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Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49 – 56

Scaffold development using 3D printing with a starch-based polymer

C.X.F. Lam a, X.M. Mo a, S.H. Teoh a, D.W. Hutmacher b,*
Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering, Division of Bioengineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Rapid prototyping (RP) techniques have been utilised by tissue engineers to produce three-dimensional (3D) porous scaffolds. RP
technologies allow the design and fabrication of complex scaffold geometries with a fully interconnected pore network. Three-dimensional
printing (3DP) technique was used to fabricate scaffolds with a novel micro- and macro-architecture. In this study, a unique blend of starch-
based polymer powders (cornstarch, dextran and gelatin) was developed for the 3DP process. Cylindrical scaffolds of five different designs
were fabricated and post-processed to enhance the mechanical and chemical properties. The scaffold properties were characterised by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), porosity analysis and compression tests. D 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Three-dimensional printing; Rapid prototyping; Starch-based scaffolds; Tissue engineering

1. Introduction Helisys [2], fused deposition modeling (FDM) by Stratasys

[1,2] and three-dimensional printing (3DP) by the Massa-
Traditional methodologies of scaffold fabrication include chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [1 –3]. As the scaf-
fiber bonding, solvent casting and particulate leaching, fold design is based on a computer software model, the
membrane lamination, melt molding and gas foaming. desired 3D interconnectivity and structure can be accurately
However, the drawbacks of these techniques include the controlled by the highly repeatable computer-controlled
extensive use of highly toxic organic solvents, long fab- fabrication process.
rication periods, labour-intensive processes, incomplete The 3DP technology was developed at the Massachusetts
removal of residual particulates in the polymer matrix, poor Institute of Technology (MIT) [3,4]. Basically, the 3DP is a
repeatability, irregularly shaped pores, insufficient intercon- layered fabrication process, in which the sliced 2D profile of a
nectivity of pores and thin structures. In addition, most of computer model is printed on a fresh layer of powder via
these methods bear restrictions on shape control. For exam- deposition of a suitable binder. Successive 2D profiles are
ple, casting is dependent on the shape of the mould and not then printed on a freshly laid layer of powder until the whole
on being able to easily and independently control the model is completed. The printed binder would join the
porosity and pore size of the scaffolds [1]. respective profiles of each layer together. The part is com-
Rapid prototyping (RP) is the process of creating three- pleted upon removal of the unbound powder and suitable
dimensional (3D) objects through repetitive deposition and post-processing [5]. In the past, the technique was mainly
processing of material layers using computer-controlled used to fabricate drug delivery devices [6]. Recently, this
equipment. It is based on the 2D cross-sectional data capability of creating 3D structures attracted tissue engineers
obtained from slicing a computer-aided design (CAD) to apply the technology to design and fabricate scaffolds.
model of the object. Presently, there are numerous RP The works of Kim et al. [7] have demonstrated the
technologies available including stereolithography appara- potential of the 3DP technology when it is combined with
tus (SLA) by 3D systems [2], selective laser sintering (SLS) salt leaching technique in the fabrication of polymeric
by DTM [2], laminated object manufacturing (LOM) by scaffolds. The material used was copolymers of polylac-
tide – coglycolide (PLGA, 85L:15G) and a suitable solvent.
They fabricated cylindrical scaffolds (F 8  7 mm) and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +65-874-5105; fax: +65-777-3537. managed to achieve interconnected porous channels of
E-mail address: (D.W. Hutmacher). about 800 Am and microporosities of 45– 150 Am by using

