —MNA the contest with colour technology and the award pm. — MNA

4-7-09 NL.pmd 7 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

Life security and development of women call for peace,

stability and appropriate atmosphere
Myanmar Women’s Day marked in Nay Pyi Taw
NAY PYI TAW, 3 Speaking on the sic principles to serve na- deavours for the brighter ment, and departments Life security and de-
July—The Myanmar occasion, President of tional interests. The seven life of the Myanmar concerned for prevent- velopment of women call
Women’s Affairs Federa- MWAF Dr Daw Myint aims of MWAF for life women, the MWAF is ing violation against for peace, stability and
tion observed the Kyi said that Myanmar security and development standing as an organiza- women, human traffick- appropriate atmosphere.
Myanmar Women’s Day women have significant of women are as follows: tion which has served in ing and rehabilitation. The national goal of build-
at the City Hall, here, at 9 cultural characters in fos- (1) To promote the role the interests of the nation. The MWAF repre- ing a peaceful, modern and
am today. tering nationalism and of women in build- The federation has also senting the mass of developed nation is de-
Present on the religion. They are held in ing a peaceful, mod- been participating in car- Myanmar women yearly signed to serve the interest
occasion were members high esteem by the soci- ern and developed rying out tasks for the de- celebrates Myanmar of the entire nation.
of the Panel of Patrons of ety because they stood nation, velopment of the nation. Women’s Day on 3 July. MWAF will continue
the federation, CEC shoulder to shoulder with (2) To safeguard wom- Meanwhile, the federa- It is also organized in to work steadfastly for
members, wives of deputy the men in serving the in- en’s rights, tion has been implement- states and divisions. Com- ensuring life security, bet-
ministers, deputy leaders terest of the State. At (3) To develop eco- ing the tasks in accord- memorative activities in ter living standard and

MWAF President Dr Daw Myint Kyi delivers an address at the ceremony to mark the Myanmar Women’s Day in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA

of the working groups, present, many outstand- nomic, health and ance with international the sports, education, arts improvement of the cali-
leaders of the sub-work- ing women emerge in eco- education sectors of charters. and health fields are con- bres of women and to stand
ing groups, secretaries of nomic, education, health women and to safe- In so doing, ducted in the as a reliable force of the
departments, working and technology sectors guard their life se- MWAF has been coop- run-up to Myanmar nation.
groups and sub-working and they can be seen in curity, erating with the govern- Women’s Day. (See page 9)
groups, chairpersons of the nation-building tasks. (4) To nurture women
State/Division Women’s The Government to cherish and value
Affairs Organizations, in- formed the Myanmar Na- the traditional cul-
tellectuals and intelligent- tional Committee for ture and customs of
sia, supporting group Women’s Affairs for up- the national races,
members, departmental lifting the efficiency and (5) To systematically
heads, the wife of military livelihoods of the women carry out tasks for
attaché, resident repre- and designated the 3rd July prevention of vio-
sentatives of UN agen- as the Myanmar Wom- lence against
cies and officials, repre- en’s Day. women and reha-
sentatives of social or- The Myanmar bilitation;
ganizations, prize win- Women’s A ffairs Fed- (6) To carry out eradi-
ners and their families. eration laid down the ba- cation of human
trafficking of
women and chil-
MWAF will continue to dren as a national
work steadfastly for ensur- (7)
To cooperate with
ing life security, better liv- international, re-
gional, internal and
ing standard and improve- external organiza-
tions in carrying out
ment of the calibres of matters on women’s
rights in accord with
women and to stand as a traditional culture
and customs of na-
reliable force of the nation. tional races.
MWAF President Dr Daw Myint Kyi presents prize to a winner in photo
While making en- contest to mark the Myanmar Women’s Day.—MNA

4-7-09 NL.pmd 8 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 9

Regional development work inspected UNSG and party arrive in

NAY PYI TAW, 3 where the integrated visited Thanlwin Bridge Nay Pyi Taw
July —Chairman of Mon farming system is being (Hpa-an) and inspected the
State Peace and used. durability of the bridge. NAY PYI TAW, 3 Nyan Win and Permanent They were
Development Council The commander They then viewed July— Secretary-General Representative to the UN welcomed at Nay Pyi Taw
Commander of South-East and party next inspected poughing tasks and of the United Nations Mr Ambassador U Than Swe, Airport by Deputy
Command Maj-Gen Thet construction of Yangon- scattering of fertilizers at Ban Ki-moon and party, arrived at Nay Pyi Taw by Minister for Foreign
Naing Win accompanied Myeik road, new school the paddy field on farmer accompanied by Minister special aircraft at 12.15 pm Affairs U Maung Myint
by departmental officials building of Naungkala U Tin Ngwe. for Foreign Affairs U today. and officials.—MNA
arrived in Kywechan Village primary school Later, the
Village in Paung Township and University of commander met the
on 24 June. Next, he Computer Studies teachers who were to attend
International Day Against Drug Abuse and
attended a ploughing and
Together with
the special refresher course
No 68 for basic education
Illicit Trafficking observed in Kengtung
ceremony of farmer U Soe Kayin State PDC teachers at Phaunggyi NAY PYI TAW, 3 of Shan State (East) Peace Next, the
Win and the paddy field of Chairman Brig-Gen Zaw Central Institute of Civil July — The ceremony to and Development Council commander attended the
farmer U Ngwe Thein Min, the commander Service. —MNA mark the International Day Commander of Triangle ceremony to incinerate the
Against Drug Abuse and Region Command Maj- seized drugs, chemical
Illicit Trafficking was held Gen Kyaw Phyo. precursors and related
at the Town Hall in The commander substances and pressed the
Kengtung on 26 June with presented prizes and viewed button to incinerate them.
an address by Chairman the educative booths. MNA

Energy Minister receives

Iranian Ambassador
NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Minister energy plans.
for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi received Also present at the call were
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Htay,
Iran to Myanmar Mr Majid Bizmark at directors-general, managing directors
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi receives Iranian Ambassador his office on 30 June afternoon. They and officials from Ministry of
Mr. Majid Bizmark.—MNA cordially discussed matters on bilateral Energy.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Myint
inspects chosen site
for construction of
Ayeyawady River
Crossing Bridge
near Malun.

