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Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 85 4th Waning of Waso 1371 ME Friday, 10 July, 2009

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the
and tranquillity, prevalence of law and opment of other sectors of the economy as well entire nation
order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms preservation and safeguarding of cultural
* Emergence of a new enduring State Con- of technical know-how and investments from sources inside heritage and national character
stitution the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in * Uplift of health, fitness and education
in accord with the new State Constitution the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation

Matupi Township gains development momentum

N AY P YI T AW , 9
July—Lt-Gen Tha Aye
of the Ministry of
Defence delivered an
address in meeting with
servicemen and their
families at the hall of
local battalion in Matupi
Station on 4 July and
presented gifts to them.
Accompanied by
Chairman of Sagaing
Division Peace and
Development Council
Commander of North-
West Command Maj-Gen
Myint Soe and Chin State
PDC Chairman Brig-Gen
Hon Ngai, Lt-Gen Tha
Aye visited Matupi Lt-Gen Tha Aye of Ministry of Defence inspects tea plantation of departmental personnel on Haka-Matupi Road.
Township People’s MNA
Hospital and gave
necessary instructions. Lt- into machine and operator Lt-Gen Tha Aye, Women’s Vocational Education High School Aye looked into tea
Gen Tha Aye comforted rooms and left necessary the commander and Training School. He No. (1), Lt-Gen Tha Aye plantations of
patients and inspected tea instructions. officials presented clothes, oversaw learning of inspected progress in departmental personnel
plantation of the hospital. Next, Lt-Gen Tha stationery, school trainees on basic and construction of two-storey near Haka-Matupi Road
At Digital Auto- Aye went to Progress of uniforms and gifts to the advanced tailoring courses new school building, and production line of
Exchange of Matupi Border Areas and National school and the trainees . and teaching and learning school buildings of BEHS Matupi Tea Processing
Township Myanma Posts Races Training School Afterwards, Lt- aids. No. (2) and gave Factory, and left necessary
and Telecommunications, and fulfilled the Gen Tha Aye visited At Matupi necessary instructions. instructions.
Lt-Gen Tha Aye looked requirements. Matupi Township Township Basic Next, Lt-Gen Tha MNA

Sugar mill in
Shan State
(North), the
largest of its
kind in
Article: Myint
Maung Soe;
Photos: Myo
Min Thein
Hsinshweli Sugar Mill in Nawnghkio Township, Shan State (North). (Byline on page 7)

10-7-09 NL 1 8/17/18, 2:42 PM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Friday, 10 July, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
Always work for regional * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
and national development
National policies laid down by the Minister attends annual work MYANMAR GAZETTE
State are national duties to be carried out
earnestly and steadfastly not only in the
coordination meeting of DACs NAY PYI TAW, 9 July—The State Peace and
NAY PYI TAW, 9 July— engineers, executive officers Development Council has appointed Deputy
present but also in the future. Minister for Progress of and engineers in-charge Director-General U Khin Ko Lay of the Fisheries
The government of Myanmar is Border Areas and National from State and Division Department of the Ministry of Livestock and
working towards a peaceful, modern and Races and Development DACs. Fisheries as Director-General of the same department
developed nation in accord with its Affairs Col Thein Nyunt First, the minister made on probation from the date he assumes charge of his
national policy — non-disintegration of attended the annual work a speech on the occasion. duties.—MNA
coordination meeting of Next, Director-General
the Union, non-disintegration of national
solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty
— and according to the wishes of the
entire national people through systematic
implementation of the seven-step
At present, the government, the
people and the Tatmadaw are working in
concert for the development of the Union
and to fulfil all the requirements of
political, economic, education, health and
transport sectors.
As a result, peace and tranquility is
prevailing all over the nation. Major
strides have been made in agricultural
and manufacturing industries. Transport Minister Col Thein Nyunt addresses annual work coordination meeting of Development Affairs
has become smooth and easy and Committees. —PBANRDA
businesses thrived. U Myo Myint of committees during 2008- Deputy Minister Col Tin
Development Affairs
Regional development is related to Committees held at the Development Affairs 2009. Resource persons Ngwe and officials
regional peace and stability. Only if there assembly hall of the Department read out the submitted their papers to the concerned, the meeting
is the rule of law and peace and stability ministry, here this morning. annual report of the meeting. came to a close for the first
in the nation will the life of the people be Also present on the development affairs After being reviewed by day.—MNA
secure. Mutual love, trust and occasion were Deputy
understanding among the national Minister for PBANRDA Pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 control measures under way
Col Tin Ngwe, the secretary Y ANGON , 9 July— Hospital yesterday. presented topics about the
brethren are the sound foundations of and committee members of Secretary of the Head of Yangon disease. The deputy minister
Union Spirit and national untiy. Nay Pyi Taw DAC, Communicable Diseases Division Health Department also took part in the
If all the national people try to directors-general, managing Control Central Committee Dr Hla Myint, Director Dr discussion. Next, the
maintain unity, peace and development directors and deputy Deputy Minister for Health Soe Lwin Nyein of the deputy minister inspected
already achieved and continue working directors-general of Dr Mya Oo addressed the Department of Health, the separate ward for the
together for regional and national departments and enterprises meeting on Pandemic A Director Dr Nay Win and sick and outpatient ward. He
under the ministry, directors, (H1N1) 2009 control Medical Superintendent Dr also inspected Yangon East
development, their Union will last long.
deputy superintending measures at Insein People’s Kyaw Kyaw of the hospital General Hospital.—MNA

New Sony Cyber-Shot Camera introduced Shot Cameras on display.

The main aim of Sony
Sony Cyber-Shot Cameras
can produce best pictures if
Y ANGON , 9 July— media and sale agents, was Wai Thit Lwin of TMW Function by means of Smile Shutter Function and
is the satisfaction of the
Organized by TMW held at Sedona Hotel, Kaba Enterprise Ltd. projector, the ceremony customers. Sony has Intelligent Auto Function
Enterprise Ltd, a ceremony Aye Pagoda Road, here, this After U Zwe Yan Bo came to an end. produced cameras by are jointly used.
to introduce new Sony morning with an opening of TMW Enterprise had Next, those present W Series of Sony
means of i Auto technology
Cyber-Shot Camera to speech by Director Daw explained facts about i Auto viewed the Sony Cyber- Cyber-Shot comprise 6
to catch high quality
pictures. It is incumbent series namely DSC-W 270,
upon users who are using DSC-W 230, DSC-W 220,
the cameras to adjust the DSC-W 210, DSC-W 190
functions and background and DSC-W 180. 3” LCD
they want. Now, i Auto and colorful cameras used
technology is capable of with Carl Zeiss Vario-
adjusting functions of Tessar Lens in W Series
cameras automatically. will be attractive to the
New T Series includes users. 28 mm wide angle
New Intelligent Auto set 5X optical telescopic can
Mode. When it is used, take vivid pictures for the
Intelligent Scene users. Colorful Sony
Recognition Function is Cameras are now on sale at
Director Daw Wai Thit Lwin speaking at the ceremony to introduce New Sony Cyber-Shot able to create best pictures Sony Showrooms in states
Camera. —MNA without adjusting setting. and divisions.—MNA

10-7-09 NL 2 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 3

US government agencies’
websites attacked
WASHINGTON, 9 July — The websites However, the source of attacks can not
of US government agencies including be confirmed yet, the spokesman added.
the White House, the State Department The cyber assault on the White House
and the Pentagon have been under cyber site did not effect its day-to-day opera-
attack, said the government on Wednes- tions with preventative measures in
day. place, said spokesman Nick Shapiro,
State Department spokesman Ian adding that the site is “stable and avail-
Kelly confirmed to reporters at a press able to the general public.”
briefing that the stategov website had The Department of Homeland Secu-
been under attack since 5 July, although rity, which led the investigation into the
“it’s much reduced right now.” attacks, confirmed that US government
Kelly said that the US computer and private sector websites had come un-
emergency readiness team is working der so-called “distributed denial of serv- A view of Teheran is seen during a high air pollution and dust storm on 6 July ,
with experts of his department and other ice” attack without identifying any of the 2009. The official IRNA news agency says the government has ordered all gov-
affected government agencies to try to targeted sites. ernment and private offices as well as educational and industrial units
resolve the problem. Internet closed for Tuesday due to high air pollution and dust storm.—INTERNET

Men inspect trucks destroyed by Taleban fighters by the roadside in Afghani-

stan’s northern Kunduz Province on 8 July, 2009. Taleban fighters set
Iraq car bombs kill 16
B AGHDAD , 9 July — in the village of Sada Wa
12 trucks, belonging to a construction firm, on fire and kidnapped two Car bombs in two Shiite Baaweza when a bomb in
drivers, the local governor said.—INTERNET villages on the outskirts of a car parked near a Shiite
the northern Iraqi city of mosque killed nine people
Mosul killed 16 civilians and injured 15, a police
and injured more than two officer and a hospital
dozen on Wednesday, au- medic said. Another car
thorities said. bomb killed seven people
The motive for the at- and injured 11 people on
tacks was not immediately a commercial street in
clear. Their strength dimin- Gubba village, police
Map locates Mosul,
ished, some Sunni insur- said.
Iraq, where car bombs
gents still seek to re-ignite The officials spoke on
killed at least 16.
sectarian violence with the condition of anonymity
majority Shiites and reverse because they were not au-
Iraq’s security gains in the Kurds, Turkmen and Ar- thorized to speak to the
past two years. abs are also high in the media. The two villages
Ethnic tensions among disputed region; mostly are north of Mosul, and lie
Shiite Turkmen live in the about 20 kilometres (12
RIYADH, 9 July — A Saudi criminal court has convicted and sentenced an al-
villages that were struck. miles) from each other.
Saudi Qaeda militant to death and given more than 300 others jail terms, fines and travel
bans in the country’s first known terrorism trials for suspected members of the
One attack happened Internet

Arabia terror network, officials said Wednesday.