0928-4931/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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50 C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56

salt leaching. Their experiment on seeding hepatocytes on prototyping format (.stl file format) and uploaded to the
these scaffolds yielded successful attachment of large num- 3DP software where the model was sliced by a slicing
bers of hepatocytes on the scaffolds. algorithm. These 2D sliced layers were then built by the
Zeltinger et al. [8] studied the cellular reactions to pore printer layer by layer till the final object was physically
size, and void fractions were investigated based on 3DP- formed. The designs are shown in Table 1.
fabricated scaffolds. In the experiment, scaffolds of varying Post-processing was necessary to enhance the strength of
pore sizes (38 – 150 Am) and void fractions (75% and 90%) the scaffolds and also to increase its resistance against water
were fabricated using the 3DP technology and salt leaching uptake. The scaffolds were dried at 100 jC for 1 h after
technique. Poly(L-lactide) (L-PLA) and chloroform were printing. The scaffolds were strong enough to be manually
used to construct the scaffolds, 10 mm in diameter and 2 handled and the unbound powders were removed without
mm in height. Cell proliferation was observed on the damaging the integrity of the scaffolds. Two different
scaffolds, but results varied between cell types and the batches of scaffolds were prepared. The first batch was
experimental parameters. infiltrated with different amounts of copolymer solution,
All the studies executed by the MIT groups used ali- which was made by dissolving the copolymer of 75%
phatic polymers as the matrix material; hence, the reported poly(L-lactide) acid and 25% polycaprolactone (Gunze,
studies required the use of organic solvents. The aim of our Japan) in dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) (J.T. Baker), to form
group is to explore the feasibility of using 3D printing in a concentration of 2%. Groups L1, L2 and L3 were
combination with natural polymers and water-based binders. infiltrated with 3.5, 5.2 and 6.9 ml, respectively. They were
left to evaporate and dry at room temperature (27 jC). The
second batch of scaffolds was infiltrated by the same
2. Materials and methods method, but after drying, the scaffolds were soaked in
deionised water for 10 min and dried at 100 jC.
2.1. Materials
2.3. Analysis and testing
Recently, a 3D printer was developed and commercial-
ized by Zcorp (Z402), which uses natural polymers as well 2.3.1. Water absorption tests
as plaster of paris in combination with a water-based ink. The infiltrated scaffolds were soaked in water for 10 min
This commercial machine was used for the study. A suitable and evaluated for the amount of water absorbed. An exten-
biomaterial, which had to be sourced as the standard sive 3-day water absorption test was also conducted.
material, and binder for the Z402 3D printer were meant
for non-tissue engineering purposes. The properties of this 2.3.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
biomaterial would require that it operate well within the Microstructural characterisation and particle size analysis
parameters and constraints of the printer. A three-powder of the materials and the scaffolds were conducted using an
blend was formulated for the experiments. It consisted of 50 SEM (JEOL JSM-5800 LV). Uninfiltrated scaffolds, infil-
wt.% cornstarch (Max’s, Holland; f 10 Am), 30 wt.% trated scaffolds before chemical bonding and infiltrated
dextran (Sigma, USA; > 100 Am) and 20 wt.% gelatin (Nitta scaffolds after chemical bonding were examined under high
Gelatin, Japan; >100 Am). Starch is a polysaccharide pro- vacuum conditions at 15 kV.
duced by higher plants as energy storage [9] and is composed
of two polymers of D-glucose: amylose and amylopectin. 2.3.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Amylose is a lightly branched polymer, while amylopectin Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC 2910, TA Instru-
is highly branched with an overall tree-like structure. ments) was used to analyse the thermal transition of the
Dextran is a polysaccharide secreted by certain strains of powders, copolymer and the fabricated scaffolds. The three
bacteria and slimes [9]. Gelatin is made from the naturally
occurring collagen in animals. It is a polypeptide and
contains 18 different amino acids. Distilled water was used Table 1
as the binder in combination with a blue dye to ease Fabricated scaffolds (overall dimensions: F 12.5  12.5 mm)
processing and investigations.