(News reported)

Life security and 2008 with the highest marks, outstanding police- Win (Myanmar Photographer Association), Hlaing
women for 2008 Police Captain Ohmar Yin Mie of
development of women call… Anti-Human Trafficking Squad of Myanmar Police
Than Tint (Shwe Bagyi-Yamethin) who stood first,
second and third in Photo Contest in honour of
(from page 8) Force (HQ) and outstanding Red Cross member for Myanmar Women’s Day and five special prize win-
In conclusion, she said that Myanmar women 2008 Professor/Head of Oriented Studies Depart- ners, Dr Nwe Nwe Soe ( Nwe Lay-Myanmarsar), Ma
have been doing their bit in serving the national ment Dr Daw Kyu Kyu Hla of Yangon West Univer- Myat Thiri Maung (Ma Myat Thiri Maung) and Ma
interest, developing the Myanmar society, and nur- sity of the Ministry of Education. Su Khin Lay Oo (Myo Myat Phone Si) who stood
turing the youth. So, it is great honour for Myanmar Patron of MWAF Daw Khin Mi Mi presented first, second and third in article contest in honour of
women to have successfully designated Myanmar prizes to outstanding athlete for 2008 Ma Aung Hnyei Myanmar Women’s Day.
Women’s Day. (Archery), outstanding disabled athlete Ma La Pyae After the ceremony, members of the panel of
At the prize presentation ceremony, Patron Win (Swimming) of Bago Division (West), outstand- patrons of MWAF and guests viewed documentary
of MWAF Daw Ni Ni Win presented prizes to Na- ing Fire Brigade member for 2008 Fire Sergeant photos on Myanmar Women’s Day commemorative
tional Literary Award winner Writer Daw Sandar Thida Aye of Insein Township Fire Station and out- ceremonies 2008, activities of MWAF and photos of
Khin (Sandar Khin, Archaeology), Ma Su Yi Hnin of standing blood donor for 2008 SAT Daw Yu Yu Wai the outstanding women and documentary photos on
Yankin Township BEHS No (2), Yangon Division of Botahtaung Township BEHS No (5). preliminary activities to mark Myanmar Women’s
and Ma May Thu Kyaw of Pathein Township BEHS Next, MWAF President Dr Daw Myint Kyi Day and activities of State/ Division WAOs.
No (6) who passed the matriculation examination for presented prizes to A K Moe (Zoology), Kyaw Kyaw MNA

4-7-09 NL.pmd 9 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

Employees of hotels in Nay Pyi Taw Commander observes collective sanitation,

Hotel Zone receive skills for blood donation in Kengtung
receptionists NAY PYI TAW, 3 July – Chairman
of Shan State (East) Peace and
blood at the blood donation hall of the
hospital and provided them with
Development Council Commander of refreshments. Then the commander
NAY PYI TAW, 3 In his concluding and Deputy Minister Brig- Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen looked into construction of hostel for
July — A basic course for remarks at the ceremony Gen Aye Myint Kyu Kyaw Phyo inspected the collective nursing school.
hotel receptionists opened held at the ministry here, presented certificates to sanitation being carried out by Next, the commander attended
in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone the minister said the the trainees. The course departmental personnel, members of the opening of self-reliant bridge and
was concluded today with course was conducted commenced on 10 June. social organizations, local people and inspected it.
an address by Minister for with the aim of improving Departmental students along the road near General Afterwards, the commander
Hotels and Tourism Maj- the skills of the hotel staff officials, representatives Hospital in Kengtung on 27 June. observed providing free medical
Gen Soe Naing. in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel from Myanmar The commander encouraged treatment to local people by specialists
A total of 44 Zone to be able to provide Hoteliers’ Association social organization members donating and fulfilled the requirements. — MNA
trainees attended the four- good services to and training schools for
week training course customers of the hotels in tourism in Yangon and
which was conducted the zone. Mandalay and trainees
Schedule for questioning defence witness
under the supervision of Minister Maj- attended the concluding Daw Khin Moe Moe postponed to 10 July as
Ministry of Hotels and Gen Soe Naing awarded ceremony.
Tourism. the outstanding trainees MNA case file on Criminal Case No 47/2009 has
not been returned yet in trial against US
citizen Mr John William Yettaw,
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
Daw Khin Khin Win and Ma Win Ma Ma
YANGON, 3 July—Judges sat for Criminal Case Nos 47/2009, 48/2009 and 49/
2009 against US citizen Mr John William Yettaw, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Daw
Khin Khin Win and Ma Win Ma Ma at Yangon North District Court today.
Defence witness Daw Khin Moe Moe has been scheduled for questioning by
the court, but the court was unable to hear the cases because it had not got back
the case file on Criminal Case No 47/2009 Supreme Court (Yangon) had taken for
Criminal Revision Case No 333 (b)/2009.
Criminal Case No 47/2009 was therefore put off along with Criminal Case
Nos 48/2009 and 49/2009 to 10 July to question defence witness Daw Khin Moe

Minister Maj-Gen Soe Naing presents prize to an outstanding Course on road quality test and control concludes
trainee.—MNA YANGON, 3 July—The central training school and presented prizes to the
course on road quality test (Thuwunna), here, this outstanding trainees.
Mandalay Division Women’s Affairs and control for engineers,
conducted by Public
morning. Deputy Minister
for Construction U Tint
Altogether 17 trainees
attended the four-week
Organization organizes Myanmar Works, concluded at the Swe delivered a speech course.—MNA

