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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 300:633–642 (2017)

The Human Pelvis: Variation in

Structure and Function During Gait
Department of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training, Boston University,
Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Anthropology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

The shift to habitual bipedalism 4–6 million years ago in the hominin
lineage created a morphologically and functionally different human pelvis
compared to our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees. Evolutionary
changes to the shape of the pelvis were necessary for the transition to
habitual bipedalism in humans. These changes in the bony anatomy
resulted in an altered role of muscle function, influencing bipedal gait.
Additionally, there are normal sex-specific variations in the pelvis as well
as abnormal variations in the acetabulum. During gait, the pelvis moves
in the three planes to produce smooth and efficient motion. Subtle sex-
specific differences in these motions may facilitate economical gait despite
differences in pelvic structure. The motions of the pelvis and hip may
also be altered in the presence of abnormal acetabular structure, especial-
ly with acetabular dysplasia. Anat Rec, 300:633–642, 2017. V C 2017 Wiley

Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: pelvis; pelvic; hip; gait

Evolutionary changes in the shape of the human pel- studies have challenged assumptions about the role of
vis were necessary for habitual bipedalism. Fossil pelves pelvic motion during gait and differences in that motion
early in the hominin lineage illustrate these adaptations between males and females. The purpose of this article
including a wider sacrum and more laterally positioned is to review the structure of the human pelvis and dis-
flared ilia than what the human-chimpanzee last com- cuss the typical movements of the pelvis during human
mon ancestor is hypothesized to exhibit (Robinson, 1972; gait. Sex-specific variations in pelvis structure and two
Lovejoy, 2005). These distinguishing characteristics early abnormal variations in acetabular structure and their
in hominin evolution allowed for lumbar lordosis, which influence on pelvic motion during gait will also be
is necessary to maintain the upright posture, as well as discussed.
the conversion of hip extensors to hip abductors with an
increased moment arm to balance the center of mass in
the frontal plane (Robinson, 1972; Lovejoy, 2005). While
the gait mechanics in fossil hominins has been debated
Grant sponsor: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculo-
(Berge, 1994; Hunt, 1994; Stern and Susman, 1983; skeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health;
Ruff, 1998; Ward, 2002), the modern human pelvis is Grant number: K23 AR063235.
adapted to habitual bipedality that results in specific *Correspondence to: Cara L. Lewis, PT, PhD, Department of
pelvic motion during walking. These motions are Physical Therapy & Athletic Training, Boston University, 635
thought to reduce energetic costs (Saunders et al., 1953; Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Fax: (617) 353-
Leonard and Robertson, 1995; Bramble and Lieberman, 9463. E-mail:
2004). Potentially counter to the energetic cost savings, Received 8 April 2016; Revised 19 October 2016; Accepted 19
the female pelvis evolved to allow the birth of large- December 2016.
brained infants (Caldwell and Moloy, 1933; Meindl et al., DOI 10.1002/ar.23552
1985; Abitbol, 1996; Rosenberg, 1992; Tague, 1992; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
Lovejoy, 2005; but see Warrener et al., 2015). Recent com).



Normal Structure of the Human Pelvis Muscles around the hip joint can also provide substan-
tial dynamic stability. Muscles which are close to the
The human pelvis includes the sacrum, the coccyx,
joint axis of rotation (local muscles) likely provide joint
and two os coxae (White et al., 2011). Each os coxae is
stability whereas muscles farther from the axis of rota-
made up of three parts: the ischium, the ilium, and the tion (global muscles) provide the joint torque. At the hip,
pubis (White et al., 2011). The articulations within the these local muscles include the deep external rotators,
pelvis are: inferiorly between the sacrum and the coccyx iliopsoas, and gluteus medius and minimus [see Retch-
(sacrococcygeal symphysis), posteriorly between the ford et al. (2013) for an excellent review].
