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Stephens Class, Issue 1

January 2021
Nature and Manifestation of The Spirit
Course Outline
Course Objective
 Understanding the term ‘spirit’
The objective of this course is to
 Introduction to the Holy Spirit
succinctly illustrate the Holy  The Indwelling and the seal of the
Spirit by nature, presence, in- Spirit
dwelling and manifestation. This  Understanding the term ‘baptism of
will help the believer understand the Holy Spirit’
 The Spirit upon OR The Spirit within
His purpose, the reality of being
 Differentiating Indwelling of the Spirit
indwelt by Him, the recognition from filling of the Spirit
of His expressions and discern-  The manifestation of the Spirit
ment of His identity.  Fruits of the Spirit

‘rauch’. This word does not always

UNDERSTANDING THE refer to a spiritual or invisible being.
BBA 103A

TERM ‘SPIRIT’ Sometimes it can mean;

 Wind: Exodus 10:13; the same

The word 'spirit' in its widest sense Hebrew word – ‘ruach’ was
is often used to mean a spiritual translated as ‘wind’.
and living being that is although  It can mean breath; inhalation
invisible but is yet capable of active or exhalation of a person or
expression. God: Exodus 15:8.
In the scriptures, we have many  The emotional condition of a
such beings that are called ‘spirits’. person: Exodus 6:9, Joshua
2:11, Proverbs 17:22,
 Angels are spirits: Hebrews
 It is used to imply the mind of a
1:7, 14.
person or the inner-man (soul):
 Demonic creatures are called
Psalm 31:5, Psalm 32:2, Daniel
unclean spirits: Mark 3:11.
 There is the spirit of antichrist:
1 John 4:6. Hence, the word ‘spirit’ does not
 The spirit of error: 1 John 4:6. always mean a spiritual being.
 Then there’s the Spirit of truth: However, in a general sense, it de-
1 John 5:6.
 God, Himself is a Spirit: John
However, the word ‘spirit’ is trans-
lated from the Greek word –
‘pneuma’, and the Hebrew word –
notes that whatever is being described is an un-
new life.
seen force and that whatever activity was per-
The word “Trinity” nor the explicit doctrine appears
formed was carried out by an unseen force.
in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his follow-
Whether that force is God Himself, or demonic
ers intend to contradict the Shema in the Hebrew
spirits, or Satan or emotional feelings of man, or
Scriptures: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one
even the wind, the word ‘spirit’ or ‘pneuma’ or
‘rauch’ is used to report such events. Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4). The earliest Christians,
however, had to cope with the implications of the
Hence, the student of the scriptures must be able coming of Jesus Christ and of the presumed pres-
to discern which spirit is being spoken of when ence and power of God among them, that is,
mentioned in any Bible text. the Holy Spirit, whose coming was connected with
the celebration of Pentecost. The Father, Son, and
INTRODUCTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit were associated in such New Testa-
ment passages as the Great Commission: “Go
Now, who exactly is the Holy Spirit? therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptiz-
Recall: Jesus described God as a Spirit: ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19); and in the
John 4:34
apostolic benediction: “The grace of the Lord Jesus
“God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must
Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the
worship Him in spirit and in truth”
Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:13-
God, Himself is a Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the 14). Thus, the New Testament established the basis
Spirit of God, just as Jesus is the Son of God (and for the doctrine of the Trinity, and the scripture tes-
God in the flesh). He is The Creator Spirit, present tifies of the connection of the Spirit with Jesus –
before the creation of the universe and through His 1John 5:6-8.
power everything was made in Jesus Christ, by
God the Father. For the majority of Christian de- THE INDWELLING AND THE SEAL OF
nominations, the Holy Spirit is the third Person of THE SPIRIT
the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
References: Genesis 1:2, Luke 1:35 The Promise and The Purpose
The Holy Spirit was a promise God made to His
Trinity, in Christian doctrine, is the unity of Father, children according to Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4-5,
Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one God- and this has been mentioned in the Old Testament.
head. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be Recall David’s prayer in Psalms 51:7, 10-12.
one of the central Christian affirmations about God. Now, observe God’s promise in Ezekiel 36:25-27
It is rooted in the fact that God came to meet Chris- “Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and you
tians in a threefold figure: shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all
1. As Creator, Lord of the history of salvation, Fa- your idols, and I will cleanse you.
ther, and Judge, as revealed in the Old Testa- A new heart also will I give you, a new spirit will I
ment; put within you: and I will take away the stony heart
2. As the Lord who, in the incarnated figure out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh,
of Jesus Christ, lived among human beings and And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to
was present in their midst as the “Resurrected walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judge-
One”; and, ments, and do them.”
3. As the Holy Spirit, whom they experienced as
the helper or intercessor in the power of the Notice God uses the word ‘I will’ 7 times in this text

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to indicate that this was a promise that He Himself The Fulfilment
will fulfil. Now, when and how did God fulfil this promise?