2.2. Design and fabrication

In this study, scaffolds were designed using a CAD

software (Unigraphics v. 15.0.3). Four different porous
cylindrical scaffolds (F 12.5  12.5 mm) and a solid
cylinder that served as control were modeled. The pores
were either cylindrical ( F 2.5 mm) or rectangular
(2.5  2.5 mm). The designs were exported in a rapid
C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56 51

samples studied were: the three-powder blend (powder only), 3. Results and discussions
PLLA – PCL copolymer (polymer only) and the infiltrated
and soaked scaffold matrix. They were scanned from room 3.1. Effect of post-processing on scaffold integrity
temperature (25 jC) up to 250 jC at a rate of 10 jC/min.
Reis et al. [10] showed the potential application of starch
2.3.4. Mechanical tests as a biomaterial. As individual components, dextran and
Compression tests were conducted with an Instron 4302 gelatin are biocompatible [11]; hence, a combination of
material testing system using a 1-kN load-cell (Canton, MA, these three materials would be a useful biomaterial. Using
USA). Scaffolds were tested in accordance with ASTM water as the binder means that the problem of a toxic
Standard D695-96 and were conducted under both dry and fabrication environment is eliminated and the problem of
wet conditions. The scaffolds were soaked for 4 h at 37 jC in residual solvent in the constructs is solved. The other
phosphate-buffered saline to simulate in vivo conditions. advantages of using a water-based binder include the
Three sets of specimens were tested: uninfiltrated (dry), possibility to incorporate biological agents (e.g. growth
infiltrated (dry) and infiltrated (wet). In each set, there were factors) or even living cells [12].
five specimens of each design. Both the compressive stiffness The scaffolds underwent dimensional changes during the
(E) and initial compressive yield strength were evaluated fabrication and post-processing procedures. On the average,
from the stress – strain graph plotted from the load displace- the shrinkage ranged from 2% to 12% depending on the
ment graph obtained from the compression tests (cross-sec- type of design. The greatest shrinkage was observed from
tional area was determined from the measurement of the the circular pore designs.
scaffold dimensions, e.g. area for the ‘‘rod_censolid’’ scaffold Treatment at 100 jC for 1 h after printing served to
would be the area of four F 2.5-mm ‘‘rods’’ deducted from maintain the integrity and increase the strength of the
the main circular scaffold surface area). Stiffness was eval- scaffolds. Starch is made up predominantly of amylose
uated from the initial ‘‘linear-elastic’’ region of the stress – and amylopectin, encapsulated in granules. Starch granules
strain graph and initial yield strength was taken at the first do not dissolve in water, but merely form a suspension. As
yield point on the stress – strain graph in MPa. granular starch – water suspensions were heated, the starch
granules swell and burst or gelatinise to form a viscous
2.3.5. Porosity analysis paste [13]. The amylose partial phase separates from
Macroporosity is achieved by the macropores created in amylopectin after gelatinisation and forms a continuous
the design. For powdered materials, the microporosity is phase that surrounds other swollen granules [14]. As the
created by space between the individual granules of powder. starch dispersion cools down, the amylose phase separates,
Both porosities have to be considered and were calculated leading to gel formation and rapid recrystallisation or
by the general formula: ‘‘retrogradation’’ [15]. After retrogradation takes place,
the starch has a semicrystalline structure. This double
helical crystalline structure is highly resistant to both
ðV a  V t Þ
Porosity, P ¼ , enzymatic and acid hydrolysis [16]. Although there was
Va no suspension formed in this study, there was sufficient
moisture and heat for gelatinisation to occur. The work of
where Va = apparent volume and Vt = true volume. Stapley et al. [17] revealed that gelatinisation depended on
Macroporosity was calculated from the actual dimen- two main factors of water and heat. In a starch suspension,
sions and volume of the scaffolds. Both the design porosity gelatinisation temperature could be about 60 jC. Starch
(from CAD) and actual porosity were measured. Va was with its initial water content of about 12% would also
taken to be the volume of the solid cylinder and Vt, the gelatinise, however, at a higher temperature. The end
measured or calculated volume. As for calculating the products also made the removal of unbound powder easier,
microporosity, the Va referred to the Vt from the macro- as the scaffolds became harder and stiffer after the post-
porosity measurement for each of the respective designs, processing. After heat treatment, the three-blend powdered
while Vt was measured using a gas pycnometer (Accupyc particles were sintered together by necking connections
1330, Micromeritics Instrument) in pure helium to deter- between the particles. Table 1 shows the fabricated scaf-
mine the bulk volume of the scaffolds. folds after infiltration.