Women’s Day ceremony

YANGON, 3 July— was attended by members Group on Protection and
Mandalay Division of Mandalay Division Rehabilitation of Women
Women’s Affairs Or- Women’s Affairs under Mandalay Division
ganization organized Organization,chairper- Women’s Affairs
Myanmar Women’s Day sons of Mandalay District Organization spoke on the
commemorative and seven townships occasion.
ceremony at national Women’s Affairs Next, members of
theatre in Aungmyay Organizations. organization presented
Thazan Township this Group leader Daw prizes to 87 outstanding
morning. The ceremony Mi Mi Lay of Working women.—MNA

Latest molecular diagnostic tests

for TB, DHF Deputy Minister U Tint Swe awards an outstanding trainee.
YANGON , 3 July — for TB and DHF. MMDC come out within 24 hours.
Myanmar Molecular & provide services such as TB can also be diagnosed Talk on Global Warming and Its Impact on World
with the technology of
Diagnosis Centre finding out number of
WHO-recognized real
Politics and Economy on 4 July
(MMDC) is a first ever viruses of hepatitis-B,
molecular laboratory that hepatitis-C and HIV, time PCR and results will YANGON, 2 July – Association and with the Its Impact on World
uses the technology of real classifying genotypes of come out within one week. Under the arrangement of assistance of Sein Gay Politics and Economy”
time PCR in Myanmar. It hepatitis-C. DHF can be For detailed informa- Myanmar Fishery Har International will be held on 4 July at
recently introduced latest diagnosed on the first day tion, dial 01-374676 and Federation and Myanmar Shopping Center, a talk 2 pm.
molecular diagnostic tests of fever and results will 02-72985. — MNA Prawn Entrepreneurs on “Global Warming and MNA

4-7-09 NL.pmd 10 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 11

Three new dinosaur species found in Australia Over 800 wildlife species now extinct
SYDNEY , 3 July— WASHINGTON, 3 July —More than make a choice between nature and the
Australian scientists hailed 800 animal and plant species have gone economy; we just want to bring nature to
the country’s most extinct in the past five centuries with the same level when you have to take a
significant dinosaur nearly 17,000 now threatened with decision,” Vie said by telephone from
discovery in decades on extinction, the International Union for Switzerland.
Friday after three new Conservation of Nature reported on “Jobs are important but not jobs to
species were unearthed in a Thursday. the detriment of nature,” he said. “We
Queensland billabong. A detailed analysis of these numbers have done that too much and look where
The flesh-eating indicates the international community will we have arrived.” The new analysis
theropod—dubbed fail to meet its 2010 goal of bolstering shows 869 species became extinct or
Australia’s answer to the Will Murphy, 7, inspects the teeth of a Theropod dinosaur biodiversity—maintaining a variety of extinct in the wild since the year 1500
“Jurassic Park” at an exhibition at the Melbourne Museum, 2008. life forms—a committment made by most while 290 more species are considered
velociraptors—and two Australian scientists hailed the country’s most significant governments in 2002. critically endangered and possibly extinct.
sauropods had lain in a 98 dinosaur discovery in decades on Friday after three new Based on data released in 2008 in the At least 16,928 species are threatened
species were unearthed in a Queensland billabong. union’s Red List, the new IUCN analysis with extinction, including nearly one-
million-year-old geological
INTERNET is being released now to precede the 2010 third of amphibians, more than one in
deposit until a recent
archaeological dig. Clancy in honour of opened up an exciting new target year and to draw a connection eight birds and nearly a quarter of
Scientists said the three, Australia’s most famous front in the world of dinosaur between crisis in the financial and mammals. By comparison, the 2004 Red
named Banjo, Matilda and song, “Waltzing Matilda”, research.—Internet environmental realms, said report editor List showed 784 extinctions since 1500.
Jean-Christophe Vie. “We don’t want to MNA/Reuters
Foreign arrivals in Vietnam fell over Jackson Brazil: Senegal took control
19% in first half memorial set of doomed flight
HANOI, 3 July—The number of period, said Vu The Binh, head of the
foreign travellers fell 19.1 percent year- Travel Department of the Vietnam for Tuesday in
on-year to 1.89 million in the first half of National Administration of Tourism.
this year, according to a report of the To boost the country’s tourism Los Angeles
General Statistics Office of Vietnam on sector, Vietnam has decided to waive L OS A NGELES , 3
Thursday. visa fees for foreign travellers booking July—The question of
In June, the country saw a decrease tour packages under the “Impressive when and where a public
of 4.7 percent against the previous Vietnam” programme. The visa waiving memorial service will be
month’s figure to over 279,000 tourists, will be applied from 15 May to the end held for Michael Jackson
said the office. of this September. has finally been answered.
The global economic crisis and the The Vietnam National But how city officials will
wide spread of A/H1N1 flu across the Administration of Tourism targeted to handle the likelihood of a
world were to be blamed for the decline attract 4.3 million foreign visitors to the massive crowd remains to
of foreign arrivals in Vietnam in this country this year.—MNA/XInhua be settled.—Internet
View of a wreath floating in Guanabara Bay in Rio
London oil market probes GM bankruptcy exit de Janeiro, Brazil, in homage to the people killed
alleged rogue trader when an Air France jet plunged into the Atlantic on
hearing closes 1 June, 2009. The Air France jetliner that crashed in
NEWYORK, 3 July—The fate of General Motors the Atlantic with 228 people on board did not break
was placed in the hands of a New York judge Thursday up in mid-air, the French bureau leading the
who must decide whether the largest US automaker investigation said Thursday.—INTERNET
can execute a swift exit from bankruptcy protection by BRASILIA, 3 July—Brazil’s air force has released a
selling its best assets to a new company.
recording it says proves it handed over control of Air
“We’re adjourned,” Judge Robert Gerber said
France Flight 447 to Senegalese authorities before it
around 4:00 pm (2000 GMT) after three days of
hearings in which a host of creditors mounted objections
The audio has been posted on the air force Web site
to the plan which will create a leaner GM unburdened
after a French official said air traffic controllers in
by old debts and supported by billions in government
Dakar, Senegal, never officially took control of the
Indonesia successfully launches Lead French investigator Alain Bouillard made

