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Jesus and his 2


By: Weston Ashbrook, George Balta, Roberto

Section 1
Jesus 1st Nature

● Jesus first nature is divine nature

● This means that he is 100% Godly

because it’s impossible to be half of a
Verse that show he Godly

In Mark 2.1-12. It is about a paralysed man that is brought to
Jesus through the roof of his house due to the crowd to hear
his word. After lowering him in the house Jesus heals him
because his friends have faith and he walks away . This shows
that he is Godly by being able to heal a incurable state with
just a touch.
John 10.30

Jesus says that he and the father are one, which shows that he
is Divine because God is Divine.
John 1

In John it describes the Light and Word and what they are.
Examples of this are when it states that the word was in the
beginning and the word was God. Also light saying it was life of
the light of the human race. The light and word represent
Jesus and it says that they are God so that proves he has
divine nature
I am verses
A quote states that jesus says he is the King of Jews.
Another says when he said I AM Jonas soldiers and chief
priest turned around and fell to the ground. He also says I am
light and if you follow me you won’t walk in darkness but in
light of life. These quotes all show that he was Godly and
had divine power.
Why Jesus had to be divine?

● If Jesus wasn’t Godly then his sacrifice on the wouldn’t be

infinite or lasting due to him not being the most powerful
being or nature.

● Also, if he wasn’t Godly then when he died it wouldn’t

have forgiven our sins.
Heresies against Jesus being Godly

● The first one is named Arianism and it states that Jesus

was a perfect creature but didn’t have Divine Nature. The
truth is that he has 100% divine nature

● The second is Photinus and it states that Jesus was

originally human but later was divinized by grace. The
truth is that he was always divine.
How Jesus Is Human
-Jesus is shown to be a 100%Human

-Jesus is shown to be full human by having the emotion, soul and the
theoretical mind like us

-He is shown to have the human pasion that is perfectly devoted to Divine
Scriptural Evidence
-In John Chapter 11.35 we are shown that jesus has emotion when
the bible states “ And Jesus wept”. This show Jesus in fact has feelings
and cares for us.

-Another example of Jesus being shown as a human is when the bible

states that “For the father is greater than I” . This shows that in fact
Jesus is a human because if he weren't to be he would probably not
have been on this land and would be with God
Jesus is Human

-If Jesus was God like he wouldn't have been able to die for us the
way he did to forgive our sins. Given this Jesus had to be human and
have a body in order to die to forgive our sins.
-In Docetism it denies the fact that Jesus in fact did have a body but
the truth is in order to be human you need to have a body

-In Monophysitism says that Jesus is a mixture of divine and human

nature. In Fact he is both human and divine but its not mixed to be
100% he in fact has 100% human and 100% divine.

-In Apollinarianism it is said to believe that is was impossible for

Jesus to have two minds when he was here. So Apollinarianism
concluded that he only had his divine mind. Which goes against him
being both human and divine. This Heresie denies Jesus being a
human and concluding he is only divine.
How Jesus is 1 Person
● Jesus is 1 person
● Just because he is part of the trinity
doesn't mean he is more than one person
The Bible says

“Who, though he was in the form of

did not regard equality with God
something to be grasped.
Rather, he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,”
Jesus is part of us, and he sacrificed
himself for us, and he is the one true God
for us
Jesus Has to be One to
Save Us Because…
He can't sacrifice himself if he can't go to
heaven or hell, when he rose from the
dead he was made pure as he always was.
The Heresy known as
He believed that Jesus is 2 people one human and
one spiritual. He is wrong because Jesus is one
person as I showed earlier.

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