Table 2
Mass evaluation of the water absorption test for the various infiltration volumes
Coat Dry (g) First Water Percent Dry (g) Second Water Percent
10 min (g) absorbed (g) absorbed 10 min (g) absorbed (g) absorbed
L1 0.282 0.555 0.273 97.11 0.283 0.499 0.216 76.59
L3 0.309 0.532 0.223 72.43 0.310 0.497 0.187 60.32
52 C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56

Fig. 1. SEM image showing the uniformly coated microstructure for the L3 group copolymer-infiltrated scaffold using 33  magnification.

3.2. Effect of water absorption The L3 scaffolds were subjected to a 3-day water-soak-
ing test; this was to evaluate the integrity of the scaffolds for
Table 2 reveals that, as the volume of the copolymer long hours in a liquid system. The scaffolds lasted the 3
used gets larger, the resistance to water absorption becomes days without much visible surface degradation. Qualita-
better. After the first 10 min, the infiltrated scaffolds in tively, the L3 scaffolds were observed to be uniformly
group L3 (72.43%) were more resistant than those infil- sturdy and strong throughout the test. The SEM image of
trated by L1 and L2. The second 10 min of soaking was the cross-section of an L3 scaffold (Fig. 1) showed an
conducted after the scaffolds were soaked in water for 10 ‘‘undegraded’’ uniform interior. This was attributed to the
min and dried at 100 jC. The results had improved, as it uniform infiltration of the L3 specimen.
was observed that the percentage of water absorption of By using a low initial concentration of 2%, the viscosity
scaffolds infiltrated by L3 had dropped from 72.43% to was low enough to enable the copolymer to thoroughly
60.32%. penetrate the microstructure of the scaffold. As evaporation

Fig. 2. DSC—temp. vs. heat flow for three samples.

C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56 53

Fig. 3. Compressive stiffness of dry scaffolds.

took place, the concentration and viscosity of the copolymer signature was that of the infiltrated scaffold after soaking,
slowly increased. By diffusion, this copolymer coats the with a peak at 135 jC. This meant that both the peaks from
microstructure of the scaffold both externally and internally. the powder blend and copolymer had totally disappeared or
This infiltration mechanism continuously coated the matrix merged. Whichever the case, one final peak after the post-
with an increasing concentration of the copolymer until processing indicated that some form of chemical bonding
complete evaporation of the solvent. had taken place. It also showed good mixability between the
From the DSC graph in Fig. 2, it can be seen that the materials in forming new bonds. As also shown in Table 2,
thermal signature of the powder blend had a peak at about the scaffolds were more resistant to water absorption after
124 jC, while the PLLA – PCL copolymer had a peak at the first 10 min of soaking and drying at 100 jC.
134 jC. It is known from the literature that the Tm for PLLA
and PCL are about 180 and 60 jC, respectively. According 3.3. Mechanical properties of scaffolds
to Tsuji et al. [18], the peak observed could be ascribed to
the melting of crystallites of LLA-unit sequences in the Properties, such as stiffness and yield, were evaluated
copolymer, but not those of CL-unit sequences because of from the results of compression tests. Fig. 3 showed that the
their different melting temperatures. The peak of the copoly- solid cylinder design had the highest initial stiffness for both
mer was observed to be nonsymmetrical and this was the uninfiltrated and infiltrated scaffolds. While the other
similar to the results of Tsuji et al. [18]. The third thermal porous designs showed varying degrees of stiffness, a

Fig. 4. Initial yield strength of dry scaffold.