An oil platform in the North Sea. Oil market officials

rocket into space the accusation during the first public report on the 1
JAKARTA , 3 July— of the combined-two June crash in the Atlantic Ocean that killed 228 people.
in London have launched a probe into an alleged But the Brazilian air force said on Friday that the
Indonesia Aeronautics and rockets, RX-420 and RX-
rogue trader who helped push prices to eight-month audio message proves it informed the Senegalese of
peaks this week, costing his company nearly $10 Space Agency successfully 430 would be conducted
the Air France flight’s plan and turned over control of
million (£6.12 million).—INTERNET launched a rocket into space next year, the spokeswoman
the flight.—Internet
on Thursday morning as part said.—MNA/Xinhua
LONDON, 3 July— Oil market officials in London of its plans to send a satellite Workers hang off the
have launched a probe into an alleged rogue trader who into orbit in 2014, the agency facade of a new mall at
helped push prices to eight-month peaks this week, said here. The home-grown Singapore’s major
costing his company nearly 10 million dollars (6.12 RX-420 rocket was launched shopping district on
million pounds). from a pad in Garut regency Friday July 3, 2009. The
ICE Futures Europe, London’s oil market, is Singapore government
of Wet Java Province this
investigating Tuesday’s allegedly unauthorised trade, expects its economy to
morning, the spokesperson shrink up to 9 percent
after which crude futures surged above 73 dollars a
of the agency Elly this year, the worst
David Peniket, president and chief operating officer Kuntjahyowati said. ”The recession since
launch of the rocket has been independence from
of ICE Futures Europe, on Friday said his body
successful,” she told Xinhua Malaysia in 1965.
investigated unusual trading activity as a “matter of INTERNET
course.”—Internet over phone. Another launch

4-7-09 NL.pmd 11 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV HOANG ANH
27 VOY NO (-) are here by notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 4.7.2009 and cargo will be discharged
ASEAN- into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the
Australia consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
Development and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Cooperation Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 AM
Program to 11:20 AM and 12 noon to 4 PM to Claims Day now
(AADCP) declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Phone No: 256924/256914

Closing date : 26 July 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV XIANG XIU Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RUKUN
VOY NO (9036) are here by notified that the vessel will VOY NO ( ) are here by notified that the vessel will be
be arriving on 4.7.2009 and cargo will be discharged arriving on 4.7.2009 and cargo will be discharged into
into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the consign-
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws ee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and
and conditions of the Port of Yangon. conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 AM Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 AM A flat television shows the 3-dimensional geo-
to 11:20 AM and 12 noon to 4 PM to Claims Day now to 11:20 AM and 12 noon to 4 PM to Claims Day now graphic informational service system for China
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo Shenzhou Travel, during the National Exposition
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. on Geographic Information Applications and
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Maps, which opens at the Beijing Exhibition
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. Center, in Beijing, on 1 July, 2009. —XINHUA
(MALAYSIA) AGENCY SDN BDH LINES on regional Authority
Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 SIRTE, 3 July—African leaders reached a compromise
Users warned of “Michael Traditional medicine for early Friday on the powers of a new regional Authority
that will coordinate key policies but have little power to
Jackson” email virus swine flu act without a mandate from member states.
In lengthy and often heated talks, Libyan leader
BEIJING, 3 July—Computer security firm Sophos
BEIJING, 3 July–Beijing’s municipal health depart- Moamer Kadhafi — the current African Union chief —
warned Thursday that an virus is floating around the
ment says some influenza A/ H1N1 patients have been had pushed to grant broad power over regional defence
Internet and told people not to open an email claiming
treated using traditional Chinese medicine. and foreign affairs to the new AU Authority, a step to-
to contain secret songs and photos of Michael Jackson.
The Beijing Health Bureau said as of Thursday, eight ward his dream of a “United States of Africa”.
The email has a subject line of “Remembering
of 17 flu patients handpicked to receive the treatment The continent’s biggest economy South Africa, as
Michael Jackson” and is sent from
using 5,000-year-old traditional Chinese medicine well as top oil producers Nigeria and Angola, led the
“,” Sophos said in a state-
were fully recovered, China Daily reported. opposition to his proposals and argued for a more gradual
ment sent by its Asia office in Singapore.
The non-Tamiflu medication has shown great prom- approach to integration. The final deal gave the Authority
According to Sophos, the email tells recipients that
ise for the remaining nine recovering patients, offi- power to “coordinate the positions of the African Union
an attached file titled “Michael songs and”
cials of the Beijing Health Bureau said. on questions of common interest for the continent and
contains secret songs and photos of the pop music icon,
The Ministry of Health said nearly 90 percent of the its people.” That includes coordinating defence and trade
who died of a heart attack in the United States on 25
influenza A/ H1N1 patients in China have been treated policies, but the Authority will only represent the conti-
with a combination of traditional Chinese medicine nent in international affairs when mandated by the
Sophos advised users not to open the email.
and western medicine.—Xinhua member states, according to the text.—Internet

Asia tested as music industry seeks to boost sales A sales assistant

HONG KONG, 3 July— nomic downturn has ac- to digital,” he said. “The
holds up a Nokia
Rampant piracy and a celerated the Internet- consumer is also migrat-
crumbling market for CDs fueled fall in sales of ing quicker because of the handset featuring
has put the music indus- physical music. free content.” Fenez told
try in Asia under immense “Consumers are enjoy- the recent Music Matters a new mobile
pressure, but experts are ing more hours of music, industry conference in
Internet music
hoping that technology they just ain’t paying for Hong Kong that Asia’s
and social media will help it,” said Marcel Fenez, of physical distribution mar- download platform
fill the gap. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ ket fell by 9.3 percent in
While demand for mu- entertainment and media 2008 — the biggest drop at a store in Hong
sic continues to rise across practice. “The recession is the industry had seen in
the region, the global eco- accelerating a migration five years.—Internet