A Justice Ministry spokesman said the court looked into 179 cases involving
G8 calls for increased food security
L’AQUILA, 9 July — World leaders at the Group of
the 330 defendants who were found guilty. The spokesman did not give any de-
convicts tails on the person sentenced to death, but his punishment suggests he could be a
Eight summit say they want to promote investment in
agriculture as a way of combating hunger in the face
senior member of al-Qaeda.
of the economic crisis.
300 Saudi Arabia has pursued an aggressive campaign against militants since
May 2003, when they first began attacks in the kingdom, which is al-Qaeda
The G-8 is expected to expand talks on food secu-
rity when they meet with countries with emerging
al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s birthplace and home to 15 of the 19 Sept 11 hijack-
economies and with African countries over the next
two days. Officials have said that they are discussing
The network’s attacks have targeted expatriate residential compounds, oil in-
suspects stallations and government buildings.
the creation of an agricultural development fund for
Leaders said in a statement Wednesday they want
Local residents and to “stimulate sustainable growth of world food pro-
hikers look on as a duction” with a particular focus on small farmers, as
brush fire burns in the well as the traditional food aid.—Internet
Sepulveda Pass area of
Los Angeles on 8 July, South Sudan fighting targets
2009. The Getty women, children
Center art complex in
KHARTOUM, 9 July — Fighting between tribes in
Los Angeles is evacu- southern Sudan has increasingly targeted women and
ating staff and visitors children and likely killed more than 1,000 people since
because of a nearby January, a senior UN official said Wednesday.
brush fire. Nearby Sudan’s south is still grappling with the legacy of
Mount St Mary’s one of Africa’s longest and bloodiest civil wars. The
College also is being two-decade battle between ethnic African southern-
ers and Sudan’s Arab-dominated government in the
evacuated as a precau-
northern capital, Khartoum, killed an estimated 2 mil-
tion.—INTERNET lion people.—Internet

10-7-09 NL 3 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

Group of Five call for coordination in

dealing with economic crisis,
reforming Int’l financial system
L’AQUILA, 9 July — The ment and food and en- world needs a new global
Group of Five (G5) includ- ergy security risks, non governance, the construc-
ing Brazil, China, India, traditional threats to se- tion of which must be based
Mexico and South Africa curity such as diseases on inclusive multilaterism.
called for coordination in and epidemics, as well as “In our evolving multi-po-
dealing with economic cri- the challenges posed by lar world, the G5, as a posi-
sis and reforming the in- climate change, under- tive platform that contrib-
ternational financial sys- score our fundamental in- utes to the promotion of the
tem here on Wednesday. terdependence and the interests of developing
In a political declara- imperative of enhancing countries, will continue to
tion they said that the glo- cooperation to achieve actively engage in jointly
bal economic crisis in its equitable and sustainable tackling global challenges,”
multiple dimensions, in- development for all. they said. A farmer harvests wheat in Mamuticevo, 100 km (62 miles) east of Skopje
cluding social, employ- They said that the Internet on 8 July, 2009.—INTERNET
Schwarzenegger’s welfare Euro zone Q1 contraction
cuts angers Dems confirmed at 2.5 percent
SACRAMENTO, 9 July— Gov Arnold Schwarz- LONDON, 9 July— Of- zone’s biggest economy,
enegger’s insistence on cost-cutting measures to weed ficial figures confirmed saw output plunge by a
out what he has described as “waste, fraud and abuse” that the 16 countries that quarterly 3.8 percent as
in California’s social service programmes has struck a use the euro saw output demand for its cars and
nerve with Democrats, welfare advocates and the frail. shrink by 2.5 percent in factory machinery col-
They say the Republican governor is using the poor the first quarter of 2009 lapsed — its biggest eco-
from the previous three nomic contraction since at
as a scapegoat for the state’s $26.3 billion budget short-
month period as the glo- least 1970, when West
fall. They also fear his proposals, if approved by the
bal recession sapped the Germany started to com-
Legislature, would trigger increased unemployment industrial exports that the pile records.—Internet
and homelessness, and force thousands of people from euro zone relies on for
their homes into expensive nursing facilities. growth. China telecom
Mike Herald, a lobbyist for the Western Center on Though the final esti-
Law & Poverty, likened Schwarzenegger to a bully who mate left the quarterly rate
developer may sell
bosses around his poverty-stricken family. unchanged, the annual de- 20% stake to
“The last thing these families need is a powerful cline was greater than an-
figure accusing them of fraud,” he said.—Internet ticipated. Gross domestic national pension
In this 7 April, 2006 product in the euro zone
S Korea, Europe to promote aviation file photo, large rolls fell by 4.9 percent in the
B EIJING , 9 July—
cooperation of aluminum are first quarter compared with Datang Telecom Techno-
cooled before they get the same period in 2008 —
SEOUL, 9 July—South and Maritime Affairs, with the United States, logy and Industry Hold-
cut to order size at the slightly more than the pre-
Korea and European South Korea’s transport South Korea is expected to ings Co, a major developer
Alcoa Warrick Opera- vious reading of a 4.8 per-
countries reached an policymakers signed an get help in advanced of the domestically-grown
tions in Newburgh, cent contraction.
agreement to boost coop- agreement with the Euro- know-hows related to TD-SCDMA 3G standard,
Ind. Eurostat confirmed
eration in their aviation pean Civil Aviation Con- aviation policies, the mini- is in talks with the coun-
INTERNET that Germany, the euro
policy, technological de- ference (ECAC), one of stry said. try’s national pension fund
velopment and other the world-leading avia- The agreement will Canada announces funding to sell a 20-percent stake
safety-related information tion organizations, in step up cooperation in through a private place-
sharing, the South Korean Strasbourg, France. technology development for combat vehicle ment, according to com-
government said on As the ECAC is in- and expand information pany sources.
Thursday. volved in setting an inter- sharing in the safety area, maintenance, purchase The deal could worth
According to the Min- national standard for the ministry added. OTTAWA, 9 July — Canada will spend 5 billion Cana- as much as 3 billion yuan
istry of Land, Transport aviation policies along Internet dian dollars (4.2 billion US dollars) to purchase new com- (428.6 million US dol-
bat vehicles and maintain the existing fleet for the mili- lars), but the two sides
tary, many of which are being used in Afghanistan, De- had not decided on the
fence Minister Peter MacKay announced on Wednesday. price tag, said Thursday’s
Among the money, about 1 billion Canadian dol- China Daily.
lars (850 million US dollars) will be spent on upgrad- The National Social
ing and repairing 550 LAV IIIs, with an option to up- Security Fund (NSSF),
grade 80 more, he said at a press conference at a troops will take a 20-percent
station in the eastern province of New Brunswick. stake in Datang Telecom
The rest of the money will be spent on three new Holdings after buying
types of vehicles, including 108 close-combat vehi- new shares issued by the
cles to work with the army ‘s Leopard tanks, 500 tac- telecom equipment firm.
tical armored patrol vehicles and 13 force mobility The fund raised will be
enhancement vehicles to carry equipment such as used to bankroll a hike in
plows and building materials, he said. its equipment production
Contracts to manufacture and assemble the new ve- capacity and increase
hicles, as well as long-term contracts to service and working capital, accord-
People visit the 8th China Shenyang International Auto Exhibition in maintain them, will be awarded in 2011,according to ing to the company
Shenyang, northeast China’s Liaoning Province, on 7 July , 2009. —XINHUA the government plan.—Internet sources.—Internet

10-7-09 NL 4 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 5

Regional co-op stressed for

development in Africa
BEIJING, 9 July—Afri- In an interview with time of global economic
can officials highlighted in Beijing downturn. “Africa must
the importance of regional Wednesday at the Experi- work closely together in
cooperation and stressed ence-sharing Programme order to be able to have a
that African countries on development between certain volume of the
cannot rely on aid from China and Africa, they world trade market,” said
other countries for eco- stressed Africans must Robert Joseph, Ghana’s
nomic development. rely on themselves at a deputy minister of Road
and Highways.
The capacity of the Af-
rican countries to come
together to meet the huge
import demand from
other countries is weak,
he said, so they need to
build that capacity “by A visitor looks at the
working together and sup- model of a generator on China’s first female astronaut
porting each other.” display during the 6th
Joseph stressed that Asian Wind Energy Ex- expected to complete space
African countries must hibition in Beijing, capi-
A forum of experience-sharing programme on look at the limitations tal of China, on 8 July, journey by 2012
development between China and Africa is held in they have, and stride to- 2009. The exhibition, at- BEIJING, 9 July—China’s first female astronaut, who
Beijing Wednesday to explore ways in which gether to deal with chal- tended by 445 enterprises is yet to be selected to join the country’s second fleet
China’s economic and investment policy experi- lenges brought by the glo-from 22 countries and of taikonauts, is expected to complete her journey into
ences can inform African’s efforts to accelerate its bal financial crisis. regions, kicked off here space by 2012.
economic and social progress.—XINHUA Xinhua Wednesday.—XINHUA Guangzhou-based Nanfang Weekly quoted Sui
Guosheng, an officer in charge of recruitment with the Air
China’s auto sales surpass Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as saying.
The potential female astronauts would be recruited
1.14 m units in June from 16 female fighter pilots who graduated in April.
BEIJING, 9 July—Sales of China’s domestically made The female pilots, who were chosen from 150,000
automobiles topped 1.14 million units in June, up high school graduates in 12 provinces, were the first
36.48 percent over the figure a year earlier, the fourth batch of Chinese young women qualified to fly fighter
month in a row surpassing the 1.1 million units mark, jets. They are expected to undergo between two and
the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers three years of training. China’s first astronaut Yang
(CAAM) said Thursday. Liwei, who made history six years ago by completing
Sales of China’s domestically manufactured vehi- the country’s first space voyage, said during a web
cles stood at 6.099 million units in the first half of this chat with on Tuesday that the selec-
year, up 17.69 percent over the figure a year earlier, Some street cleaners collect garbage under a tion of China’s first woman astronaut was underway.
according to the CAAM, adding that both the auto bridge along the Liujiang River after the flood “I believe Chinese women will soon be seen in
sale and production figures in the first six months had receded in Liuzhou City of southwest China’s space.” said Yang, who is now in charge of the coun-
set a half-year record high. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on 7 July, try’s selection of the next generation of astronauts.
China produced 5.99 million automobiles in the 2009. —XINHUA Xinhua
January-June period, up 15.22 percent year on year.
The association attributed the increases to a series
WHO launches network aimed at Google drops Gmail beta tag, plans
of government stimulus measures to boost domestic dealing with noncommunicable diseases operating system release
GENEVA, 9 July— The World Health Organization BEIJING, 9 July —Google’s Gmail has finally dropped
(WHO) on Wednesday launched a new global network its beta tag after five years of use, the company an-
All items from Xinhua News Agency aimed at scaling up world action to combat nounced Wednesday. Along with Google Calendar,
noncommunicable diseases, which cause some 38 mil- Google Talk, and Google Docs, the dropping of the
lion deaths annually. beta designation is seen as an effort to attract more busi-
The Global Noncommunicable Disease Network ness from those dissuaded from adopting services
(NCDnet) will unite currently fragmented efforts by deemed not to be complete. Many businesses are re-
bringing the cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and respi- luctant to have their critical infrastructure depend on
ratory communities together with tobacco control, software that’s perpetually in beta. By ridding itself of
healthy diets, and physical activity advocates, the UN the moniker, Google aims to convince more enterprises
agency said in a statement. The network will scale up to consider its products as suitable for their business.
action to combat noncommunicable diseases, strengthen Writing on the official Google blog, the company
global partnerships and help governments plan and im- says, “We’re taking the beta label off of Gmail, Google
plement measures to reduce the burden of these dis- Calendar, Google Docs and Google Talk to remove any
eases, the statement said. doubt that Apps is a mature product suite.” While the
According to the WHO, noncommunicable diseases beta tag had been removed the company said new fea-
Visitors view and admire the limpid Hukou Water- such as heart attacks, strokes, cancers, diabetes, respi- tures would continue to be added. Rajen Sheth, Senior
fall on the Yellow River at Jixian County, north ratory diseases and common injuries account for the Product Manager of Google Apps, said, “we’re con-
China’s Shanxi Province, on 7 July, 2009. Due to vast majority of all global deaths, but because they are tinuing to implement additional procedures to ensure
less rainfalls in the upper reaches of Yellow River not yet included as priorities in the global development that our business customers enjoy even greater reliabil-
that lessens the velocity of river flows to churn up agenda, donors and international organizations have yet ity: live replication of data to other locations for near-
and drive forward the sand sediments, water of the to pledge support to help developing countries address instant disaster recovery, and special handling of busi-
waterfall became clear. —XINHUA these leading health problems.—Xinhua ness users’ data in our data centre operations.”—Xinhua

