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6 min read / Featured / Medical Practice

Doctors are known for dealing with high-stress situations while working
strenuous hours that can potentially include long evenings and even
weekends in the event of an emergency or call schedule. Many take pride
not only in what that perseverance says about their own character but also
in how those struggles elevate their talents as a medical doctor.  

Experienced MDs have seen how challenging situations can bring out the best of their
abilities—and many agree that’s part of what keeps the job so interesting. As you contemplate the
question, “Why become a doctor?” it can be helpful to consider how seasoned physicians knew it
was the right career path for them.  


We gathered stories from doctors across the US about what drove them to pursue their calling in
medicine. Their responses revealed what makes their daily work worth the effort. According to
these MDs, there are plenty of reasons to become a doctor. 

1. To save lives in unexpected emergencies

Those words feel incommensurate to the passion and drive most doctors and physicians have for
their work. But for St. George’s University (SGU) graduate Dr. Moshe Karp, that is the simple truth
behind his decision to pursue a career in emergency medicine: he wanted to be able to save

And Dr. Karp was actually able to see that goal come to fruition before his medical schooling was
even complete. In 2017, he was on a flight to New York City to begin clinical rotations after
completing basic science studies at the SGU School of Medicine in Grenada. An hour or so into the
flight, another passenger went into cardiac arrest.  

Dr. Karp, with years of experience as an NYC paramedic,

recognized the signs: the passenger was cool, pale, sweating
heavily, experiencing agonal respirations, and had no pulse. The
young medical student immediately began cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and assisted ventilation. Dr. Karp continued
this for approximately eight minutes and ultimately brought the passenger back to an alert state
with a strong pulse.  

“To be able to help is very rewarding,” he says. “I had thought about going into family medicine
because you develop close relationships with patients, but I think I thrive in emergency medicine.”
The experience on the plane, Dr. Karp adds, taught him that emergency medicine may be where
he’s needed most.   

2. To empower patients to take control of their health

These days, medical information is only a click away for anyone with a smartphone or computer. As
such, it’s easy for people to do a quick symptom check online and attempt to self-diagnose an
ailment, bypassing professional medical consultations altogether.  

While many medical professionals warn patients of the dangers of

online self-diagnosis, some also see it as a sign that people are
eager to be educated and empowered to take responsibility of
their own health. “There’s so much opportunity now to help
patients help themselves,” explains SGU alumna Dr. Barbara

She believes the vast amount of information available to practitioners and their patients simply
represents a new call-to-action. “I use handouts, draw pictures, and use my blog to teach patients
about their conditions so that they better understand and can help themselves throughout the long
haul of life,” Dr. Bergin says.  

Ultimately, she believes her job as a doctor is not just to diagnose and treat as a response to what’s
already happened. She’s also tasked with empowering people to be proactive about their
wellbeing and help them gain control of their health. While it’s not always easy, Dr. Bergin wouldn’t
have it any other way.  

“Every day presents a new set of challenges, with each patient like a surprise behind the door to
the exam room,” she offers. “Try to think of another career like that!”  

3. To play a critical role in a growing field

When discussing the appeal of becoming a doctor, it’s easy to focus solely on the passion that
drives those individuals. But the decade-long investment in education, the long hours working
nights and weekends, and the stress of handling patients during times of duress can leave even
passionate doctors wondering if the job itself is worth the investment.  

As an attending anesthesiologist in private practice in Los Angeles,

Dr. Edna Ma spends her career helping patients have safe and
successful surgery experiences in the operating room. While she
certainly can cite passion as a driving force in her practice, she also
has a unique sense of pride in her specialized role.  

“At the end of the day, I feel I have been a critical member of the health delivery team in a
measurable way,” Dr. Ma says. She goes on to explain that anesthesiology is a very technical
specialty. She takes part in procedures such as epidurals and spinals and places invasive monitors,
including central lines, pulmonary artery catheters, and arterial lines.  

Job security may not rank among many physicians’ primary reasons to become a doctor, but it
does factor into the decision for some. “While there are other ways to earn a living, I feel medicine
is a secure career path that can’t easily be automated or outsourced,” Dr. Ma explains. Being
focused in a niche area has also given her confidence that she’ll enjoy long-term engagement in
her field.  


Despite the undeniable challenges on the road to becoming a physician, there are distinct rewards
to pursuing a career in medicine. Becoming a doctor means surrounding yourself with passionate,
talented people who have committed their lives to a purpose that’s greater than themselves.  

So, why do you want to become a doctor? As you can see, different people have different
motivations. But as long as you remain persistent and passionate about reaching your goal, you
can overcome whatever obstacles might be standing in your way.  

For more stories about doctors living out their dreams and making a difference, check out our
article “9 SGU Medical School Grads Who Are Improving Patients’ Lives Around the World.” 

*This article was originally published in 2017. It has since been updated to include information relevant to 2022. 
DATE February 17, 2022
CATEGORY Featured, Medical Practice
TAGS doctor advice, medical school

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