4-7-09 NL.pmd 12 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 13

New type of El Nino could mean

more hurricanes make landfall
WASHINGTON, 3 July— more potential to make pattern of warm water
El Nino years typically landfall,” said Peter known as El Nino forms
result in fewer hurricanes Webster, professor at in the Pacific, it affects the
forming in the Atlantic Georgia Tech’s School of circulation patterns across
Ocean. But a new study Earth and Atmospheric the globe, changing the
suggests that the form of Sciences. number of hurricanes in
El Nino may be changing That’s because this the Atlantic. This regular
potentially causing not new type of El Nino, type of El Nino (from the
only a greater number known as El Nino Modoki Spanish meaning “little
of hurricanes than in (from the Japanese boy” or “Christ child”) is
average years, but also a meaning “similar, but more difficult to forecast.
greater chance of hurr- different”), forms in the But El Nino Modoki Austrian Airlines planes sit on the tarmac at Schwechat Airport in Vienna, in
icanes making landfall, Central Pacific, rather follows a different predic- June 2009. Austrian Airlines said on Thursday it would cut 1,000 jobs follow-
according to clima- than the Eastern Pacific as tion pattern. ing record losses in 2008 and amid a troubled bid by German flag carrier
tologists at the Georgia the typical El Nino event Internet Lufthansa to take over the company.—INTERNET
Institute of Technology. does. Warming in the
The study will appear Central Pacific is NASA’s LRO spacecraft sends Europe has 563 more
Friday in the journal associated with a higher
Science.“Normally, El storm frequency and a first lunar images to earth confirmed A/H1N1 flu cases
Nino results in diminished greater potential for W ASHINGTON , 3 July — NASA’s Lunar STOCKHOLM, 3 July— A European health agency
hurricanes in the Atlantic, making landfall along the Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has transmitted its said on Thursday that 563 new A/H1N1 flu cases
but this new type is Gulf coast and the coast first images since reaching lunar orbit on 23 June, were reported in European countries within the last
resulting in a greater of Central America. NASA said on Thursday in a Press release. 24 hours.
number of hurricanes with Even though the The spacecraft has two cameras — a low resolution Of the new cases, 391 were confirmed in Britain,
greater frequency and oceanic circulation Wide Angle Camera and a high resolution Narrow 39 in Spain, 23 in France, 41 in Germany, 11 in
Angle Camera. Collectively known as the Lunar Greece, eight in Ireland, seven each in Switzerland
Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC, they were and Italy, five each in the Czech Republic and
activated 30 June. Portugal, four each in Slovakia, the Netherlands,
The cameras are working well and have returned Finland and Poland, two each in Malta, Lithuania,
images of a region a few kilometers east of Hell E Denmark and Belgium, and one each in Sweden and
crater in the lunar highlands south of Mare Nubium, Norway, the European Center for Disease Prevention
according to NASA.“Our first images were taken along and Control (ECDC) said in its daily situation
the moon’s terminator — the dividing line between report.—Internet
day and night — making us initially unsure of how
they would turn out,” said LROC Principal Investigator WHO Death toll from
Mark Robinson of Arizona State University in Tempe.
“Because of the deep shadowing, subtle topography
A/H1N1 flu reaches 337
Lebanese fishermen prepare their nets at the harbor is exaggerated, suggesting a craggy and inhospitable worldwide
of the southern port city of Tyre. Over-fishing, surface. In reality, the area is similar to the region CANCUN, 3 July — The death toll from the A/H1N1
pollution and dynamite fishing have all but wiped where the Apollo 16 astronauts safely explored in flu pandemic have killed 337 people in 121 nations
out marine life in the Mediterranean waters off the 1972. While these are magnificent in their own right, and the number of the total infected has exceeded
220-kilometer-long (136-mile-long) Lebanese the main message is that LROC is nearly ready to begin
coast, leaving many of the country’s estimated 80,000, a top official of the World Health Organiza-
its mission.” tion (WHO) said on Thursday.
8,000 fishermen destitute.—INTERNET Internet
Most of the infected are young people and schools
US scientists discover why A/H1N1 flu The road is eroded by
the floods in Sanjiang
and homes are the places where people are most likely
to be infected, WHO’s Deputy Director-General Keiji
virus spreads less effectively County in southwest
China’s Guangxi
Fukuda told a meeting on the A/H1N1 flu in Mexico’s
WASHINGTON, 3 July — Sasisekharan, director of Sasisekharan and CDC southeastern resort town of Cancun.
Zhuang Autonomous
The new A/H1N1 strain the Harvard-MIT senior microbiologist He said the virus is more similar to H5N1 avian
Region, on 2 July,
of flu has a form of sur- Division of Terrence Tumpey have 2009. A heavy storm hit flu rather than the seasonal flu and the future of the
face protein that binds in- Health Sciences and previously shown that Gaoji Village, Heping disease is uncertain due to the mutations that the virus
efficiently to receptors Technology (HST) and a flu virus’s ability to Village, Danzhou could present, he added.—Internet
found in the human respi- the lead MIT author of the infect humans depends on Village etc. in Sanjiang
ratory tract, which make paper. whether its heagglutinin County from US death toll of A/H1N1 flu
Sasisekharan and his protein can bind to a spe- Wednesday night to
it spread from person to
person less effectively laboratory co-workers cific type of receptor on Thursday morning,
rises to 170, cases over 33,000
the surface of human res- which caused floods in HOUSTON, 3 July— The A/H1N1 flu death toll in
than other flu viruses, sci- have been actively inves-
piratory cells.—Internet these areas. —INTERNET the United States has reached 170, while confirmed
entists said. tigating influenza viruses
That restricted, or weak, and probable cases rose to 33,902, according to the
A team from Mass-
binding, along with a ge- latest statistics released by the US Centers for Disease
achusetts Institute of
netic variation in Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday.
Technology (MIT) and
an H1N1 polymerase en- The CDC said that 43 more deaths have been
the US Centers for Dis-
zyme, which MIT re- reported in the past week, a 34 percent jump from
ease Control and Preven-
searchers first reported the previous record of 127, and 6,203 new confirmed
tion (CDC) reported the
three weeks ago in Nature and probable cases have emerged, representing a 22-
discovery Thursday in the
Biotechnology, explains percent increase from the previous total of 27,717
online edition of Science.
why the virus has not released a week ago.
“While the virus is able
spread as efficiently as Since the outbreak of the A/H1N1 flu, the state of
to bind human receptors,
seasonal flu, says New York has been leading the nation with most
it clearly appears to be re-
Sasisekharan. deaths of the new flu virus. —Internet
stricted,” says Ram