The word ‘cleanse’ means to purge or purify; to John 14:16-17: “…another comforter…for He
make something blameless, unadulterated, and un- dwells with you and shall be in you.”
contaminated. That means God Himself will purify
the recipients of this promise by the sprinkling of The word ‘comforter’ is the word ‘parakletos’. It
clean water upon them. means a strengthener, teacher, and intercessor.
Also observe that He says He will take out the Observe: Jesus admits that the Comforter, who is
stony heart of the recipient and put within the re- the Spirit of truth already dwells with them (as a
cipient, a new spirit. In other words, there will be a companion); the main agenda of Jesus’s prayer is to
renewal or regeneration of the spirit-man. This ensure that the Comforter will dwell IN them.
new Spirit will be God’s own Spirit and this Spirit
will cause the recipient to walk in God’s statutes Already in the Old Testament, there have always
and keep His commandments or desires. been evident activities of God's Spirit with man on
Recall that God is His Spirit; so God is saying He earth, (e.g. Exodus 31:2-3). So God’s promise to be
will dwell in the recipient of this promise. fulfilled has to be more than having His Spirit dwell
with man since that was achievable already. He
Now, consider the New Testament texts below: promised to have His Spirit dwell INSIDE man.
1. Ephesians 5:26-27
“That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the Galatians 3:13-14
washing of water by the word, That he might “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the
present it to Himself a glorious church, not hav- law, being made a curse for us: for it is written,
ing spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing but that cursed is every one that hangs on a tree: That the
it should be holy and without blemish.” blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles
through Jesus Christ: that we might receive the
2. 1 Corinthians 3:16 promise of the Spirit through faith.”
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God
and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” Thus, for us to receive the promise of the indwelling
References: 1 Corinthians 6:19, Titus 3:5-6, Ga- of the Spirit, Christ had to redeem us from the
latians 4:6, Romans 8:15. curse of the law. That means sin had to be paid for
so that we can receive the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the promise of the Father who
Now that man is free from sin through faith in what
came to help us attain and live up to God’s desire
for man (John 14:16,26, 15:26, 16:7). Christ has done, man can now receive the promise
That help includes; of the Spirit; this occurs immediately at salvation
 Purging, cleansing and sanctification by the (Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:2-3).
word of God.
The Proof
 Empowering and gracing to live above natural
Ephesians 1:13-14
“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the
 Connection to God, through Jesus Christ our
word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom
also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with
that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of
our inheritance until the redemption of the pur-
 Can we say that this promise has been fulfilled
chased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 3
Hence, it is apparent why the Spirit is called the The believer is sealed to ensure that the Holy Spirit
Spirit of promise. It is predicated upon the fact that dwells permanently in Him: 2 Corinthians 1:21-22,
His indwelling in man had been promised to man Ephesians 4:30.
right from the Old Testament and is fulfilled today
and forever in Christ Jesus. Recall that man already The Inheritance
had experience with the Spirit ever since the Old Now, back to Ephesians 1:14;
Testament. Therefore, it was not just the Spirit “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the
Himself that was promised; it was the PERMA- redemption of the purchased possession, unto the
NENT INDWELLING of the Spirit in man that was praise of his glory.”
centre of the promised.
Paul says that the Holy Spirit is the earnest of our
Notice also in the text that there is NO OTHER inheritance.
PREREQUISITE to obtaining the promise of God The word 'earnest' is the Greek word – arrhabōn
besides 'faith in the gospel'. The text says “after ye means a pledged part payment made in advance as
believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of security for the rest.
promise”. In other words, after Jesus's life was used to pay for
Therefore, there should not be any special classes and redeem us, Jesus then gave us the Holy Spirit
to attend, nor water baptisms to perform, nor ag- as part payment of our secured inheritance in Him.
gressive prayers to make nor fasts to undergo upon Thus, we are the purchased possession of Jesus.
any mountain. He purchased us with His own life. That purchase
The only prerequisite to having the INDWELLING is called redemption (explained in 102A). He then
of the Spirit is to believe in the Gospel of Salvation. gives us an inheritance in Him. Out of that inher-
This has been explained in 102A and will be more itance we have in Him, He gave us the Holy Spirit
detailed in 105A. What is taught at a class for Holy as part payment of the secured inheritance we
Ghost baptism is give understanding and show have in Him. That means out of all God has to give
how the Spirit is communicated to believers (with to us, He gives us first His own Spirit (His own
evidence of speaking in tongues, Acts 2:4, 10:44- Self). When He comes to claim us, He then will give
46, 19:60). us immortality with Him, 1 Corinthians 15:52-55,
Matthew 24:30-31, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
Furthermore, observe that Paul uses the phrase
'sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise'. UNDERSTANDING THE TERM
The word 'seal' is from the Greek- ‘sphragizō’. It
means a stamp used to seal documents to ensure
that its contents are not tampered with until it Matthew 3:11
reaches its recipient. “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance:
This word is always written in the past tense when but he that cometh after me is mightier than I,
referring to a believer to indicate that it already whose shoes I am unworthy to bear; he shall bap-
happened at salvation. This word implies two tize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.”
1. A stamp of authorized ownership.
In the New Testament, John's ministry was espe-
2. A bond of permanence.
cially distinguished because he baptized with wa-
ter. In the above-referenced text, John made a clear
Therefore, first;
distinction between water baptism and the Holy
The believer is sealed to indicate that he is owned
Spirit baptism. He said, "I indeed baptize with wa-
by God, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
ter; someone else (Jesus) will baptize with the Holy
Spirit and fire”. Hence, John’s baptism is the water