10-7-09 NL 5 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

45 Afghans die, 41 missing as Peer pressure has environmental

boat sinks in E Indonesia role
JAKARTA, 9 July—At least 45 Afghans died and 41 EAST LANSING, 9 July— A US study suggests peo-
others went missing after their wooden boat sunk in ple are more likely to become involved in conserva-
waters off Komodo island in Indonesia’s East Nusa tion programmes if their neighbours are also involved.
Tenggara Province on Tuesday night, a local Disaster Michigan State University Professor Jianguo Liu
Management Agency official said Wednesday. said his study is the first to look at social norms in the
The wooden boat carrying the 86 Afghans was cap- context of China’s conservation efforts. The study fo-
sized after sailing about six hours from a seaport in cused on a mammoth government initiative called
West Nusa Tenggara Province, said Herman Mal, an Grain-to-Green that pays Chinese farmers to convert
official of the agency at Labuhan Bajo town of East cropland back to forest. Liu said while money is a key
Nusa Tenggara Province. factor in whether people sign up for the voluntary pro-
“All the 86 passengers on the boat are Afghans. 41 grammes, peer pressure plays a surprisingly large role.
have been dead and the rest are still missing,” he told “That’s the power of social norms,” he said. “It’s like
Xinhua from the town. recycling. If you see your neighbours doing it, you’re
Rescue for the missing persons are underway, said more likely to do it.” Doctoral student Xiaodong Chen,
Herman. Indonesia has been a favorable transit spot lead author of the study, said government officials
for illegal migrants from Afghanistan, the Middle East, File photo of Komodo island (back) and other should leverage social norms, along with economic
Asia and other countries, who want to enter Australia islands that form part of the Komodo National and demographic trends, when deciding how to sup-
for a better life.—Internet Park in Indonesia.—INTERNET port conversation programmes.—Internet

Malaysia drops English used Thousands attend funeral as Jackson buried

without brain
to teach maths, science B EIJING , 9 July—
Michael Jackson was bur-
was released to the fam-
ily the following day his
or alcohol abuse. A
spokesman for the Los
K UALA L UMPUR , 9 because teaching in Eng- using English undermines ied on Tuesday in Los brain was not. And the Angeles County Depart-
July—Malaysia an- lish caused academic re- their struggle to modern- Angeles without his brain, organ may not be returned ment of Public Health
nounced Wednesday it sults in those subjects to ize their mother tongue. or at least part of it. Coro- for several weeks as ex- said, “The redacted death
will abandon the use of slip, Education Minister English was once the ners had decided to keep aminers wait for it to certificate is now avail-
English to teach maths Muhyiddin Yassin said. medium of instruction in part of the singer’s brain “harden” before they can able for purchase from the
and science, bowing to The news comes after most schools in Malaysia, in order to run further tests conduct tests. Department of Public
protesters who demanded months of high-profile a former British colony. to determine the cause of Forensic neuro-pa- Health,” and said applica-
more use of the national demonstrations by politi- Nationalist leaders death, which has yet to be thologists will slice the tions could be made at the
Malay language. cians and linguists, espe- switched to Malay less established. brain into thin segments Los Angeles County De-
Malay will be rein- cially from the ethnic than two decades after in- Jackson died from an to see if the pop icon had partment of Public Health
stated in state-funded Malay majority, who say dependence in 1957. apparent coronary on 25 suffered from any dis- in North Figueroa Street,
schools starting in 2012 a six-year-old policy of Internet June, and while his body eases or engaged in drug Los Angeles.—Internet

Conn woman’s encounter with Man says bear mugged him for
‘Big Foot’ a hoax his Italian sandwich
A Connecticut woman’s close en- A northwestern bread, salami and
counter with the mythical beast, New Jersey man other meats but left
Sasquatch or Big Foot, turned out to said he was mugged behind the lettuce,
be nothing more than a boy in a cos- in his driveway by a onions and toma-
tume. Fairfield police said a woman sandwich-craving toes.
driving last Tuesday night called po- bear. Henry Rou- Vernon Town-
lice to report that she “almost hit wendal said he was ship police said it’s
Sasquatch,” which was standing in the packing his car last the first time a bear
A horse of the “ picador ” is tossed Friday when he was has attacked a per-
middle of the road. This recent handout photo provided
by one of Cebada Gago fighting bulls hit from behind and son in the rural
by the Polish customs office shows
during the bullfight at San Fermin knocked to the community in
scorpions discovered by Polish
ground. He said the more than 25
Fiestas in Pamplona, northern customs agents in Warsaw in a
culprit was a black years.
Spain, on 8 July, 2009. The fiestas bear who took his package posted from Hong Kong.
‘Los San Fermines’ held since 1591, Italian sandwich. Poles find live scorpions in parcel
attracts tens of thousands of foreign Rouwendal said Polish customs officers have intercepted a package posted
he kicked the bear in from Hong Kong containing 39 scorpions — 32 of them
visitors each year for nine days of
the snout and throat. still alive — addressed to a student in Poland’s south-west
revelry, morning bull-runs and He said the bruin city of Wroclaw.
afternoon bullfights. made off with the The scorpions were in a small package purportedly con-
Gardener’s house in flames as he tries to taining toys valued at 12 euros (17 dollars), according to
the customs declaration made for the parcel by the sender,
kill weeds spokesperson for Customs Poland, Aldona Wegrzy-nowicz
Police said a gardener in Germany set afire his house while told AFP.
he was trying to kill weeds with a flame-thrower. “We usually check packages we have doubts about, for
Balancing artist Wang Junru enter- The fire engulfed the house in Tangstedt near Hamburg in example ones where the declared value does not correspond
tains during a dress rehearsal in northern Germany soon after the 54-year-old gardener suc- with the declared content. This time we had a hunch,” she
Auckland, on 8 July, 2009, for cessfully set on fire a row of weeds. said.
Dralion, Cirque du Soleil’s latest The gardener used a garden hose to extinguish the fire that A vet called in by customs officials identified the crea-
show to tour New Zealand. The had spread to the roof of the house but failed. tures as Mesobuthus martensii-type scorpions, a moderately
show is on at Auckland’s Alexandra Authorities said seven firemen were needed to put out the dangerous variety. Those which survived the long journey
Park until 23 August.—INTERNET blaze, which occurred Thursday. will be placed in a zoo.

10-7-09 NL 6 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 7

Sugar mill in Shan State (North), the largest of its kind in Myanmar
Article: Myint Maung Soe; Photos: Myo Min Thein (Mayangon)
tons of sugarcane an acre. acreage than any other part for the convenience of the opportunities for local
The sugarcane species we in the region. farmers here in selling the people.”
use are Hsinshweli and U Tun Myint, in- sugarcane they grow. And He added, “Our mill
Yayzin. Local sugarcane charge of the sugar mill, the sugar mill generates a was launched in August
farmers are pleased to see said, “The sugar mill is large number of job 2006, and it started to run
at full capacity in January
2007. It can crush 1500
tons of sugarcane and
produces 200 tons a day.
U Tun Myint, Last year, it produced
In-charge of the more than 20,000 tons of Daw Nan Lwin Lwin
sugar mill. sugar. Sugarcane season Sein, Manager of
is off from December until Nawnghkio
(from page 1)
March.” Township Myanma
The government,
The sugarcane mill Agriculture Service.
as part of its drive for
has led to a significant
improving the living
increase in the sown helps local farmers
standard of the people
acreage of sugarcane in grow sugarcane and
by means of boosting
the region, and job produce sugar
production of regional
opportunities for about increasingly, and create
goods, has been building
200 permanent staff and job opportunities.
factories and mills
about 200 daily wage- *****
throughout the country.
workers. Translation: MS
One of them is
The giant sugar mill Kyemon: 9-7-2009
Hsinshweli Sugar Mill
near Hsammahse Village Hsinshweli Sugar
in Nawnghkio Mill in
Township, Kyaukme Nawnghkio
District, the largest of its Township.
kind in Myanmar.
Recently, we had
an opportunity to pay a such a large sugarcane mill
visit to the sugar mill, here.”
with the accompaniment On our way from
of Manager Daw Nan Nawnghkio to the sugar
Lwin Lwin Sein of mill, we saw sugarcane
Nawnghkio Township fields stretching on the
Myanma Agriculture horizon. The site of the
Service. sugar mill seemed to have
She told the larger sugarcane sown
Myanma Alin, “Last
season, our township
The sugar mill
grew 10,339 acres of
seen from the
sugarcane, and on
average we got 32.18 entrance.