4-7-09 NL.pmd 13 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009

Chinese gymnasts show different Federer, Murray closing in on

SPORTS class at Universiade history
BELGRADE, 3 July—Olympians Cheng Fei and Jiang LONDON , 3 July – Roger Federer will put friend-
Brazil’s Ze Roberto joins Yuyuan led Chinese gymnasts to an overwhelming ship aside while Andy Murray must turn his back on
Hamburg victory in women’s team at the 25th Universiade on national hype and growing media hysteria when they
Thursday. aim to set up a dream Wimbledon final.
BERLIN , 2 July — Bayern Munich’s Brazilian
Spearheaded by Ol- Five-time champion
midfielder Ze Roberto has joined German Bundesliga
ympic champion team Federer, who is chasing a
powerhouse Hamburger SV on a free transfer, the
members Cheng and sixth title to give him a
Hamburg club announced on Thursday.
Jiang, China collected record 15th Grand Slam
The 34-year-old has signed a two-year deal, but
an overall 169.150 crown, tackles close
the club did not reveal his salary. Hamburg coach
points and an extraordi- friend Tommy Haas who,
Bruno Labbadia appeared pleased to have acquired
nary seven-point edge at 31, is two wins away
the energetic midfielder’s services. Chinese player Cheng for the title, leaving from becoming the oldest
“We’re delighted that Ze Roberto has decided to Fei performs during the Russia a far second in Wimbledon champion for
join us. He is extremely gifted technically and has women’s team competi- 162.150. 34 years.
plenty of top-level experience,” he said.”He’s shown tion of artistic gymnas- The bronze went to Murray, bidding to be-
his class both domestically and on the European stage tics in the 25th DPR Korea in 161.450 come Britain’s first men’s
over the last few years,” he added. universiade in Belgrade, points, which boast Olym- champion since Fred
Ze Roberto has plied his trade at several top clubs capital of Serbia, pic vault winner Hong Eu- England’s Andy Murray Perry in 1936, faces two-
around the world since first appearing in Europe with on 2 July, 2009. jong. returns a ball to Spain’s time runner-up Andy
Real Madrid in 1997. Spells at Brazilian sides INTERNET Internet Juan Carlos Ferrero at Roddick in his semi-final
Flamengo and Santos and Bundesliga powerhouse
Bayer 04 Leverkusen preceded the most recent of two Williams sisters reach Wimbledon the 2009 Wimbledon
where he will be riding a
wave of emotional sup-
spells at Bayern Munich, where he won a total of eight
major domestic trophies. —Internet
final again tennis championships.
port from a desperate na-
LONDON, 3 July — Venus and Serena Williams fol- tion.—Internet
lowed different paths to set up a family duel again at “Magic Olympics” in Beijing to attract
the Wimbledon women’s singles final on Thursday.
Two-time champion 2,300 magicians worldwide
Serena saved a match BEIJING, 3 July — About 2,300 magicians from 65
point and overcame Rus- countries and regions will attend the 24th FISM World
sian Elena Dementieva 6- Championships of Magic, to be held here from July
7(4), 7-5, 8-6 in 2 hours, 26 to 31, according to the event’s host China Acro-
49 minutes. Five-time bats Association (CAA) on Friday.
winner Venus needed The championship is the first of its kind to be held
only 51 minutes to over- in a developing country since its founding 61 years
whelm another Russian ago. The magic arts committee of China Acrobats
Dinara Safina 6-1, 6-0 Association joined FISM in 2000 and won the bid to
Real Madrid’s new player Raul Albiol is warmly and reach her eighth host this year’s event in 2006 during competition with
welcomed by fans during the presentation cer- Wimbledon final. Granada and Vienna.
emony at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in It will be their fourth
Venus Williams of the In addition to the competition of the Grand Prix
Madrid, Spain, on 2 July , 2009.—INTERNET all-sister Wimbledon final
United States celebrates award and other categories such as close-up card,
Barcelona President wants to her victory over Dinara and eighth meeting in a parlor magic and stage illusions, this year’s event also
Safina of Russia during Grand Slam title match. includes an exhibition of magic equipment, magic lec-
sign Valencia’s Villa the women’s singles Venus is bidding to tures and saloons and various performances, said Gao
MADRID , 3 July — Barcelona President Joan semifinal at the 2009 become the first woman Wei, an official in charge of the information office
Laporta said on Thursday that he wants to bring Va- Wimbledon Tennis since Steffi Graf in 1991- under the CAA magic arts committee.—Internet
lencia striker David Villa to his club. Championships, 93 to win Wimbled on
Villa is thought to have already agreed personal on 2 July, 2009. three years in a row. Donovan issues ultimatum to
terms with the current Primeria Liga and European INTERNET Internet
champions, although the two clubs have yet to reach
Galaxy over Beckham
agreement over his price, which would be in the re-
Kim sets course record at Congressional with 62 LOSANGELES , 3 July – Landon Donovan has issued
gion of 50 million euros. BETHESDA, 3 July – Anthony Kim is regaining a lot the Los Angeles Galaxy an ultimatum - have English
With Real Madrid having bought Cristiano Ronaldo, of his strength and a little of his swagger. He can only super Star David Beckham clean up his act or risk the
Kaka and Karim Benzema, Barcelona has to move soon hope his record start Thursday at the AT&T National departure of Donovan, the club’s all-time top active
or risk being eclipsed in the transfer market by its big- golf tournament will allow him to get rid of some frus- scorer.
gest rivals.”Villa knows that we want to strengthen tration built up from a year of not winning. “Let’s say he does stay here for three more years.
our attack and he is one of our targets and that we I’m not going to spend the next three years of my life
Anthony Kim waves to
really like him,” Laporta told radio station Cadena Cope doing it this way. This is (expletive) miserable,” Do-
the gallery after putting
on Thursday. novan said in passages from a forthcoming book put
out for birdie on the
However, despite the rumors that Villa and the club on Sports Illustrated’s website.
eighth hole during the
had reached an agreement over his conditions, Laporta Internet
first round of the AT&T
was reluctant to give too many details away. “In the National golf tourna-
case of Villa, it would not be prudent to reveal how ment at Congressional
the negotiations are going,” he said. Country Club, on 2
Laporta also refused to rule out a move to sign Ar- July, 2009, in Bethesda,
senal captain Cesc Fabrigas, a player who began his Md.—INTERNET
career in the Barcelona youth system before moving
to England. “Cesc has Barcelona in his DNA and the Kim ran off eight birdies over his final 13 holes
way I understand it, he should play here one day. He is and set the course record at Congressional with an 8-
the leader at Arsenal, he’s a player that the technical under 62, giving him a two-shot lead over tournament
staff, coach and I all like,” said Laporta. host Tiger Woods and two others.
Internet Internet Landon Donovan.—INTERNET

