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The Southern Zambia Union Conference ( SZBU ) of the Seventh – day Adventist Church,
acknowledges the importance of music in worship and its significant contribution to the church’s
solemn mission to evangelize the world and nurture its members in preparation for the second
coming of Jesus. The Church is also cognisant of the need to maintain high standards of the
music performed and also high Christian standards for those who perform it, being preachers of
the everlasting gospel through music.

The Union has noted that there are no specificied guidelines for the singers and also observed
challenges among singers in Conferences/Fields in the following areas:

1. Theological inconsistences in songs

2. Irregularities in dress code and deportment
3. Uncoordinated movements from territory to territory
4. Low standards of music performed
5. Uncoordinated music album launches and concerts
6. Performance of worldly and seductive songs at church and social functions
(e.g. weddings and kitchen parties)
7. Unguided recording of church songs as well as public performance
8. Lack of standardized music education

In order to address these and other similar concerns, this document has been produced.

“Music was made to serve a holy purpose, to lift the thoughts to that which is pure, noble, and
elevating, and to awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God” Patriarchs and Prophets, pp.
594. “Music rightly employed, is a precious gift from God, designed to uplift the thoughts to high
and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the soul and is one of the most effective means of
impressing the heart with spiritual truth” Education, pp. 167, 168.


In coming up with guide lines for this document, the committee reviewed "Guidelines toward an
SDA Philosophy of Music" of 1972 and "A Seventh-day Philosophy of Music" by a committee
set up by the General conference, of 2003.

The aim of this document is to give guidelines to musicians and singers in the Southern Zambian
Union Conference.

Recommended Guidelines
1. All singing at all church programs shall be done to the edification of the church and to the
glory of God. All singers, as Christ’s followers, shall not sing songs from the breeds of
jazz, rock, or related hybrid forms, or use in their songs any language expressing
inappropriate or trivial sentiments. Neither shall the singers provide music with
suggestive lyrics or melodies (Colossians 3:16 & 1 Corinthians 10:31).

2. The SZBU will only acknowledge those groups that are recognized by their respective
Conference/Field under their different categories. Further, respective Conferences/Fields
will give appropriate guidelines on the operations of the various categories of singing
3. Album Launches/Concerts:
The SZBU acknowledges and accepts in principle the need for album launching/Concerts.
Therefore, the following guidelines shall apply to album launches and concerts.

a) The local church shall approve album launches/concert that is hosted outside the
church premises but within the Conference/Field. Where the concert/album launch
is outside the Conference/Field, normal procedure by Conference/Field clearance
shall apply.
b) Organizers of such events shall present to their local church the whole programme
by providing details of the venue, participants, including master of ceremonies.
The approving body (ies) shall be satisfied that such an event is evangelistic in
nature and shall not in any way put the name of the church into disrepute.


c) All presentations that divert from the core purpose of evangelism shall be avoided.
This includes activities such as changing attires by presenters, decorative lighting
that may divert the audience from a spiritual worship mood.
d) Directors of Programmes for such events shall be sober minded, and avoid
comedy so that the atmosphere is spiritual and not one of entertainment.
4. Service Requests
a) Where a group is to perform outside their territory (church, conference, Union)
the relevant body(s) shall approve before such a performance can take place.
b) All procedures shall be followed before any travel is made.
c) The number of outings by a singer or singers shall be moderated by the local
church/Conference/Field as appropriate by considering the needs of the local
church and the family of the singer(s).
d) In meeting service requests, the inviting organization shall bear the cost, such as
transport, food, lodging and other associated costs, unless otherwise agreed.
5. Recordings

Before any recording is done, the respective Conference/Field music resource sub-
committees shall be invited to give theological and technical advice and where necessary
make adjustments to ensure that the content meets the Adventist standards.
6. Dress and Deportment
a) Singers shall dress modestly at all times and the attire shall be characterized by
modesty, “beauty,” “grace,” and “appropriateness of natural simplicity.” MYP
351, 352.
b) Tight and revealing clothing shall not be promoted.

7. Outings by Singers
Where a singing group shall require to go outside their territory for any programmes
other than singing, approval shall be obtained from the appropriate body (ies) before such
an outing is undertaken.

8. Insurance
Every group travelling out of its territory shall be required to get insurance cover.


9. Music Auditions
In order to achieve the intended purposes of giving glory to God, evangelism , and to
be spiritually uplifting the music shall be well composed, arranged and with the
correct theology. Therefore, all groups going for public performances such as Hope
Channel, National Day of Fasting and Prayer, concerts and album launches shall be
auditioned by the respective music resource personnel.
10. Music Education
The SZBU recognizes the need to improve the understanding of the theory of music,
its composition and performance (vocal and instruments). It is further appreciated that
improvements may best be made with a good music education strategic that targets
music education at all levels in the church. Respective conferences and fields shall
encourage churches to have clear goals and objectives, and encourage the
establishment of entities that shall provide music education and facilitate to meet this
11. Music at Church Social Functions(e.g. Weddings and kitchen parties)
a) Any activity that encourages lust and affects one’s spirituality (rhumba, jazz,
rock) shall not be allowed at such functions. Music shall be appropriately selected
for the occasion, taking into account the setting, and the audience for which it is
intended (Evangelism pp. 507-508).
b) Where secular music is to be selected, the true Christian is able to witness to
others by his/her choice of secular music for social occasions. He /She shall
through diligent search and careful selection, seek out that type of music which
shall be shall meet the social needs and but shall be in line with SDA philosophy,
principles and standards.
This document is subject to the Seventh-day Adventist authorized documents of
Christian standards, the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church Manual, and
shall in no wise supersede them. Every conference/field shall ensure that the
guidelines herein are well understood, correctly applied, and followed to promote
uniformity and mission driven music performances in the hope that by God’s


grace, the challenges being encountered in the territories shall be adequately

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