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4/12/23, 12:55 PM New chat

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Sure, here's an explanation of the SQL query for data accuracy testing:

vbnet Copy code

SELECT SUM(case when source_column = target_column then 1 else 0 end) AS acc

SUM(case when source_column != target_column then 1 else 0 end) AS in
FROM source_table s
JOIN target_table t ON =;

In this query, we are comparing the data in the source table with the data in the target table
after it has been transformed. We are assuming that there is a unique identifier column
called "id" in both tables that can be used to join them.

The query uses two aggregate functions, SUM() and CASE, to count the number of rows that
have been transformed accurately and inaccurately.

The first line of the query uses the CASE statement to check if the source_column value is
equal to the target_column value. If it is, then it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. The SUM
function then adds up all the 1's, giving us the total number of rows that have been
transformed accurately. This count is given an alias of "accurate_rows".

The second line of the query uses the same CASE statement, but with the opposite
condition. If the source_column value is not equal to the target_column value, it returns 1,
otherwise it returns 0. The SUM function then adds up all the 1's, giving us the total number
of rows that have been transformed inaccurately. This count is given an alias of

The result of this query is a two-column table that shows the number of rows that have been
transformed accurately and inaccurately. You can then use this information to investigate
the inaccurate rows and identify any issues in the ETL process.

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