4-7-09 NL.pmd 14 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 4 July, 2009 15

Programme Schedule
(4-7-2009) (Saturday)

Transmissions Times
Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MST
Europe - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MST
North America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

Local Transmission
* Signature Tune
Floor traders work at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
on Friday, 3 July, 2009 in Hong Kong. Asian stocks * Peaceful and Beautiful Lashio
retreated Friday as a weaker-than-expected U.S. * Chinlone or Caneball Competitions
jobs report signaled more pain ahead for the world’s * Alms Food Offering Ceremony of Southern Kyaye
largest economy. Losses across Asia were somewhat Chaung Village
tame compared to Wall Street, where markets pulled * Amrapura Bargaya Monastery
sharply lower. Oil prices weakened further, while the * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
dollar was little changed against the yen.—INTERNET Europe/ North America Transmission
* Signature Tune
Indonesian non oil, gas * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
* The Beauty of Myanmar Women’s Costume in
export rises up in May Twelve Seasons “Waso”
JAKARTA, 3 July— Spurred by the increasing * Melodious Flute Tunes of the Villages
export commodity prices, Indonesian non-oil and gas * From “Putao” to “Machan Baw” WEATHER
export value increased by 13.3 percent to 8.2 billion * Traditional Myanmar Pickled Tea
US dollars in May this year compared to a month * Rakhine Traditional Wedding Ceremony Friday, 3 July, 2009
earlier that stood at 7.2 billion US dollars, a senior * Myanma White Gold (Rubber) Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr
* Unique Biodiversity of Indawgyi Lake (Part-III) MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly
official said here.
* Kids Talent: Latti (La Mone Festival) cloudy in lower Sagaing Division, rain have been
“In general, the export increase in May was incited
* Ngwe Hsaung Welcomes Everyone isolated in Chin State, scattered in Mandalay and
by export commodity price increase which was seen * Peaceful and Beautiful Lashio Magway Divisions, fairly widespread in Shan and
since February this year,” the Bisnis Indonesia Friday * Chinlone or Caneball Competitions Rakhine States, Bago and Taninthayi Divisions and
quoted Mochtar, the head of research and development * Alms Food Offering Ceremony of Southern Kyaye widespread in the remaining areas with locally heavyfall
department at the Trade Ministry, as saying. Chaung Village in upper Sagaing Division. The noteworthy amounts
The non-oil and gas export volume in May also of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (0.08) inch,
* Amrapura Bargaya Monastery Hkamti (4.85) inches, Homalin (3.26) inches,
increased to 25.5 million tons, or 1.42 percent higher * Novitiation Ceremony (Northern Shan State) kyeikmayaw (2.50) inches, Sittway (1.85) inches, Hpa-
if compared to 25.1 million tons a month earlier, he * Unique Biodiversity of Indawgyi Lake (Part-IV) an (1.70) inches, Thandwe (1.62) inches, Paung (1.57)
added. * Beneficial and Useful Rubber Plants inches, Hinthada and Thaton (1.18) inches each.
Mochtar predicted that Indonesian export tends to * Thriving Crops in Shan State (North) Maximum temperature on 2-7-2009 was 84°F.
increase in the coming months with the lowest export * Song of Myanmar Beauty & Scenic Sights Minimum temperature on 3-7-2009 was 70°F. Relative
figure took place in February. —MNA/Xinhua Website: www.mrtv humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 3-7-2009 was 100%.
Total sun shine hour on 2-7-2009 was (1.3) hours approx.
8:40 am 2:45 pm 6:30 pm Rainfall on 3-7-2009 was (0.31) inch at Mingaladon,
9. International News 11. International News 11.Weather Report (0.59) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.08) inch at Central
8:45 am 2:50 pm 6:35 pm Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (38.66) inches
12. tvS&Smr,fvSurÇm0,f at Mingaladon, (44.33) inches at Kaba-Aye and (48.70)
10. Local Talent 12. Musical Programme
inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at
11:00 am 4:00 pm 6:55 pm
Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from Southwest at
1. Martial Song 1. Martial Song 13. yÍövufausmif;awmf (12:45) hours MST on 2-7-2009.
11:10 am 4:10 am 7:15 pm
14. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in the
2. Musical Programme 2. Musical Programme Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
11:25 am 4:20 pm ]]ay:jyLvmtcspf}}
3. cspfp&mht&G,fupm;Mur,f (tydkif;-7) Forecast valid until evening of 4th July 2009:
3. tqdkNydKifyGJ
Saturday, 4 July 8:00 pm Rain will be isolated in lower Sagaing, Mandalay and
11:50 am 4:30 pm Magway Divisions, scattered in Chin, Shan and Kayah
View on today 4. Round up of the 4. jrL;jrL;<u<u,Ofaus;rItu 15. News
16. International News States, fairly widespread in Bago and Taninthayi
7:00 am Week’s TV Local 4:40 pm Divisions and widespread in the remaining areas.
News 5. aysmfbG,fcsnfrQifpuf½Hk 17. Weather Report
1. awmifwef;omoemjyK Degree of certainty is (80%).
q&mawmfb&k m;Bu;D \ 12:00 am 4:50 pm 18. jrefrmEdik if t H rsK;d orD;a&;&m
tzGJUcsKyf\BuD;MuyfrIjzifh State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar
y&dwwf &m;awmf 5. Yan Can Cook 6. ta0;oifwuúov kd yf nma&; waters.
7:25 am &efuek w f ikd ;f trsK;d orD;a&;&m
12:20 pm ½k y f j rif o H M um;oif c ef ; pm Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderate
2. To be healthy tzGJUupDpOfwifqufaom
6. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ 'kwd,ESpf (ordkif;txl;jyK) monsoon.
exercise 2009 ckEpS Zf v l ikd v
f (3)&uf
]][mourÇm}} (tydik ;f -7) (ordkif;)
7:30 am jrefrmtrsKd;orD;rsm;aeU Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area
1:20 pm 5:05 pm txdrf;trSwf0wfpm;qif for 4-7-2009: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).
3. Morning News 7. Sing and Enjoy 7. Songs for uphold
7:40 am 2:00 pm National Spirit
,ifxHk;zGJUrIjyyGJ Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area
4. Nice & Sweet Song ]]t&G,o f ;kH yg;rde;f rom;tvS for 4-7-2009: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is
7:50 am 8. urÇmhvlwkyfauG;a&m*g 5:15 pm a0jzmarjrefrm}} (tydik ;f -2) (80%).
5. tuNydKifyGJ taMumif;odaumif;p&m 8. ]]oGm;vrf;omvdkUv 19. umwGef;tpDtpOf
2:25 pm vmvrf;ajzmifhygap}} Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area
8:00 am ]]'dik Ef akd qmrdom;pkpeG Uf pm;cef;}} for 4-7-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain. Degree of
6. uAsmyef;O,smOf 9. Song of National 5:45 pm (tydkif;-21) certainty is (60%).
8:15 am Races 9. tjynfjynfqdkif&m 20. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ
2:35 pm Weather outlook for first weekend of July 2009:
7. Musical Programme or0g,raeUaw;rsm; ]]aus;Zl;wifygw,f}} During the coming weekend, one or two rain in Nay
8:25 am 10. EdkifiHpD;yGm;tav;xm; 6:00 pm (tydik ;f -24) (Zmwford ;f ) Pyi Taw and Yangon Division, isolated rain in
8. ]]avScg;oH;k xpfqif;wJt
h cg}} aus;vufxkwfukefrsm; 10. Evening News 21. *DwwHcg;av;zGifhygOD; Mandalay Division.
R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Informatilon, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,
No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,
Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