Youth Camp for Asia’s Future YUCS to pay respects to

2009 to be held faculty on 12 July
YANGON, 9 July— the event. Those airfare, board and
Hosted by Ministry of applicants must be lodging will be provided
YANGON, 9 July— the late faculty members Myint (Tel: 652264), Ko
Health, Welfare and proficient in English and by the organizer.
The third ceremony to at Yangon General Tun Khine (Tel: 0950-
Family Affairs and priority will be given to Application forms will be
organized by National those who have genuine available at the Korean pay respects to faculty Hospital. Moreover, cash 47915), Ko Tin Htoo
Council of Youth interest in international Embassy at No. 97, members by the old will be donated to social Khine (Tel: 0950-42789),
Organizations of the relations or ROK and University Avenue, students of the University organizations for absent Ko Kyaw Kyaw Naing
Republic of Korea, who are learning Korean Bahan Township (Ph- of Computer Studies faculty members. (Tel: 0950-52101), Ko
Youth Camp for Asia’s language. The embassy 527142-4). Applicants (Yangon) (1986-2007), The invitation was Kyaw Myat Thaw (Tel:
Future 2009 will be held of ROK will select nine should submit application will take place at the extended to the old 0950-34426), Ma
in Seoul of the Republic candidates and those who forms to the Embassy no Conference Hall of students who attended Padamya Kay Khine (Tel:
of Korea from 30 July to were selected for the later than 14 July Myanmar Info-Tech in M.I.Sc. Those wishing to 0951-46509), Ko Ye Wint
13 August. previous year youth (Tuesday) and personal Hline Township, here, on donate cash may contact Htoo (Tel: 0950-03700)
Myanmar youth camps are not eligible to interview will take place 12 July at 9 am. Ma Min Thu (Tel: 0950- and Ma Ei Mon Win (Tel:
aged between 18 and 30 apply for. The selected on 16 July (Thursday). Cash donations 06329), Ko Min Oo (Tel: 0951-77565).
years may take part in candidates’ roundtrip MNA will be held in memory of 0950-07166), Ma San Yin MNA

10-7-09 NL 7 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

Women costume show marks Foreign Affairs Minister meets Chinese delegation
Myanmar Women’s Day
NAY PYI TAW, 9 July Ngwe enjoyed the show.
— To mark Myanmar Among the spectators
Women’s Day, women were Mandalay Mayor
costume show was con- Brig-Gen Phone Zaw
ducted at National Thea- Han, officials and mem-
tre in Mandalay on 1 July. bers of social organiza-
Chairman of Manda- tions and guests. Officials
lay Division Peace and presented certificates of
Development Council honour and gifts to those
Commander of Central who participated in the
Command Maj-Gen Tin show.—MNA

Forestry Minister visits Mt

Popa Garden
YANGON, 9 July—Min- on mixed-planting of per- Minister U Nyan Win receives Chinese delegation members led by Chairman of Standing
ister for Forestry Brig-Gen ennial trees and shift plant- Committee of People’s Congress of Guangxi Zhaung Autonomous Region and Secretary of
Thein Aung on 6 July ar- ing of banana in villages. Guangxi Communist Party of China (CPC) Mr. Guo Shengkum.—MNA
rived at Natkanle camp in And the minister met with
Mount Popa Garden under local people in the village NAY PYI TAW, 9 man of the Standing Com- (CPC) arrived at Yangon Chinese Embassy,
the Forest Department in and viewed greening of July—At the invitation of mittee of the People’s International Airport by Deputy Secretary-Gen-
Kyaukpadaung Township. Mount Popa. In the after- Minister for Foreign Af- Congress of Guangxi air on 8 July, to pay good- eral of CPC Gaungxi
Deputy Director of the For- noon, the minister looked fairs of the Union of Zhuang Autonomous Re- will visit to the Union of Committee Mr Peng
est Department U Win into 15-acre eucalyptus Myanmar U Nyan Win, gion and the Party Secre- Myanmar. They were Xiaochun, high-ranking
Naing Thaw, in-charge of plantation on both sides of the delegation led by Mr tary of the Guangxi Com- welcomed at the Yangon officials of the People’s
Mount Popa Garden U Thet the road in Kyaukpadaung Guo Shengkum, Chair- munist Party of China International Airport by Republic of China also
Tun and officials reported Township.—MNA Deputy Director-General accompanied Mr Guo
U Myint Soe of the Pro- Shengkum. Together with
tocol Department, Mr the Minister U Nyan Win
Wang Zhongyin, Charge were Director-General U
d Affaires of the Chinese Kyaw Kyaw of Protocol
Embassy and responsible Department, Director-
officials of the Ministry General U Than Htun of
of Foreign Affairs. ASEAN Affairs Depart-
On 9 July, Mr Guo ment, Deputy Director-
Shengkum paid a call on General U Maung Wai of
minister U Nyan Win at Consular and Legal
his office and held dis- Affairs Department and
cussion on promoting the officials.
friendly relations and co- In the evening, Min-
operation between ister U Nyan Win hosted a
Guangxi Zhaung and the dinner in honour of Mr
Union of Myanmar. Guo Shengkum and party
Mr Wang Zhongyin, at Myat Taw Win Hotel
Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aung views greening of Mt. Popa.—MNA Charge d Affaires of the here.—MNA
Torrential rain causes landslides and kills 24 people in Phakant Township Antique gramophone records donated to MRTV
N AY P YI T AW , 9 Donor Daw Aye
All roads return to normal after clearing of blockages by July—The donation of Shwe, retired deputy Prin-
local authorities, Tatmadaw, MPF, social organizations antique gramophone
records to the Myanma
cipal of Mandalay Educa-
tion College, presented
NAY PYI TAW, 9 July— July, the landslides occurred of Social Welfare, Relief and Kamaing Township. At Radio and Television took gramphone records to the
Due to recent torrential rain, on the right bank of Phakant- Resettlement provided nec- present, all the roads have place at the MRTV on MRTV through Deputy
the landslides occurred in Lonkhin Road in essary assistance to the flood been cleared and restored Pyay Road in Yangon this Director-General U Thein
Hmawwun Ward of Hmawwun Ward of victims. At present, the wa- to normalcy.—MNA afternoon. Aung.
Phakant. Small huts col- Phakant during the heavy ter has receded. The gramophone
lapsed and 24 people died in rain. In consequence, the Local authorities, the records are 18 discs of
the incident. Some houses small huts on the bank col- Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Buddha’s past lives, 23
in Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of lapsed. The landslide killed Police Force and members discs of classical Myanmar
Phakant were flooded, and 11 men and 13 women and of the social organizations songs, and 17 discs of Eng-
the victims were evacuated left one injured person. collectively undertook sani- lish songs.
to the safe place. The land- In the torrential rain on tation tasks and removed the MNA
slides caused the road block- 5 and 6 July, Uru Creek blockages at the bailey
ages in the urban area of overflowed and a total of 24 bridge in Phakant, on Deputy Director-
Phakant and some areas on houses in Wards 1, 2 and 3 Phakant-Lonkhin motor General U Thein
Phakant-Lonkhin Road and were swept away in the road in Hmawwun Ward, at Aung accepts an-
Mogaung-Phakant Road. flood and 90 houses in the foot of KyetU Hill near tique gramophone
As officials managed to clear Wards 3, 4 and 6 were un- Pantin Bridge of Hmawwun records donated by
the blockages, the condi- der water. The flood vic- Ward, between Lebyin Vil- Retired Deputy
tions of the roads returned tims were evacuated to the lage and 7 -Mile post and
Principal Daw Aye
to normalcy. From 10.30 safe place. Local authorities the road blockage near
and officials of the Ministry Kahtanyan Village of
pm on 4 July to 2 am on 5