sacrum and each ilium [sacroiliac (SI) joint], and anteri-
orly between the pubic bodies (pubic symphysis). The SI
Sex-Specific Differences in the Human Pelvis
joint offers some movement during childhood, but transi-
tions to a modified synarthrodial joint, which allows lit- Sex-specific differences are expressed in the overall
tle to no movement, by adulthood (Brooke, 1924; Lovejoy structure of the human pelvis (Caldwell and Moloy,
et al., 1985). The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous syn- 1933; Meindl et al., 1985; Tague, 1992). The female pel-
arthordial joint with a fibrocartilaginous interpubic disc vis tends to be wider and broader, with less prominent
(Hagen, 1974). This articulation allows a small amount ischial spines (Meindl et al., 1985; Tague, 1992; Kurki,
of translation and rotation. As the pelvic ring creates a 2011). The male pelvis typically has a longer, more
closed chain, movement at the pubic symphysis requires curved sacrum, and a narrower subpubic arch (between
simultaneous movement at the SI joint, and vice versa. the left and right ischiopubic rami) (Caldwell and Moloy,
The articulation between the pelvis and the femur is 1933; Tague, 1992). While the female pelvis is wider
the acetabulum, which is formed by portions of the ili- when measured between the ischial spines (bispinous
um, ischium, and pubis (White et al., 2011). This synovi- width) (Tague, 1992), the biacetabular width is not sig-
al ball-and-socket joint allows substantial motion within nificantly different between females and males across all
the sagittal plane, with additional motion in the frontal populations (Kurki, 2011). This discrepancy is partially
and transverse planes. The acetabulum has articular because of the larger male femoral head (Kurki, 2011)
cartilage in the shape of a horseshoe where the femoral which shifts the hip joint center laterally. Whether the
head articulates with the os coxae. The normal orienta- morphological differences between the sexes result from
tion of the acetabulum is described as being rotated obstetric constraints or from differential allometric
approximately 20–40 degrees off vertical in the frontal growth trajectories has been debated (Schultz, 1949;
plane (Werner et al., 2012), and 20–30 degrees anteriorly Rosenberg, 1992; Abitbol, 1996; Abouheif and Fairbairn,
(Murray, 1993; Reynolds et al., 1999; Perreira et al., 1997; Badyaev, 2002; Kurki, 2011).
2011; Merle et al., 2013). This orientation positions the Sex-specific differences in the pelvis allow for a wider
bone to provide the most stability medially, superiorly, pelvic aperture in females which functions as the birth
and posteriorly. canal, facilitating the passage of large-brained neonates
In addition to the bony stability, other structures (Caldwell and Moloy, 1933; Abitbol, 1996; Meindl et al.,
including the acetabular labrum, ligaments, and joint 1985; Rosenberg, 1992; Lovejoy, 2005; Kurki, 2011). In
females, the birth canal is expanded as a result of anato-
capsule, as well as muscles, provide stability anteriorly
mies including a wider sacrum, a wider subpubic angle,
and laterally. The acetabular labrum, which is composed
and less prominent ischial spines (Tague and Lovejoy,
of fibrocartilage and dense connective tissue (Petersen
1986; Tague, 1992; Kurki, 2011). A larger birth canal
et al., 2003), deepens the hip socket and helps provide a
becomes essential with the encephalized neonatal heads
sealing mechanism for the joint (Hlavacek, 2002; Tan
in humans (Caldwell and Moloy, 1933; Meindl et al.,
et al., 2001). The primary hip ligaments (iliofemoral, 1985; Rosenberg, 1992; Abitbol, 1996; Lovejoy, 2005).
ischiofemoral, and pubofemoral) each provide stability When this pelvic sexual dimorphism occurred in
throughout different hip positions. All three ligaments, human evolutionary history is unclear because of the
however, tighten as the hip moves into extension. The paucity and fragmentary nature of fossil pelvic remains.
ligaments and capsule are most taut when the hip is in Ardipithecus ramidus (ARA-VP-6/500), a hominin from
extension, slight internal rotation, and abduction (Neu- 4.4 million years ago, exhibits synapomorphies with
mann, 2010b). Unlike at most other joints, this position humans in its pelvic morphology including superior-
of maximal ligamentous stability is not the position of inferiorly shortened and mediolaterally broad iliac
maximal bony congruency. In the hip, maximal joint con- blades (Lovejoy et al., 2009; White et al., 2009). The
gruency occurs in 90 degrees of hip flexion with moder- small cranial capacity in Ar. ramidus indicates that
ate hip abduction and external rotation. In addition to these pelvic morphologies are probably a result of loco-
the capsular hip ligaments, smaller ligaments may also motor, rather than obstetric, demands (Lovejoy et al.,
play a role in stability. For example, the ligamentum 2009; White et al., 2009). Later hominins such as A.L.
