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The universe (continued)

Mars exploration
1. How much money would it now cost to send just one person to Mars?
10 billion dollars
100 billion dollars
1 billion dollars
2. How much might it soon cost to send just one person to Mars?
10 million dollars
200,000 dollars
30 million dollars
3. How many people does Elon Musk say he would like to see living on Mars within the next
100 years?
200 thousand
1 million
4. How many spaceships does SpaceX hope to send to Mars within the next 100 years?
5. According to Robert Zubrin, why doesn't NASA have plans to send people to live on
It doesn't have the right technology.
It just isn't interested.
It costs too much money.
 6. Which of these is NOT given as a reason for humans to become a multi-planetary
climate change
Planet Nine
True, False, Not given
1. Scientists have confirmed the existence of a real new planet.
2. Planet Nine is bigger than the Earth.
3. Pluto was considered a planet in 2006.
4. Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown are scientists.
5. The researchers already got a picture of “Planet Nine”.
6. The scientists found the planet by chance.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which is the dwarf planet mentioned in the recording?
A. Planet Nine
B. Pluto
C. Earth
2. Which is the other name of California Institute of Technology?
A. Caltech
B. Astronomical Journal
3. How long may it take Planet Nine to orbit around the sun?
A. at least 20,000 years
B. less than 10,000 years
C. from 10 thousand 20 thousand years
4. How many true planets have been discovered since the ancient times?
A. one
B. two
C. three

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