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Course Title: Inorganic Geochemistry


Question: Mention Five different minerals that occur at solid solution and end members of each of the
solid solutions.


S/N Solid solution minerals End members

1 Pyroxene Enstatite MgSiO3

Ferrosilite FeSiO3

Diopside CaMgSi2O6

Hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6

2 Olivine Fosrerite MgSiO4

Fayalite FeSiO4

Tephroite Mn2SiO4

Knebelite FeMnSiO4

3 Plagioclase Albite Na(AlSi3O8)

Anorthite Ca(Al2Si2O8)

4 Amphibole Anthophyllite



Grunerite Fe2Si8O22(OH)2

5 Carbonate Magnetite Fe3O4

Calcite CaCO3

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