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baptism; Jesus’s baptism is the Holy Spirit baptism. tion. Then, if baptism is the filling of the Spirit; that
Recall that John’s ministry primarily anchored upon would that each believer can keep getting baptized
being a forerunner for Jesus’s ministry. His ministry of the Spirit repeatedly as often as he is filled with
was to prepare the minds of the people towards the Spirit (Acts 4:8, 31, 13:9,52). This will make
accepting Jesus (Luke 3:3-5). baptism a repeated occurrence which is not plausi-
ble, however, the Scripture tells us that there is only
So, John’s ministry was not the salvation of God one baptism, Ephesians 4:4-5.
yet; his ministry was to point them to the salvation Hence, since there cannot be repeated baptisms of
of God. God’s salvation would eventually be re- the Holy Spirit it is clear that the baptism of the
vealed in Jesus’s ministry (John 1:29). This is why Spirit occurs right at the indwelling of the Spirit.
John preached about Jesus to his disciples so much
so that two of his disciples left him and followed Recall that the word ‘baptize’ means to immerse
Jesus (John 3:30-36). something into something else. John’s water bap-
tism, therefore, means to immerse a person with
This means the focus of John’s entire ministry was water (Acts 1:5). The baptism of the Holy Spirit will
Jesus. Likewise, means that John’s water baptism therefore imply to immerse a person with the Spirit.
was done to prepare the minds of people towards The question will then be;
Jesus’s Holy Ghost baptism. If the baptisms imply to be immersed with some-
John said, "I indeed baptize you with water, but one thing; into what are they immersed?
mightier than I comes whose latchet I am unworthy The water baptism is simple; a person immersed
to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy with water is immersed in water.
Ghost and fire.” Luke 3:16. Is a person immersed with the Spirit also immersed
into the Spirit?
This baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire never
occurred until after Jesus's resurrection. 1 Corinthians 12:13
Jesus specifically instructed the disciples to wait for “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one
the promise of the Father. That promise was the body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles…”
baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5).
Hence, the baptism of the Holy Spirit makes a per-
Thus, the baptism of the Holy Ghost never occurred fect definition of salvation itself.
until the Acts 1 experience.  The immersion by the Spirit into the body of
But we know that in Acts 1, two different things Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13)
happened to the apostles.  The regeneration of a person by the Spirit of
1. The indwelling of the Spirit Christ (Titus 3:5)
2. The filling of the Spirit  The birth of a person by the Spirit (John 3:3-5)
 The habitation of the Spirit in man (1 Corinthi-
Hence, if the baptism of the Holy Ghost occurred ans 6:19)
first in Acts 1, then the baptism of the Holy Ghost  The indwelling of the Spirit in man forever
must either be the indwelling of the Spirit or the (Ezekiel 36:25-27)
filling of the Spirit.
We must succinctly identify which exactly is the Thus, when John baptized people unto repentance,
baptism of the Holy Spirit between the two. he placed their focus upon Jesus whose baptism
will eventually bring salvation. He told them that
We do know that the indwelling of the Spirit hap- Jesus will baptize with the Spirit and that whosoev-
pens instantly at salvation and that the filling of the er believes in Him will be saved. This means that
Spirit (as an event that can occur many times in a water baptism itself (although being important) is
believer) does not always occur instantly at salva-

