Creating A Culture of Innovation With Design Thinking

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Creating a Culture of Innovation with Design Thinking

Design thinking Disposition Creating a Culture of Innovation – Our

Design thinking is a cognitive approach to
engaging problems that embodies a specific We make it so by…
mindset that is: We encourage/foster the notion of…
Understand the Problem, Process, Context
User-centred - mindset that focuses on the user Adopting a user-centred approach
and how they experience and feel Engaging in user research to acquire a deeper
understanding of the user
Looking toward users to define problems rather
than those who successfully solved the problem
Explorative - mindset that assumes purposeful Allowing time and space for preflection and
ambiguity and curiosity reflection on the problem, person, process, and
Proactively seeing opportunities to improve by
unearthing new problems
Embarking on the unknown with optimism
Imagine the Possibilities and Impossibilities
Divergent – mindset of generating many, many Modelling and pushing beyond preconceived
ideas for a single problem limits of generating ideas
Incentivizing the generation of new ideas
Encouraging people to speak up with new ideas
Multidisciplinary – mindset that engages many Imagining and/or engaging using multiple
minds and pursues multiple areas of expertise disciplines and perspectives
Purposefully displacing people out of routine
Engaging a diverse group of colleagues
Iterative – mindset of always seeing solutions in Incorporating revisions and multiple iterations
process – assessing and improving Testing new ideas
Providing constant feedback
Implement, Assess, Iterate
Collaborative – mindset that working with others Inviting collaboration and co-design
is always far more effective Engaging across functional boundaries
Integrative – mindset of attending to and Assessing competing goals of the solution and
balancing multiple criteria, particularly viability, revising
feasibility, and desirability

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