teres has recently been suggested to provide stability at 288-1 (Australopithecus afarensis) and Sts 14 (Au. afri-
end range hip motions, particularly hip abduction, medi- canus) exhibit female-specific pelvic morphologies (Berge
al rotation, and lateral rotation (Martin et al., 2013), et al., 1984; Tague and Lovejoy, 1986; but see H€ ausler
and to prevent femoral head subluxation with combined and Schmid, 1995). However, it is not until the dramatic
hip flexion and abduction (Kivlan et al., 2013). The increase in brain size around 1.8 million years ago that
higher prevalence of ligamentum teres tears in individu- obstetric constraints probably contributed to hominin
als with decreased bony stability further supports this pelvic morphology (Simpson et al., 2008).
assertion (Domb et al., 2013). This role of stabilizer is in The pelvic differences between males and females
addition to the traditional role of the ligamentum may be a result of hormonal influence on bone growth
teres—carrying the blood supply to the femoral head. (Tague, 1989; Badyaev, 2002; Huseynov et al., 2016).
Sex-specific hormones during growth, such as testoster- intrauterine position, female sex, high birth weight, fam-
one and estrogen, have been hypothesized to influence ily history of dysplasia, firstborn status, and race (Bache
pelvic morphology (Tague, 1989; Badyaev, 2002; Husey- et al., 2002; Storer and Skaggs, 2006).
nov et al., 2016). There is a greater degree of sexual The degree of under-coverage exists along a continu-
dimorphism as body size increases across most mamma- um. The mildest forms can be asymptomatic and unde-
lian species (Abouheif and Fairbairn, 1997). In humans, tected, while moderate and severe forms can cause hip
where males are slightly larger than females, the growth instability, subluxation, or dislocation (Storer and
trajectories between the sexes vary (Badyaev, 2002; Skaggs, 2006; McWilliams et al., 2010). The more severe
Huseynov et al., 2016). Whether this is the cause of the forms are usually diagnosed in infancy during physical
sex-specific pelvic morphologies in humans has yet to be examination or ultrasonography screening. Milder forms
determined, but recent research has suggested that of dysplasia, however, may not be diagnosed until insidi-
female hormones at puberty influence the obstetric ous hip or groin pain develops in skeletally mature
dimensions of the pelvis (Huseynov et al., 2016). adults (Hickman and Peters, 2001; McCarthy and Lee,
As reviewed, intersexual pelvic morphological differ- 2002; Peters and Erickson, 2006; Nunley et al., 2011).
ences in humans may be the result of obstetric demands, In the presence of dysplasia, there is less containment
differences in growth patterns, or a combination of the of the femoral head within the shallow acetabulum dur-
two. The idea that the wide pelvis increases the locomo- ing weight-bearing. The poor congruency leads to
tor costs for females has been proposed (Zihlman and increased stress which may cause a fracture of the ace-
Brunker, 1979; Tague, 1989; Rosenberg, 1992; Bramble tabular rim and separation of rim fragments as well as
and Lieberman, 2004), but has not been supported by labral hypertrophy and tears (Klaue et al., 1991; Lane
empirical data (Dunsworth et al., 2012; Warrener et al., et al., 2000; Hickman and Peters, 2001; McCarthy and
2015). In one study by Leonard and Robertson (1995), it Lee, 2002; Horii et al., 2003; Leunig et al., 2004; Mavcic
was found that when walking normally, women were et al., 2008; Chegini et al., 2009). In adults, the primary
actually more efficient than men. Nonetheless, kinemat- treatment of acetabular dysplasia is acetabular reorien-
ic differences between men and women have been noted tation surgery, usually with the Bernese periacetabular
in pelvic motions (Bruening et al., 2015) which may be a osteotomy (PAO) (Ganz et al., 1988; Hickman and
result of a wider female pelvis. We discuss the sex- Peters, 2001). The general goal of this surgical reorienta-
specific differences of pelvic motion in human gait later tion is to reduce contact stress by improving the congru-
in this article. ency and coverage of the femoral head, and thereby
delay or prevent the onset of hip osteoarthritis (OA).
Abnormal Structure of the Human Acetabulum: However, nonsurgical interventions may be successful in
Under-Coverage and Over-Coverage individuals with mild dysplasia (Lewis et al., 2015).