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 5
not salvation. Rather, the baptism of the Spirit is
We can be certain that this was a fulfilment of Jo-
We have seen that the indwelling of the Spirit was
el’s prophecy because Peter acknowledged this in
predicated upon by the promise of God to dwell in
Acts 2:16-21.
man through faith in the gospel. We have also
seen that the indwelling of the Spirit in man is in- Hence, In Acts 2, the Spirit did not only indwell man
stant at salvation and permanent without condi- as promised by God in Ezekiel 36 but the Spirit also
tions. We will further examine another promise of 'came upon man' as promised by God in Joel 2.
God which seems almost the same but is slightly This raises a dilemma we should examine;
If God already promised to send His Spirit to in-
An examination of this promise will explain the dwell man, why then is there a promise to pour out
power at work in the life of a believer in whom the His Spirit upon man? One would expect that the
Spirit dwells. indwelling of the Spirit should be all we need; what
would be the need to pour His Spirit upon man
since His Spirit was already promised to be in a
WITHIN Therefore, we should study the term ‘Spirit upon’
Joel 2:28-32 notes that unlike the previous promis- as different from the term ‘Spirit within’.
es we have seen, God promises here to 'pour out If Spirit within is the indwelling of the Spirit, what
His Spirit UPON flesh', not within, and the activities then is ‘Spirit upon’?
that surround this promise are:
1. Numbers 11:25-26.
 The Spirit will be upon the flesh When the Spirit of God came upon the 70 el-
 Men and women will prophesy ders, they all prophesied (ministry of prophecy,
 Young and old will receive spiritual insights leadership and supernatural experience).
 This event will amaze those who see it 2. Judges 3:10.
 Whosoever seeks deliverance from God will When the Spirit of God came upon the recipi-
receive it. ent, He judged Israel and won battles (ministry
This is unlike the previous promise where the focus leadership).
of the indwelling of the Spirit was to cleanse man 3. Judges 11:29, 32, Judges 14:19
from sin, live in him and bring him into the inher- When the Spirit of God came upon Jephthah, he
itance of God which is eternity. won a battle that normally should have been
Significance of the Holy Spirit Samson won an impossible battle after the
Hence, let's see where this was fulfilled in the New Spirit of God came upon him.
Testament. 4. 1 Samuel 10:6, 10, Ezekiel 11:4-5
Observe from Acts 2:1-6, 12, 41: Supernatural experience and ministry of proph-
V. 3 says, the cloven tongues sat upon them.
V. 4 says, they were filled with the Spirit and spoke 5. Matthew 12: 18
with other tongues and prophesied. Supernatural experience and ministry)
V. 12 says, that those who witnessed it were
amazed. Observe that in every occurrence where the Spirit
V. 41 says, 3000 souls were saved. These are they of God is said to come upon man, it is always
which sought for deliverance. (The word deliver- marked by a supernatural experience in the recipi-
ance and salvation is the same in Greek).

