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Critical Incident Description: During a classroom observation, the teacher consistently fails to engage

students in active learning and relies heavily on lecturing. The teacher does not incorporate interactive
activities or group work, resulting in disengaged students and limited participation.


The output of this critical incident is that students are not actively participating in the learning process,
leading to decreased interest, lower comprehension, and disengagement from the subject matter.

Impact on the Job/Action Plan:

To address this issue, the coach may develop an action plan that includes providing the teacher with
training on interactive teaching strategies, such as using multimedia resources, incorporating
cooperative learning activities, and implementing formative assessments to gauge student
understanding. The coach can also provide feedback and model effective instructional techniques to
support the teacher in improving student engagement and increasing their participation in the

Critical Incident Description: During an assessment review, it was discovered that a teacher consistently
gives students high marks without providing sufficient feedback or assessing their understanding
accurately. The teacher's assessment practices do not align with the expected standards set by the


The output of this critical incident is that students may develop a false sense of achievement and may
not have a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement. This practice also hinders
the teacher's ability to accurately monitor student progress and make necessary instructional

Impact on the Job/Action Plan:

To address this issue, the coach can work with the teacher to develop an action plan that focuses on
improving assessment practices. This includes providing training on effective feedback techniques,
implementing rubrics and other assessment tools, and encouraging the use of various assessment
methods to gauge student learning. The coach can also help establish a culture of continuous
assessment and reflection to ensure that the teacher is accurately evaluating student performance and
providing meaningful feedback to support their growth.

Critical Incident Description: During a classroom observation, it was observed that a teacher consistently
uses outdated teaching materials and resources. The teacher does not incorporate technology or
updated materials, resulting in limited student engagement and ineffective instruction.

The output of this critical incident is that students do not have access to current and relevant
information, limiting their learning experience and hindering their ability to apply knowledge in real-
world situations. The use of outdated materials also affects the teacher's delivery of instruction, making
it less effective and engaging for students.

Impact on the Job/Action Plan:

To address this issue, the coach may develop an action plan that focuses on updating the teacher's
instructional materials and resources. This can include providing training on incorporating technology in
the classroom, introducing online resources and interactive platforms, and promoting collaboration and
resource-sharing among teachers. The coach can also assist the teacher in sourcing and selecting
updated materials that align with the curriculum standards to enhance student engagement and
improve the overall quality of instruction.

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