Common measures for acetabular dysplasia include
In addition to the sex-specific variation in the human the center edge angle and acetabular depth. The center
pelvis, such as widening of the female pelvis, there is edge angle is defined as the angle between a line drawn
also variation in the structure of the human acetabulum. vertically from the center of the femoral head and a line
This variation, when viewed through an evolutionary drawn from the center of the femoral head to the lateral
lens, may be a by-product of the changes in overall pel- edge of the weight-bearing zone of the acetabulum (Clo-
vic morphology necessary for bipedal locomotion (Hoger- hisy et al., 2008). This angle is most typically measured
vorst et al., 2011). While a wide range of this variability on an anteroposterior view of the pelvis, and is called
is considered normal, two structural abnormalities com- the lateral center edge angle (Fig. 1A). It is also some-
monly noted today can generally be described as under- times measured anteriorly on a false-profile view, and is
coverage and over-coverage of the acetabulum on the called the anterior center edge angle (Fig. 1B). In the
femur. Although these abnormal structures are thought false-profile view, the radiograph is obtained with the
to contribute to hip pain, the exact point at which these pelvis rotated posteriorly 25 degrees (65 degrees relative
structures vary enough to be termed pathologic is not to image receptor) (Clohisy et al., 2008) to allow a less
well established (Harris-Hayes and Royer, 2011; Ander- obstructed view of the acetabulum and femur. While it is
son et al., 2012; Nepple et al., 2013; Diesel et al., 2015). agreed that a reduced center edge angle indicates dys-
Under-coverage and over-coverage are clinically referred plasia, the exact cutoff value is not well established.
to as acetabular dysplasia and pincer femoroacetabular Cutoff values of 20 degrees, 25 degrees, and 30 degrees
impingement (FAI), respectively. Interestingly, each of have all been used (Harris-Hayes and Royer, 2011).
these occur more often in females than males (Bache Acetabular depth is an additional measure used to
et al., 2002; Tannast et al., 2007). This sex-specific diagnosis dysplasia. It is the perpendicular distance
prevalence may be a result of the dual evolutionary chal- from the deepest part of the acetabular roof to a line
lenge of bipedalism and obstetric constraints (Hogervorst connecting the lateral margin of the acetabular roof to
et al., 2011). the upper corner of the pubic symphysis (Murray, 1965;
Acetabular dysplasia is when the acetabulum fails to Lane et al., 2000) (Fig. 1C). An acetabular depth of less
provide the normal amount of bony coverage, or stability, than 9 mm is considered indicative of dysplasia (Lane
around the femoral head. The reported incidence of dys- et al., 2000; Reijman et al., 2005).
plasia ranges from 0.06 to 76.1 per 1000 live births, with Acetabular dysplasia has been linked with the devel-
most developed countries reporting an incidence between opment of hip OA (Birrell et al., 2003; Lievense et al.,
1.5 and 20 per 1000 live births (Rosendahl et al., 1994; 2004; Reijman et al., 2005; Nunley et al., 2011). Untreat-
Patel and Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health ed moderate and severe dysplasia can lead to early hip
Care, 2001; Bache et al., 2002; Loder and Skopelja, OA and the need for hip arthroplasty (Murphy et al.,
2011). Risk factors for dysplasia include breech 1995). Even mild dysplasia more than doubles the risk

of hip OA (Lane et al., 2000; McWilliams et al., 2010).

However, in one study, hips with a lateral center edge
angle even as low as 16 degrees, did not progress to OA
by age 65 years (Murphy et al., 1995), indicating that
the natural progression for mild dysplasia is less clear.
Acetabular over-coverage contributing to FAI has been
recently recognized as an abnormal bone shape contrib-
uting to hip pain, acetabular labral tears, and chondral
pathology (Ganz et al., 2003). This type of FAI called
“pincer FAI” is thought to lead to impingement between
the enlarged acetabular rim and the femur (Ganz et al.,
2003). Whereas acetabular dysplasia is diagnosed by a
smaller than normal center edge angle, pincer FAI is
diagnosed when the center edge angle is greater than 40
degrees (Tannast et al., 2007; Clohisy et al., 2011). This
over-coverage, which is diagnosed more often in females
than males (Tannast et al., 2007), can be local or global,
and can be anterior or lateral or both. In addition to the
center edge angle, the relative position of the acetabu-
lum within the pelvis has been used to diagnose pincer
FAI. When the floor of the acetabulum is touching or
medial to the ilioischial line (Fig. 1D), this indicates
coxa profunda, and is often classified as pincer FAI (Clo-
hisy et al., 2011).
