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samp, Official Election Ballot | STATE OF MISSISSIPPI PERRY COUNTY Republican 2023 perry co primary | Tuesday, August 8, 2023 hot tse Le be hot tse.e no pot ecoes, gut, of Sa ‘~ 2 ide é yoli make a mistaksit yg For State Of Missibsippi For State Of Mississippi Governor Commissioner Of Agricultuje & Vote for ond Commerce Vote for ONE David Grady Hardigreo I> Tate Reeves © Andy Gipson k> John Witcher For State Of Missibsippi Lieutenant nor Vote for © Mike Chaney [> Delbert Hosemann © Mitch Young o | Tiffany Longino wee }> Chris McDaniet For State Of Mississipdi State Auditor lo =r Vote for ONE For State Of Missibsippi Secretary Of State © Shed White Vote for —— | Michael Watson For Public Service Commissjoner ls Southern District a Vote for ONE For State Of Mississippi Attorney Genezal © Nelson Wayne Carr Vote for © Dane Maxwell Tes tynn Fitch IS steer sare are se eeccececcreenerf seasoase — For Transportation Commissioner : = Southern District For State Of Mississippi ‘Vote for ONE State Treasurpr Vote for © Chartes Busby > David McRae our SO sem — TURN OVER TO CONTINUE VOTING { For District Atto: District 12. Vote for y 12 For State Sena! District 45} Vote for on > Chis Johnson For State House Of{Rep 66 District 86 Vote for > Shane Bamett io For State House Of District 10! For Perry County Attorney Vote for ONE ‘© Paul'David Walley Jr °o For Perry Sheriff Vote for ONE © Jocob Lamar Gamer © Mitch Nobles °o For Perry Tax Assossor/Collectoy Vota for ONE © Amy Lott Cochran, oe For Supervisor District |02 Cae Vota for Supervisor District 04 pasveneae Vote for ONE 1 Ellot Burch © sel Gamer | Dale Goodin © Kevin Shows | sae SO mem For Perry For Supervisor District |03 Chancery Cle! Supervisor District 0: vote for Vote for ONE > Lary Wilson © Manin Edwards Je fe eee © Keith Evens werinesy © Mitch Kate Circuit Clex} ‘© Chartes Jason Mayo Vote for ‘© Tim Wise > Christy Mayo em — For Supervisor District Joa Supervisor District 0 For Perry Vote for ONE Coroner Vote for ONE ‘© James Gamer Jr > Mike Matone ‘© Ammon Herring © Richard Q Lot wie mie Fesesererar OVER’ TO CONTINUE VOTING For Supervisor District 05 Supervisor District 05 Vote for ‘© Joseph Benefield © Joseph Parker Joo' Parker © Veramay Phenice © Cody Watters © Mare Wiliams ° For Justice Court Judgel District 01 District Oi vote for 01 © Meka Sigrost Morrison © Tim Odom END OF BALLOT

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