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Lecture 4 Occupational Biomechanics

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

What is occupational biomechanics?

It is a science which deals with mechanical (motion) characteristics of human body. It is a science which analyses musculoskeletal injuries in the human body during physical work. It is a science which improves employee performance by reducing musculoskeletal stresses. It is a science which deals primarily with musculoskeletal cases.

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Input / output of Occupational biomechanics

Application of Occupational biomechanics

Engineering Biological & Physical Sciences

Occupational Biomechanics

Workstation & handtool design Material handling

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Application of Biomechanical analysis

Biomechanical analysis evaluates human capability and demand of the job. It is used to modify the job within safe human tolerance. Biomechanical analysis is applied for: Handtool design Workstation design Material Handling jobs Human postures during repetitive jobs
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Laws of Physics for Biomechanical analysis

Biomechanical modeling is based on Newtons laws of motion: 1) A mass will remain at rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by external force. 2) Force is proportional to mass x acceleration 3) Every action is opposed by equal and opposite reaction of equal magnitude. Based on the above laws, if a body is not in motion, then the sum of all the forces and the moments acting on it must be zero. In this state the body is said to be in equilibrium
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

3 types of skeletomuscular levers

Muscles and bones in our body are arranged into three types of lever systems. There are two types of muscles which are involved in physical work; action muscles (protagonist) and opposing muscles (antagonist). The work efficiency depends upon: 1) length of the muscle doing the physical work. 2) location of the attachment of the muscle to the bone called the fulcrum. 3) direction and angle of the force during work.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

First-class lever system

First-class lever system have the fulcrum in the middle. Examples outside the body are seesaw, scissors and platform balance.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Second-class lever system

In the second-class lever system, the lever is at one end & the force is exerted through the longer arm of the lever system. Force has a mechanical advantage in this case. Examples outside the body are wheel-barrows and refrigerator doors.

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Third-class lever system

Third-class lever system has fulcrum at one end of the lever system and the force is exerted through the shorter arm of the lever system. Force is at a mechanical disadvantage in this case. Examples outside the body are tongs, tweezers and forceps.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Mechanical advantage during work

Mechanical advantage during work varies greatly with direction and angle of the force exerted by action (protagonist) or opposing antagonist muscles. Result of an experiment Following results are based on using electromyography on the working muscles. Maximum Push force = 100 % (baseline) Maximum Pull force = 58 % Maximum Push right = 53 % Maximum Push left = 57 % Maximum lift up = 132 % Copyright 2002 Maximum Press by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University down = 116 %

Muscle forces (kg) exerted on handgrip with right arm at various elbow angles. (study conducted by Damen & Hunsicker)

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Sore elbow cases versus angle between forearm & upper arm

Improper posture (work angle) can cause fatigue & injury as well as reduce strength
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Some joints have very limited mobility and therefore not practical for physical work; for example ribs and skull. Fulcrums with one degree of freedom are hinge joints such as elbows or fingers. Fulcrums with two degrees of freedom are pivotal joints such as wrists. Fulcrums with three degrees of freedom are ball & socket joints such as shoulders & hip. Synovial fluid provides lubrication at the joint to achieve efficient movement and productivity.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Type of fulcrums (joints) in our body

Effect of elbow lever on pulling action

The torque (Te) required to pull the cart is equal to muscle force (F) x distance (d). When d increases then the muscle force F decreases.

Te to overcome frictional force to move the cart is constant. When d becomes zero and the arm is straight then the force is exerted by the shoulder joint or the spine. This may lead to shoulder pain or back pain.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Elbow versus shoulder joints

Elbow joint
Reactive force RE = 113.7 N Elbow moment ME = 37.5 Nm

Shoulder joint
Reactive force RS = 134.3 N Shoulder moment MS = 77.6 Nm

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

The spinal column

1) The Spine is the major structure of the human body and consists of 24 vertebrae separated by discs. 2) Spinal cord goes through the spine & carries signals between the brain and all sections of the body. 3) The spine is divided into 5 regions and the lumbar region is the fulcrum during manual material handling. 4) Lumbar region experiences the maximum force & therefore leads to back pain & injury. 5) The major load on the spine is due to compression of the discs
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Characteristic of discs
Discs are jelly-like donuts which separate the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers. It consists of nucleus filled with fluid surrounded by the toughest ligaments in our body called annulus. Discs do not have any nerve cells and therefore cannot communicate the sensation of pain or stress. When discs degenerate they compress the nerve near the spinal cord in the lumbar region and the experiences low back pain.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

What is Herniated disc & Sciatica?

Excessive load on the discs may lead to weakness & degeneration of the discs. This may cause the fluid in the nucleus to penetrate the annulus or herniate the surrounding area. When herniation compresses the nerve it causes back pain. This condition is known as herniated disc. Sometimes the herniated disc may compress a nerve called sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve in our body. This nerve starts from the lumbar region and goes to the legs. Compression of sciatic nerve leads to leg pain & this condition is known as Sciatica.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Incidence of low back pain

Low back pain is generally sharp and localized. Most episodes of low back pain are relatively short-lived but recurrence rate is very high. About 70 % of people will suffer from low back pain during their lives. Truckers & drivers suffer low back pain when the vibration of the seat synchronizes with the natural frequency of their spine. Most of the back pain occurs in jobs involving lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, bending and twisting. When back pain comes on suddenly, the patient is likely to blame that activity as the root cause.
Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

Wrist, elbow and shoulder joints

Copyright 2002 by Dr. Govind Bharwani, Wright State University

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