Teeth Development II

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It is generally considered to have three

layer . The inner investing layer is a

vascular, the middle is fibro-cellular,
The outer layer of the dental follicle is
represented by a vascular mesenchymal
layer condensation
Two important event take place during
the bell stage
First: Breakup of the dental lamina ( fate
of dental lamina)
Second: The crown pattern
Breakup Of the dental lamina
In the bell stage it begins to break up by
mesenchymal invasion which penetrates
its central portion and divides it into the
lateral dental lamina and the dental
lamina proper. The mesenchymal invasion
is at first incomplete and does not
perforate the dental lamina.
The dental lamina proper proliferates only
at its deeper margin, which becomes a
free end situated lingually to the enamel
organ of deciduous teeth and forms the
primordium of the permanent tooth.
Lateral Dental lamina

Dental lamina proper

The epithelial connection of the enamel
organ of deciduous teeth with the oral
epithelium is severed by proliferating
Remnants of the dental lamina normally
degenerate and resorbe or they may
persist as epithelial pearls, epithelial
rests of serres, or islands within the
jaws as well as in the gingiva
Also they may form small cyst (eruption
cysts) over the developing tooth and
delay the eruption
The crown pattern of the tooth is
determined by differential (unequal) cell
division within the internal enamel
The point at which internal enamel
epithelium cell maturation first occurs
represents the site of future cusp
Because the internal enamel epithelium is
chained at the cervical loop and because
there is a continued proliferation of
cells on each side of the zone of
maturation, the epithelium folds and
forms a cusp outline.
Thus the future cusp is pushed up toward
the external enamel epithelium.
Eventually the zone Of maturation
extends down the cusp slopes and is
followed by the deposition of dentin and
The occurrence of a second zone of
maturation within the internal enamel
epithelium leads to the formation of a
second cusp, a third zone leads to a
third cusp, and so on until the final cusp
pattern of the tooth is determined
B- Late bell stage(Appoisition
The formation of the two principal hard
tissues of the crown stage, dentin and
enamel being at the sites of the future
cusp tips
by an organizing influence from the cells
of internal enamel epithelium. The
undifferentiated ectomesenchymal cells
of dental papilla increase rapidly in size
and differentiate into odontoblasts, so
eliminating the
acellular zone
between the
dental papilla and the
internal enamel
The odontoblasts begin to elaborate the
organic matrix of dentin,(collagen and
ground substance), which ultimately
AS the organic matrix is deposited, the
odontoblasts move toward the center of
the dental papilla, leaving behind an
increasing thickness of dentin. (If there
were no epithelial cells, no dentin will
Before forming the first dentin, cells of
the internal enamel epithelium receive
nourishment from two sources:
1- blood vessels located in the dental
2-the vessels situated along the periphery
of the external enamel epithelium
When the dentin is formed it cuts off the
papillary source of nutrition causing
reduction in the amount of nutrients
reaching the enamel organ.
This reduction occurs when the cells tend
to secrete enamel.
Thus, there is an increased demand for
nutrients by 1-collapse of the stellate
reticulum and folding of external enamel
epithelium, so the IEE are approximated
to the blood vessels outside the
external enamel epithelium
2- the IEE use the glycogen stored in
their cytoplasm 3- using some of the
extracellular components of the stellate
At these sites, where dentin will first be
formed mitotic activity of the inner
enamel epithelium ceases and the cells
becoming tall columnar with their nuclei
aligned adjacent to the stratum
intermedium and away from the dental
Thus cells of the internal enamel
epithelium differentiate assuming a
secretory function and producing an
organic matrix against the newly formed
dentinal surface(Ameloblast).
This organic matrix is partially
mineralized and becomes the enamel of
the crown. Ameloblasts move away from
the dentin leaving behind an over-
increasing thickness of enamel
As the odontoblasts differentiate under
organizing influence from the cells of
the internal enamel epithelium, i.e. the
enamel formation cannot begin until
some dentin has formed.
The differentiation of odontoblasts and
ameloblasts, occur first at the cusp tip,
and progress toward and over the slope
in harmony with the maturation of the
inner enamel epithelium.
Formation of permanent dentition
During the bell stage the dental lamina
connecting the enamel organs of the