While a center edge angle greater than 40 degrees or
the presence of coxa profunda are commonly thought to
indicate abnormal acetabular geometry, the prevalence
of pincer deformity detected in asymptomatic hips is
approximately 67% (Frank et al., 2015). Additionally,
multiple studies have found high prevalence of coxa pro-
funda in asymptomatic individuals, and little or no cor-
respondence with other measures of pincer FAI
(Anderson et al., 2012; Nepple et al., 2013; Diesel et al.,
2015). Together, these studies indicate that coxa pro-
funda itself should not be used as an indicator of pincer
FAI, especially in females (Nepple et al., 2013; Diesel
et al., 2015). Furthermore, the increased prevalence of
coxa profunda in females (Nepple et al., 2013; Diesel
et al., 2015) may be an adaptation to the wider pelvis
which accommodates obstetric demands. From a biome-
chanical perspective, the deep acetabulum moves the hip
joint center more medially. This change reduces the
moment arm for the center of mass, and therefore
reduces the force required of the hip abductors (Hoger-
vorst et al., 2011), a potential energetic advantage.
Thus, the deep hip socket may be a beneficial variation
instead of a pathology.
While there is strong evidence supporting the link
between hip OA and acetabular dysplasia, the link with
pincer FAI is questionable. Initial studies reported a

Fig. 1. Measures of the acetabulum. A. Lateral center edge angle: on

an anteroposterior view of the pelvis, the angle between a line drawn ver-
tically from the center of the femoral head (blue) and a line drawn from
the center of the femoral head to the lateral edge of the weight-bearing
zone of the acetabulum (red). B. Anterior center edge angle: on a false-
profile view of the pelvis, the angle between a line drawn vertically from
the center of the femoral head (blue) and a line drawn from the center of
the femoral head to the anterior edge of the weight-bearing zone of the
acetabulum (red). C. Acetabular depth: on an anteroposterior view of the
pelvis, the perpendicular distance (blue line) from the deepest part of the
acetabular roof to a line connecting the lateral margin of the acetabular
Fig. 1. roof to the upper corner of the pubic symphysis (red). D. Coxa profunda:
on an anteroposterior view of the pelvis, when the floor of the acetabulum
is medial to or touching the ilioischial line (red).
Norkin, 2011; Murray et al., 1970; Neumann, 2010a).
Conversely, posterior pelvic tilt occurs when the ASIS
move posteriorly and superiorly while the PSIS move
Rotation about an anteroposterior axis creates motion
within the frontal or coronal plane (Fig. 2B). This
motion occurs when one side of the pelvis moves lower
as the other side moves higher, and is often referred to
as pelvic drop or hike; or in some fields, pelvic obliquity
or list. Typically, this occurs while weight-bearing on a
single lower extremity and is described by the motion of
the contralateral side of the pelvis (Neumann, 2010a;
Levangie and Norkin, 2011). For example, when stand-
ing on the right lower extremity, pelvic drop is when the
left side of the pelvis is lowered. Conversely, when the
left side of the pelvis is raised, this is considered pelvic
hike. Sometimes this is referred to as contralateral pel-
vic drop or hike in order to convey the sense that the
description refers to the side away from the stance lower
extremity. It is important to understand, however, that
the motion is controlled by the stance hip abductor
muscles (Neumann, 2010b).
Rotation about a vertical axis produces motion in the
transverse or horizontal plane (Fig. 2C). In some fields,
this is referred to as forward and backward rotation
(Levangie and Norkin, 2011), or similarly as anterior
and posterior rotation. Again, the naming convention is
based on the motion of the side contralateral to the hip
controlling the motion. For example, when standing on
the right lower extremity, forward rotation is when the
contralateral side is moving forward or anteriorly. Back-
ward rotation is when the contralateral side is moving
backward or posteriorly. Others refer to these motions as
internal and external rotation (Neumann, 2010a), and is
named similarly to the motions of the lower extremity
segments. Just as right femoral internal rotation is
counter-clockwise rotation of the femur when viewed
from a superior perspective, internal rotation of the pel-
vis during right stance is counter-clockwise rotation of
Fig. 2. Motions of the pelvis. A. Pelvic motion in the sagittal plane the pelvis or backward rotation (Neumann, 2010a).