10-7-09 NL 8 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 9

Regional Development tasks l¨wc\mOÂk^;Âkp\er;N˙c\. ®pv\q¨>Ac\Aa;wn\Âk^;@an

undertaken in An Township
After that, The
commander and the
minister inspected
providing free medical
km ıa.l¨√^;eren≥
treatments to people of
Darlat village by km ıa.s^;p∑a; AKk\kal'
On 7 July, they met m¥io;Sk\p∑a;k¥n\;maer; Ael;Ta;Âk
with local people and
townselders from Darlat,
Darlat (South), Darlat
Protecting Marginalized Populations
(North) and Alegyun
villages at Alegyun
from the Global Economic Crisis
village of Darlat village-
tract. After that, the
2009 KuN˙s\' z¨liuc\l 11 rk\"
commander donated
clothes, journals,
magazines and the
minister, cash and
Myanmar delegation arrives
construction materials for
library and sinking well back from Sudan
in (North) Darlat village, N AY P YI TAW , 9 office. Corporation of the Ministry
construction materials for July—Myanmar delegation Next, Deputy of Petroleum and Mining
building library of led by Deputy Minister for Minister U Maung Myint and discussed prospects of
(South) Darlat village and Foreign Affairs U Maung also called on Sudanese State bilateral cooperation in
Minister Maj-Gen Thein Swe presents cash cash and construction Myint arrived back by air Minister for Foreign Trade energy sector.
for construction of new school building in materials for library and yesterday after paying a Mr Elsimaih Elsiddig Alnur Next, the Deputy
Darlat Village, An Township. digging well of Alegyu goodwill visit to the at his office and they Minister met with Secretary
MNA village through Republic of Sudan at the discussed matters on General Mr Bakri Yousif
responsiable persons. invitation of the Sudanese enhancement of bilateral Omer of Sudanese
N AY P YI TAW , 9 School (branch). Afterwards, the
July—Chairman of The commander commander and the
Rakhine State Peace and and the minister donated minister inspected
Development Council medicines, journals, agricultural tasks of
Commander of Western magazines, exercise villages along An creek.
Command Maj-Gen books and clothes. The Then, the commander and
Thaung Aye and Minister minister then donated one the minister met with
for Transport Maj-Gen set of computer to BEHS local people at
Thein Swe, on 6 July, (branch), cash and Melatmaung village
delivered speeches in construction materials for BEPS. They donated
meeting with local people, construction of extended journals and magazines
departmental staff, new school building, to library and
members of social rural health clinic and construction materials for
organizations from Darlat village library, and cash repairing the school and
village-tract in An township for digging lake in exercise books, cash and
at the hall of Darlat village- Padaukmyaing and clothes through respon-
tract Basic Education High Ohndaw. sible persons.—MNA
Deputy Minister U Maung Myint calls on Sudanese Foreign Affairs
Minister Mr. Deng Alor Kuol (SPLM). —FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Commodity Inspection Services State Deputy Minister for trade and economic Business and Employers
Foreign Affairs Mr Ali cooperation between the two Association and the former
(CIS) opened Ahmed Kertil. countries and exchanged made clarifications on trade
Myanmar delega- views. opportunities and then they
YANGON, 9 July— foodstuff, milk and milk trading agreement and tion led by Deputy Minister On 7 July, the exchanged views on
A ceremony to open the products, edible oil, fuel, truth to the rules and U Maung Myint met with Deputy Minister met with seeking ways and means to
office of Commodity lubricants, cement and regulation of export and Sudanese State Deputy Secretary General Dr Omer further strengthen bilateral
Inspection Services Co, fertilizer in the sector of import. Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamed Kheir of trade.
Ltd (CIS) was held at No import and forest CIS has already Mr Ali Ahmed Kertil on 6 Sudanese Petroleum MNA
159, 32nd Street in products, edible oil, obtained the official July morning and they held
discussions on further
Pabedan Township, here charcoal, cement, permission of Registered
promotion of bilateral
Earthquake Report
yesterday. fertilizer, animal No 89/2009-2010 in
CIS will inspect products, aquatic terms of Myanmar relations and cooperation YANGON, 9 July—A moderate earthquake of
the quality of machines products, fruits and Companies Act. between the two countries. intensity (5.6) Richter Scale with its epicenter outside
and machine parts, vegetables in the sector Experienced In the afternoon, Myanmar in China about (680) miles Northeast of
industrial raw materials, of export. Moreover, CIS technicians will carry out Myanmar delegation called Kaba-Aye Seismological observatory was recorded
auto and auto parts, will also examine the the inspection on on Minister for Foreign at (17) hrs (53) min (10) sec MST today, announced
construction materials, quality, hygiene, list of commodities with the Affairs of Sudan Mr Deng Meteorology and Hydrology Department.
chemicals and dyes, accurate package, help of devices.—MNA Alor Kuol (SPLM) at his MNA

10-7-09 NL 9 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

Pathein with fragrance of Pawhsanhmwe paddy in future

Article: Maung Maung Myint Swe: Photos: Kyaw Myint Than (Lanmadaw)
(from page 16) are keenly carrying out the grade-2 quality paddy seedlings in the vation of paddy.
southwest of Pathein. The cultivation of quality Pawhsanhmwe paddy breeze and paddy trans- The farmer ex-
boat turned from Ngawun Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain. The paddy strain planting of local women plained, “I am U Than
River to Takaing Creek strain. I am supervising has 98 per cent purity and with the blue sky in the Shwe and I am a resident
and continued its trip. the cultivation task daily. 85 per cent success in background. of Uto Village. I am
After turning to Thandwe The paddy strain produced While visiting the working 7.28 acres of
River, the boat arrived at paddy fields, we met a farmlands in the area of
Uto Village. local farmer weeding on Kanchaung field. I have
On arrival at Uto Vil- “We will cultivate the paddy dykes. planned to grow fine
lage, we had an interview well-known quality In an interview, he quality Pawhsan paddy
with Pathein Township Pawhsanhmwe paddy said, “My name is U Kyin and sell the quality paddy
Manager U Sein Maung strain and distribute Ngwe and I am a villager strain this year. Now, I
Myint of Myanma Agri- of Uto Village. I am en- am cultivating well-
the quality paddy
culture Service who was gaged in cultivation of known Pawhsanhmwe
seeds to the local
sharing agriculture paddy on 9.5 acres of paddy.
farmers.” I believe the farmers
knowledge on growing “I estimate yield of farmlands included in
U Sein Maung Myint, 122.65 acres of arable will make handsome
quality Pawhsanhmwe paddy will be70 bas-
paddy strain to the local Manager of Myanma lands in Kanchaung field. profit from growing
kets per acre.” Agriculture Service
farmers. “Quality In recent years, I grew paddy. Moreover, we are
U Kyin Ngwe (farmer) pleased that we can dis-
U Sein Maung Myint charge Daw Maw Si Aung Pawhsanhmwe paddy Ayeyawady Pawhsan-
explained, “In accord from the fertile region will of Myanma Agriculture hmwe paddy strain. tribute the well-known
strain will fetch good Pawhsanhmwe paddy
with the guidance of the be distributed to the local Service from Pathein said, This year, I repeat the
price.” Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain to other farmers.”
Head of State and under farmers of Pathein Town- “The seed farms in Pathein
ship. As a result, a large Township are nurturing
U Than Shwe which is popular paddy The local farmers are
the supervision of the
(farmer) strain in Kanchaung field. carrying out their agri-
At present, I am satisfied culture tasks without dif-
seedling. I always inspect with the conditions of ficulties because Ayeya
preparing of paddy seeds seedlings and cultivation Pathein Company is pro-
with salty water and wash- task. Therefore, I forecast viding necessary assist-
ing of paddy seeds with to yield 70 baskets of ance for cultivation of
water for enabling the lo- paddy per acre.” paddy to the local farm-
cal people to systemati- By the end of this cul- ers.
cally sow the paddy seeds tivations season, quality By distributing qual-
and prevent dangers of Pawhsanhmwe paddy ity paddy strain to local
pests.” strain will be produced in farmers, the quality
We proceeded to Kanchaung field. We wit- Pawhsanhmwe paddy
Kanchaung field where nessed the farmers who with fine scent and taste
Pawhsanhmwe paddy is were making efforts for can be consumed in the
being cultivated. We saw yielding a large volume future not only in Pathein
female paddy transplant- of well-known Uto- Township but also in the
ers, paddy seedlings and Pawhsanhmwe paddy. entire nation.
the farmers who were We had an interview with *****
weeding the paddy fields. a farmer who was making Translation: TTA
Photo shows thriving rice paddy. We saw swaying of soil preparation for culti- Myanma Alin: 7-7-2009
Chairman of Ayeyawady volume of quality
Division Peace and De- Pawhsanhmwe paddy will
velopment Council, we yield in the township in
started the tasks to culti- the future. At present, I
vate the well-known qual- am giving the techniques
ity Pawhsanhmwe paddy to protect against pests,”
strain and distribute the said U Sein Maung Myint.
quality paddy seeds to the In the recent years, the
local farmers. We will re- quality of Uto-
produce Pawhsanhmwe Pawhsanhmwe paddy
paddy of Uto with fine strain declined. Indeed, the
quality.” new paddy strain must be
The cultivable land used after one paddy strain
of growing Uto- had been grown every two
Pawhsanhmwe paddy is successive years.
located on 122.65 acres However, the local
of natural silted area be- farmers failed to practise
tween Phetye River and the agriculture technique
Uto Creek, southwest of for substitution of new
Pathein. As it is alluvial quality paddy strains in
soil, cultivation of paddy the place of old one.
can be undertaken with- With regard to use of
out use of any fertilizer. quality Pawhsanhmwe
“The local farmers paddy strain, seed in- Female paddy transplanters growing Pawhsanhmwe seedlings in the paddy field.

10-7-09 NL 10 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 11

ADB providing $3.45m to Israel to allow 24-hour

Cambodia West Bank crossing
MANILA, 9 July —The Partnership Fund, and a JERUSALEM, 9 July— told reporters the
Asian Development Bank 250,000-US-dollar grant Israel said on Wednesday crossing, named after
(ADB) is providing a 3.45- from ADB, which will it would allow a crossing General Edmund
million-US-dollar manage the funds. The between the occupied Allenby, the British
technical assistance grant Government of Cambodia West Bank and Jordan to commander in colonial
to Cambodia to help will provide 200,000 US remain open 24 hours a Palestine after World
diversify and boost the dollars equivalent, the day to help the Palestinian War I, would be open
incomes of thousands of statement said. economy. 24 hours a day.
marginal farmers, small The project will “The Prime Minister The Palestinian
land holders, and poor support training has ordered an immediate Authority has demanded
householders living in and programs, demonstrations and significant extension the Allenby terminal
around the resource-rich of modern agricultural of opening hours of the operate around the
Tonle Sap Basin, ADB practices, and the Allenby Bridge crossing clock. Until now it has
said in a statement on introduction of for imports and exports in been open for passenger
Wednesday. communication facilities order to increase business and commercial traffic
The technical in remote rural activity and improve the for 12 hours a day during
assistance will be funded communities to provide lives of Palestinians,” an the working week and
by a 2.7-million-US- dollar access to Internet-based official statement said. seven hours a day at
Global travel may be ailing, but China's biggest city grant from the Government agricultural knowledge Deputy Foreign weekends.
of Shanghai is pursuing luxury travelers with a of Finland, a 500,000-US- banks.—MNA/Xinhua Minister Danny Ayalon MNA/Reuters
vengeance, bent on restoring a reputation for dollar grant from the
opulence and elegance that once made it the Paris of Republic of Korea e-Asia
the Orient.—INTERNET and Knowledge

Nigerian rebels attack oil pipelines, cut output

ABUJA, 9 July—Nigeria’s most prominent militant group sabotaged oil
pipelines operated by Shell and Agip on Wednesday, further cutting production in
Africa’s biggest energy producer. The Movement for the Emancipation of the
Niger Delta (MEND) said gunmen attacked the pipelines in two separate raids near
Nembe creek in Bayelsa state in the Niger Delta.
Attacks against the OPEC member’s oil sector have become a near daily
occurrence since President Umaru Yar’Adua announced an amnesty offer two
weeks ago.
“The plague of sabotage descended heavily on major Shell and Agip crude
trunk lines in Bayelsa state,” MEND said in a statement. The pipelines connect to
Agip’s Brass and Royal Dutch Shell’s Bonny crude oil export terminals.
Agip’s parent company Eni said the attack caused a production loss of about
24,000 barrels per day, while Shell said it was still looking into the report.
A military spokesman said soldiers foiled an attempted attack on an Agip-
operated oil well in Tebidaba in Bayelsa state early Wednesday. It was not clear
if the incident was related to the pipeline attacks.—MNA/Reuters