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 6
ent. He would either win impossible battles, proph- the Spirit became apparent or visible in the believer.
esy or stand in a position of ministerial leadership. This explains why everywhere the scripture says
Most evidently, whenever the Spirit is said to come that the Spirit came upon a man, there is always
upon a person, it was always obvious to sight. That the occurrence of supernatural activity. This is ex-
means it was always be accompanied with visible actly what happened in Acts 2 just as Joel prophe-
actions that the recipient would perform afterwards sied.
which in all cases would be supernatural; that can
be in speech or action. In the New Testament, this experience is known as
‘the filling of the Spirit’. This has been explained
Thus, the Spirit coming upon was not exactly to earlier in this study.
denote that the Spirit fell from a height and stood
upon the recipient. It was primarily to denote that Discuss:
the Spirit became manifest in the recipient. That Study Acts 19:1-6
means that the Spirit became visible in the activities
Apollos, (among other believers) was said to have
of that person at that moment, time or period.
believed the gospel in verse 2, yet he claimed to not
This explains why God said He will “pour His Spirit have received the Holy Spirit.
upon” Jesus in Matthew 12:18. Jesus would be con-
V. 6 then says “And when Paul had laid his hands
ceived of the Spirit already. It would seem unrealis-
upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them and they
tic for God to literally then pour His Spirit upon His
spake with tongues and prophesied”
Son who was born of His Spirit already. Hence, to
pour out His Spirit upon Jesus would mean to make  What did Apollos receive? The indwelling or the
His Spirit visible in His Son. filling of the Spirit or both?
 When did Apollos receive the indwelling of the
This would explain what John the Baptist saw
when Jesus was baptized- The visibility of the Spir-
 When did Apollos receive the filling of the Spir-
it; which is the essence of the ‘Spirit upon’.
So the ‘Spirit upon’ is characterized not by the rela-  Differentiate between the filling of the Spirit
tional description of the Spirit’s position in refer- and the Indwelling of the Spirit
ence to the recipient; rather, it is characterized by
the expression of the Spirit in a man which is made
evident in the supernatural activities the recipient DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN THE IN-
performed or was seen around the recipient. That DWELLING AND THE FILLING OF THE
means that the term ‘Spirit upon’ is not necessarily
to mean that the Spirit came upon the recipient but
primarily to mean that the Spirit became apparent
in the man. We have examined two promises God made
through his prophets in the Old Testament which
Hence, when the Spirit is said to come upon a be-
predicated His Spirit within us and His Spirit upon
liever (who already has the indwelling of the Spirit),
us. Although it is clear that the Apostles in Acts 2
one should not expect this to mean that the Spirit
experienced the both, we have identified that the
came out of the believer to stand on top of Him.
'Spirit within' implies the indwelling of the Spirit
That would definitely be of no good to the believer.
and that the 'Spirit upon' implies the filling of the
If a believer had to choose where he would prefer
the Spirit to be, he surely will choose that the Spirit
should remain in him and not on top of him. God In this study, we will examine 3 peculiarities of be-
would prefer the same too. Hence, the proper un- ing filled with the Spirit as found in the scriptures
derstanding of the Spirit upon the believer is that through which we can discern its difference from

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 7
the indwelling of the Spirit.
1. The filling of the Spirit is an instruction to be-
Ephesians 5:18-19
“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is ex-
cess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to
yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody in your heart
to the Lord”
If Paul instructs the Ephesian Christians to be
filled with the Spirit, that implies that being
filled with the Spirit is a voluntary action and
that the believer can choose when and when
not to be filled with the Spirit.
visible supernatural experiences.
The indwelling of the Spirit however is the sal-  In Acts 2, the believers who were filled with
vation of the believer himself which cannot be the Spirit spoke in tongues.
an instruction to believers because they already  In Acts 19, Apollos and the other believers
have the indwelling of the Spirit. who were filled prophesied and spoke with
 Filling of the Spirit is repetitive and short- tongues.
termed.  In Luke 1: 67, Zacharias was filled with the
 In Acts 2:4, Peter was among the believers Spirit and he prophesied
filled with the Spirit;  In Luke 1:41, Elizabeth and her baby in the
 In Acts 4:8, Peter was filled again; womb were filled with the Spirit, her baby
 In Acts 4:31, after Peter returned from the leapt in the womb and she instantly recog-
arrest and was with the disciples as they nized when she saw Mary that she was
prayed, he became filled with the Spirit pregnant and that the baby in Mary's womb
again. was the Messiah.
Also;  In Revelation 1:10, Apostle John had a su-
 In Acts 9:17, Ananias prayed for Paul and pernatural experience in a vision when the
he was filled with the Spirit Spirit came upon him on the Island of Pat-
 In Acts 13:9, Paul was filled with the Spirit mos.
again. It is obvious that the filling of the Spirit is the
 In Acts 13:52, he was again filled with the same as the Spirit upon.
The indwelling of the Spirit is not associated with
That tells us that filling of the Spirit is some- visible supernatural experiences. That means that
thing that can happen to a believer repeatedly, the Holy Spirit can indwell a man and there will be
as often as the believer desires. nothing spectacular at all to see. Both the recipient
and the preacher will have no visible evidence that
the Spirit has indwelt the believer unless the Be-
The indwelling of the Spirit is neither repetitive
liever becomes filled with the Spirit. Only at the fill-
nor short-termed. The Indwelling of the Spirit is
ing of the Spirit can we have what is called "an evi-
the constant and permanent condition of the
dence of tongue-speaking", or prophecies etc.
 The filling of the Spirit is often associated with Study the table below;

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 8
The indwelling of the Spirit Filling of the Spirit
Denotes that the Spirit dwells inside of a Denotes an expression or activity of the Spirit
man in man