described as posterior and anterior tilt. B. Pelvic motion in the frontal These same terms for pelvic motion (hike/drop, tilt
plane described as pelvic drop and pelvic hike. C. Pelvic motion in and rotation) are also used to describe the position of
the transverse plane described as forward rotation and backward the pelvis in certain postures or activities. In standing
rotation. The motions in the frontal and transverse planes are typically with weight equally distributed between both lower
described by the motion of the side of the pelvis opposite the stance
extremities, the pelvis is normally level with the left and
the right ASIS being at the same height (Michaud et al.,
2000), indicating neither pelvic hike nor drop or no
potential increased risk (Chung et al., 2010); however, a obliquity. In the sagittal plane, “neutral” pelvis has
more recent large cohort study did not find an increased sometimes been defined as the ASIS being in the same
risk (Agricola et al., 2013). vertical plane as the symphysis pubis (Kendall et al.,
1993; Levangie and Norkin, 2011). This definition is
Motions of the Human Pelvis often extended to indicate that a line drawn between the
ASIS and PSIS is horizontal, indicating no tilt. Use of
Generally, motions of the pelvis are described as rota- these bony landmarks allow the clinician to easily pal-
tions about one of the three cardinal axes, each of which pate and measure pelvic tilt. Typically, people stand in
creates motion in one of the planes (Cappozzo et al., 11–13 degrees of anterior pelvic tilt (Crowell et al., 1994;
2005). The terminology for these rotations is not consis- Levine and Whittle, 1996). One should be cautioned that
tent across different scientific and clinical fields, and this pelvic tilt is not the same as the radiological mea-
therefore, will be explained in depth here. Rotation sure of “pelvic tilt” commonly noted in literature focus-
about a mediolateral axis produces motion within the ing on the spine. In spine literature, the pelvic tilt
sagittal plane, and is often referred to as anterior or pos- measurement is the angle between a vertical line pass-
terior tilt or rotation (Fig. 2A). With anterior pelvic tilt, ing through the center of the bicoxofemoral axis and a
the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS) each move ante- line drawn between the axis and the middle of the supe-
riorly and inferiorly while the posterior superior iliac rior endplate of S1 (Roussouly et al., 2005; Ames et al.,
spines (PSIS) each move superiorly (Levangie and 2013; Garbossa et al., 2014). Using this measure, pelvic

tilt in standing is typically between 12 and 15 degrees foot, the pelvis is in backward rotation with the left
(Roussouly et al., 2005; Ames et al., 2013). Despite the ASIS posterior to the right ASIS. This backward rotation
range being similar to the anterior pelvic tilt measure continues briefly during the double support phase, and
using ASIS as a reference, in this radiological measure then changes to forward rotation of the pelvis. The for-
of pelvic tilt, increasing numbers indicate increasing pos- ward rotation continues until just after contralateral
terior pelvic tilt. heel strike (around 50%). From the view point of the
swing leg, the pelvis is then rotating backward again
Pelvic Motion during Human Gait until just after ipsilateral heel strike. Again, it is cus-
tomary in some fields to switch the perspective and say
During human gait, the pelvis has motions about all that the pelvis is rotating forward on the left leg (Levan-
three axes. The magnitude of these motions is partially gie and Norkin, 2011). The reported magnitude of the
dependent on walking speed, with larger motions occur- excursion of the pelvis in the transverse plane is as low
ring at faster walking speeds (Murray et al., 1970; as 3 degrees (Crosbie et al., 1997), and as high as 14
Stokes et al., 1989; Crosbie et al., 1997; Bejek et al., degrees (Bruening et al., 2015) with most somewhere in
2006). Here, we present data from our laboratory collect- between (Stokes et al., 1989; Kadaba et al., 1990; Kerri-
ed on 44 healthy individuals [22 females (age: 22.9 6 2.8 gan et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2002). Similarly, the range
years (mean 6 standard deviation (SD)), height: in our data was from 4.0 to 16.8 with a mean and SD of
1.63 6 0.07 m, mass: 61.1 6 8.5 kg) and 22 males (age: 9.5 6 2.9 at preferred walking speed.