54 C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56

Fig. 5. (a) Stiffness of soaked scaffold. (b) Stiffness of soaked scaffold, ‘‘rod_censolid’’.

significant increase in stiffness was observed after initial cylinder design as can be seen from Fig. 4. However, the
infiltration. Also, the ‘‘rod_censolid’’ scaffold of the L3 two rather similar yield strengths seemed to suggest that
group resulted in significantly higher stiffness. This dem- infiltration did not affect the yield strength for a solid
onstrated the effectiveness of the infiltration method in design. The solid design also displayed cracking and crum-
improving the water resistance and the mechanical proper- bling of the external wall, in contrast to the collapse of the
ties of the scaffolds. scaffold cross-section as observed from the porous designs.
The highest initial compressive yield strength for unin- It was noted that for the porous designs, there was a
filtrated and infiltrated scaffolds was also from the solid significant increase in the yield strength after infiltration.

Table 3
Microporosity of fabricated scaffolds of all designs
Designs Va (m3) Vt (m3), pycnometer Microporosity
6 7
Uninfiltrated Cylinder 1.312  10 5.374  10 0.590
Bar_cenholl 4.88  10  7 2.689  10  7 0.449
Bar_censolid 6.365  10  7 3.646  10  7 0.427
Rod_cenholl 7.064  10  7 3.810  10  7 0.461
Rod_censolid 7.861  10  7 3.929  10  7 0.500
L1 Cylinder 1.312  10  6 5.938  10  7 0.547
Bar_cenholl 4.88  10  7 3.244  10  7 0.335
Bar_censolid 6.365  10  7 4.103  10  7 0.355
Rod_cenholl 7.064  10  7 3.961  10  7 0.439
Rod_censolid 7.861  10  7 4.523  10  7 0.425
L3 Rod_censolid 7.861  10  7 4.507  10  7 0.427
C.X.F. Lam et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 20 (2002) 49–56 55

Fig. 6. Stiffness – porosity relations (dry).

This reinforced the theory that infiltration improved the mining an optimal scaffold design with the required porosity
mechanical properties of the scaffolds. and strength.
The compressive stiffness of soaked (4 h in saline
solution) and infiltrated scaffolds is shown in Fig. 5a and
b. The solid cylinder design showed the highest stiffness 4. Conclusions
with porous scaffolds having close stiffness readings rang-
ing from 0.059 to 0.102 MPa (Fig. 5a). However, in Fig. 5b, In this study, a new approach to design and fabricate
it was noted that the L3 group has high stiffness after scaffolds for tissue engineering using the three-dimensional
soaking. printing (3DP) in combination with natural polymer and
water-based binder was investigated. Scaffolds were char-
3.4. Porosity analysis acterised for their physical and chemical properties. The
analysis and tests used in this study demonstrated that
Based on various designs, different porosities were porous 3D scaffolds created by a new blend of materials
obtained. It was observed that the fabricated scaffold poros- through 3DP were achievable. A set of possible fabrication
ity corresponded to the designed porosities, with some slight methodology and post-processing methods for a functional
differences due to fabrication side effects such as shrinkage. and interconnected scaffold was also derived. However,
Microporosity is unique in powdered materials due to the biocompatibility of the set of materials used needs to be
voids formed between the granules or particles in the bulk studied in the future. The features and properties of the
material. Physically, the voids containing the trapped air can present porous scaffolds have shown that they might be
make way to provide space for the swelling effect when the suitable for tissue engineering applications. Different scaf-
scaffolds get wet. Also, it may increase the degradation rate fold designs can be applied to produce scaffolds with
of the scaffolds due to the increased surface area. While the repeatable 3D geometry, highly interconnected porous net-
comparison between the uninfiltrated and infiltrated scaf- works and suitable mechanical properties.
folds for macroporosity was meaningless, it would be
beneficial to know how the microporosity for the bulk
material was affected after infiltration and also by the References
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