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Self-Care Reflection Journal

Please use this document to keep track of your self-care activities throughout the semester.

Date & Duration Self-Care Activity (description, Reflection (describe why you chose this activity, include major
location, etc..) takeaways, impact on your future growth & professional
development, influence on your ability to cope with stress, etc.)
01/19/23 Picnic at the veteran’s park in This activity allowed me to spend time in nature which being near a
PHX 1 hour body of water. This helps me reduce stress as I enjoy spending time
near water.
01/28/23 Hung out with friends out and This activity taught me that being social is important. It is important
socialized 1 hour to socialize and not isolate during stressful times. This activity will
help me make time for work and life balance in the future.
02/04/23 Had a dance party with my aunt I chose this activity because it helped with physical activity. This will
and cousins – home – 30 minutes impact my career development by improving my health. This activity
helped me reduce stress by being active.
02/10/23 Spa night- at home- 1 hour I picked this activity because sometimes I lose track, in pampering
myself. This activity will help me in the future because it reminded
me of the importance of taking care of my appearance.
02/15/23 Tried to learn acupressure on I chose this activity because it is a fairly easy activity to learn and is
YouTube – 1 hr free to do. This can help me manage stress in the future during my
career and is also an activity I can teach to others.
02/20/23 Did lecture outside – backyard – I chose this activity because I spend a lot of time inside doing
1hr schoolwork. This helped me reduce stress by getting sunlight and
being in nature. This will help with my future growth because I know
that nature helps me reduce my stress.
03/01/23 Went to the gym- planet fitness – This activity helped me reduce stress by being active. This will help in
30 minutes the future because I know by taking care of myself, I’ll be able to
provide adequate care to others.
03/07/23 Aromatherapy with eucalyptuses I chose this activity because I find that aromatherapy really helps
through diffuser—30 minutes reduce stress. This will help me in the future because I have personal
experience with aromatherapy that I am able to share with others.
03/23/23 Work out activity at home – 30 I chose this activity because I had not been going to the gym recently
minutes and I needed a way to reduce stress/ feel better about my
appearance. This activity will help me in the future as I know making
Self-Care Reflection Journal
Please use this document to keep track of your self-care activities throughout the semester.

time for physical activity will improve me quality of life.

03/26/23 Spa night- at home- 1 hour I picked this activity because know that it makes me feel better
mentally and physically. Helps me mange my stress and relax.
03/31/23 Mindful meditation on YouTube – I picked this activity because I was very overwhelmed, and I have
30 minutes learned about this in school. This will help me manage stress in the
future and will also be a great tool to teach future clients.
04/05/13 Took a nap – 1 hour I was very sleep deprived and also not feeling well so I needed some
extra sleep. This will help me in the future because I need to listen to
my body in order to stay healthy. It also will help me identify when
future clients need rest.
04/12/23 Journaled - 30 minutes I picked this activity because I has a lot on my mind, and I was unable
to focus. By journaling I was able to get my thoughts out so I can
concentrate. This will help in the future because I will be able to
reorganize my thoughts in order to concentrate.
04/19/23 Worked on my puzzle - 1 hour This is a verry calming activity for me and helped me reduce stress
because I am able to calmy complete tasks. It will also help me with
concentration in my career as I am focusing on a task.
04/21/23 Went out dancing with friends-1 This was a great activity to socialize and be active. I love dancing and
hour it makes me happy. This showed me to make time to do things that I
04/23/23 Went for a walk around the I chose this activity to get some movement and take a break from
canal- 1 hour being inside studying. This helped mee clear my mind and reduce
stress. This will be a helpful activity in the future as a stress reliever.
04/25/22 Doodled -30 minutes I enjoy drawing and this helps me reduce stress. It also helps with my
concentration with detail which will be beneficial in nursing.
04/26/23 Went to Reid Park with friends – This activity helped me socialize with friends that I haven’t hung out
1.5 hours with in a while and be in nature. This helped me reduce stress that is
here with finals around the corner. This will help me in the future by
making sure I schedule activities that reduce stress.

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