24.9 6 6.3 years, height: 1.78 6 0.09 m, mass: 75.2 6 Theoretically, these motions of the pelvis during
14.2 kg)] while walking on an instrumented force tread- human gait help to decrease the movement of the center
mill (Bertec Corporation, Columbus, OH). Data were of mass in the vertical and horizontal direction (Neu-
collected and processed using standard motion capture mann, 2010a). In the vertical direction, the center of
methodology which has been previously published mass moves in a sinusoidal curve which reaches a maxi-
(Ogamba et al., 2016). Individuals were tested walking mum during each single leg stance and a minimum dur-
at two walking speeds: self-selected (1.27 m/s) and pre- ing each double support period when both feet are on
scribed (1.25 m/s). Using a prescribed walking speed the ground, resulting in two complete cycles per gait
where all individuals walk at the same speed allows for cycle (Neumann, 2010a). In contrast, the sinusoidal
comparison of parameters which may be affected by movement in the horizontal direction completes one
walking speed. cycle, shifting to the right during right stance and to the
In the sagittal plane, the pelvis is typically main- left during left stance (Neumann, 2010a). Saunders
tained in anterior pelvic tilt throughout gait (O’Neill et al., (1953) described six “determinants of gait”—
et al., 2015), and completes two full cycles of a sinusoidal motions of the pelvis and lower extremities which were
wave for each gait cycle (Fig. 3). Following initial con- thought to minimize the motion of the center of mass
tact, the pelvis tilts posteriorly for less than 20% of the and thus be energetically economical. Two of these deter-
gait cycle. It then begins to tilt anteriorly again until minants were specifically about pelvic rotations during
the contralateral foot contacts the ground at approxi- gait. The first determinant was the rotation of the pelvis
mately 50% of the gait cycle. The cycle then repeats in the transverse plane. For a given step length, this
itself, tilting posteriorly, and anteriorly again. The total rotation of the pelvis would reduce the magnitude of the
excursion of this movement is relatively small, approxi- drop in the center of mass which occurs during double
mately 2–5 degrees (Murray et al., 1964; Kadaba et al., support. The second determinant was the pelvic motion
1990; Crosbie et al., 1997; Smith et al., 2002; Bruening in the frontal plane. The pelvic drop during single leg
et al., 2015). In our data, the mean total excursion was stance lowers the maximum height of the pelvis and
4.3 degrees with an SD of 1.1 degrees and range of 2.6– trunk, and thus lowers the center of mass (Stokes et al.,
7.3 degrees at preferred walking speed. 1989).
In the frontal plane, the pelvis completes one cycle of The notion that pelvic and lower extremity move-
motion throughout each gait cycle (Fig. 3). At initial con- ments “minimize” the excursion of the center of mass
tact, the pelvis is approximately neutral with left and has come under increasing scrutiny (Della Croce et al.,
right ASIS being level (or 0 degrees of obliquity). Follow- 2001; Kerrigan et al., 2001; Lin et al., 2014). Pelvic rota-
ing contact, the pelvis drops for less than 20% of the tion in the transverse plane provides a small, but nota-
gait cycle, after which it begins to raise again. When the ble, reduction in center of mass excursion (Della Croce
other foot contacts the ground, the pelvis is approxi- et al., 2001; Kerrigan et al., 2001; Lin et al., 2014). Pel-
mately neutral again. If viewed relative to the initial vis obliquity has been found to contribute to the medio-
foot, the pelvis would be described as continuing to hike. lateral excursion of the center of mass, but very little to
However, in some fields, it is customary to switch the the reduction of the vertical excursion (Lin et al., 2014).
perspective to the now stance leg, and say that the pel- When taken to the extreme of eliminating vertical
vis is dropping again (Levangie and Norkin, 2011). The motion of the center of mass, Gordon et al., (2009) clear-
total excursion for this motion is approximately 6–11 ly demonstrate that metabolic cost and mechanical work
degrees at preferred walking speed (Stokes et al., 1989; in the lower extremity increase as a result. However, it
Kadaba et al., 1990; Crosbie et al., 1997; Smith et al., is still appreciated, especially when analyzing pathologi-
2002; Chumanov et al., 2008; Bruening et al., 2015). In cal gait, that normal pelvic motion plays a role in reduc-
our data, the range was 1.9–12.5 degrees with a mean ing exaggerated movements of the center of mass.
total excursion of 7.4 degrees and SD of 2.5 degrees Furthermore, the importance of the normal movement of
walking at a preferred speed. the pelvis during gait has been highlighted in recent
In the transverse plane, the pelvis completes one cycle work. Restrictions of pelvic motion, as can occur in
of motion as well (Fig. 3). At initial contact of the right robotic assistive devices, lead to compensation in upper
during walking are not typically noted (Smith et al.,
2002; Bruening et al., 2015).