UN suspends operation in S Philippines This undated handout image courtesy of Microsoft, shows a screenshot of a
desktop background for Microsoft Windows 7. Google's personal computer
due to terror attacks operating system will fire a shot at the heart of rival Microsoft and move their
C O T A B A T O forced the United Wednesday. UN World escalating battle further onto Internet turf, analysts said Wednesday.
(Philippines), 9 July— Nation’s World Food Food Programme acting INTERNET
The spate of bombings in Programme to suspend director Alghassim Wurie
the southern Philippines their operation in the
that killed eight people restive area, a UN-WFP
told Xinhua by phone a
notice from their head
Australian women outnumber men
and injured 100 others official said on office in Geneva directed
them to suspend their
despite baby boy boom
operation for a week in CANBERRA, 9 July— IBISWorld general of population growth in
Mindanao due to terror Business information manager for Australia this country as our aging
attacks that hit the region analysts IBISWorld Robert Bryant said the population and
since Sunday. predicted that Australia’s fertility rate also increased comparatively low
“Our one-week population would reach to 1.91 babies per woman fertility rate will cause the
suspension is effective 25.7 million by 2020 with - rising for the fifth number of annual deaths
today. It will affect the women still outnumbering consecutive year and the to overtake the number of
men. Analysts said on highest result since 1994. babies born, probably
relief distribution and
Wednesday more boys However, he said migrants some time in the 2030s,”
monitoring of internally
were born each year than would eventually be the Bryant said.
displaced people,” Wurie
girls, but men’s life only form of population He added four million
said. “We are coordinating expectancy was shorter growth for the country. (20 percent) of
with Philippine than women resulting in
A boy dives into the water during the summer season “Looking ahead, net Australians were born
authorities to find out 101 females for every 100 migration to Australia will
in Easter Island, in 2005. A compound found in the overseas with the United
what’s happening and we males in 2008. A record total around 2.5 million Kingdom, Ireland, New
soil of Easter Island stunningly boosts the lifespan of
will later let you know our 287,500 babies were born between now and mid- Zealand and Italy being
mice, enabling some to live more than 100 years old
in human terms, researchers reported on Wednesday. next move,” he added. in Australia in the year 2020, eventually among the top birth
INTERNET MNA/Xinhua ended June 2008. becoming the only form places.—MNA/Xinhua

10-7-09 NL 11 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV HUA SHAN
VOY NO (100) are hereby notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 10.7.2009 and cargo will be discharged
into the premises of B.S.W-3 where it will lie at the
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Phone No: 256919/256916/256912


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TEGAP
VOY NO (457) are hereby notified that the vessel due
to arrive on 10.7.2009 and cargo will be discharged into
the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Over one fourth of US adults are obese SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT
WASHINGTON, 9 July— adults aged 18 and over. decrease in obesity preva- MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY
The proportion of US In six states — Ala- lence from 2007 to 2008. AGENT FOR: M/S ADVANCE CONTAINER
adults who are obese in- bama, Mississippi, Okla- More than 400,000 US LINES
creased to 26.1 percent in homa, South Carolina, adults were surveyed in Phone No: 256908/378316/376797
2008 compared to 25.6 Tennessee and West Vir- the 2008 BRFSS, which is
percent in 2007, the US ginia — adult obesity the world’s largest tel- South Carolina girl, eight,
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
prevalence was 30 percent
or more.
ephone health survey. To
assess obesity prevalence,
dies after two shots to head
(CDC) said on Wednes- Thirty-two states, in- survey respondents are CHESNEE, 9 July— A man put an 8-year-old girl in a
day in a statement. The cluding those six, had asked to provide their headlock Wednesday and shot her to death, then shot
data come from CDC’s obesity prevalence of 25 height and weight, which himself in the stomach, authorities said.
Behavioral Risk Factor. percent or more. Only one is used to calculate their The girl’s father is dating Ricky Lee Blackwell’s
Surveillance System state, Colorado, had a body mass index (BMI). estranged wife. Spartanburg County deputies said
(BRFSS), a state-based prevalence of obesity less A person is considered Blackwell shot the girl twice in the driveway of a home
phone survey that collects than 20 percent. But no obese if they have a BMI where he had taken her and his estranged wife to swim
health information from state showed a significant of 30 or above.—Internet and play. The home is in Chesnee, about 60 miles
southwest of Charlotte, NC.
G8 leaders to agree on 2-degree limit Several adults and children saw the shooting and
pointed officers toward Blackwell, investigators said.
on global warming Blackwell shot himself as police closed in. He was
taken to a hospital but his condition wasn’t released.
L’AQUILA, 9 July—Lead- Britain, France, Germany, the 2-degree limit, a goal The coroner’s office identified the girl as Heather
ers from the Group of Italy, Japan, Russia and strongly supported by the Brooke Center of Woodruff.
Eight (G8) rich countries Canada, kicked off the European Union (EU). Investigators said they weren’t sure of Blackwell’s
are expected to agree on a summit in the central Ital- But it was reported that motive. “I don’t know where you can go in the mind
target of limiting global ian town of L’Aquila the G8 leaders failed to to justify shooting a child,” said Spartanburg County
warming to within two Wednesday, with the first bridge their differences on
Sheriff Chuck Wright. “I don’t understand how you
degrees Celsius above pre- day largely focusing on the goal of halving global
can get so angry.”—Internet
industrial levels, according the economic crisis and greenhouse gas emissions
to a draft declaration for
the summit on Wednesday.
global fight against cli-
mate change.
by 2050.
European Commission
500 to perform ‘Thriller’ in Indiana
“We recognize the Scientists had warned President Jose Manuel GARY, 9 July—Organizers of a planned Michael Jackson tribute in his hometown
broad scientific view that that there would be seri- Barroso said on Wednes- of Gary, Ind, said nearly 500 people are expected to perform his famous “Thriller”
the increase in global av- ous climate consequences day in a pre-summit press dance. The memorial, planned for Friday at The Steel Yard stadium, is expected to
erage temperature above if the world temperature conference that developed draw nearly 500 dancers of all ages to re-enact the entirety of Jackson’s 14-minute
pre-industrial levels ought rises more than the thresh- countries should cut their “Thriller” video from 1983, the Northwest Indiana Times reported Wednesday.
not to exceed 2 degrees,” old of two degrees Cel- greenhouse gas emissions Pastor John Ponder of the Family Christian Center megachurch, which is sup-
the draft said. sius. by 80 percent by 2050, so plying 400 choir members to sing “We Are the World” to close the memorial, said
The G8 leaders, coming The United States has as to help achieve the glo- about 75 percent of the dancers set to perform “Thriller” at the event are church
from the United States, been reluctant to accept bal goal. —Internet members.—Internet

10-7-09 NL 12 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 13

Glutamic acid may lower Many aids to help those with low vision
ROCHESTER, 9 July — Some of the vision aids able, and some can be
blood pressure People with poor eyesight
caused by diseases often
mentioned in the newslet-
ter include:Magnifying
used with a computer or
CHICAGO, 9 July— US researchers China, Japan, the United Kingdom and
can be helped with vari- eyeglasses that are — “Talking” alarm
suggest a protein found in vegetables the United States, who were enrolled in ous vision aids, a US stronger than prescription clocks, watches, timers,
— glutamic acid — may lower blood the International Study on Macro/ newsletter says. eyeglasses. thermometers, scales,
pressure. Micronutrients and Blood Pressure. Experts at the Mayo The lens may be in- even prescription bottles
The study, published in Circulation Each had eight blood pressure tests, four Clinic Women’s Health cluded with the eye- and blood sugar meters
Journal of the American Heart Associa- diet recall surveys and two 24-hour urine Source say such low vi- glasses or attached to a that “speak” out readings.
tion, found a 5 percent higher dietary collections. sion isn’t just the normal headband for close-up — Computer software
intake of glutamic acid as a percentage Stamler added there no data exists on trouble people have read- tasks such as threading a programmes can magnify
of total dietary protein was correlated taking glutamic acid as a supplement, ing small print as they get needle. text on a computer screen.
with small reductions in blood pressure. but suggested improved habitual food older. It’s limited vision — Miniature tel- Speech systems enable
Lead author Dr Jeremiah Stamler of intake instead of “popping pills.” caused by macular degen- escopes, hand-held or computers to read aloud
the Feinberg School of Medicine at Common sources of vegetable protein eration, glaucoma, cata- mounted on eyeglasses, what’s on the screen.
Northwestern University in Chicago include beans, whole grains — includ- racts, diabetic retinopathy, that help see at a distance Scanning devices allow
said it is estimated that reducing a popu- ing whole grain rice, pasta, breads and retinitis pigmentosa or to see a television across the reading of printed text.
lation’s average systolic blood pressure cereals — and soy products such as tofu, other eye diseases. the room. — Closed-circuit TV
by 2 millimeters of mercury could cut Stamler said. A low vision specialist — Video magnifiers systems project enlarged
stroke death rates by 6 percent and re- Durum wheat, which is used to make can help patients find the use a camera and a video images onto a video
duce mortality from coronary heart dis- pasta, is also a good source of vegetable vision aids that will best screen to enlarge printed screen to help with read-
ease by 4 percent. protein. serve them, the Mayo material, pictures or small ing books, magazines and
The study involved 4,680 adults in Internet newsletter says. objects. Some are port- other materials.—Internet