4-7-09 NL.pmd 15 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

13th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME Saturday, 4 July, 2009

UNSG meets political parties

NAY PYI TAW, 3 July— Visiting Secretary- It was also attended by patron, the chairman, the League for Democracy, Mro (or) Khami National Soli-
General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and vice-chairman and Central Executive Committee mem- darity Organization, Wa National Development Party,
party met with the officially registered political parties bers and organizers, totalling 23 persons of 10 political Kokang Democracy and Unity Party, Shan State Kokang
at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone at parties namely National League for Democracy, National Democratic Party, Lahu National Development Party and
4.50 pm today. Unity Party, Union Kayin League, Shan Nationalities Union Pa-O National Organization.—MNA

UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party meet patron, chairman, vice-chairman , CEC members and organizers of 10 officially-registered
political parties at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone.—MNA

UNSG meets national race organizations

NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Visiting Secretary-Gen- Also present at the meeting were the chairman, Shan (South) Special Region (6) PNO Group, Kayah
eral of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party the vice-chairman, the leader and members totalling Special Region (2) Ka La La Ta Group, Haungtharaw
met with national race organizations at Myat Tawwin 35 persons from Kachin Special Region (1) NDAK Special Region Peace Group, Phayagon Special Re-
Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone at 5.50 pm today. Group, Shan (North) Special Region (5) KDA Group, gion Peace Group and DKBA.—MNA

UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party meeting chairman, vice-chairman, leader and members of national race organizations
at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone.—MNA

Human-like brain disturbances in locust have found that these human disorders are
linked by a brain disturbance during which nerve cells
insects: locusts shed light on shut down. This also occurs in locusts when they go
migraines, stroke and epilepsy into a coma after exposure to extreme conditions such
as high temperatures or lack of oxygen.
SCIENCE DAILY, 3 July — A similarity in brain The Queen's study shows that the ability of the
disturbance between insects and people suffering insects to resist entering the coma, and the speed of
from migraines, stroke and epilepsy points the way their recovery, can be manipulated using drugs that
toward new drug therapies to address these condi- target one of the cellular signaling pathways in the
tions. brain.
Queen's University biologists studying the Internet

4-7-09 NL.pmd 16 7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

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