In the frontal plane, females have more excursion of
the pelvis while males have less (Smith et al., 2002 ;
Chumanov et al., 2008; Bruening et al., 2015) (Fig. 3).
The mean difference between males and females in our
study was 1.9 degrees [95% Confidence Interval (CI) of
0.9–2.9 degrees] which was significant (P < 0.001) as
determined by an Independent-Samples T-Test in SPSS
(IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). The increased frontal
plane motion may contribute to the smaller vertical dis-
placement of the COM during gait as noted in females
(Smith et al., 2002), further facilitating economical gait;
however, another study did not find differences in center
of mass motion (Bruening et al., 2015).
Movement of the pelvis in the transverse plane is usu-
ally greater in females and lesser in males. (Crosbie
et al., 1997; Chumanov et al., 2008; Bruening et al.,
2015). Similarly, we found a mean difference of 2 degrees
with a 95% CI of 0.6–3.4 degrees (P 5 0.029) when walk-
ing at the same speed. Conversely, Murray et al. (1970)
reported slightly less transverse plane rotation in
females and more in males; however, this finding may
be because of the faster walking speed and longer stride
length noted in the males in the comparative study
(Murray et al., 1964).
These differences in pelvic motion may contribute to
or result from other differences between how males and
females walk. For example, walking speed can affect the
magnitude of pelvic motion (Murray et al., 1970; Stokes
et al., 1989; Crosbie et al., 1997; Bejek et al., 2006). In
our participants, there was not a difference in preferred
walking speed between our males and females. The
mean and SD of the preferred walking speed was
1.26 6 0.17 m/s in males and 1.28 6 0.16 m/s in females
(P 5 0.735). However, some studies have reported slower
walking speeds in females and faster speeds in males
(Murray et al., 1970; Cho et al., 2004; Frimenko et al.,
2015), but no difference in others (Smith et al., 2002;
Fig. 3. Sex-specific differences in pelvic motion during gait. These Bruening et al., 2015). When detected, differences in
data were the mean from 22 healthy females and 22 healthy males walking speed may be because of differences in height
walking at a controlled speed (1.25 m/s) on an instrumented treadmill. as the effect is often lost after normalizing for height
Data are presented as ipsilateral initial foot contact (heel strike) to ipsi- (Cho et al., 2004; Frimenko et al., 2015) or including
lateral initial foot contact. The vertical gray line indicates contralateral height as a co-variate (Cho et al., 2004).
initial foot contact. Differences in pelvic position and motion in all Additionally, females tend to walk with a faster
three planes can be observed. Females walk in more anterior pelvic
cadence while males walk with a slower cadence at their
tilt, and have greater excursion in pelvic obliquity, and slightly greater
pelvic rotation while males maintain the pelvis closer to neutral tilt,
self-selected speed ( Murray et al., 1970; Kerrigan et al.,
and have less pelvic obliquity and rotation excursion. 1998; Smith et al., 2002; Boyer et al., 2008; Frimenko
et al., 2015). Stride length has also been found to be dif-
ferent between the sexes with females taking shorter
and lower extremity kinematics (Veneman et al., 2008; steps while males take longer ones (Murray et al., 1970;
Mun et al., 2016). Smith et al., 2002; Cho et al., 2004; Frimenko et al.,
2015). Again, this difference may be because of height
Sex-Specific Differences in Pelvic Motion in differences and not pelvic structure as stride length was
Human Gait actually longer in females than males after normaliza-
tion (Kerrigan et al., 1998).
Just as there are sex-specific differences in the shape
of the pelvis, there are sex-specific differences in pelvic
position and motion during gait (Smith et al., 2002; Cho Altered Gait in the Presence of Abnormal
et al., 2004; Chumanov et al., 2008; Bruening et al., Acetabular Structure
2015). On average, females maintain the pelvis in a posi- In individuals with altered acetabular anatomy, slight
tion of slight anterior pelvic tilt (approximately 4 differences in pelvic and hip kinematics during walking
degrees in our data) while males maintain the pelvis in have been noted. Patients with acetabular dysplasia
a position closer to neutral (Cho et al., 2004) but differ- have altered pelvic and hip kinematics during walking.
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