Chapter 5 Therapeutic Points in NMES (N... Physiotherapy - NIHON MEDIX CO., LTD

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47222021 Chapter § Therapeutic points in NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) mode | Rehabiltaton & Physiotherapy | NHON MEDIX CO. Chapter 5 Therapeutic points in NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) mode Muscle-strengthening methods in NMES mode Methods using S cups are explained in these examples. When the 2 electrode method is used, set the Modulation mode at 100% or Bust mods. In this case, place the electrodes on the abdominal muscles along the muscle Roers, considering ie drction of the muscle bers, In adaliton, itis important that motor pains ‘are always between the electrades. Please use the motor points chart in Chapter 6 as 1 Upper extremity 4-4 Fe Palmar flexion Place the electrodes on the points onthe lexorcarpradiais muscle and the extensor catpi ulnaris muscle 4-2 Elbow joint Flexion ww sinenmedi.cajen/pagesidetats/000055.htm! Dorsal flexion (Py Piace the electrodes on the motor points on the extensor carpi ulnaris| muscle. Extension Se se [ es fae (a [red Frequency bind’ | Medium, 40-60 pps. [Energaingtimel 10 sec a Rest time | (When no muscle fatique develops, | gradually reduce the rest time.) aa [Treatment time] About 20 min (Do not exceed 30 min) ae es eee 1s anan0n ) Place the electrodes onthe motor points on the biceps brachi muscle 4-3 Shoulder joint Flexion Place the electrodes on the motor points on the anterior part of the deltoid muscle and the deidal part of the pectoralis major muscle. Abduction(lateral elevation) ww sinenmedi.cajen/pagesidetats/000055.htm! Extension Place the electrodes on the motor points on the posterior part ofthe deltoid, the latssimus dorsi and teres major muscles. Adduction(horizontal adduction) chapter 5 Therapeutic points in NMES (neuromuscular electicalstinuiaton) mode | Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy | NIHON MEDIX CO. ABM Pace the electrodes onthe motor Polson the trieps brachil muscle ne eee asm] NM foetal Bust | Sia Hard regen td Medium, 4060 pps [Enerpiing tine] 10 sec Ws0se When no mu tigu dees, yay reduce thet tne) ferent 0.7 se ireatment tie] About 20 min (Donot exceed 30min) Incase the output othe muscle contraction evel. ese tease sn te decay est time [Trestmert mode | NM_ agjege [NMES [Moddaton made] Burst Faas a | Medium, 40-60 pps Enengtne| 10 sec 00sec ven no musce fatigue develops, raul educetheresttime) [ner 015 [Treatment tine] About 20 min (Do not exceed 30/min) Increase the outputto the muscle contraction evel bites tense smite rete Rest time 26 472212021 Chapter § Therapeutic points in NMES (neuromuscular Place the electrodes on the motor points on the middle part of the deltoid and infraspinatus muscles. Point 2 Dorsal region 2-1 Erector muscle of the spine “4 (on By Place the electrodes onthe motor Points on the erecor muscle ofthe 3 Abdominal region ical stimulation) mode | Rehabiltaton & Physiotherapy | NIHON MEDIX CO. Place the electrodes on the motor | [EEeaumeiteekueehet mica) points on the abdominathoracic | Fsmrede| NM partof the pectoalismajormusde ndthelatssinus dorsi muscle, | [va [NMS Hard Frequent | Medium, 40-60 pps Enexking tin! 10 sec Tose Rest time | hen no muscle fig develops, adsl reduetheretine) [nme 0.1 se [ester About 20 in Dena reed 30 rr) Increase the outputto the musde contraction level. ereznetneneeas mat ie tence 2 2-2 Lumbar part of the erector muscle of the spine Placethe electrodes on thelower | [CeumtEte Ricerca asc motor points on the erector muscle ofthe spine, Fequngy ard | Medium, 40-60 pps Een 10 sec c Tse Rest ime | en nomic tigu develops, satay educetherestine) (ean 07 se [Treatment tine] About 0 min Donot exceed 30 min) Incense te ouput the msde conacton evel Thetageisthe nner muscle Jctesmetneneesiasnealoe tect eate 3-4 Rectus abdominis muscle ww sinenmedi.cajen/pagesidetats/000055.htm! ais 4nan071 4 Lower extremity eno soars] NM NIMES: | Pte Bost Jessatonmode (Use 100% when the simulations too song or when ters too thick) | Sa arc Fequneyia| Medium 40-60 pps: [Eecuiznatine 10 sec i0s0see When no muscle fatigue develops, oraduallyeduceheresttime) Resttime cement in01 sec resent ime About 20 in (Ge not exceed 30min) Increase the output tothe musde contraction level The targets theiner muscle desman nets fontensenseanyor Chapter § Therapeutic points In NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) made | Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy | NIHON MEDIX CO. Place the electrodes on the motor points onthe rectus abdaminis muscle, 4-1 Knee joint Extension Flexion Place the electrodes onthe motor Place the electrodes onthe motor points on the medial great muscle, points onthe semitendinosus muscle, reat adductor muscle and the the semimembraneous muscle and rectus femoris muscle. the biceps femoris muscle, 4-2 Ankle joint Plantar flexion ww sinenmedi.cajen/pagesidetats/000055.htm! Dorsal flexion Hard Fequney ars | Medium, 40-60 pps Enegngtine] 10 sec iososee Rest time | en nomuscefatique develops, crac edce the reste) ear oasec [reatment ime] About 20min (Do not exceed 30 rn) Increase the ouput to the muse contraction level. ites tne decent emecey om 46 (ABD) Pace the electrodes on the motor | fA Place the electrodes on the motor points on the tibialis anterior muscle and the extensor digitorum points on the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Wsec 10S0sec_ muse ieee fatigue develops, fo sec | About 20 min (Do not exceed 30 min) Increase the output tothe muscle contraction level. ebesne te sean smn eben wet ‘Chapter 4 Therapeute points for he 6 electrode method (Chapter 6 Information matorate ww.inonmedi.cajp'onpagesidetais/000055.html

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