deciduous teeth to oral epithelium
begins to break up by mesenchymal
invasion into lateral lamina and dental
lamina proper described before
The dental lamina proper proliferates to
form the successional lamina, which
arise from the extension of the deep
end of the dental lamina proper in a
lingual direction. It forms primordia of
the permanent teeth (succedaneous
The permanent molars are non-
succedaneous because they have no
primary predecessors.
When jaws have grown enough, the
permanent molars arise directly from a
backward extension of the general
lamina, distal to the enamel organs of
second deciduous molars
Root Formation
The development of the roots begins
after enamel and dentin formation have
reached the future cementoenamel
The enamel organ plays an important part
in root development by forming
Hertwing's epithelial root sheath, which
molds the shape of the roots and
initiates root dentin formation.
Hertwing's root
sheath consists
only of the outer
and inner enamel
without a stratum
intermedium and
stellate reticulum
The root grows as a
simple tubular
structure and bends
at the future
junction pulp ward
narrowing the wide
cervical opening of
the tooth germ. This
bending part of the
root sheath is termed
epithelial diaphragm
The cells of the inner layer remain short
and normally do not produce enamel. This
cells induce the differentiation of the
ectomesenchymal cells of the dental
papilla into odontoblasts , which in turn
form dentin
The root sheath cells secrete enamel like
proteins on the surface of the root
dentin, This is a structureless highly
mineralizes layer on the surface of root
dentin called the hyaline layer (Hopewell
Smith). It provides a firm
attachment of
cementum to the
root surface
The connective tissue of the dental sac
surrounding the sheath proliferates and
divides the continuous double epithelial
layer into a network of
epithelial strands know
as epithelial rests of
The epithelium is moved away from the
surface of the dentin so that connective
tissue cells come into contact with the
outer surface of the dentin and
differentiate into
which deposit
a layer of cementoid
tissue (cementum matr
ix) on the surface of
the dentin
As root cementum forms, the epithelial
rests move farther from the root, into
the periodontal ligament.
In adults, these epithelial remnants
persist within the periodontal ligament
although functionless they may proceed
into cyst formation in reaction to
inflammation of the periodontal ligament
With increased root length, the crown
begins to move away from the base of
the bony crypt. This uplifting of the
tooth provides space needed for
continued root growth.
Multiple Roots
Multirooted teeth are formed by the same
way as single rooted teeth. First, the root
sheath starts to form the root trunk from
a single opening. Second, in the region of
epithelial diaphragm, tongue like
extensions develop by
differential (unequal)
) growth.
Two such extensions are found in the
germs of lower molars, and three in the
germs of upper molars. The extensions
will grow toward each other, meet and
fuse. So the single opening is divided
into the same way as described for
single rooted teeth
Tooth Eruption
The tooth development occurs within the
bone of the developing jaw in bony
crypts. Soon after initiation of root
formation the tooth begins to erupt (i.e.
move in axial direction) until it assumes
its final position in the mouth with its
occlusal surface in the occlusal plane.
When eruptive movement begins, the
enamel of the crown is still covered by
layer of ameloblasts and remnants of
enamel organ which are all cuboidal in
shape, together forming the reduced
enamel epithelium. During eruption, the
crown of the tooth must move from its
bony crypt and pass through the mucosa
of the oral cavity
recently it is found that cytokines and
growth factors that are synthesized by
the reduced enamel epithelium initiates
a cascade of intercellular signals that
recruit osteoclasts to the follicle.
Therefore the bone overlying the
erupting tooth is soon resorbed, and the
crown passes through the connective
tissue of the mucosa, which is broken
down by enzymes secreted from the
epithelial cells
Then the reduced enamel epithelium and
the oral epithelium fuse and form a solid
knot of epithelial cells over the crown of
the tooth.
The central cells in this mass of
epithelium degenerate forming an
epithelial canal through which the crown
of the tooth erupts. In this way tooth
eruption is achieved without exposing
the surrounding connective tissue and
without hemorrhage
As the tooth move toward the oral
epithelium, the dentogingival junction
forms from epithelial cells of both the
oral epithelium and the reduced enamel
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