Climbers may be India’s swine flu tally

barred from Australia’s reaches 158
famed rock NEW DELHI, 9 July — The total number of con-
firmed swine flu cases in India is at 158 after five
SYDNEY, 9 July — Climbing Uluru, Australia’s fa-
more individuals tested positive on Wednesday, a
mous red sandstone monolith, may be banned in the
health official says. An unidentified Health Minis-
future under a plan released Wednesday by the na-
try official said 113 of the 158 confirmed swine flu
tional parks service, citing cultural, safety and envi-
patients are no longer hospitalized, leaving only 45
ronmental reasons.
people still seeking medical care for the H1N1 in-
Climbing the 1,135-foot high (346-metres) rock has
fluenza virus, the Press Trust of India said.
long been opposed by the Nguraritja, the Aboriginal
In this on 8 June, 2000 file photo shown is The Health Ministry official said among the new
tribe who regained title to the Uluru-Kata Tjuta Na-
Uluru, or Ayers Rock. Climbing Australia’s famous swine flu cases is a 33-year-old woman and her 6-
tional Park in 1985 and consider it sacred territory.
1,135-foot high (346-metre) red sandstone mono- year-old son.—Internet
The tribe and federal parks service jointly manage the
lith, may be banned in the future under a plan
site, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
released 8 July, 2009, by the national parks service,
Signs at Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, already
citing cultural, safety and environmental reasons.
Peru confirms third flu
ask visitors not to climb, saying it is a spiritual place
for Aborigines and warning that the steep, slippery
—INTERNET A/H1N1 death
climb can be dangerous. More than 30 people have The draft 10-year management plan for Uluru-Kata LIMA, 9 July— The Peruvian Health Ministry on
died while climbing the rock, which is higher than the Tjuta National Park suggests an eventual closing of Wednesday confirmed the country’s third death from
Eiffel Tower and about six miles (10 kilometres) in the climb after the tourism industry has had time to the flu A/H1N1. The deceased was a 39-year-old
circumference. come up with alternative activities.—Internet patient from the southern department of Arequipa
who also suffered from hypertension, overweight
Melanoma No 2 cancer and diabetes. He was hospitalized on Tuesday and
died hours later, the health ministry said.
in young women Regional health director Miguel Alayza said the
patient “arrived at the medical care in bad condi-
H OUSTON , 9 July— siders ultraviolet radia- tions and with respiratory problems before being
Melanoma is now the sec- tion, the single largest en- transferred to intensive care.”—Internet
ond-most common cancer vironmental contributor
in US women ages 20 - to skin cancer and the
29, a dermatologist says. rates of skin cancer are in-
A/H1N1 flu cases in
Dr Adelaide Hebert of creasing significantly. Vietnam increase to 259
the University of Texas More than 1 million HANOI, 9 July — Vietnam’s Ministry of Health
Medical School at Hou- new cases are diagnosed confirmed 11 more influenza A/H1N1 cases, rais-
ston also states the Ameri- each year. ing the country’s tally to 259, local newspaper the
can Academy of Derma- Hebert points out lim- New Hanoi reported on Thursday.
tology Association con- iting sun exposure re- Among the newly confirmed cases, seven patients
duces not only skin can- are in the south, three in the north and one in the
Spanish bullfighter cer risks but painful central region, said the ministry.
Francisco Marco sunburns and heat rash. The heath ministry is closely monitoring A/H1N1
gets tossed by a bull “Minimize your expo- patients to see if there is any medicine resistance
sure in the sun during the case in the country, said Nguyen Huy Nga, Head of
during the second hottest hours of the day, the Preventive Health and Environment Department.
bullfight of the San which are usually be- Nga made such a remark after two A/H1N1 flu
Fermin festival in tween 10 am and 2 pm,” patients who had been treated for four days at the
Pamplona on 8 July, the dermatologist said in National Institute of Infectious and Tropical Dis-
a statement. eases kept showing positive to the A/H1N1 virus,
2009.—INTERNET Internet said the newspaper.—Internet

10-7-09 NL 13 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009

Real to unveil Benzema on Thursday Man Utd snap up Bordeaux

SPORTS talent Obertan
New man may motivate Milan —Manchester United
coach Sir Alex Ferguson
says Abbiati has snapped up Bordeaux
ROME, 9 July—AC Milan goalkeeper Christian talent Gabriel Obertan on
Abbiati believes the change of coach at the Italian a four-year contract, the
giants could help motivate the players this season. club said on Wednesday.
After eight years in charge, Carlo Ancelotti left at Obertan, 20, who can Bordeaux’s Gabriel
the end of last season to take over at Chelsea and he play in several attacking Obertan vies during
has been replaced by rookie coach Leonardo, the positions, is United’s the UEFA Cup round
former Brazil player. third signing of the sum- of 32 match RSCA
Real Madrid will officially unveil French
But the 32-year-old goal-stopper believes that mer and had been tracked Anderlecht vs
international striker Karim Benzema at its San-
could help the team improve on their recent record of by Ferguson for some Girondins de Bor-
tiago Bernabeu stadium, the Spanish giants said.
two third places and a fifth placed finish in Serie A in time. deaux, in Anderlecht,
MADRID, 9 July—Real Madrid will officially un-
the last three seasons. “Gabriel is a player we 2008. Manchester
veil French international striker Karim Benzema on
“There is harmony in the team. Sometimes the have tracked for a few United coach Sir Alex
Thursday at its Santiago Bernabeu stadium, the Span-
change of a coach can give a team new motivation,” years now, but because of Ferguson has
ish giants said on Wednesday.
Abbiati told the official Milan channel on Wednes- his educational pro-
The 21-year-old, who Real signed from French snapped up Bordeaux
day. gramme our efforts to get
side Lyon for between 35 and 41 million euros in 1 talent Gabriel
“On top of that there are many young players and him here have always
July, will be presented at 9 pm (1900 GMT), the club Obertan on a four-
us oldies are trying to integrate them into the chang- been delayed,” Ferguson
said in a statement.—Internet year contract, the club
ing room as best we can. told the club’s website.
has said.—INTERNET
“Of course they’re still a little intimidated but that’s Mido missing to training Internet
normal given they’re at Milan, but I’m sure that over
the next few days they’ll start to find themselves.”
LONDON, 9 July—Egypt international Mido has yet Querrey cruises past Spain’s
to return to training with relegated Middlesbrough,
Abbiati will miss the start of the new season as he Hidalgo at ATP Newport
two days after the squad met up to begin preparations
is still recovering from surgery to repair a ruptured
for what they hope will be a promotion campaign, N EWPORT , 9 July—
cruciate knee ligament.—Internet first round of the rain-
media reports said Wednesday. American Sam Querrey plagued 500,000 ATP
Fellow striker Afonso Alves is back in training, breezed to a 6-3, 6-2 win Hall of Fame Tennis
meanwhile, two days after his teammates were sup- over Spain’s Ruben Championships.
posed to report. According to the Press Ramirez Hidalgo in the Third seeded Querrey
Association, Middles- advanced on Wednesday,
brough are investigating when rains and then a
the late shows. lack of light forced a
Some players, includ- number of matches to be
ing Turkey’s Tuncay suspended.
Sanli, were given an ex- German sixth seed
Middlesbrough’s Egypt tra few days break owing Philipp Petzschner also
striker Mido wins the to international commit- advanced by beating
ball against Liverpool ments at the end of last Horacio Zeballos of Ar-
AC Milan goalkeeper Christian Abbiati
midfielder Xabi Alonso season. American Sam gentina, 6-4, 6-7 (4/7), 6-
during a Premier A club spokesman Querrey (pictured on 2, and Nicolas Mahut, of
Former Liverpool star Ablett League game at Anfield said merely that: “The June 11) breezed to a 6- France, beat American
appointed Stockport manager in Liverpool, north-west players returned to train- 3, 6-2 win over Spain’s Amer Delic 6-4, 6-4.
England, August 2008. ing yesterday.” Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo Fifth-seeded French-
LONDON, 9 July—Former Liverpool and Everton
INTERNET Internet in the first round of the man Arnaud Clement was
defender Gary Ablett became a manager for the first
time on Wednesday when he was appointed the suc- rain-plagued 500,000 upset by unseeded
cessor to Jim Gannon at League One side Stockport
Senegalese veteran Diao ATP Hall of Fame American Alex Bogo
molov in three sets 1-6, 6-
County. rewarded with new contract Tennis Champion-
3, 6-4.—Internet
The 43-year-old - who won two First Division LONDON, 9 July—Sen- ships.—INTERNET
titles with Liverpool as well as two FA Cups and egalese veteran midfi-
then another FA Cup with Everton - beat off compe- elder Salif Diao won him- Real gives up hope on Ribery
tition from the likes of former Northern Ireland and self a new one-year con- MADRID, 9 July—Real Madrid have resigned them-
Celtic great Neil Lennon to secure the post. tract with English Pre- selves to the fact that they will not be able to recruit
Stockport are in the process of being taken over mier League makew- French international Franck Ribery from Bayern Mu-
by a consortium headed by ex-Manchester City player eights Stoke City on nich this season due to the German club’s intransi-
Jim Melrose, who opted for Ablett, who until May Wednesday. gence, Real director general Jorge Valdano says.
had been the reserve team coach at Liverpool. The 32-year-old “We have the feeling that Ribery will not quit
“Gary has a fantastic pedigree, having enjoyed a former Liverpool player - Bayern this season,” he told radio Marca late
career at the very highest level,” Melrose told the club who never flowered there Tuesday.“Bayern finds many ways to say no, some-
website. after being signed by times saying it categorically, sometimes by talking of
“He has a big reputation for the quality of his Gerard Houllier following a transfer fee of 80 million euros, which is another
Senegalese veteran
coaching at Liverpool and Everton over the last few an impressive showing at way of saying no,” he added.“So it is with resignation
midfielder Salif Diao,
years. the 2002 World Cup that we will wait for another opportunity which will
seen here in May 2009,
“This appointment should underline our ambition where Senegal reached certainly come. He has two years left on his contract
won himself a new one-
and I’m sure it will be welcomed by the players.” the quarter-finals - played with Bayern, and well, life is long,” Valdano said.
year contract with
Gannon left Stockport - who finished just a point 21 times for Stoke last German daily tabloid Bild reported on Tuesday that
English Premier League
above the relegation places last season - in late June term in which they did Bayern had set a price tag of 80 million euros on the 26-
makeweights Stoke City
to manage Scottish Premier League club Motherwell. well to avoid relegation. year-old midfielder and had given Real until 16 July to de-
on Wednesday.
Internet Internet cide if they are ready to stump up the cash or not.—Internet

10-7-09 NL 14 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 July, 2009 15

Programme Schedule
(10-7-2009) (Friday)

Transmissions Times
Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MST
Europe - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MST
North America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