Frequency of operation Is permanent and constant Is short-termed and repetitive

Is completely a function of what God did Is an action of God but requires man's role to
Identity of the operator
and cannot be assisted by a man play

The activity of the Spirit Is the same as the Spirit within Is same as the Spirit upon

It may imply salvation but not always. The

It instantly implies salvation since the
Relationship with Salva- Holy Spirit can work in a person who is yet
Holy Spirit will only indwell a person
tion unsaved but only cannot indwell the person
who is saved.
(Cyrus, Hazel etc.).
Is a silent occurrence and is physically Is often accompanied by events that prove its
Evidence of occurrence
not perceivable occurrence
Time of the first occur- Never happened till Christ’s death and Happened several times over in the Old Tes-
rence resurrection in the New Testament tament and the New Testament.


SPIRIT The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that
sums up nine attributes of a person or community
Manifestation means the mode of expression of the living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according
Spirit. It points to the multiple ways of expression to Galatians 5:22-23:
of the Spirit of God in man. The Spirit is not static Love Long-suffering Faith
but moves. Joy Kindness Meekness
God expresses Himself in man via the Spirit to
Peace Goodness Temperance
show His personality, capacity and diversity – Ro-
mans 8:19.
The Bible calls Spirit-led behaviour the "fruit of the
The sons of God cannot manifest on their own, they
Spirit." The fruit of the Spirit has visible results.
can only express the dynamic operations of the Ho-
These qualities begin to show themselves in a per-
ly Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7).
son's life who is filled with the Spirit. This produces
 The Holy Spirit is dynamic in His working/ man-
a Christlike character in the individual. These attrib-
ifestations, He is not a one-way manifestation.
utes can be explained as follows.
The sons of God are only a vessel for the mani-
festation of the Lord – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
 God intends and purposes the manifestation,
Love consists of showing tenderness and kindness
but man expects and expresses it – Luke 3:15,
to others. In fact, we are told to look out for the
Isaiah 44:3, John 7:37-39 (thirst/hunger here
needs of others. Paul wrote to the Philippians
stands for great expectation). Our yielding
(Philippians 2:4 NKJV).
therefore is dependent on our expression and
We demonstrate our life by showing kindness to-
expectation – Acts 10:40-44.
ward others. Love, however, can also be stern. Je-
 The manifestation of the Spirit is purposeful
sus Himself drove the moneychangers out from the
and every calling into ministry revolves around
temple because they were corrupting God's law. He
the multiple gifts and manifestations of the Holy did this as an act of love.
Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 9
Joy to show kindness to all. Paul wrote (Ephesians 4:32
Joy can be experienced in tough times as well as NASB).
good times. Simon Peter wrote about the joy that The Bible says that we should show kindness to all.
believers can experience even in the midst of suf- Notice he also said that we are to forgive others in
fering (1 Peter 1:6 NRSV). the same way as Christ has forgiven us. This means
We can be joyful even in the midst of trials. This is we are to show them complete forgiveness. Again,
how the fruit of the Spirit evidences itself in our this is something which we must allow the Holy
lives. Spirit to do. Indeed, we do not have the capacity to
do this in our own strength.
The Bible says the peace that God provides passes Faithfulness
human understanding. Paul explained this to the Faithfulness means dependability. The Bible makes
Philippians when he wrote Philippians 4:7 NRSV. it clear that the God of Scripture is always depend-
Peace is not the absence of conflict. Rather it is the able. Jeremiah wrote (Lamentations 3:22, 23 NIV).
experience of rest and assurance through difficult Although everyone else may fail, He never fails.
times. This is something that only can come from
God Himself. We cannot produce this type of inner Taken from, Don Stewart:
peace on our own. What is the fruit of the Spirit?

Longsuffering Since a tree is known by its fruit, the believer is

Longsuffering is another word for patience. The equally known by the fruit of the Holy Spirit he
more Christlike we become the more we will be pa- bears, Matthew 12:13. The Lord Jesus Christ, our
tient with others. The Bible says God is patient with perfect example demonstrated all the nine gifts,
us so that we will turn to Him. Peter explained it in therefore, we too can do the same if we completely
this manner (2 Peter 3:9 NKJV). surrender to Him.
Patience is learned through times of testing. Again,
this is a work which the Lord does in our lives as Assignment:
we learn to be controlled with the Holy Spirit. Conduct Holy Ghost baptism at the end of the
Kindness and goodness speak of helpful
deeds done toward others. We are instructed

S T E P H E NS C L A S S , I S S U E 1 Page 10

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