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Devi Aprilia Novitasari

Home Care Staff in Dar Al Shifa Hospital

Hawally – Beirut / Phone No: 90058073

November 15, 2020

The Manager Home Care Departement

The Supervisor Home Care
Departement Dar Al Shifa Hospital
Hawally – Beirut Street P.O Box 3390
Safat – 13034 Kuwait

Dear Madam,
I am writing to inform you of my resignation as Staff Home Care Nurse Dar Al Shifa
Hospital. This contract will be expairing on April 1, 2021 and I wouldn’t renew the contract
for 2021.
I am grateful to all my experience, I have learned a great deal about working succesfully
with Home Care Departement Dar Al Shifa Hospital. Thank you for the training and
opportunity to grow with you in my nursing carrier. I am resigning from my position because
I want contiune my carrier in Indonesia and I shall get married. Kindly to do needful to
complete my formalities.
Thanks for your kind consideration and Approval.

Your Sincerely,

Devi Aprilia Novitasari

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