Local Transmission

A Los Angeles County Fire Department helicopter * Signature Tune

drops water on a brush fire burning in the Sepulveda * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
Pass area of Los Angeles on Wednesday, 8 July, * Ayeyawaddy’s First Defile
2009. The Getty Center art complex and nearby * Poem Garden “Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars”
Mount St. Mary's College were evacuated Wednesday
as a brush fire burned on slopes of the Santa Monica * Taunggyi: An Enveionmentally Sustainable City
Mountains near the Getty's parking area facilities. * A Journey to Research Taron Race
INTERNET * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
Pirates hijack Turkish ship Europe/ North America Transmission

in Gulf of Aden * Signature Tune

NAIROBI, 9 July—Pirates hijacked a Turkish ship in * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights
the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday in an unusual attack * Adept Sons of Inlay Lake
because of rough seas at this time of year, Kenyan and * Lumber Buffaloes
Turkish transportation officials said.
* The Art of Sculpture from Sagyin Hill Thursday, 9 July, 2009
Andrew Mwangura, coordinator of the East African
Seafarers’ Assistance Programme, named the vessel as * A Trip to Naga Land Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr
Horizon-1. “It was taken in the Gulf of Aden this MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly
* Butterfly Garden In Yangon cloudy in Kayah State, rain have been isolated in Kayin
morning with 23 Turkish crew,” he said. “In this season, * A beautiful State decorated with Rubber State, lowerSagaing,Yangon and Mandalay Divisions,
it is hard to take ships because monsoon winds make the scattered in Magway Division, fairly widespread in
* Production of A Delicious Seafood Kachin State, upper Sagaing, Bago, Ayeyawady and
seas rough. No one expected attacks at this time.”
* Prospering and Developing Mon State Taninthayi Divisions and widespread in the remaining
Rough seas make it difficult for pirates to manoeuvre the areas with locally heavyfall in Bago Division, isolated
small, open skiffs they generally use to come alongside * Myanmar Modern Song heavyfall in Rakhine State and Yangon Division. The
merchant ships. Mwangura said he believed the ship noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay
* Ayeyawaddy’s First Defile Pyi Taw (0.98) inch, Maungdaw (5.91) inches,
was carrying sulphate. Shwegyin (5.47) inches, Coco Island (4.33) inches,
Turkey’s Transportation Minister Binali Yildirim * Poem Garden “Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars”
Taunggu (3.04) inches, Kyaukpyu (2.79) inches, (Nay
said two Turkish frigates were following the Horizon- * Taunggyi: An Environmentally Sustainable City Pyi Taw) Pyinmana (1.42) inches and Minbu (0.47)
1, which was en route from Jordan to Saudi Arabia when * A Journey to Research Taron Race inch.
it was hijacked by Somali pirates, according to state run Maximum temperature on 8-7-2009 was 86°F.
* With love all things are possible Minimum temperature on 9-7-2009 was 72°F. Relative
Anatolia news agency. humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 9-7-2009 was 84%.
Yildirim said one of the frigates had gone to the * Let’s Join the Elephant Dance Total sun shine hours on 8-7-2009 was (3.8) hour
scene of the attack but that it had not intervened to avoid * The Pindaya Natural Cave Approx.
putting the lives of the crew at risk. Shipping information * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights Rainfall on 9-7-2009 was (Nil) at Mingaladon,
(Nil) at Kaba-Aye and (Nil) at Central Yangon. Total
service Lloyd’s List put the 1980-built Horizon-1’s size Website: rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (44.41) inches at
at 34,173 deadweight tons.—MNA/Reuters Mingaladon, (48.62) inches at Kaba-Aye and (51.65)
inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at
7:55 am 4:25 pm pE´)D ('g½duk w f m-acwfbek ;f rd)k Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mph from Southwest at
4. c&D;qufaeOD;rnfh 4. jrefrmpm? jrefrmpum; 6:00 pm (18:30) hours MST on 8-7-2009.
jrefrmhrD;&xm; 4:35 pm 12. Evening News Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in the
Andaman Sea and South Bay and strong elsewhere in
8:00 am 5. Songs of Yester Year 6:30 pm the Bay of Bengal.
5. ta&;NyKd iyf JG 5:45 pm 13. Weather Report Forecast valid until evening of 10th July 2009:
8:10 am 6. ta0;oifwuúov kd yf nma&; 6:35 pm Rain will be isolated in Kayah State, lower Sagaing and
6. The mirror images ½kyfjrifoHMum;oifcef;pm 14. okwpHv k if a&TOmPf&iS f Magway Divisions, scattered in Shan State and
'kw, d ESpf (pdwyf nmtxl;jyK) 7:05 pm Mandalay Division, fairly widespread in Kachin, Chin
of the Musical oldies and Kayin States, upper Sagaing, Bago and Taninthayi
8:25 am (pdwfynm) 15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ Divisions and widespread in the remaining States and
7. ]]uRrf;wdkif;rMurf;eJY}} 5:00 pm ]]tcspq f ;kH wpfa,mufwnf;}} Divisions with likelihood of isolated heavyfalls in
Friday, 10 July Rakhine. Degree of certainty is (80%).
8:40 am 7. Songs for uphold (tydkif;-2)
View on today State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to rough
National Spirit 8:00 pm
8. International News seas are likely at times Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama, off
7:00 am 5:10 pm 16. News and along Rakhine Coast. Surface wind speed in squalls
8:45 am
1. awmifwef;omoemjyK 8. Edik if pH ;D yGm;tav;xm; 17. International News may reach (35) to (40)mph. Seas will be moderate
9. Musical programme
q&mawmfbk&m;BuD;\ aus;vufxkwfukefrsm; 18. Weather Report elsewhere in Myanmar waters.
y&dwwf &m;awmf 8:50 am 5:20 pm 19. vGifrdk;c&D;oGm;aeonf Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderate
a,mq&mawmf 10. twD;NydKifyGJ 9. Musical programme ]]NrdwfuRef;pkrsm;qDodkY}} monsoon.
a[mMum;awmfrlaom 4:00 pm 5:30 pm (tydkif;-1) Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area
1. Martial Song for 10-7-2009: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is
OyÜgwoEÅdygVdawmf 10. ]]ig;&pfrsdK;ig;wdkYrpm;}} 20. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ (80%).
7:30 am 4:10 pm 5:40 pm ]]arwÅmvrf;qH}k } (tydik ;f -39) Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area
2. Morning News 2. Song Of National 11. ,Ofwpfu, kd rf ,f (tydik ;f -2) 21. oDcsif;cspfol for 10-7-2009: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is
7:40 am Races ]] rif;uav;rufv;kH ay;wJh 22. w½k w f j ynf Guangxi (80%).
3. Nice and Sweet 4:20 pm 'if;uav;rsufcHk;arT;}} ½kyjf rifoMH um;&ufowÅywfjyyGJ Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area
3. tqdkNydKifyGJ (Splendit Guangxi) for 10-7-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain. Degree of
Song ([efaZmfatmif? ausmaf Z,s? certainty is (60%).
R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Informatilon, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,
No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,
Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

10-7-2009.pmd 15 7/10/2009, 2:57 AM

4th Waning of Waso 1371 ME Friday, 10 July, 2009

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw attends

prize presentation ceremony
in Taninthayi Division
NAY PYI TAW, 9 July officers, division/district/ the commander and offi-
— Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of township level departmen- cials presented prizes to
the Ministry of Defence tal officials, members of outstanding students who
attended the ceremony to social organizations, the had passed the matricula-
present prizes to outstand- rectors, the township edu- tion examination for 2009
ing students, teachers and cation officers, headmas- with flying colours, out-
school and township at the ters and headmistresses standing teachers and
hall of Basic Education and teachers, students and school and township with
High School No. (1) in their parents and guests. highest pass rate.
Myeik, Taninthayi Divi- The Taninthayi Divi- After the ceremony,
sion on 8 July. sion Education Officer ex- Lt-Gen Khin Zaw cor-
It was also attended plained plans made for dially greeted those
by Chairman of Taninthayi raising pass rate and the present and viewed docu-
Division Peace and Devel- commander made a sup- mentary photos on con-
opment Council Com- plementary report. certed efforts of distinc-
mander of Coastal Region Next, Lt-Gen Khin tion winners displayed at
Command Maj-Gen Khin Zaw spoke words of the hall. Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence awards an outstanding
Zaw Oo, senior military praise. Lt-Gen Khin Zaw, MNA student.—MNA

Pathein with fragrance of Pawhsanhmwe paddy in future

Article: Maung Maung Myint Swe:
Photos: Kyaw Myint Than
In the rice and paddy market, Pathein
Pawhsanhmwe is one of the popular paddy strains.
Indeed, another Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain pro-
duced from Kanchaung field of Uto Village-tract in
Pathein Township is the most popular across the
The size, fragrance, flavour and quality of rice
of Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain is better than others.
The quality of Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain produced
from the region had been declining since recent years.
Now, efforts are being made to cultivate the quality
paddy strain.
Recently, we, the news crew of Myanma Alin
Daily left Pathein by boat to observe the cultivation of
quality Pawhsanhmwe paddy strain near Uto Village,
Local farmers making soil preparations for cultivation of paddy with the use of farm machinery. (See page 10)

Myanmar sees another New Influenza A (H1N1) case

Control measures taken with added momentum
NAY PYI TAW, 9 July—A 20-year-old man of him in his home by the head of the township Health along with all the 104 passengers on board the aero-
Yangon was found suffering from New Influenza A Department and party; that he is being admitted in a plane, airport staff and all those who came into
(H1N1) in Yangon. separate room at the hospital; that the National Health contact with the victim.
It was learnt that the man arrived back at Laboratory diagnosed him and confirmed him to be Now, officials concerned from the Ministry of
Yangon International Airport by flight No FD 3770 a New Influenza A (H1N1) suffer. Health, community health staff, authorities at state/
of Thai Air Asia, from Thailand on 6 July; that He is under intensive health care by a team of division, district and township levels, and responsible
when he was screened at the airport, the result said specialists in the hospital. Since this morning, he has persons from the ministries and organizations con-
no fever; that being slightly ill with a sore throat, he been getting better with no fever. cerned are taking precautionary measures against the
took treatment as an outpatient in the afternoon on In order to prevent and control possible spread of virus in order to avert spread of New Influenza A
7 July; that on 8 July he was transferred to Waibagi the virus, the Ministry of Health is keeping all his (H1N1) in the nation. The people are urged to participate
Hospital, following the medical check-up given to family members in quarantine and monitoring them in the preventive measures against the disease.—MNA

10-7-09 NL 16 8/17/18, 2:43 PM

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